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Message no. 1
Subject: Shapechange spell...again
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 93 01:05:25 CET
>An aura is not the "essence" -- it is a reflection of the essence. Also,

>I get the idea that aural reading is not at all precise...

You are correct in that an aura is not the essence of a creature.
But you are incorrect in that it is a reflection of essence. Some creatures
live off of drained essence (like a vampire) but we don't see vampires
sucking the sap out of trees. Yet trees have their own aura just like
everything else. Essence is more of a measure of a creatures life energy.
And aural reading is very percise. Once a mage assences someone he can
recognize that person by his aura the next time he sees him. just as if
you looked a person in the face.
When a mage casts transform or shapechange he just needs to visualize
the aura in his mind and the spells do the rest. Of course the transform
spell is creature spicific(ie. the spell formula has the particular animal
form writen in) but a mage can shapechange into anything he has assenced.
Message no. 2
From: "David M. Girardot" <GIRARDOT@*********.EDU>
Subject: Re: Shapechange spell...again
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 93 06:24:52 CET
I'm sorry, I fail to see vampyric distaste for trees as an example of
why auras are not the reflection of "essence". To clarify, essence
probably is not the best term. "individual" and "soul" are more apt,

Aural reading is not precise. Precision is entirely irrelevant. Yes,
you can recognize people you "know" by their aura -- but we are talking
familiarity here, not precision. Yes, it is rather similar to recognizing
people by their facial features ... an activity, you will agree, that is
not at all precise and easily fooled.

I absolutely refuse to buy the argument that to assume an animal's shape
he simply "visualizes its aura" and that's that. First of all, auras are
NOT like blueprints. They are very personal, and vary widely between
individuals and their states of mind. Once you accept auras as changeable
"emanations" you will see how ridiculous the idea of duplicating the form
by duplicating the aura is.

Girardot@*********.edu Girardot@********.bitnet
Prognosticator * Gamer * Scribbler * Reader * Consultant * Sorta Apple Rep

Further Reading

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