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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: William Monroe Ashe <wma6617@******.TAMU.EDU>
Subject: Slamming the spanish speaker
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 08:48:38 -0600
>> RANT mode = ON <<
For a couple of days now I have read various comments about Ixidta
(If I have misspelled, I apologize). I admit that a long first post in
spanish was a breach of net-etiquette. But, the comments that followed
were, IM ever so Humble O, unwarranted. Most people that posted a
reasonable first post were given a chorus of "Welcome's" or something
like that. Even I got a few of those. If you would recall his second
post was a simple one in English asking for people to correspond.
I have just started studying German. I know how hard it is to learn a
new language. I feel that just jumping on him without a polite word was
rude. If you notice, he hasn't posted again.
>> RANT mode = OFF <<

For me; Welcome to the group. If you want to talk about Shadowrun, or
just practice your english feel free to mail me, or mail the list.

Regards and Adios

Message no. 2
From: IDIXTA <jgimenez@******.UNSL.EDU.AR>
Subject: Re: Slamming the spanish speaker
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 1997 16:23:04 -0300
> For a couple of days now I have read various comments about Ixidta
> (If I have misspelled, I apologize). I admit that a long first post in
> spanish was a breach of net-etiquette. But, the comments that followed
> were, IM ever so Humble O, unwarranted. Most people that posted a
> reasonable first post were given a chorus of "Welcome's" or something
> like that. Even I got a few of those. If you would recall his second
> post was a simple one in English asking for people to correspond.
> I have just started studying German. I know how hard it is to learn a
> new language. I feel that just jumping on him without a polite word was
> rude. If you notice, he hasn't posted again.
> >> RANT mode = OFF <<
> For me; Welcome to the group. If you want to talk about Shadowrun, or
> just practice your english feel free to mail me, or mail the list.
> Regards and Adios
> Bill
Muchas Gracias:
Only a question, How live the Dragons in SR World?

gracias de nuevo

From San Luis/Argentina
Message no. 3
From: "Faux Pas (Thomas)" <thomas@*******.COM>
Subject: Re: Slamming the spanish speaker
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 1997 17:57:10 -0600
On 04:23 PM 2/24/97 -0300, IDIXTA screamed at the world:
> Only a question, How live the Dragons in SR World?
>gracias de nuevo

They live it up pretty well. Dunkelzahn was most likely the richest being
in the SR Universe - check out what he had and is giving away in the
Portfolio of a Dragon Sourcebook. He owned a theme park around DisneyWorld
scale and had residences in the French Quarter of New Orleans, Paris,
Prince Edward Island, and other locales. And Lofwyr purchased his
controlling interest of Saeder-Krupp with gold "from his hoard". S-K is
one of the biggest corporations in the SR world.

Or did you mean how did the dragons live (survive) until the Sixth World?
Theory is they slept until magic was strong enough to bring them back. See
the "How it came to pass" section of the SR 2nd Ed rules. It describes
Rumuyo (sp?) being glimpsed near Mt. Fuji by commuters on a train. It's
appearance is said to be the herald of the Sixth World. Beyond that, I
don't know exactly how they survived until the end of the Fifth World.

Thomas Deeny
Infobahn Austin
512 320 0556
Message no. 4
From: Gweedo The Killer Pimp <yawas@****.COM>
Subject: Re: Slamming the spanish speaker
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 1997 20:58:55 EST
On Mon, 24 Feb 1997 17:57:10 -0600 "Faux Pas (Thomas)"
<thomas@*******.COM> writes:

And Lofwyr purchased his
>controlling interest of Saeder-Krupp with gold "from his hoard". S-K
>one of the biggest corporations in the SR world.
>Or did you mean how did the dragons live (survive) until the Sixth
>Theory is they slept until magic was strong enough to bring them back.
> See
>the "How it came to pass" section of the SR 2nd Ed rules. It
>Rumuyo (sp?) being glimpsed near Mt. Fuji by commuters on a train.
>appearance is said to be the herald of the Sixth World. Beyond that,
>don't know exactly how they survived until the end of the Fifth World.
> Thomas Deeny
>Infobahn Austin
> 512 320 0556
I read that Lofwyr had a suit bad enough to make any pimp jealous, which
book did this appear in, I just can't remember.

How would a somebody make a dragon character that could be fair? Some
people in my group made a Grand Dragon that rolled 32 dice for casting a
hellblast, then he complained when I didn't let him use that character in
a run that I was GMing. Tell me that his character couldn't have been
made with normal generation rules.
Message no. 5
From: L Canthros <lobo1@****.COM>
Subject: Re: Slamming the spanish speaker
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 1997 21:31:42 EST
On Mon, 24 Feb 1997 20:58:55 EST Gweedo The Killer Pimp <yawas@****.COM>

>I read that Lofwyr had a suit bad enough to make any pimp jealous,
>book did this appear in, I just can't remember.
>How would a somebody make a dragon character that could be fair? Some
>people in my group made a Grand Dragon that rolled 32 dice for casting
>a hellblast, then he complained when I didn't let him use that
>character in a run that I was GMing. Tell me that his character
>couldn't have been made with normal generation rules.

Here's an idea: DON'T ALLOW THEM TO MAKE SUCH CHARACTERS. It will solve
all sorts of problems (like them having twelve variants of
shapeshifter/physad/assassin, three great dragons and four vampires
sitting in the spare character file of their folder...guess which one
they want to use):

Barring that, don't use the mods listed (at least halve, maybe quarter
the modifiers), and certainly don't allow the character without serious
background info.

Overall, if you're worried about a character concept getting out of hand,
don't allow the situation to come up...that kind of thing inspires
munchkinism. And we all know what that means.

Save your game:
Shoot a munchkin.

If any man wishes peace, canthros1@***.com
let him prepare for war. lobo1@****.com
--Roman proverb
Message no. 6
From: Gweedo The Killer Pimp <yawas@****.COM>
Subject: Re: Slamming the spanish speaker
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 1997 21:53:00 EST
>On Mon, 24 Feb 1997 20:58:55 EST Gweedo The Killer Pimp

>all sorts of problems (like them having twelve variants of
>shapeshifter/physad/assassin, three great dragons and four vampires
>sitting in the spare character file of their folder...guess which one
>they want to use):
>Barring that, don't use the mods listed (at least halve, maybe quarter
>the modifiers), and certainly don't allow the character without
>serious background info.
>Overall, if you're worried about a character concept getting out of
>don't allow the situation to come up...that kind of thing inspires
>munchkinism. And we all know what that means.
>Save your game:
>Shoot a munchkin.
>If any man wishes peace, canthros1@***.com
>let him prepare for war. lobo1@****.com
>--Roman proverb
That's funny there's a munchkin running right in front of our window.
Should I shoot him, or beat him up? ho hum. What books do the
Shapshifter, Vampire, etc. appear in. What exactly is munchkinism.
Message no. 7
From: Bull <chaos@*****.COM>
Subject: Re: Slamming the spanish speaker
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 04:14:01 -0800
At 09:53 PM 2/24/97 EST, Gweedo The Killer Pimp wrote these timeless words:

Hoi Gweedo, Since I haven't seen you posting before, So I addume you're new
here, so Hello and welcome...:)

Ok, before I answer your questions, a suggestion... Please edit the posts
you are replying too... You only need to leave what you're replying to...
Especially edit teh .sigs...

Other than that, welcome...:)

>That's funny there's a munchkin running right in front of our window.
>Should I shoot him, or beat him up? ho hum. What books do the
>Shapshifter, Vampire, etc. appear in. What exactly is munchkinism.
Ok... If you see a Munchkin, shoot him on sight.

As for the others... The rules for shapeshifters are in teh SR Companion,
and the Vampire, etc don't exist officially, though various people (myself
included) have created rules for playing them. My rules haven't been
playtested yet, though...

Munchkin - noun - A gamer who plays for the sheer power, and who attempts
to make the strongest character possible, bending and abusing the rules as
much as possible. A Munchkin will also use the biggest and most powerful
cyberware, weapons, and spells possible. "Role Playing" is an unknown
concept to the Munchkin.

Mucnhkin can aslo be a an adjective or adverb... Munchkinism, Munchkinny...

Common abbreviations: Munch, Munchie, Big "M"

I think that covers the basics...

Now the Fearless Leader of the New Star Wars Mailing List!

= Bull, aka Chaos, aka Rak, aka Steven Ratkovich =
= chaos@*****.com =
= "Order is Illusion! Chaos is Bliss! Got any fours?" =

"I finally find a guy I like, and you got to go and kill him!"
-Kom, "Outlanders"
Message no. 8
From: Rip Claw <joe-orc@****.COM>
Subject: Re: Slamming the spanish speaker
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 15:59:37 EST
I'm in the same run as Gweedo and We're 'bout to put the Munchkin through
a vigirous initiation.....
Message no. 9
From: Gweedo The Killer Pimp <yawas@****.COM>
Subject: Re: Slamming the spanish speaker
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 16:45:13 EST
On Tue, 25 Feb 1997 04:14:01 -0800 Bull <chaos@*****.COM> writes:

>Hoi Gweedo, Since I haven't seen you posting before, So I addume
>you're new
Sure am, do I look it?

>Other than that, welcome...:)
Glad to be here &-)

>Ok... If you see a Munchkin, shoot him on sight.
I think I just resolved our munchkin problem, the pimp just slapped him
all the way to the hospital
> the Vampire, etc don't exist officially, though various people (myself
>included) have created rules for playing them. My rules haven't been
>playtested yet, though...
I would like to see your rules, they sound kind of interesting!

Gweedo the Killer Pimp strikes again!
Message no. 10
From: L Canthros <lobo1@****.COM>
Subject: Re: Slamming the spanish speaker
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 19:43:32 EST
On Tue, 25 Feb 1997 15:59:37 EST Rip Claw <joe-orc@****.COM> writes:
>I'm in the same run as Gweedo and We're 'bout to put the Munchkin
>through a vigirous initiation.....

If any man wishes peace, canthros1@***.com
let him prepare for war. lobo1@****.com
--Roman proverb
Message no. 11
From: L Canthros <lobo1@****.COM>
Subject: Re: Slamming the spanish speaker)
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 19:43:28 EST
On Tue, 25 Feb 1997 12:33:40 +0100 Gurth <gurth@******.NL> writes:
>L Canthros said on 21:31/24 Feb 97...
>> Save your game:
>> Shoot a munchkin.
>The solution, IMnsHO would be as I said in another post -- don't make
>Shadowrun campaign with dragons, make a dragon campaign in Shadowrun.
>Let the dragons run small corps, be at the hearts of conspiracies,
>shadowrunners to do their dirty work, play two opponents against each
>other, and so on, so the PC dragons get more powerful... Don't (let's
>repeat that: DON'T) make them simple pawns that break into a building
>steal a chip for someone else. Let them be the one _receiving_ the
>when all is done.
>[snip my old .sig]
This isn't the first time you've proposed the idea, Gurth, and I agree
with it. But I assume he was talking about a player wanting to use a
dragon _as_ a shadowrunner...which is a very different thing, in anyone's
game:) A campaign as you described it above would be fun, but I'm still
getting my players comfortable with the SR "real-world":)

If any man wishes peace, canthros1@***.com
let him prepare for war. lobo1@****.com
--Roman proverb
Message no. 12
From: Gweedo The Killer Pimp <yawas@****.COM>
Subject: Re: Slamming the spanish speaker
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 19:50:14 EST
On Tue, 25 Feb 1997 19:43:32 EST L Canthros <lobo1@****.COM> writes:
>>I'm in the same run as Gweedo and We're 'bout to put the Munchkin
>>through a vigirous initiation.....
>If any man wishes peace, canthros1@***.com
>let him prepare for war. lobo1@****.com
>--Roman proverb
Well you know, the munchkins, this one get's on my nerves a lot. We're
thinking of just grabbing him by his legs, and swinging him around, and
not hitting him on anything, just making him go call Ralph on the
porcelin telephone. Ha Ha

Gweedo the Killer Pimp strikes again!
Message no. 13
From: L Canthros <lobo1@****.COM>
Subject: Re: Slamming the spanish speaker
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 1997 16:00:52 EST
On Tue, 25 Feb 1997 19:50:14 EST Gweedo The Killer Pimp <yawas@****.COM>
>Well you know, the munchkins, this one get's on my nerves a lot.
>thinking of just grabbing him by his legs, and swinging him around,
>and not hitting him on anything, just making him go call Ralph on the
>porcelin telephone. Ha Ha

Might make for an amusing past-time...hmm...the munchkin toss! And you
could see how far you can throw the stupid little <expletive deleted>

If any man wishes peace, canthros1@***.com
let him prepare for war. lobo1@****.com
--Roman proverb
Message no. 14
From: Gweedo The Killer Pimp <yawas@****.COM>
Subject: Re: Slamming the spanish speaker)
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 1997 17:48:47 EST
Gurth writes:
>I know, and that's exactly what I was addressing in that post... IMHO
>you want to play a dragon as a shadowrunner, you'd better have one
>HELL of
>a reason for it. ("They're cool" doesn't count :)
You know Gurth, I shy away from GMing with the group I'm in right now,
because they think that "They're cool" is the best reason you could give
for playing a Munchkin. I really think that the first character that was
cool in this group was the one that could shoot the Panther Cannon, just
because he could kill you. It wasn't the one with the character history
that could win a pulitzer oh no. How could somebody pickup a PBEM game
with other people on this list, I need some new scenery when I play.

Gweedo the Killer Pimp strikes again!

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Slamming the spanish speaker, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.