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Message no. 1
From: Doctor Doom <JCH8169@*****.TAMU.EDU>
Subject: Smartgun hardwired better? You be the judge...
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 92 21:07:05 CET
Phillip Steele--a.k.a. Powerhouse--wrote:

>A while ago I asked a question about wether or not it is the cyberware (ie
>smartgun link) or wether the gun being used has an integral smartgun that
>gives the -2 to target numbers (S1 rules).

>If as I suspect the answer comes back 'Cyberware, because you need a palm
>induction link to use it, and you need a smartgun adaptor to use smart
>goggles. Integral smartguns are better than adapted smartguns (hence -1 or
>-2). '

>>>>>[ I had always viewed it thusly: With a cyberware smartgun link,
to as a "smartlink" in SR 2, you always get the -2 modifier to your target
number, regardless of whether or not the actual weapon you use has an integral
smartgun or had a smartgun adaptor. As far as smartgoggles go, due to the fact
that it is a slightly inferior system (an add-on, instead of add-in) the
different benefits from integral vs. adapted smartguns comes into
>>-- Doctor Doom <15:01:00/10-23-52>

>Then consider this : howabout a glove that has an integral palm induction
>link and connects up to the smart goggles (or shades, visor etc). This
>should in my opinion work.

>>>>>[ As I understand it, by which I mean how it was explained to me--I
not looked it up myself yet--the glove integral palm induction link was already
a part of the system... When I got smartgoggles, the GM made a point of it
to ask if, following my character's personality, would he mind having a wire
running down the sleeve of his coat and have something that goes over the palm
of his hand...I said no. (Most fencers are used to having wearing bodycords for
electrical scoring fencing.) ]<<<<<
>>-- Doctor Doom <15:06:58/10-23-52>
Message no. 2
From: "Richard Pieri/Stainless Steel Rat"
Subject: Re: Smartgun hardwired better? You be the judge...
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 92 16:56:08 EDT
>>>>> "DD" ==== Doctor Doom <JCH8169@*****.TAMU.EDU>

>>>>>[ I had always viewed it thusly: With a cyberware smartgun link,
to as a "smartlink" in SR 2, you always get the -2 modifier to your target
number, regardless of whether or not the actual weapon you use has an integral
smartgun or had a smartgun adaptor. As far as smartgoggles go, due to the fact
that it is a slightly inferior system (an add-on, instead of add-in) the
different benefits from integral vs. adapted smartguns comes into
>>-- Doctor Doom <15:01:00/10-23-52>

Nope. To use a smartlink/SGL, the weapon must have a smartgun adaptor
either built in or mounted on the weapon. The difference between the
SGL and goggles is that the SGL puts the "pip" right on your optic
nerve, very accurate; the goggles just display a crosshair, not as

>Then consider this : howabout a glove that has an integral palm induction
>link and connects up to the smart goggles (or shades, visor etc). This
>should in my opinion work.

Why bother? Goggles connect to a smartgun directly by a fiber optic
cable. A glove is just redundant, adds more resistance to the circuit,
and may just degrade performance.

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Northeastern's Stainless Steel Rat ratinox@******
The only way to deal with temptation is to yield to it. --Oscar Wilde

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Smartgun hardwired better? You be the judge..., you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.