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Message no. 1
From: shadowrn@*********.com (shadowrun)
Subject: sniper rifles ( was munchkin)
Date: Tue Oct 16 01:35:04 2001
> --__--__--
derek replied

> Very true....there are places that people use old assault
rifles as
> sniper rifles but the debate was an actual sniper rifle
being fully
> auto, as you said there's a world of difference in
caliber, the barret
> is a .50 cal BUT unless I'm wrong (which is possible) the
walther fires
> 7.62 (.308 cal) which is the same as what a AK-47 shoots
unless it's
> using the nato 7.62 in which the round is a few mm shorter
(I believe
> it's 3 or 4 but I don't know that one for sure)
regardless as a sniper
> you wouldn't be carrying mortar rounds, you would have
flares (maybe 2)
> you'd have up to 3 days worth of MRE's, you'd only carry 5
mags (and
> that's assuming that you plan on needing that much ammo),
a weapon
> cleaning kit, some form of commo, a basic medical kit
(field dressing
> and tourniquet), ghillie suit, and facial camo, perhaps a
change of
> BDU's

very rarely is there scope to have a specialist sniper in an
irregular conflict , it is more about langstap -( the big
walk ) to find your foe , which normally meant that you went
walkabout , with everything you had and hopefully everything
you needed , (hence the 8 clips 20-30 rounds in each) , your
loot had a mortar and well you know it's like giving a kid a
toy to play with , so you carried ammo , ( at least it
wasn't the base plate , but you could ditch rounds before op
if you get the time ) flares were pootjiefakkels ( pocket
flares about the size of a pen) medpack didn't weigh in much
, it was the water that weighed the most ( 4 litres a day is
suggested intake when you've been there a month or so- but
if your new you need up to about 8 )

when you are aware of your foe , you ditch kit , as much as
possible , while realising if the fan develops an excrement
problem , you probably won't be going back for it , so you
keep your ammo , your water and one day of supplies , your
medical stuff , rain shelter (more for sun than rain) and
the like , and you definitely keep your grenades

> but you're going to have stashed that stuff all at your
fall back
> point where you'd start sneaking up from cause you can't
low crawl and
> hide easily with a 80lb ruck on your back and that's just
an estimate.
> Another thing to think about is that if you were sniping
in the squad
> you'd be backed up by people that're carrying grenade
launchers, fully
> auto light machine guns, and more regular assault rifles.
If you're
> worried about sniping effectively then you'll just have to
go play with
> your M16 and put a scope on it and hope you can pick your
targets off
> easily with it and that you've got the power to kill em
with one shot.
> It still stands that it's possible to design a fully auto
sniper rifle
> (since the M2 Browning HMG and the Barret sniper rifle
both fire the
> same exact round and as someone already mentioned, the M2
has been
> proven to be able to snipe at up to 2km away when the
scope is mounted
> and sighted in properly for the weapon.

okay exactly how portable is the M2 browning , is a two or
three man crew (ain't it normally vehicle mountings) , ain't
gonna happen in irregular conflict , barrett has it's uses
but they are very specialised quick insertion kills of
predicted possibly static targets followed by extraction ,
even walther is limited in it's uses to a specialised arena
, what is needed is a functional lightweight design using a
small calibre round , self loading would be an asset , auto
fire for emergencies even better, which could double up as a
squad weapon at a push , sacrificing ROF for accuracy ,
weighing in at fractions of current arms in the market

big bullets don't kill any more than small bullets ( if you
need to hit a tank commander get an anti-tank weapon or call
for artillery/air support) if your target is armoured wait
until he isn't , a fifty cal round is a paper weight ( and a
big one) with a .222 (5.56(?)mm )your sniper could easily
carry between 3 or 12 rounds to a single round of other
sniping weapons , and believe me i have been hit ( right leg
, punctured through leg breaking the femur then decided to
exit my leg by the shortest route ) and it is take down ( no
fire is more accurate than friendly ) , in the real world
even little bullets do the job , had i of been less
fortunate say body instead , i don't dwell on that thought
for long and it reminds me how lucky i am

Kanniemeernie Korperaal , military pacifist
the aliens did not abduct him but instead left a sign
hanging around his neck
"sorry we were looking for intelligent life and took this by

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about sniper rifles ( was munchkin), you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.