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Message no. 1
From: One Ronin <ronin@*******.COM>
Subject: Sperethiel question...
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 13:36:32 PDT

In light of the recent language based questions.......I'd like to pose
another one. It appears that various SR novels and source/adventure
books contain quotes and examples of Sperethiel. Unfortunately, I
neither own nor have access to any of these materials. If anyone does,
I'd appreciate some feedback. I'm in the process of creating an
adventure that has a decidedly elven theme to it, and I'd like to get a
few translations. In particular, I'm looking for the following:

-to Search/Quest/Find-
-Safe place/Sanctuary-

If Fasa has published no direct translations, and anyone out there has
created their own (AD&D elvish would probably work too), I really
appreciate hearing what you have come up with. Hell, anything remotely
close to sounding like elvish/sperethiel would be sufficient. All input
on this matter will be strongly appreciated. Thanks, all.

Mai mentsu konna mai kikyo.

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Message no. 2
From: Steadfast <laughingman@*******.DE>
Subject: Re: Sperethiel question...
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 23:56:36 +0200
And so it came to happen that One Ronin wrote:

> -Ghost-
> -Shadow-
> -Fast/Speed/Quick-
> -Powerful/Strong/Mighty-
> -Weak/Inept/Clumsy-
> -Lost/Hidden-
> -to Search/Quest/Find-
> -Safe place/Sanctuary-
> If Fasa has published no direct translations, and anyone out there has
> created their own (AD&D elvish would probably work too), I really
> appreciate hearing what you have come up with. Hell, anything remotely
> close to sounding like elvish/sperethiel would be sufficient. All input
> on this matter will be strongly appreciated. Thanks, all.

Sorry, here in the recently (germany) released sourcebook were the both
Tir's are combined there is a short list of elven words, but no one
matches, not even by intend. If it was translated corectly and nothing was
let out you got bad luck from the official side with your words.

But may have a luck at the "Simarilion" from J.R.R.Tolkien, he had some
fine ideas regarding elvish language, hack he had inventend a whole
language inclusive cultural background and stuff like that. So it is realy
worth a look for every Elf-fan that is out there. OTOH, maybe that whole
language stuff was printed in the Backsection of the Mainbook (or say, it
is the 4th book).
Good Hunting.

to be "human" is not a state of living
I want to achieve.
Message no. 3
From: Wordman <wordman@*******.COM>
Subject: Re: Sperethiel question...
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 21:13:37 -0400
>And so it came to happen that One Ronin wrote:
>> If Fasa has published no direct translations, and anyone out there has
>> created their own (AD&D elvish would probably work too), I really
>> appreciate hearing what you have come up with.

You might try _The_Languages_of_Tolkien's_Middle_Earth_, by Ruth S. Noel, as
it has a mid sized elvish lexicon, with multiple dialects. ISBN:

Message no. 4
From: Gurth <gurth@******.NL>
Subject: Re: Sperethiel question...
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 12:19:34 +0200
According to One Ronin, at 13:36 on 28 Sep 98, the word on the street was...

> In light of the recent language based questions.......I'd like to pose
> another one. It appears that various SR novels and source/adventure
> books contain quotes and examples of Sperethiel. Unfortunately, I
> neither own nor have access to any of these materials. If anyone does,
> I'd appreciate some feedback. I'm in the process of creating an
> adventure that has a decidedly elven theme to it, and I'd like to get a
> few translations. In particular, I'm looking for the following:

I took a look through the Sperethiel word lists in Tir Tairngire and
Denizens of Earthdawn Volume One, and there is just about nothing that
even comes close to the words you're looking for. (I also noticed the two
list are about 90% identical.)

> If Fasa has published no direct translations, and anyone out there has
> created their own (AD&D elvish would probably work too), I really
> appreciate hearing what you have come up with. Hell, anything remotely
> close to sounding like elvish/sperethiel would be sufficient. All input
> on this matter will be strongly appreciated. Thanks, all.

You coul dig up the Silmarillion and use the word list in there for
Sperethiel. It's bound to sound elvish enough to be usable.

Gurth@******.nl -
"Nobody's going to murder anyone here even if it means I have to
kill someone!" --Kane, detective/rigger
-> NERPS Project Leader * ShadowRN GridSec * Unofficial Shadowrun Guru <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-
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GC3.1: GAT/! d-(dpu) s:- !a>? C+(++)@ U P L E? W(++) N o? K- w+ O V? PS+
PE Y PGP- t(+) 5++ X++ R+++>$ tv+(++) b++@ DI? D+ G(++) e h! !r(---) y?
Incubated into the First Church of the Sqooshy Ball, 21-05-1998
Message no. 5
From: Jett <zmjett@*********.COM>
Subject: Re: Sperethiel question...
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 22:28:03 -0400
Might want to look for something in Gaelic. That's pretty close to
Sperethiel, IIRC. But not easy to get your tongue around.



"I'll make this clear, that I'm just here for backup. And to offer the
occasional advice or insult."
--Jett, on being an NPC

Behold the mighty sonic scream of the Jett!
Message no. 6
From: GRANITE <granite@**.NET>
Subject: Re: Sperethiel question...
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 09:32:51 -0700
> Might want to look for something in Gaelic. That's pretty close to
> Sperethiel, IIRC. But not easy to get your tongue around.

D@*#..I knew there was a reason I wanted to buy that book..
They hosted some Highland games and Celtic festival last weekend..One
of the booths had several books on Gaelic..I picked them up said
cool..and put them back down, with that nagging feeling in the back
of my brain..I couldn't figure out a good use for the books.. Other
than of course learning a language that isn't spoken anywhere around
"Rock Steady"
Lord, Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The Things I Cannot Change,
The Courage To Change The Things I Can,
And The Wisdom To Hide The Bodies Of Those People I Had To Kill
Because They Pissed Me Off.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ShadowRunner's Serenity Prayer
Understanding is a three edged sword. - Kosh
What is best in life?
To Crush Your Enemies,
See Them Driven Before You,
And To Hear The Lamentation Of Their Women. -Conan
I Am The LAW! -JD
Jamais Arriere

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Sperethiel question..., you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.