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Message no. 1
From: rpufky1@********* (Richard R. Pufky)
Subject: 'Spooky' Halloween run ideas?
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2003 11:06:11 -0500 (EST)
Hello everyone,

I just joined this list last night, and began searching archives for
some Halloween run ideas. I've got some ideas and a rough idea of what I
want to do, but need some way to put the runners in the spot and some
way to tie it all together...

Kinda need it for Friday night... too bad I waited so long. Oh well.

Anyways, the ideas I have so far are:

I want to physically transport the runners to either the Astral Plane or
one of the Metaplanes. I was thinking something kinda like the
"Nightmare before Christmas" landscape. Only one of them is magically
active, hence the physical transporting.

I believe that physical travel to another plane is possible, at least I
remember reading something about that somewhere. Perhaps a free spirit
could do it? The runners don't know anyone like this yet, but would be
interesting for some sort of shimmering 'doorway' to just pop up in
front of them while they are cruising along (possibly having an
encounter with the Halloweeners...).

I also want to have them 'encounter' a Horror or two while they are
there, possibly a direct encounter, but more likely seeing one from
afar. And possibly a couple of other things from Earthdawn (Blood Elf,
maybe?) Haven't decided yet.

Generally, I'm looking for some really freaky ideas... something to give
an appropriate mood to the night.

Of course, anything that is created could always be reworked for
inclusion in TSS. If you don't want your ideas there, just let me know.

Thanks for any ideas,
Check out the pictures of my baby girl!
Message no. 2
From: gurth@******.nl (Gurth)
Subject: 'Spooky' Halloween run ideas?
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2003 19:18:20 +0100
According to Richard R. Pufky, on Wednesday 29 October 2003 17:06 the word
on the street was...

> Hello everyone,
> I just joined this list last night

Welcome :)

> I believe that physical travel to another plane is possible, at least I
> remember reading something about that somewhere. Perhaps a free spirit
> could do it?

A free spirit with the Astral Gateway power can do this, yep; it also
happens in the adventure Harlequin's Back, though the exact means used
there are never really explained (which doesn't matter, anyway).

> I also want to have them 'encounter' a Horror or two while they are
> there, possibly a direct encounter, but more likely seeing one from
> afar. And possibly a couple of other things from Earthdawn (Blood Elf,
> maybe?) Haven't decided yet.

Quite a lot of stuff to do in a single adventure :) I would suggest setting
it up like an astral quest, using the various Places as inspiration for
what kinds of things the players will encounter. You could either come up
with one theme for each Place and roll randomly (like the rules in MITS
tell you to), or just put the players through any of them that suit your

Gurth@******.nl - Stone Age:
Don't you know you know what's right?
-> Probably NAGEE Editor * ShadowRN GridSec * Triangle Virtuoso <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-

GC3.12: GAT/! d- s:- !a>? C++(---) UL+ P(+) L++ E W--(++) N o? K w(--)
O V? PS+ PE@ Y PGP- t- 5++ X(+) R+++$ tv+(++) b++@ DI- D+ G+ e h! !r y?
Incubated into the First Church of the Sqooshy Ball, 21-05-1998
Message no. 3
From: quisar@****** (Benjamin Lerman)
Subject: 'Spooky' Halloween run ideas?
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2003 19:40:02 +0100
Gurth a écrit :
> > I believe that physical travel to another plane is possible, at least I
> > remember reading something about that somewhere. Perhaps a free spirit
> > could do it?
> A free spirit with the Astral Gateway power can do this, yep; it also
> happens in the adventure Harlequin's Back, though the exact means used
> there are never really explained (which doesn't matter, anyway).

Well, as far as I know, a Free Spirit with the Astral Gateway power can
allow a mere mortel to go into the meteplanes, but the body do not move.
There is no way to go physically into the metaplanes...
Message no. 4
From: danturek@*******.com (D. T)
Subject: 'Spooky' Halloween run ideas?
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2003 19:43:17 -0500
>I just joined this list last night, and began searching archives for
some Halloween run ideas. I've got some ideas and a rough idea of what I
want to do, but need some way to put the runners in the spot and some
way to tie it all together...

>Kinda need it for Friday night... too bad I waited so long. Oh well.

Some important magically orientated person dies and a spirit with the astral
gateway power is one of that person's buddies. The characters are contacted
to protect the body while it lies in state for viewing of all the other
important people that want to see the person is really dead. During the
warding of the area/body the body is possessed by a spirit with a truename
(could be shedim, could be something else) and the spirit buddy of the
deceased sends the characters to the metaplanes to find the truename of the
spirit animating the body. As they go through each encounter towards the
citadel, the landscape and tone becomes more and more like the essence of
the animating spirit.

Oh, the NPCs should have a fairly easy time immobilizing the corpse but have
no desire to harm it. This lets the players feel confident in going to the
astral while the NPCs stay here and watch the body. It also prevents the
players from torching or dissassmebling the corpse. The players can tell the
name to an NPC to do the banishing, as they should not be in any condition
to try it themselves by the time they return.

Possible complications
1. the animating spirit was invited/told to take the body by somebody that
plans to visit the body, but jumped the gun as its sense of time is
2. a character or NPC with them may want to find out the name of the spirit
buddy instead of the animating spirit ("Hey guys, this spirit is WAY cooler
and he could be our slave for life") so just make sure the Force is high
enough to kill anyone that wants to try this regardless of how much karma
they spend, or otherwise can't be controlled.
3. Some other group wants to get involved for whatever reason
Magic groups that have a grudge against the players, the deceased, or
anyone coming to visit.
A gang that doesn't like all these honchos invading their turf and not
paying tribute
An organization that has a use for an important dead magicker's body.
4. The friends of the people visiting are disliked by or even enemies of the
players. I always like to have Rikki Ratboy from the old SR rule examples
show up whenever possible to hassle my players. Go Stinkbomb!
5. The animating spirit was actually trapped in an item the old magicker had
implanted in his corpse, and the cryptic way he phrased his will MEANT for
people to extract and destroy this item, but he didn't want to write that he
had this thing in him as a power focus while he was alive. The item has a
microdot or whatever that has the truename engraved on it, but the item has
to be broken before the spirit can be permanently banished. This should
appease the truly EVIL GM's, as no one else will understand why the players
want to desecrate the body rather than just banish the spirit, the whole
astral quest wasn't quite necessary except to confirm that that really is
the truename, and there are few ways to go about implementing the solution
without getting into some gory detail.
6. Trick or Treaters come by while people are in the astral and pelt their
vehicles with eggs and rocks if they don't get candy. Or soap, spraypaint,
etc. as appropriate. Don't forget to see exactly what kind of defensive
countermeasures the players have on their vehicles.
7. Someone has a costume that makes them look like some important person
from a distance - local head of Ares or Aztech, etc. The person is probably
a high school or college student with a budding political agenda who would
be fascinated or appalled by anyone that knows or associates with the being
they are emulating and hold in awe/think is a complete bastard. The person
could even have some friends posing as relatives of the person or as
bodyguards (like JFK, his wife Jackie and a couple G-Men, only not as

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Message no. 5
From: shadowrunnerdingo@*****.com (Dingo)
Subject: 'Spooky' Halloween run ideas?
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2003 23:17:08 -0800 (PST)
>>>> Hello everyone, I just joined this list

Hoi chummer!

>>>> searching archives for some Halloween run ideas.

Well, I am not sure if you have found any. I certainly
never have.

>>>> I want to physically transport the runners to
either the Astral Plane or one of the Metaplanes.

Well, if I am correct, as others have said the astral
gateway will work to do that. It does not allow the
physical transport to the astral plane, it just brings
the physical and the magical realms closer to "rend
the veil" and allow mundanes to enter the astral
plane. Check out Magic in the Shadows pg 117. It will
explain all the details. Also, I am pretty sure this
is used in the old adventure "Imago" as well as
"Harlequin's Back".

>>>> The runners don't know anyone like this yet, but
would be interesting for some sort of shimmering
'doorway' to just pop up in front of them while they
are cruising along

Cool, but it will not work....Check the MitS pg 117
like I said before. Now, there is another option
here....If you want to force them into the Astral
Realm (basically making them go on an Astral Quest,
Mundane or not) you could always have a mage create a
spell that forces the characters into the Astral

Or you could have the party mage stumble on an ancient
spell that basically does the same thing as the Astral
Gateway power. This also brings in the old Threats
book and the Black Lodge to keep the Character in
check and from using powers that he/she should not

>>>> I also want to have them 'encounter' a Horror or
two while they are there, possibly a direct encounter,
but more likely seeing one from afar. And possibly a
couple of other things from Earthdawn (Blood Elf,
maybe?) Haven't decided yet.

Just a fair warning, Horrors are extremely nasty and
players may find them to be too difficult to defeat.
But if you are really interested in using one I offer
my services as a Master of Conversions. I have spent
many years working on conversions of different game
systems to Shadowrun (Star Wars, Earthdawn, Rifts,
D&D, and my own game system that I designed).

>>>> Generally, I'm looking for some really freaky
ideas... something to give an appropriate mood to the

Alright, first off, I have several adventures that
could help you out. However, they are all Cthulhu
adventures. If you would like them I could e-mail them
your way, but, you are on your own for conversions. I
can provide you with my conversion charts and you
could go from there.

The Cthulhu style of games may just be what you are
looking for and will give you that creepy nasty edge
that you are looking for.

>>>> Thanks for any ideas, Rick

Not a problem, just let me know if you want any of my


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Message no. 6
From: gurth@******.nl (Gurth)
Subject: 'Spooky' Halloween run ideas?
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 10:58:40 +0100
According to Benjamin Lerman, on Wednesday 29 October 2003 19:40 the word
on the street was...

> Well, as far as I know, a Free Spirit with the Astral Gateway power can
> allow a mere mortel to go into the meteplanes, but the body do not move.
> There is no way to go physically into the metaplanes...

Details :) For practical (game) purposes, it doesn't matter if the PCs are
_physically_ on a metaplane or not.

Gurth@******.nl - Stone Age:
Don't you know you know what's right?
-> Probably NAGEE Editor * ShadowRN GridSec * Triangle Virtuoso <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-

GC3.12: GAT/! d- s:- !a>? C++(---) UL+ P(+) L++ E W--(++) N o? K w(--)
O V? PS+ PE@ Y PGP- t- 5++ X(+) R+++$ tv+(++) b++@ DI- D+ G+ e h! !r y?
Incubated into the First Church of the Sqooshy Ball, 21-05-1998
Message no. 7
From: quisar@****** (Benjamin Lerman)
Subject: 'Spooky' Halloween run ideas?
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 11:24:39 +0100
Gurth a écrit :
> Details :) For practical (game) purposes, it doesn't matter if the PCs are
> _physically_ on a metaplane or not.

True. But for universe purpose, it matters a lot, because otherwise
teleportation is just as easy as bargaining with a Free Spirit...
Message no. 8
From: quisar@****** (Benjamin Lerman)
Subject: 'Spooky' Halloween run ideas?
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 11:30:19 +0100
D. T a écrit :
> Some important magically orientated person dies and a spirit with the
> astral gateway power is one of that person's buddies. The characters are
> contacted to protect the body while it lies in state for viewing of all the
> other important people that want to see the person is really dead. During
> the warding of the area/body the body is possessed by a spirit with a
> truename (could be shedim, could be something else) and the spirit buddy of
> the deceased sends the characters to the metaplanes to find the truename of
> the spirit animating the body. As they go through each encounter towards
> the citadel, the landscape and tone becomes more and more like the essence
> of the animating spirit.

Well, don't make the spirit a shedim, if you want your players to go
after his truename... Nobody never came back from a travel to the native
metaplane of the Shedims...
Message no. 9
From: rpufky1@********* (Richard R. Pufky)
Subject: 'Spooky' Halloween run ideas?
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 09:31:22 -0500 (EST)
Hoi everyone,

Thanks for all the responses! I'll be sending out a few emails (want to
get the quotes right).

On Wed, 29 Oct 2003, Gurth wrote:
> A free spirit with the Astral Gateway power can do this, yep; it also

Cool. As another post mentions, it doesn't physically transport the
characters there, but I don't care. All I want to do is get the mundanes
to the same screwed up place that I'm gonna send the magician. ;)

> Quite a lot of stuff to do in a single adventure :) I would suggest setting
> it up like an astral quest, using the various Places as inspiration for
> what kinds of things the players will encounter. You could either come up
> with one theme for each Place and roll randomly (like the rules in MITS
> tell you to), or just put the players through any of them that suit your
> fancy.

Yeah, it is lots to do, so I'll have to move some things along (we
usually play at a fairly relaxed pace). I've already taught them
paranoia... now I want to teach them that there is some scary drek out
there! ;)

I'm actually running SRII. I've got most of the SR3 books, but haven't
converted yet (and am not sure that I will). I have 'back-ported' a few
things to SRII already (knowledge & language skill selection). Will
probably import a few more things to 2.

Should probably mention that I'm currently running in 2054 too. Going to
be introducing them to Bugs soon and want to give them a hint of what is
to come, hence the reference to possibly running into a Horror of some
sort. Tell them that some nasties are coming to get them.

But, anyways, I haven't read MitS yet. Any specific sections I
should look at?

Check out the pictures of my baby girl!
Message no. 10
From: rpufky1@********* (Richard R. Pufky)
Subject: 'Spooky' Halloween run ideas?
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 09:33:10 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 29 Oct 2003, D. T wrote:
[snippage of lots of ideas]
> 6. Trick or Treaters come by while people are in the astral and pelt their
> vehicles with eggs and rocks if they don't get candy. Or soap, spraypaint,
> etc. as appropriate. Don't forget to see exactly what kind of defensive
> countermeasures the players have on their vehicles.

Heh. I like the way you think. I'll probably end up using this one at
least. I'm thinking of working some of the other stuff in.

Check out the pictures of my baby girl!
Message no. 11
From: rpufky1@********* (Richard R. Pufky)
Subject: 'Spooky' Halloween run ideas?
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 09:49:25 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 29 Oct 2003, Dingo wrote:
> >>>> searching archives for some Halloween run ideas.
> Well, I am not sure if you have found any. I certainly
> never have.

Actually, yeah, I did find a couple of them. Not sure how to get to some
other sections, since they appear on old boards that you can no longer
access the base of.


There are some good ideas there. None were quite what I was looking for
though, but good ideas, none-the-less. Some will probably eventually end
up working their ways into future runs that this group goes on.

Be sure to check out this one though. Quite a read... *VERY* screwed up.

That had to have been one of the best Halloween episodes ever, in any

> Check out Magic in the Shadows pg 117. It will
> explain all the details. Also, I am pretty sure this

Cool. Thanks for the page ref. I'll check it out tonight. I've yet to
crack my copy of MitS. Got *WAY* too many other things on my plate (just
check out my .sig for an idea... ;)

> is used in the old adventure "Imago" as well as
> "Harlequin's Back".

Might have to check those out too. I don't have Imago, but I do have HB.
Haven't cracked that yet either (managed to get my hands on that and
Harlequin when one of my buddies moved and couldn't take his RPG stuff
with him).

> Or you could have the party mage stumble on an ancient
> spell that basically does the same thing as the Astral
> Gateway power. This also brings in the old Threats
> book and the Black Lodge to keep the Character in
> check and from using powers that he/she should not
> have.

I think I'll deal with a Free Spirit tossing up an Astral Gateway in
front of them. Didn't realize that it didn't physically transport them
(I can't find the reference that I had previous read that gave me that
idea), but it doesn't matter that they physically go there, just that
the mundanes get to go there as well.

> >>>> I also want to have them 'encounter' a Horror or
> two while they are there, possibly a direct encounter,
> but more likely seeing one from afar. And possibly a
> couple of other things from Earthdawn (Blood Elf,
> maybe?) Haven't decided yet.
> Just a fair warning, Horrors are extremely nasty and
> players may find them to be too difficult to defeat.
> But if you are really interested in using one I offer
> my services as a Master of Conversions. I have spent
> many years working on conversions of different game
> systems to Shadowrun (Star Wars, Earthdawn, Rifts,
> D&D, and my own game system that I designed).

Yeah, I'm interested. I haven't checked out their stats in ED yet
though, but even if I did, I wouldn't know how they'd relate to SR
stats. Doesn't have to be a big meanie, just something that looks nasty
(gonna make 'em *RUN*).

They pretty much crapped themselves when they ran into 2 fire elementals
on guard duty (they were only Force 4's too). They haven't seen much in
the way of spirits/elementals/other things yet. That'll change though.

I'm looking for this thing to be the start of some more magically
intesive runs.

> Alright, first off, I have several adventures that
> could help you out. However, they are all Cthulhu
> adventures. If you would like them I could e-mail them
> your way, but, you are on your own for conversions. I
> can provide you with my conversion charts and you
> could go from there.
> The Cthulhu style of games may just be what you are
> looking for and will give you that creepy nasty edge
> that you are looking for.

Yeah, actually Cthulhu is what I had in mind for the Halloween game, but
the players didn't want to use another system. They like SR too much
(don't know which is most important to them the setting or the system,
but I do know that they like it ALOT better than the previous D&D
campaign we were playing -- 2nd Ed converted to d20. That GM left the
area though, and I started running SRII). Anyways, I've played Cthulu a
couple of times and the stories were usually pretty freaky.

Creepy, nasty... good! (Yeah, I know, evil GM... ;)

> Not a problem, just let me know if you want any of my
> stuff.

Yeah! That'd be great. My email addy in the header is real.

Check out the pictures of my baby girl!
Message no. 12
From: rpufky1@********* (Richard R. Pufky)
Subject: 'Spooky' Halloween run ideas?
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 09:52:27 -0500 (EST)
On Thu, 30 Oct 2003, Benjamin Lerman wrote:
> Well, don't make the spirit a shedim, if you want your players to go
> after his truename... Nobody never came back from a travel to the native
> metaplane of the Shedims...

Man, Shedims sound nasty... Guess I better break out MitS tonight and
start digging.

Check out the pictures of my baby girl!
Message no. 13
From: quisar@****** (Benjamin Lerman)
Subject: 'Spooky' Halloween run ideas?
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 15:54:30 +0100
Richard R. Pufky a écrit :
> Man, Shedims sound nasty... Guess I better break out MitS tonight and
> start digging.

You won't find those in MitS, they only appear in the Shadowrun
Universe with the Halley Comet...
Message no. 14
From: rpufky1@********* (Richard R. Pufky)
Subject: 'Spooky' Halloween run ideas?
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 10:31:39 -0500 (EST)
On Thu, 30 Oct 2003, Benjamin Lerman wrote:
> > Man, Shedims sound nasty... Guess I better break out MitS tonight and
> > start digging.
> You won't find those in MitS, they only appear in the Shadowrun
> Universe with the Halley Comet...

Oh, so Wake of the Comet/Year of the Comet?
Don't have either of those yet. Oh well. Guess I'll stick with my
original Horrors idea. ;)

Check out the pictures of my baby girl!
Message no. 15
From: anders@**********.com (Anders Swenson)
Subject: 'Spooky' Halloween run ideas?
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 09:06:36 -0800
On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 10:31:39 -0500 (EST)
"Richard R. Pufky" <rpufky1@*********> wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Oct 2003, Benjamin Lerman wrote:
> Oh, so Wake of the Comet/Year of the Comet?
> Don't have either of those yet. Oh well. Guess I'll stick with my
> original Horrors idea. ;)
> Rick
> --
You do have ED stats for horrors? No, YOTC probably wouldn't be that overall
useful for your game.
Message no. 16
From: rpufky1@********* (Richard R. Pufky)
Subject: 'Spooky' Halloween run ideas?
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 12:34:12 -0500 (EST)

On Thu, 30 Oct 2003, Anders Swenson wrote:
> You do have ED stats for horrors? No, YOTC probably wouldn't be that overall
> useful for your game.

Not yet, but I could probably create some. I do have some ED books,
though I haven't looked through them too much yet.

Someone from the list offered to send some conversions (though right
now, I don't remember if they were Horrors conversions or not).

Check out the pictures of my baby girl!
Message no. 17
From: gurth@******.nl (Gurth)
Subject: 'Spooky' Halloween run ideas?
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 19:06:26 +0100
According to Benjamin Lerman, on Thursday 30 October 2003 11:24 the word on
the street was...

> True. But for universe purpose, it matters a lot

Not for this particular adventure, IMHO...

Gurth@******.nl - Stone Age:
Don't you know you know what's right?
-> Probably NAGEE Editor * ShadowRN GridSec * Triangle Virtuoso <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-

GC3.12: GAT/! d- s:- !a>? C++(---) UL+ P(+) L++ E W--(++) N o? K w(--)
O V? PS+ PE@ Y PGP- t- 5++ X(+) R+++$ tv+(++) b++@ DI- D+ G+ e h! !r y?
Incubated into the First Church of the Sqooshy Ball, 21-05-1998
Message no. 18
From: gurth@******.nl (Gurth)
Subject: 'Spooky' Halloween run ideas?
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 19:11:21 +0100
According to Richard R. Pufky, on Thursday 30 October 2003 18:34 the word
on the street was...

> Not yet, but I could probably create some. I do have some ED books,
> though I haven't looked through them too much yet.

An easy way to convert ED game stats to SR is to simply use the step number
as the SR rating. Special powers etc. need more work, though.

Gurth@******.nl - Stone Age:
Don't you know you know what's right?
-> Probably NAGEE Editor * ShadowRN GridSec * Triangle Virtuoso <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-

GC3.12: GAT/! d- s:- !a>? C++(---) UL+ P(+) L++ E W--(++) N o? K w(--)
O V? PS+ PE@ Y PGP- t- 5++ X(+) R+++$ tv+(++) b++@ DI- D+ G+ e h! !r y?
Incubated into the First Church of the Sqooshy Ball, 21-05-1998
Message no. 19
From: gurth@******.nl (Gurth)
Subject: 'Spooky' Halloween run ideas?
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 19:09:15 +0100
According to Richard R. Pufky, on Thursday 30 October 2003 15:31 the word
on the street was...

> I'm actually running SRII. I've got most of the SR3 books, but haven't
> converted yet (and am not sure that I will). I have 'back-ported' a few
> things to SRII already (knowledge & language skill selection). Will
> probably import a few more things to 2.

In that case, the Grimoire has all the info you need. Not much really
changed between it and MITS asfar as this stuff is concerned.

Gurth@******.nl - Stone Age:
Don't you know you know what's right?
-> Probably NAGEE Editor * ShadowRN GridSec * Triangle Virtuoso <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-

GC3.12: GAT/! d- s:- !a>? C++(---) UL+ P(+) L++ E W--(++) N o? K w(--)
O V? PS+ PE@ Y PGP- t- 5++ X(+) R+++$ tv+(++) b++@ DI- D+ G+ e h! !r y?
Incubated into the First Church of the Sqooshy Ball, 21-05-1998
Message no. 20
From: rpufky1@********* (Richard R. Pufky)
Subject: 'Spooky' Halloween run ideas?
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 14:03:05 -0500 (EST)

Thanks for the 2 helpful posts, Gurth. I was already planning on using
information from the Grimoire and Awakenings. I was flipping through Bug
City last nigh too.

On Thu, 30 Oct 2003, Gurth wrote:
> An easy way to convert ED game stats to SR is to simply use the step number
> as the SR rating. Special powers etc. need more work, though.

Ah, interesting. I'll have to keep that in mind. Now, to dig out the ED
books! ;)

Check out the pictures of my baby girl!
Message no. 21
From: ra002585@** (Bira)
Subject: 'Spooky' Halloween run ideas?
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 18:51:58 -0200 (EDT)
> Well, don't make the spirit a shedim, if you want your players to go
> after his truename... Nobody never came back from a travel to the native
> metaplane of the Shedims...

This doesn't mean anything - there's no reason why his players couldn't be
the first ones to pull it off. Of course, they shouldn't survive the trip

Bira ou
Message no. 22
From: rpufky1@********* (Richard R. Pufky)
Subject: 'Spooky' Halloween run ideas?
Date: Sat, 1 Nov 2003 12:30:04 -0500
Hey everyone,

I want to thank everyone for their help and ideas.

This is a basic outline of what happened last night:

- The group received an invitation to a Halloween Party put on by a corp that they had
previously worked for. The Johnson was responsible for sending it out. He sent it because
the group was on the receiving end of some stuff that the Johnson's secretary did (passed
information about meets and stuff to other groups, which then intercepted the runners).

- They had a whole bunch of fun dressing up in various costumes (they were headed to a
costume party). The funniest part was when 2 runners decided to basically trade

- The party they went to was hopping. Lots of people all over they place, in all kinds of
costumes. The party had a few separate rooms, all off of the main room (dance floor).
There was a food area and also a 'Haunted House' type area.

- Eventually then ended up going into the 'Haunted House' room (taking a person from the
corp with them). Going though it, there were a few projection screen set up with some
Halloween images on them. There were people dressed in various costumes, doing the
standard spook walk type thing. At the end of it, there were 2 Air Elementals that were
manifesting to scare people. The first appeared as a ghost that flickered in and out of
view. The second did the Slimer thing from Ghostbusters: manifest in front of them,
scream, and then dive through them (he slimed me!).

- When the 2nd Elemental passed through the group, it dropped an Astral Gateway right in
front of them, which sucked them off to the metaplane.

- The metaplane was quite interesting. The ground was made out of a clay type substance in
most areas, although some had a harder crust with crumbly stuff under it. It was black.
Real black. The sky was orange-ish in color. All around them were ragged looking hills,
some had sharp points and some didn't. There were rusted out remnants of metal towers in a
few places that were about 10m across at the base.

- One of the group noticed that a hill on the horizon seemed to 'unroll'. They made their
way over there and noticed a giant stick figure carrying something. The stick figure was
about 3m tall. They tried to talk to it, which caused it to stop for about a second or so
before it continued. They decided to climb the hill, to try and catch up to the figure.

- When the figure reached the top (they were only about 1/2 way up then), a small
structure appeared at the top. It put what it was carrying into the structure and began to
turn something. The group was probably 3/4 of the way up when the stick-thingy starting
pulling the thing back up. As it pulled, the hill began to shake and shudder and then
began to deflate. When the thing was completely pulled out of the structure, the hill was
flat and the sky flashed a brighter orange. At this point, the group finally caught up to
the figure. It took a while to establish communication with the thing. 'Asking' it for
help, the figure pointed to a far hill and then began to walk away.

- They began to move towards the far hill. When they got ~3/4s of the way there, the sky
flashed bright white and suddenly they were standing at the base of the hill. They began
to climb the hill. Reaching the top, they saw a full moon shining light down in front of
them. There were trees surrounding the hill, but they only filled the area where the light
from the moon hit. Mandy (the corp secretary that got sucked in with them) got up to the
edge to look over. Her weight cause the edge of the hill to crumble and she started
sliding down. Some runners tried to catch her, one going so far as to run down after her.
Sliding, she reached the flat area at the bottom of the hill, but was still sliding. The
guy that went after her, tried to grab her, but missed, coming away with a crab looking
creature. They were carrying her into the woods. As she passed beneath the first trees,
they heard a weird howl.

- They started chasing the crab thingies carrying the secretary. They made their way to a
hole in the hedge wall, where Mandy and the runner pulled themselves off of the crab
platform. One of the other runners hit one of the things with a Mana Bolt, which hit one
and then began spreading out to the others in a net type form. They were then kicked
through the hole in the hedge wall. Another howl erupted from the other side of the hedge
wall. They went away from the entrace, but the area they were in was completely surrounded
by the 3.5m-4m tall hedge wall. They went into the hole, the crabs were in a pile still,
emitting hurt feeling. They had wanted to help. The group convinced the crabs to help, and
the crabs created a platform (~1m x ~1m). None too soon, for another howl erupted and
there was a really big, huge, nasty wolf type thing approaching.

- They jumped on the crab platform, which took off and the wolf-shape gave chase. The
magician attempt to ground out some spells into the thing, most of which were either
destroyed instantly or had little affect. The mundanes ended up shooting barbs of their
auras at the thing. The magician then attempted to force the maleable ground to form a
wall in front of the thing. The wall appeared, but the thing burst through it almost
immediately. It pounced and ripped off about 1/4m of the end of the crab platform. Chase
continued with some tense moments as the thing closed. Eventually the crabs ended up
tossing them off their backs, through the edge of the trees. The wolf thing was left
inside the trees, prowling back and forth and howling.

- They turned and looked around. Not too far away, was a road. One way lead to a tower,
the other way there was what appeared to be a rather large 'monster' (the horror I
mentioned in previous emails) tormenting something that looked like a bush. They could
feel the fear, the hatred, the anguish. In fact, they all failed Willpower rolls and ended
up running the other way, towards the tower.

- The tower was about 10m wide, and looked to be about 50m tall. There was a recessed
panel facing the road but no visible way in. Went to knock, it opened without them
touching it. Another one of those stick things inside, which after some 'conversation'
motioned them up the huge spiral staircase. They went up.

- On the way up there were 3 windows. Out the first, they saw the full moon with something
moving in front of it. Out the second, they saw very small bits of the moon around the
edges of something with huge bat-like wings and a cigar-shaped body. Out of the third,
they couldn't really see the moon at all. About 2 revolutions of the stair beyond that was
the top of the tower. They got off the stairs and pretty much froze in their tracks. The
monstrous bat-thing was within about 50m and diving towards the top of the tower.

- Two of the group noticed a shimmering on the floor about 5m away. They dove for it, 2 of
them got raked down the back by the bat-thing as they were sliding in. Combination of
their momentum and the things momentum ripped the things claws out of their backs, leaving
them to slide through the portal. Almost didn't make it.

- Portal dropped them into the room they had originally left, right near the exit of the
'Haunted House' room. They got shoved back into their bodies by the magician. The two who
were raked had spines that felt like they were on fire.

After all this, they are really ready to pull the Johnson's fingernails out... they think
it was another setup by him. Quite funny actually.

All in all, I think it went rather well.

Thanks for all who offered ideas,
Check out the pictures of my baby girl!

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about 'Spooky' Halloween run ideas?, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.