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Message no. 1
From: Mark Steedman <M.J.Steedman@***.RGU.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: SR / cp2020 / lethality : ex munchkiny
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 1997 08:43:16 GMT
Sascha Pabst writes

> On 19 Mar 97 at 15:24, Mark Steedman wrote:
> [snip deadliness of CP2020]
> > solutions involve, call trauma team, wait 4 minutes, open fire!
> *grin* Haven't thought of that yet... will remember once i can afford
> a Trauma Team :-) Thanx!
Oh i borrowed that ides, haven't used it, as you say trauma team is
expensive, but at least in CP2020 nobody can raid the DNA banks,
borrow your sample and use it for ritual magic [though Good luck
raiding docwagon!]

> > or change the rules a bit.
> Or, of course, use much more tactics then neccessary in Shadowrun. The
> heroic cinematic stunts possible in SR are a no-no in CP, especially
> as there's no such thing as healing magic :-(
Yeah. FASA intentionally set maximum damage at a deadly and total
hits more than that so that sensible players almost always keep their
characters alive for another day as a single hit cannot kill (ok you
might lose a ritual sample / gain a cortex bomb,... but)

Earthdawn has the best excuse of the lot, 'why didn't the horros that
just beat the party kill them?', why, thats no fun, Horror marking
you all and torturing you slowly from afar, now thats more like it :)
Another good reason you don't want these things loose in SR.

> Not to be hit is the best solution to avoid deadly damage, and (this
> is valid for both systems) usually some planing will help you to avoid
> bullets better then body armor...
A good plan is always best.

i recon on three solution to SR.
1) Sneak sneak sneak, what the opposition never see they never shoot.
If they never fired you cannot get hit.

2) sneak till they see you then shoot em, grab the goods and run.
Acceptence they will catch you at the breaking and entering, but
delays them calling for the swat team as long as possible with the
hope you can be out of there before it shows.

3) Dead bad guys don't shoot back! The classic peace through superior
force approach, flatten everything. Works wonders assuming you are
not about when the army shows up to restore order. Good for places
like Chicago inside the zone, if you like BIG guns or you plain
cannot solve that sensor grid.

Note however.
Option 1 if you are good should never loose characters, mess ups
might gain you new employers but.
Option 2 is what i would call standard, mess up badly and you loose
Option 3, body bags are a matter of time.

IN CP2020, option 3 is well stupid!, you will die, in Sr it can be
gotten away with due to how the system is set up but is still not


Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about SR / cp2020 / lethality : ex munchkiny, you may also be interested in:


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