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Message no. 1
From: Caspar Facius <cfa@***.DK>
Subject: SRII: Query 'bout full auto fire
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 92 13:33:28 +0100
>>>>>[Cot i have everybodys atention please, you to ArkAngle.
Sins Mr.Angle raist a question about auto-fire, i think i will
take it a litle further. Personly i think that the auto-fire
rules in SRII sucks(pardon my french), i will try to flesch this
out in a exemple. I tend to like RPG's that has a litle touch
of ReALeTY, therfor the hash worts directed to FASA............
EXAMPLE: We take 2 gentlemen, one armed with a SMG the other
with a HP. Now bouth are cleat in armor jackets, bouth of then
has Smartgun Link. They are standing 2 meters apart in a well
lit room with a plan flor...................................
Combat Phace 1: Let us say, fore arguments sake, that NR.1
is the faster of the two. He chouses to host the other, therfor
he fires a full auto at him. The volly contains of 10 rounds,
therefor a +10 for recoil. Hes tagetnumber is now 11 (11 you
say, where did this guy go to scole. But calculating the number
you see that the bace number is 2 fore short range +10 fore
recoil and -1 fore the target standing still). 11 is considert
to bee nearly imposible, this also givs him a calculated chance
of hitting of 33%(consitering he has firearmes 6). Our brave
guy here destroyed the flore, wall and even the siling, but he
did not hit hes taget. Despite hes atemd to emty hes clip in
the face of the other......................................
Combat Phase 2: Our second guy raises hes Rugher Super Warhawk,
pulls the triger and properly scors 5 successes. This stags the
dammage to 10D2, after redusing it to 5D2 with hes armor he resists
with body and combat pool. This properly won't kill him, but you get
QUESTION: Am i reading the rules wrong, or is it time that we
made up a new ruleset for AutoFireing?]<<<<<
-Icebreaker (12:19:59/06-10-92/cfa@***.dk)

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about SRII: Query 'bout full auto fire, you may also be interested in:


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