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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: Robert Hayden <rahayden@*****.WEEG.UIOWA.EDU>
Subject: Stolen Encephalon Data
Date: Fri, 9 Oct 92 19:58:10 CET
>>>>>[We've been spending all of our time talking about how to reprogram
these babies to multitask, and I realized that some people may not know
what we are talking about. So I powered up the old cyberdeck and took a
dance through the Fuchi Star. What I managed to find were the ACTUAL
performance specs, not the crap they feed us on the Tri-D commercials.
Seems that Smiling Bandit beat me to it some time ago as he inplanted a
Virus to the end of the file. Not a nasty virus, but one that would
append his own comments to the file. Interesting concept Smilie.
Oh, as I was poking around a bit after finding the file, I got hit
by some kind of new IC. It is related to SCRAMBLE, but it is grey in
flavour. It manages to scramble any datafile you have in your ONLINE
memory if it makes a successful attack. It got through and scrambled this
file about the encephalons. I waxed it but it tooke me about an hour to
find the decryption sequence. Annoying little bastard. There might be a
few apparent typos in the unscrambled file, but you should be able to
figure out the specs. (Bandit, have you seen this IC too?)]<<<<<
-- Dante' <Inferno Room>

---> Include appended Text <---

>>>> If you cut here, you will damage your terminal <<<<

An encephalon is a combination microcomputer and expert system that
permits the brain to access all internal stores and functions. It
operates as both a background processor and an interpreter/host system for
skillsoft programs.

The microcomputer uses its processing power to augment the user's own
information-processing abilities, providing bonuses to the owner's
Intelligence for certain Technical, Knowledge, and B/R Skills
(Intelligence raised in this fashion can increase the characters raction
rating). Levels from an encephalon's Task Pool may be used as bonuses to
the user's skills (temporarily adding the number of dice rolled for any
Skill Test). THe Task Pool is refreshed along with all other dice pools.

The encephalon also has a hardwired skillsoft host system similiar to that
the softlink system, allowing use of both external and uploaded
skillsofts. An encephalon is needed to use uploaded skillsofts. The data
contents will be present, but the "naked" brain is unable to comprehend
the data in such a raw form.

An encephalon precluded the need for a softlink to make use of datachops
or skillsofts. limits do exist for using the encephalon in this way,
however. A character can only plug one datasoft or skillsoft into the
datajack at any given time, and the additional dataload adds to the SLD
rather than being considered seperately. (To calculate the effect of a
datasoft or skillsoft's use in this way, multiply the chip's Mp Rating by
2.5 and add the figure to the MpU). This being the case, persons who are
contemplating heavy use of external skillsofts or datachips are encouraged
to purchase a softlink rather that relying purely on the limited abilities
of the encephalon to process the load.

Improving the grade and quality of the encephalon will increase the
processing power, but will not improve upon the expert system performance.

Older chipjacks, such as those described in the _Shadowrun_ rules, contain
early versions of the encephalon. These perform the same functions, but
bestow no bonuses. Display links perform the same, non-bonus function as
an encephalon for datasofts.

The encephalon does boost magical ability.

1 +1 Int -- .50 15,000
2 +1 Int 1 die .75 40,000
3 +2 Int 2 die 1.50 75,000
4 +2 Int 3 die 1.75 115,000

>>>>>{One thing they don't tell you in the owner's manual is that you can
use these babies to multitask your cognitive needs.}<<<<<
--The Smiling Bandit <Strikes Again!/Ha-Ha-Ha>

Robert Hayden | Black holes result | My views do not
rahayden@*****.WEEG.UIOWA.EDU | from God dividing the | reflect the views
AQ650@*********.FREENET.EDU | universe by zero | of my employer.

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Stolen Encephalon Data, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.