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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: Arcady arcady@***.net
Subject: The cost of a munchkin (was: British Formori)
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999 20:21:57 -0700
Well I just finished my audit of the character sheet this guy brought last

Here's what I found:

Point totals are adding up to 142. (52 stat, 18 skills, 15 formori, 25
aspected shaman, 30 resources, 6 edges)
After flaws it goes down to 134. But the flaws are at -8 and they need to
drop to -6.

After the base 35 spell points each point costs 25000 nuyen.

Bonded foci cost force points according to the table on page 190. Wherein
you read it as 1 karma=1 spell point.

64 force points where spent and that's 14 over what's allowed by the rules.

A total of 1624800 nuyen in resources was spent. If the bike is bought it
will add another 29300 nuyen to that total. the maximum possible resources
is 1000000 so this is over that number.

There are also 7 unspent knowledge points that need to be allocated still.

The character has 1 point over the maximum allowable willpower.
As an aspected shaman the character cannot use any spells other than combat
and may not summon any spirits other than hearth. Of course the character
lacks conjuring so all it can do is cast combat spells until conjuring is
studied. Aspected shamans work differently than aspected mages.

Spells must be lowered to a maximum of 6 force as per the rulebook. Likewise
for the foci.

The sorcery aptitude is not legal. (via a ruling I have made for my game.)

The smartgoggles only cost 3000 nuyen and are useless unless the character
buys a gun with a smartlink (internal or external).

Arcady <0){{{{><
The Revolution will not be televised; it'll be emailed.
/.)\ Stop making sense. Be an Anti Intellectual
\(@/ Be Tao. Live Tao. Feel Tao. But don't do Tao.
Message no. 2
From: Arcady arcady@***.net
Subject: The cost of a munchkin (was: British Formori)
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999 20:39:28 -0700
> Well I just finished my audit of the character sheet this guy brought last
> night...
> Here's what I found:
> Point totals are adding up to 142. (52 stat, 18 skills, 15 formori, 25
> aspected shaman, 30 resources, 6 edges)

Oops. That should say 14 on skills.

Arcady <0){{{{><
The Revolution will not be televised; it'll be emailed.
/.)\ Stop making sense. Be an Anti Intellectual
\(@/ Be Tao. Live Tao. Feel Tao. But don't do Tao.
Message no. 3
From: Mark Fender markf@******.com
Subject: The cost of a munchkin (was: British Formori)
Date: Fri, 6 Aug 1999 09:45:53 -0500
> Well I just finished my audit of the character sheet this guy brought last
> night...
[snip analysis of character]

So, not only do you have a munchikin, but a stupid one as well? That's

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about The cost of a munchkin (was: British Formori), you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.