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Message no. 1
From: Wafflemeisters <evamarie@**********.NET>
Subject: Re: The talks on my Cyberware post. (munchkin humour)
Date: Sun, 3 May 1998 05:15:15 -0500
> Re: The talks on my Cyberware post. (Adam J , Sat 22:24)
> At 20:55 02/05/98 -0500, you wrote:
> >> Munchkinism.. I think not, you mearly miss my point.
> >
> >Actually, I find it more Implausible than unbalancing. Both are pretty
> >plainly not cost-effective, and thus not worth developing. [No market-
> >with that availibilty, 1 in 10,000 interested people with ettiqutte 5
> >can find it, and maybe one in 10,000 has the cash. Thats 1 in
> >100,000,000, or maybe 50 in the world. Even calling it 100, where is
> >the Return on Investment?]
> You're looking for a World reason for something that's 100% Munchkin. Good
> luck! ;)
> -Adam

Um, by "not cost effective", I was making a "subtle hint"
that, even
from a PRO-MUNCHKIN viewpoint, it was kinda lame. :) But then, I'm a
min-maxer, which protects me from other strains of the "GMGMV"*.

I sold off my last cask of sarcasm enhanced napalm last week, and
haven't laid in new suplies. Can I borrow a gallon or twenty, Adam?


*GMGMV- Game Master - Gamer Munchkin Virus.
Being a minmaxer is like being a ghoul- you annoy other gamers, and eat
old game books, but don't have to suck the fun out of the game to live.
I'd say the "Munchkin whiner" is like the banshee, as its wailing
instills fear and causes others to flee, and leave the rest to others to
amuse ME with....
Message no. 2
From: Nexx <nexx@********.NET>
Subject: Re: The talks on my Cyberware post. (munchkin humour)
Date: Sun, 3 May 1998 10:12:40 -0500
> From: Wafflemeisters <evamarie@**********.net>

> *GMGMV- Game Master - Gamer Munchkin Virus.
> Being a minmaxer is like being a ghoul- you annoy other gamers,
and eat
> old game books, but don't have to suck the fun out of the game to live.
> I'd say the "Munchkin whiner" is like the banshee, as its
> instills fear and causes others to flee, and leave the rest to others to
> amuse ME with....

This should become a standard part of nettiquette, IMO.
Message no. 3
From: Wafflemeisters <evamarie@**********.NET>
Subject: Re: The talks on my Cyberware post. (munchkin humour)
Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 17:25:26 -0500
> Re: The talks on my Cyberware post. (munchkin humour) (Nexx , Sun 10:12)

> > *GMGMV- Game Master - Gamer Munchkin Virus.
> > Being a minmaxer is like being a ghoul- you annoy other gamers,
> and eat
> > old game books, but don't have to suck the fun out of the game to live.
> > I'd say the "Munchkin whiner" is like the banshee, as its
> wailing
> > instills fear and causes others to flee, and leave the rest to others to
> > amuse ME with....
> This should become a standard part of nettiquette, IMO.

HUH? You mean letting others finish a list of gags should be as
tandard thing to do on the net? Or did you mean a list of GMGMV
"goblinaztions" should be recorded in some sort of FAQ?

And since nobody has taken up the joke, I will continue:

The Bruckner-lagner form of GMGMV has only been observed in GM's, and
is hypothesized to kill most players. It turns them intomanipulating,
evil bastards who force others to behave as muchkins also, to serve his
ends or die. This is the dreaded "Nosferatue", the munchkin GM

Ick, thats not so funny- they are just to common and dangerous.


Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about The talks on my Cyberware post. (munchkin humour), you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.