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Message no. 1
From: Hedley <hedley@********.COM>
Subject: UCAS Government
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 18:06:46 -0500
I've been considering the notion of making the runners in my campaign part
of some government organization, ala "Mission Impossible" or some such drek.
I'm thinking of the FBI or maybe the CIA. Do these organizations still
exist, and if so have their names changed?

Message no. 2
From: Duncan McNeill-Burton <dmcneill@************.EDU>
Subject: Re: UCAS Government
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 19:20:25 -0400
Hedley said:

>I've been considering the notion of making the runners in my campaign part
>of some government organization, ala "Mission Impossible" or some such
>I'm thinking of the FBI or maybe the CIA. Do these organizations still
>exist, and if so have their names changed?

IIRC, aside from Ares buying NASA and Lone Star buying the DEA, most
government agencies didn't change much. but even if they did, who cares,
its your game. Make a new on up. Ten years ago, most people had never
heard of the NSA, and now they have a big sign at their exit of the minor
highway ( don't recall the name ) that runs parallel to I-95 between DC and

In addition, the Seattle Sourcebook does mention the CIA and NSA having
strong presences in Seattle...

Duncan McNeill-Burton
-Berek Thunderfist, Wolf Lord of the Blackmane Company
-Freelance Corporate Espionage Agent
-Tech Priest in Training
Message no. 3
From: Stefan <casanova@******.PASSAGEN.SE>
Subject: Re: UCAS Government
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 01:59:52 +0000
> I've been considering the notion of making the runners in my campaign part
> of some government organization, ala "Mission Impossible" or some such
> I'm thinking of the FBI or maybe the CIA. Do these organizations still
> exist, and if so have their names changed?

Well I would guess they do ... the FBI does defently still exist
since they are mentioned in several books and I really don't see any
reason for the other "merry" bunch not being around ... or just
invent some new super secret organization ... I did ...

When the USA split and divided there armed forces ... Who was going
to keep the alien bodies ? Easy .. I just gave 'em away to a secret
goverment organization that I called Xenadau ... My players fear
them but they have no bloody clue what so ever to what they do or
even what there name is ...


"Frag you and the datastream you came on!" - Sinjin the decker
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Message no. 4
From: Craig J Wilhelm Jr <craigjwjr@*********.NET>
Subject: Re: UCAS Government
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 22:07:28 -0400
Hash: SHA1

>I've been considering the notion of making the runners in my
campaign part
>of some government organization, ala "Mission Impossible" or some
such drek.
>I'm thinking of the FBI or maybe the CIA. Do these organizations
>exist, and if so have their names changed?

I'm doing the exact same thing any good information would be greatly
appreciated. As for the FBI and CIA, there still around and perform
much the same function.

P E A C E !

Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.0
Charset: noconv


Craig J Wilhelm Jr

Reality is nothing but a refuge for those who can't handle role-playing.

I-Chat Username: craigjwjr

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Message no. 5
From: "J. Keith Henry" <Ereskanti@***.COM>
Subject: Re: UCAS Government
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 00:41:00 -0400
In a message dated 97-10-10 20:01:23 EDT, casanova@******.PASSAGEN.SE writes:

> Well I would guess they do ... the FBI does defently still exist
> since they are mentioned in several books and I really don't see any
> reason for the other "merry" bunch not being around ... or just
> invent some new super secret organization ... I did ...
Actually, sounds familiar...we invented the Men-IN-Black, but from an angle
you wouldn't believe. A former member of the Black Lodge pulled the ultimate
and "got out", destroying his links as he did so. He had enough contacts
that he trusted, that when combined with some extra people (he's a Senator
from Louisiana) created the "MIB" organization. It's something of a joke
admittedly, and the name is a play on words, but it's a torqer...

Message no. 6
From: GRANITE <granite@**.NET>
Subject: Re: UCAS Government
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 01:34:53 -0700
> I'm thinking of the FBI or maybe the CIA. Do these organizations still
> exist, and if so have their names changed?

Try the can find out a little bit about them on their web I think... they have their fingers in all the
pies [EG]

Or better yet..give them to the IMF..I maen why is what you
are wanting anyway..
"Rock Steady"
Lord, Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The Things I Cannot Change,
The Courage To Change The Things I Can,
And The Wisdom To Hide The Bodies Of Those People I Had To Kill
Because They Pissed Me Off.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ShadowRunner's Serenity Prayer
Message no. 7
From: Stefan <casanova@******.PASSAGEN.SE>
Subject: Re: UCAS Government
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 17:49:40 +0000
> > Well I would guess they do ... the FBI does defently still exist
> > since they are mentioned in several books and I really don't see any
> > reason for the other "merry" bunch not being around ... or just
> > invent some new super secret organization ... I did ...
> >
> Actually, sounds familiar...we invented the Men-IN-Black, but from an angle
> you wouldn't believe. A former member of the Black Lodge pulled the ultimate
> and "got out", destroying his links as he did so. He had enough contacts
> that he trusted, that when combined with some extra people (he's a Senator
> from Louisiana) created the "MIB" organization. It's something of a joke
> admittedly, and the name is a play on words, but it's a torqer...

Well there is a difference between Xenadou and MIB ... My "corp" or
organization is well sort of evil .... My players where hired to
recover an "alien" artifact but they didn't know it was alien and
well they did it but they spilled alot of blood, left finger prints
and so forth ... so when they came home there detective agency had
been the scene of a crime (they had taken three people dressed them
up just like the runners, desert fatigues, and executed them there)
and Lonestar had loads of questions to ask ... It was fun ... :)

But they have some things in common with the MIB .. Black clothes,
Only address each other with the first letter ... they don't have
neurolizers thou ... they shoot first and ask questions later ..

/ S

"Frag you and the datastream you came on!" - Sinjin the decker
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Message no. 8
From: David Mezerette <mezeretted@*****.U-NANCY.FR>
Subject: Re: UCAS Government
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 08:25:54 +0100
At 18:06 10/10/97 -0500, you wrote:
>I've been considering the notion of making the runners in my campaign part
>of some government organization, ala "Mission Impossible" or some such drek.
>I'm thinking of the FBI or maybe the CIA. Do these organizations still
>exist, and if so have their names changed?
I remember having seen the FBI mentioned in several sourcebook...personnaly,
one of its big role in my campaign is to have a look upon the Seattle wouldn't be a good idea to loose this town, would it?
and my players REALLY love facin them *evil grin*

Message no. 9
From: Jonathan Hurley <jhurley1@************.EDU>
Subject: Re: UCAS Government
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 20:24:02 -0400
On Friday, October 10, 1997 19:20, Duncan McNeill-Burton[SMTP:dmcneill@************.edu]
> Hedley said:
> >I've been considering the notion of making the runners in my campaign part
> >of some government organization, ala "Mission Impossible" or some such
> drek.
> >I'm thinking of the FBI or maybe the CIA. Do these organizations still
> >exist, and if so have their names changed?
> >
> IIRC, aside from Ares buying NASA and Lone Star buying the DEA, most
> government agencies didn't change much. but even if they did, who cares,
> its your game. Make a new on up. Ten years ago, most people had never
> heard of the NSA, and now they have a big sign at their exit of the minor
> highway ( don't recall the name ) that runs parallel to I-95 between DC and
> Baltimore.

It is on the Baltimore-Washington Parkway, and it says "Ft. Meade (NSA Employees

> In addition, the Seattle Sourcebook does mention the CIA and NSA having
> strong presences in Seattle...

See the SR Companion for more info.

Quicksilver rides again
Those who would give up a little freedom for security
deserve neither freedom nor security
-Benjamin Franklin
Yeah, I have Attention Deficit Dis - Hey, look at that butterfly!
Jonathan Hurley (mailto:jhurley1@************.edu)

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about UCAS Government, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.