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Message no. 1
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Pepe Barbe)
Subject: Weight lifting
Date: Sat Mar 30 20:15:01 2002

Somewere in the middle of a session one of my players, whose PC is a troll,
wanted to do something very unusual: to turn over a Ares Roadmaster
(According to R3, a car of the type would weight at least 2 tons, and the
average is 4). So we checked the rules for lifting stuff in SRComp3, but
they didn't seem to really work very well. The troll in question has 10
points of strenght; according to the rules he can lift 250 kg. If he wanted
to lift more he has to divide the weight to be lifted by ten to get a
target number for a Strenght test; for each success he can lift 10% more.

First of all the rules aren't very clear. 10% more of the intended weight?
10% of his base weight?

I've been following the rules that appear on TSS, about the revised weights
of the different metahuman races, wich I personally like a lot and find
more plausible. My PCs troll, according to the rules, weights around 450
kgs. The base weight he is allowed to lift is 250 kgs. What if he wanted to
lift his own weight? He would have to succeed in a Strenght(45) Test and
have 8 successes. I think these rules work pretty akwardly.

Any one ever analyzed this kind of situation? Do you have a solution? One
solution I came with, for determining the weight that can be lifted can be:
Substract weight to be lifted minus base weight (Strength*25 kg.). Divide
the result by fifty and that would be the target number for your strenght
test. If you succeed you can lift that weight. Now, this is not something I
have thought about very deeply, I came with this solution during the gaming
session. I was wondering what do you think of it? Do you find any problems
in it? Do you have a better solution?

Message no. 2
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Scott Hiller)
Subject: Weight lifting
Date: Sun Mar 31 18:20:01 2002
A good question!

That's an Adam Jury question!

But you also might want to think of the fact that when
people try to lift something too heavy, they risk
injury (both physical damage [hernia or goin pull],
and mental damage [it's tiring!]). There is also the
issue of losing one's grip, for which the Quickness
Attribute would work well. Then you gotta ask
yourself: is the Character lifting the right way? Or
the rong way?

Just some thoughts to consider.


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Message no. 3
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Adam Jury)
Subject: Weight lifting
Date: Sun Mar 31 18:30:01 2002
At 16:16 31/03/2002, Scott Hiller wrote:
>A good question!
>That's an Adam Jury question!

Because I know /so/ much about weight-lifting...

*wanders off with a glazed look in his eyes*


| Editor, The Shadowrun Supplemental: |
| adamj@*********.com | | UIN: 2350330 |
Message no. 4
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Gurth)
Subject: Weight lifting
Date: Mon Apr 1 05:15:01 2002
According to Adam Jury, on Mon, 01 Apr 2002 the word on the street was...

> >That's an Adam Jury question!
> Because I know /so/ much about weight-lifting...

Yeah, you've certainly got the muscles for it...


Gurth@******.nl -
Dat is de kip voor het ei spannen.
-> NAGEE Editor * ShadowRN GridSec * Triangle Virtuoso <-
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V? PS+ PE@ Y PGP- t@ 5++ X(+) R+++$ tv+(++) b++@ DI- D+ G+ e h! !r y?
Incubated into the First Church of the Sqooshy Ball, 21-05-1998
Message no. 5
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Adam Jury)
Subject: Weight lifting
Date: Mon Apr 1 07:45:00 2002
At 03:09 01/04/2002, Gurth wrote:

>> Because I know /so/ much about weight-lifting...
>Yeah, you've certainly got the muscles for it...

This is a clear case of the pot calling the kettle black, Gurth :)

| Editor, The Shadowrun Supplemental: |
| adamj@*********.com | | UIN: 2350330 |
Message no. 6
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Nate Borys)
Subject: Weight lifting
Date: Mon Apr 1 08:10:01 2002

>From: Adam Jury <adamj@*********.com>
>Reply-To: shadowrn@*********.com
>To: shadowrn@*********.com
>Subject: Re: Weight lifting
>Date: Mon, 01 Apr 2002 05:44:05 -0700
>At 03:09 01/04/2002, Gurth wrote:
> >> Because I know /so/ much about weight-lifting...
> >
> >Yeah, you've certainly got the muscles for it...
> >
> >;)
>This is a clear case of the pot calling the kettle black, Gurth :)
>| Editor, The Shadowrun Supplemental: |
>| adamj@*********.com | | UIN: 2350330 |

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Message no. 7
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Graht)
Subject: Weight lifting
Date: Mon Apr 1 09:40:01 2002
At 05:44 AM 4/1/2002 -0700, Adam Jury wrote:
>At 03:09 01/04/2002, Gurth wrote:
> >> Because I know /so/ much about weight-lifting...
> >
> >Yeah, you've certainly got the muscles for it...
> >
> >;)
>This is a clear case of the pot calling the kettle black, Gurth :)



To Life,
ShadowRN Assistant Fearless Leader II
Message no. 8
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Scott Hiller)
Subject: Weight lifting
Date: Mon Apr 1 23:35:01 2002
Ha, ha. :-) I made that statement because you are
one of the guru's of all things Shadowrun. You know
the ins and the outs of the game, so I figured you'd
be able to think of some ways to abstract
weight-lifting to fit the rules of the game.


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Message no. 9
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Meph)
Subject: Weight lifting
Date: Tue Apr 2 00:25:01 2002
> Ha, ha. :-) I made that statement because you are
> one of the guru's of all things Shadowrun. You know
> the ins and the outs of the game, so I figured you'd
> be able to think of some ways to abstract
> weight-lifting to fit the rules of the game.

What I'm curious about is does anyone else have an idea or is this a
null issue with everyone's games...

Message no. 10
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Rich Stokes)
Subject: Weight lifting
Date: Tue Apr 2 05:10:01 2002
> What I'm curious about is does anyone else have an idea or is this a
>null issue with everyone's games...

Your example (troll flipping a roadmaster) appears to be a valid dramatic
occurrence. For instance, I remember seeing a strongman contest where
there guys were flipping small cars (VW Beetle I think) as part of the
test. Obviously a small VW weighs less than a roadmaster (since VW =
Jacrkrabbit, roughly), but bear in mind that a 20th century strongman would
probably have a strength of 7 or maybe 8, no cyber and that this was a real
effort for them, a 30 - 60 second event that left them drained and
tired. A troll on the other hand can have a strength of 10 - 11 without
cyber, which is about half as much again. I would be tempted to say that
based on that fact, a character with a strength of 9 could flip a Nissan
Jackrabbit style car, and with 11 you could flip, say a Ford Americar or a
Westwind. A Roadmaster would probably would be a good 2 - 3 times that
weight at least, so I'd be tempted to say that you couldn't flip it without
some really hardcore strength (something like 18 - 20).

I recon that lifting like this (powerlifting more weight than you really
ought to) would cause quite a lot of stun damage.

That has no real basis in the SR3 rules though, just some (probably flawed)
logic :)


Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Weight lifting, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.