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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: Doctor Doom <JCH8169@*****.TAMU.EDU>
Subject: Wiz-bang Quality opposed to ordinary Ray-Bans
Date: Sun, 6 Dec 92 02:08:17 CET
>Fidgit => Actually, any goggles can be made into shades, for more
>Fidgit => money. I don't believe it says, but I don't remember 'cause I've
>Fidgit => been using a 10 multiplier for so long I haven't even bothered to
>Fidgit => look.

Doom => For my character, sunglasses were not much of an option. (It did NOT
Doom => match his clothing style, trust me) So, I pitched the idea of a
Doom => smartgun monocle (via considerable explaination and citing similar
Doom => examples in other game systems that might justify its existence) to
Doom => the GM. Mind you, she practically 'took my arm off at the shoulder'
Doom => with the price [ which I felt was justified for what I was asking ]
Doom => but I was very pleased with the result.

>Fidgit => Right now, I'm running (as a coyote shaman) with smartgoggles made
>Fidgit => into shades. Why smartgoggles, you may ask, as they offer no other
>Fidgit => mods? Why, because it says right there in the small print that
>Fidgit => smartgoggles can be made to also offer low-light or thermo vision
>Fidgit => for no additional charge.

Doom => One thing more thing about smartgoggle alterations/modifications:
Doom => There was some speculatory discussion in my group about the possibility
Doom => of working vision magnification ( I mean Level 1 or 2...NOT 3) into
Doom => goggles, and possibly mirror shades. Comments/Opinions?

Colonel Count von Hohenzollern und von Doom, DMSc, DSc, PhD.

Doom Technologies & Weapon Systems -- Dark Thought Publications
>>> Working on solutions best left in the dark.
[ Doctor Doom : jch8169@******** ]
Message no. 2
From: Chris Siebenmann <cks@********.UTCS.TORONTO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Wiz-bang Quality opposed to ordinary Ray-Bans
Date: Sun, 6 Dec 92 02:26:43 -0500
The NAGRL has some stuff (not enough, IMHO) on Neat Shades. I see no
reason why an electronic version couldn't do magnification, although I
think an optical version would prove troublesome to build (especially
for over level 1).

- cks
Message no. 3
From: The Reverend <IH46@****.BITNET>
Subject: Wiz-bang Quality opposed to ordinary Ray-Bans
Date: Sun, 6 Dec 92 01:42:20 MST
> Doom => One thing more thing about smartgoggle alterations/modifications:
> Doom => There was some speculatory discussion in my group about the possibilit
> Doom => of working vision magnification ( I mean Level 1 or 2...NOT 3) into
> Doom => goggles, and possibly mirror shades. Comments/Opinions?
IMHO, it's no worse than any of the other stuff. I can see optic mag 1,
and up to electronic mag 2. Anything more than that and you start to
stretch the size. If you want a monocle sized (?) smartgoggle, you'd
have to keep mods to a minimum. Also, you might have the chain for the
monocle go to a computer on your person for the image enhancement/comp
type thingies. The goggles have enough room for the tiny computer, and
a set of glasses do (in the frame and eyepieces), but a monocle doesn't
have the space. Run a wire/chain into a pocket, and have the actual
smartgun computer reside there. Optic 1 is possible, but for 2 you are
probably talking some bottle-glasses. That wouldn't work for the mono-
cle. Also, I'd say that if you got hit hard enough, it might jar the
involuntary muscle (you know, the one that holds the monocle in) enough
for you to drop it. Just a think. BCNU!

--- "If character isn't an issue, why isn't
The Reverend Ted Kennedy President?"-Rush Limbaugh
"My employers have changed but the name remains"
all new .sig virus v.314159: Copy me! Works 99 times out of 1,000!

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Wiz-bang Quality opposed to ordinary Ray-Bans, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.