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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: shadowrn@*********.com (aaron chappell)
Date: Tue May 8 23:35:01 2001
I think i hit a nerve (if i could do that with every
post we could have anarchy on the
list!!!!Mwahahahahahah) The reason i don't like pdf is
because half the time the stuff in said format won't
save to my hard drive (my computer hates me I never
know when my net access is gonna crash so i haveta
have my daily dose of SR saved to the hard drive to
keep from going insane) and also it makes for poor
online reading for some reason (like i said my 'puter
is just screwy). And some times it just doesn't plane
load !!!

Frag That,


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Message no. 2
From: shadowrn@*********.com (shadowrn@*********.com)
Date: Tue May 8 23:45:01 2001
<I think i hit a nerve (if i could do that with every
post we could have anarchy on the
list!!!!Mwahahahahahah) The reason i don't like pdf is
because half the time the stuff in said format won't
save to my hard drive (my computer hates me I never
know when my net access is gonna crash so i haveta
have my daily dose of SR saved to the hard drive to
keep from going insane) and also it makes for poor
online reading for some reason (like i said my 'puter
is just screwy). And some times it just doesn't plane
load !!!

Frag That,


::jus' fraggin' dies:: Okay...this is cute. This goes back to what I'd said about some
people or their computers one or the other not being able to handle what's out there, but
Aaron I don't know if you read it yet, but in Adam's last post he pointed out what I'd
missed - that items would also probably be available in HTML, which can be opened in Word
and saved in a Word format.
Message no. 3
From: shadowrn@*********.com (shadowrn@*********.com)
Date: Wed May 9 21:10:14 2001
On Tue, 8 May 2001 20:39:18 -0700 (PDT) aaron chappell
<abc00123_us@*****.com> writes:
> I think i hit a nerve (if i could do that with every
> post we could have anarchy on the
> list!!!!Mwahahahahahah) The reason i don't like pdf is
> because half the time the stuff in said format won't
> save to my hard drive (my computer hates me I never
> know when my net access is gonna crash so i haveta
> have my daily dose of SR saved to the hard drive to
> keep from going insane) and also it makes for poor
> online reading for some reason (like i said my 'puter
> is just screwy). And some times it just doesn't plane
> load !!!

You're probably using a plug-in to read pdf files. right click and choose
"save shortcut as", "save link as", or something similar. Also, if
connect is unstable, I highly reccomend a download manager such as
Getright or Read Download. (both are free with sponsored use)

Adam, will the site in question support resuming? I haven't checked out
the dumpshock forums yet so I don't even know where if any place is
intended to host ...

D. Ghost
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Message no. 4
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Adam J)
Date: Wed May 9 21:30:01 2001
At 19:02 09/05/2001, dghost@****.com wrote:

>You're probably using a plug-in to read pdf files. right click and choose
>"save shortcut as", "save link as", or something similar. Also,
if your
>connect is unstable, I highly reccomend a download manager such as
>Getright or Read Download. (both are free with sponsored use)

Or FlashGet, or Go!Zilla... there's quite a few products that have this
feature now. Very handy if you're on a dialup collection, especially as you
can queue a bunch of downloads, and then let them download when you leave
the computer. I'm sure someone can point to Mac and *nix equivalents (Does
wget handle resuming?)

>Adam, will the site in question support resuming? I haven't checked out
>the dumpshock forums yet so I don't even know where if any place is
>intended to host ...

Yes, the FanPro site supports resuming. (And from where I'm sitting, it's
quite fast...)

< : >
< adamj@*********.com | ICQ# 2350330 | TSS Productions >

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about WOOOOOOHHHHH, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.