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Message no. 1
From: Mike Bobroff <Airwasp@***.COM>
Subject: About my home game pt.3
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 07:55:31 EDT
Hmm, the aftermath of the Tir Tairngire face off ...

In the aftermath of the Winternight Wars, instead of one organization with one
unified voice, there are now basically Winternight organizations with their
own agendas popping up. The largest one in Europe is controlled by lieutenant
for the former "Supreme Leader" of Winternight, while everywhere is pretty
much fragmented.

The most powerful group of Winternight groups outside of Europe is now in the
CAS. They make agreements with the Winternigh cells in Aztlan to start a
Ragnarok of their own, as they have an ace in their sleeve now. The CAS and
Aztlan cells have begun sending their people up to the moon where Ares has
been secretly constructing a moonbase there (called Moonbase Alpha in honor of
a show Damien really liked - so did I). And these two cells are going to
precipitate the Aztlan-CAS war.


First, during a routine training mission, also called a dogfight over the
border, a stray Aztlaner missile strays from the battlefield and strikes a
downward falling trans-orbital coming in for a landing in Houston.

Later, when the Aztlaner Ambassador to the CAS is recalled after it is
revealed that his daughter was onboard the airplane, he is assassinated by
some shmoe.

Too fan the fires even worse, the remaining members, formed into new
Winternight cells, begin to make life along the border between the two armies
really hectic.

It is planned for a Senator Robert Descayne and the Secretary of State for the
CAS to be killed in a plane crash by a missile shot from a Aztlan cutter while
on a secret trip to Amazonia. The group gets involved and stops the
Winternight boarding party from taking over the cutter and shooting down the

The President of the CAS, Daniel Ormraven, goes on a sort of vacation at the
CAS's version of Camp David. While there, the Winternight cells confer with
their leader, Ormraven about their plans for igniting WW3. The plan calls for
tensions to mount between the two nations, with Aztlan eventually taking the
blame for starting the war. It is decided that a CAS unit on a training
mission with a news crew will be in place to intercept a Aztlan tbird heading
for Dallas-Fort Worth with a small 1 kiloton nuke warhead on board. In
retaliation, the CAS is going to send two nukes on stealth vehicles to take
out the base(s) from which the tbird could have come from.

Within a week of the decision, the nukes are triggered.

The war goes on fiercely for the first two weeks as territory is gained and
lost. The CAS has moved their Atlanta battlegroup into the Gulf of Mexico,
though within 20 klicks of the CAS border though between Houston and New
Orleans. Aztlan has moved their only carrier group into the Atlantic to keep
a secret CAS sub from getting too close to the Aztlan border.

The Olympian Strike Group, a mercenarial company with resources comparable to
MET 2000 is hired by PCC to help protect it's borders from both nations. Four
weeks into the war, the Idaho is sent to the Caribbean and is to get there by
going through the Panama Canal. The Sovereign is also sent to the Caribbean,
but is taking the route via the Arctic Icepack. As they are both affiliated
with the Strike Group.

In a totally unrelated move, the Toltec group changes course from harassing
the CAS east coast to making a straight beeline for the Atlanta and her
battlegroup. The Atlanta turns to head for the Toltec. The secret submarine
for the CAS (the Hastings) has the choice of following after the Totlec and
letting the world now that she truly does publicly exist or to continue to sit
in the Atlantic, and possibly be pestered by the Sovereign and the Idaho (no
decision has yet to be made on the next step in this direction of the

The Toltec and the Atlanta engage as all carrier battles go, the Toltec
manages to draw the Atlanta away from the CAS coast and deeper into the Gulf
of Mexico. Why? There are a total of 10 Hull 7 transport subs with spirit
concealment just oustide of New Orleans waiting to invade and take over New
Orleans. At the same time, 20 Aztlan HSCTs have been tailing underneath an
equal number of civilian airliners that are also headed for new Orleans. And
so the invasion of New Orleans happens, effectively cutting the CAS nation in
two. Especially once the Azzies begin to take out bridges and crossways over
the Mississippi and other rivers.

And this is where the game stands at the moment with the primary background
story line.

The next post is going to describe some more of the individual pc's and some
of their antics, or even more of the background story lines.

------- The Best Mechanic you can ever have.

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about About my home game pt.3, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.