From: | "Mark C. Farrington" <alareth@*****.DWEBS.NET> |
Subject: | Allergies (Was Re: Cover Art) |
Date: | Mon, 10 Aug 1998 16:26:09 -0400 |
>I liked random allergies - I had a twink player taking severe
>allergies to silver and shit like that to get more points. To counter
>act that, I forced him to roll off the tables in SRI - when he got a
>moderate allergy, he refused to play that character, and threw his
>hands up in a mif because he couldn't twink out his attributes the
>way he wanted to. Now all of my players have to roll on that chart.
>The ones playing metahumans, that is.
I give the option of picking allergies to metahumans and human magic
users. I see giving it to the magic users as a logcial thing. They "get"
allergies by delving into the magical arts in a way they shouldn't have and
get magically messed up.
Alareth - Acolyte of the First Church of the Squooshy Ball
~~~~~ I always said I wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more
specific ~~~~~