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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: Bull bull@*******.net
Subject: Alternate game focus (Was Re: What next?)
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 18:05:21 -0400 (EDT)
At 08:43 AM 8/18/99 -0700, Kismet wrote these timeless words:
>You could try playing a different type of campaign. We
>got bored with the normal shadowrunner type campaigns
>and started trying different aspects of the SR world.
>Work for the Ucas or some other government in one of
>their special ops depts.
We once played a (unfortunately) short lived game using both this and the
dragon idea you had below, sort of.

Basically we were special ops guys (I was a "retired" Secret Service Dwarf)
that worked for the Draco Foundation, working specifically to recover Will
items and Dunkelzhans bequests.

Don't even ask about the Irish Castle...


>Play researchers for a university- you still get to
>break in and blow things up everyonce in a while, and
>you can go into different parts of the world.
>Explore the semi-legit with a private
>investigator/security firm,
Along with these ideas, and it leves room for the GM to get really
creative, but have the team be a team of Archaeologists, ala Indiana Jones :]

>Piracy or smuggling
>Be specialists in one thing- like Vampire slayers :)
Hehe... Ok, story time :]

I've got a fairly new campaign going with a couple of guys. One's a
Houngoun, the other is a Phys Ad specialized in athletics. We also
occasionally have a Gargoyle and a twit (don;t ask, he's irrelevant
though). There was also, briefly, a Vampire, my character. Who wanted to
hunt down Vampires. Kind of cliche'd ,but he's a Vampire Hunter who one of
his supposed victims decided to have fun with, and turned him.

Anyways, the campign started off with the Stake, my Vamp PC, vanishing.
There were also a rash of brutal Vamp murders (ala the first Anita Blake
novel). The PCs work for Raven, of STackpole fame, and get sent to find
Stake. They eventually find Stake, who's busy trying to kill a vampire.
The vampire hurts him badly during the fight, and Stake turns into a big
nasty thing that looks like a Growler from Vor. The thing then tries to
kill them. (I also made it a point to point out that there were NO
survivors of the previous murders). they barely escape.

They eventually find out, from talking with Raven, a powerful local
Vampire, and an astral quest to Ghede that Stake is possessed by a very
powerful spirit. Stake is dead, and the big nasty is inhabitinbg his body
now. Basically the spirit works a little like a Loa, for a Vampire.
Except that it also feeds off of vampires. And now this thing wants the
PCs dead.

They manage to kill the host body, and send the Spirit back to the
Metaplanes for about a month, then it will be back. They're not powerful
enough to stop it, and they know this thing will be hunting for them when
it gets back. So they decide (with some advice from Raven) that it's time
to leave.

They're currently in New Orleans, and will be heading down to the Carib
league to work as pirates while they look for a Houngoun powerful enough to
figure out a way to get rid of this thing for good. And hopefully, it'll
take a while for the Big Nasty to find them :]

So basically, they're still being runners, just on boats (Pirates), which
should be fun since they have like NO experience of being on a boat, ever
:] They're complately lost :] But, they also have a goal to reach, and
they need to do it befoire the Big Nasty finds them, because as one of them
pointed out last night, this time, they won;t know WHO it is until it's too
late :]

>Wandering Hero's- This was our most recent
>campaign-Give the PC a vision of something horrible,
>They must try to stop it from occuring. Where do they
>get the visions etc.. is up to you.
This links a little with the above as well :]

Bull -- The Best Ork Decker You Never Met
bull@*******.net ===== bull22@***********.com
ICQ: 35931890
====================================================== =
= Order is Illusion! Chaos is Bliss! Got any Fours? = =
"Animals have 2 jobs: To taste good and to fit well."
-- Greg Proops, "Vs."

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Alternate game focus (Was Re: What next?), you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.