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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: Max Rible <slothman@*****.COM>
Subject: Anti-Bug weaponry
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 14:11:52 -0800
I was recently contemplating the problem of how one might go about retaking
Chicago from the Bugs, and had an idea I haven't seen around before:
water cannons firing liquid with a high enough bacterial content to be
present on the Astral, as a way of taking out True Form spirits. (Pinning
them down would also require some work, but you could use the same liquid
in an aerosol: in order not to be forced down to the ground by the falling
aerosol, the Bugs would have to materialize, which would make them as
vulnerable to physical weapons as True Forms get.) If you could find a
combination of insecticides and bacteria that can survive them, it could be
even more lethal.

Anyone see holes in this? Similar measures could be nasty against
runners. (Let's not reopen the whole FAB can of worms, if possible...)

%% Max Rible %% slothman@*****.com %% %%
%% "So, an Arisian, a Vorlon, and a knnn go into a tavern..." %%
Message no. 2
From: "MARTIN E. GOTTHARD" <s457033@*******.GU.EDU.AU>
Subject: Re: Anti-Bug weaponry
Date: Fri, 4 Apr 1997 14:53:56 +1000
> Subject: Anti-Bug weaponry
> I was recently contemplating the problem of how one might go about retaking
> Chicago from the Bugs, and had an idea I haven't seen around before:
> water cannons firing liquid with a high enough bacterial content to be
> present on the Astral, as a way of taking out True Form spirits. (Pinning
> them down would also require some work, but you could use the same liquid
> in an aerosol: in order not to be forced down to the ground by the falling
> aerosol, the Bugs would have to materialize, which would make them as
> vulnerable to physical weapons as True Forms get.) If you could find a
> combination of insecticides and bacteria that can survive them, it could be
> even more lethal.

Well, on a personal level you could introduce the idea of orichalcum
bullets.... I posted it to the list last year sometime and had to weather
quite a shit-storm. You may remeber it if you were subscribed.

That kind of thing is too expensive to use on a large scale, though.

I've got the rules on my computer, and they should be on the net within
the week if you're interested.

> Anyone see holes in this? Similar measures could be nasty against
> runners.

Well, I think anything that can off a bug easily is going to have some
potential for harming the runners under some circumstances.

Message no. 3
From: Shawn Baumgartner <deosyne@*******.COM>
Subject: Re: Anti-Bug weaponry
Date: Fri, 4 Apr 1997 21:38:16 PST
>Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 14:11:52 -0800
>From: Max Rible <slothman@*****.COM>

>I was recently contemplating the problem of how one
might go about retaking
>Chicago from the Bugs, and had an idea I haven't
seen around before:
>water cannons firing liquid with a high enough
bacterial content to be
>present on the Astral, as a way of taking out True
Form spirits. (Pinning
>them down would also require some work, but you
could use the same liquid
>in an aerosol: in order not to be forced down to
the ground by the falling
>aerosol, the Bugs would have to materialize, which
would make them as
>vulnerable to physical weapons as True Forms get.)
If you could find a
>combination of insecticides and bacteria that can
survive them, it could be
>even more lethal.
>Anyone see holes in this? Similar measures could be
nasty against
>runners. (Let's not reopen the whole FAB can of
worms, if possible...)

The only problem is that they are spirits, so if you
pop 'em with a Squirt with this concoction (sic),
it'll just push them around the stream. As for the
aerosol bath, that'd work if you support the method
by which FAB works (I reiterate the above comment: If
you don't like the FAB rules, DON'T USE 'EM!)
Speaking of which, the FAB netgun would work pretty
good against them, too. Of course this is all moot
when they are in physical form. Insecticide works,
but you need large quantities. I suppose if the UCAS
really gets tired of having that large a chunk of
real estate cut off, they'll just saturate the entire
Zone with the most lethal insecticides they can
develop, metahuman population be damned.

I love runnin' the Zone! :)

Out of the gutter and into your mailer!

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Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Anti-Bug weaponry, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.