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Message no. 1
From: One Ronin <ronin@*******.COM>
Subject: APDS....Ronin's Combat Corner....Part 3
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 10:58:03 PST
Hello once again, boys and girls. It seems like my Combat Corner is
getting a lot of attention (positive & negative). That's good. Believe
it or not, I like it when people point out that I am wrong about keeps me from making an ass out of myself more than
once. Anyway, on to the subject of the day......

PCs love them, GMs hate them, and the badguys always seem to be able to
get them a lot easier than the PCs. You know what I'm talking
about.....APDS rounds.

Well....we all know about how good this type of ammo is at punching
through armor and walls, but has anyone thought of what drawbacks it
has? For starters, many rounds tend to warp somewhat upon entering the
human body. They also tend to deflect off of bone and move through the
body in a different direction. Also, the size of the round is a pretty
good indication of the wound channel it will create.

APDS rounds consist of projectiles that are smaller than the standard
round (that's the reason for the DS [discarding sabot] in APDS). They
also tend to be manufactured from materials much more resiliant than
lead. So here you have a projectile that is much smaller than normal,
but with the same amount of force behind it (same amount of chemical
propellant for caseless rounds). Plus, the round is made from a tough
material that doesn't deform like lead. No, I'm certainly no physics
guru, but I'm pretty sure that if you apply an equal amount of force to
two objects, the one will less mass will have a higher velocity.

Anyway, if that is the case, one can conclude that APDS rounds leave
smaller wound channels and tend to go clean through the target as
opposed to bouncing around inside of it (a la JFK). If this is true,
then APDS rounds should actually do less damage than normal rounds.

Now, I think dropping an assault rifle from 8M to 8L is just plain
wrong. However, lessening the damage by one block or so tends to work
really well in my game. This way, there is a considerable drawback to
using APDS.

Keep in mind that these suggestions are based mostly on the existing
game rules. IMNSHO, giving an assault rifle one point of power less
than a heavy pistol is insanely wrong. If you don't believe me, compare
ballistics tests of 5.56mm to .45 cal. Wound channel size is much
larger with the .45, and so is hydrostatic shock. But, penetration is
far better with 5.56mm. Anyway, I digress.

All in all, I say that APDS rounds should do a little less damage than
normal rounds of the same caliber. At the very least, this rule assists
game balance.

Oh, BTW.....if you follow the logic above on APDS rounds....firing them
through a weapon equipped with a silencer practically nullifies the
armor piercing quality of the round. Just my opinon.


-"Who dares, wins."

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Message no. 2
From: Hatchetman <hatchet@*********.BC.CA>
Subject: Re: APDS....Ronin's Combat Corner....Part 3
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 12:08:20 -0800
> All in all, I say that APDS rounds should do a little less damage than
> normal rounds of the same caliber. At the very least, this rule assists
> game balance.
> Oh, BTW.....if you follow the logic above on APDS rounds....firing them
> through a weapon equipped with a silencer practically nullifies the
> armor piercing quality of the round. Just my opinon.

Also depends on the exact type of outer shell it has. In SR, I think it's a
plastic one that sheds as soon as it leaves the barrel, I have one round of
8mm Mauser that's a unjacketed lead slug with a tungsten sabot. The sabot
isn't free until the slug hits something it can't penetrate with it's brute
force alone, then the sabot pierces through and keeps going. Neat in
theory, I've never seen it do it of course. I've only got the one really
old round, and I rather like it in my collection of odd shells I have
kicking around.

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about APDS....Ronin's Combat Corner....Part 3, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.