From: | Steve Kenson <TalonMail@***.COM> |
Subject: | A short rant from Steve |
Date: | Tue, 2 Dec 1997 15:54:26 -0500 |
<rant mode: on>
It has come to my attention that some of the things I have posted on this
list (notably, my version of the Magical Edges from Shadowrun Companion) have
become the subject of, shall we say, heated debate between some listmembers
and people at FASA, namely Mike Mulvihill. I'd very much like to clear up a
few things about my position on such things.
First of all, I am not an employee of FASA Corporation. I am a freelance
writer who happens to do a lot of work for FASA Corporation. My answers do
not carry ANY "official" weight (whatever the hell that is) other than what
they are accorded by people who get them. My opinions on this list are just
that, my opinion, just like any other listmember.
Secondly, Mike Mulvihill is the Shadowrun Developer. He's the guy who makes
the calls and his rulings ARE the official cannon of the game. However, Mike
(understandably) doesn't like to make official rulings online that may be
contradicted down the line by a later book. He has told me he doesn't
consider anything "official" until it sees print in an actual Shadowrun book.
He much prefers to leave rules-interpretation up to individual gamemasters
and players and put "official" rulings in print rather than tossing them off
Mike and I don't agree on everything (who does?). However, when it comes to
Shadowrun, Mike is "the Man." If he chooses to rewrite a particular rule to
suit what he feels works best for the game, I have no argument with him.
Please do not take anything I post here and wave it in Mike's face to say
"see, Steve thinks you're wrong, too!" Mike already knows my opinions on
things. Please do not presume to speak for me based on what I say here on the
I enjoy being on the list, and posting replies to people when I can, but
things like this make me wary about answering questions at all. I don't want
to regret offering my opinions and suggestions to people, so I must ask
everyone to please keep in mind that what I offer is not the "official"
answer. If what Mike (or any employee of FASA) has to say on the matter
disagrees with what I said, then I'm wrong and they're right.
That doesn't mean you can't use my suggestion, it just means, in the official
cannon of the game, it's not how it's done. I use tons of unofficial rules in
my Shadowrun games, stuff that I can tell you will NEVER become official. I'm
sure most of you do, too.
In short, if you have a question, I'll do my best to answer it, if I have
time, just like any other listmember. If you have a bone to pick with FASA,
leave me out of it.
On a related topic, I'd just like to say that I think Mike does a kick-ass
job as Shadowrun Developer. The game hasn't been as vital and cool in years,
immortal silliness and Horrors are on the decline, and some cool stuff is
being done with long-neglected aspects of the Sixth World.
I know Mike isn't necessarily answering rules-questions to everyone's
satisfaction, but c'mon, give the guy a break. He's in charge of putting out
eight game books a year, working on a third edition of the game, planning
product for the following year, doing contracts, working with distributors
(foreign and domestic), approving card-game and novel stuff, keeping in touch
with pushy authors like me <grin> AND handling conventions and online stuff
about the game. That's a lot of work. I'm just a writer. I can afford to take
time to answer some questions at my leisure, but I don't get a tenth of the
email that Mike does. If you must judge Mike's work, judge it based on the
products FASA puts out, not by how he handles his email.
<rant mode: off>
We now return you to your regularly scheduled SHADOWRN list.
Take care,
Steve Kenson