From: | Adi Marcus <s1685736@********.TECHNION.AC.IL> |
Subject: | astral sight |
Date: | Fri, 14 Oct 1994 11:08:05 +0200 |
> >>>>> "Terry" == Terry Amburgey <XANTH@****.UKY.EDU>
> Terry> My street sammie is in deep drek. Major cosmetic surgery is in the
> Terry> works but it seems to me that altering his aura would be prudent if
> Terry> I can figure out a way to do it.
> I believe that the vanilla SR line is that the astral body looks
> the same as the physical body. I assume they mean the body before
> cosmetic surgery.
> This makes no sense to me:
> 1) A mage's astral form matches their self-image.
> 2) The astral must be bigger than the physical or it couldn't be
> assensed - physical objects block astral sight. So the vanilla
> rules imply a swollen image at the very least.
> 3) You can read emotions etc. in the astral form. If it was the
> same as the physical, you could look at that instead.
> I think it makes much more sense to say that the astral form doesn't look
> like the physical object.
actualy I like the way the astral preception is described in the short
story "turtle in the tower".
the physical body looks "normal" (if he looks that way in the physical
world....) but surrounded by a haze of colors each one with it's own
meaning like grey for essense loss , green for fear , yellow for
intelligence etc.
this form of representation makes it possible for a mage to still
function reasonably well in the real world while astral precepting...
(besides the inabilty to read , which i don't understand it's source.)
cerbarus-the phantasmal hound of the wardog company
adi marcus E-mail: s1685736@********