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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: The Jestyr <s421539@*******>
Subject: Back to the Female Gaming topic (was Re: Misery)
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 07:50:57 +1000 (EST)
> > Seriously, though, I think your player should know that this is most
> > definitely a minority view. The response to my computer fixation, my RPG
> > fixation, and the combination of the two culminating with my presence
> > here on this list has resulted in only positive feedback about female
> > gamers, and a general bemoaning the lack of more of them.
> But you have to admit you're more or less a rarity. I don't know (of)
> many women using computers and/or playing RPGs, though that may be
> because I don't know many women at all. Female members are few and far
> between on this list (three or so who post regularly now?), although the
> number goes up and down a bit.

Yep, I'm a rarity and I freely admit it. Hey, would you want more around
like me?

One factor that many guys may not take into consideration when they say
they want more female gamers: your games WILL change, drastically. Think
of all those in-game jokes and comments that you WOULDN'T say in front of
a female - or is our group just different? I hardly count on that front,
since I've been perenially "one of the guys" and I don't tend to beat the
guys over the head with my femaleness, particularly not when we're gaming.

> > > And I only have one problem with the list myself - it's too busy! I'm so
> > busy trolling through SR posts that I never get to answer personal email!
> > (Sorry Gurth... it IS on the way...)
> I was starting to wonder... :)

*grovel* Another 109 messages this morning (you're just gonna have to
wait, Gurth!) - why is everyone so CHATTY? :)

Lady Jestyr

A titanic intellect... in a world full of icebergs
Elle Holmes s421539@*****
Message no. 2
From: chaos@*****.com (Steven Ratkovich)
Subject: Re: Back to the Female Gaming topic (was Re: Misery)
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 18:54:31 -0500 (EST)
>Yep, I'm a rarity and I freely admit it. Hey, would you want more around
>like me?
Yes, cause that's the type of girl I want to marry...:)

>One factor that many guys may not take into consideration when they say
>they want more female gamers: your games WILL change, drastically. Think
>of all those in-game jokes and comments that you WOULDN'T say in front of
>a female - or is our group just different? I hardly count on that front,
>since I've been perenially "one of the guys" and I don't tend to beat the
>guys over the head with my femaleness, particularly not when we're gaming.
Actually, my (sort of) GF plays with us semi regularly, and she's just as
bad, if not worse with the crude comments... Ya gotta love her for that...:)

>*grovel* Another 109 messages this morning (you're just gonna have to
>wait, Gurth!) - why is everyone so CHATTY? :)
Actually, I've cut down the number of posts I make drastically... But it
doesn't seem to help... I think we have a lot of newer members and people
who have come back on after lurking or being off the list for a while...:)

>Lady Jestyr

-Bull, aka Chaos, aka Rak, aka Steven Ratkovich
Order is Illusion! Chaos is Bliss! Got any fours?
"If anyone asks if you're a god...
You say YES!"
-Dr. Peter Venkman, Ghostbusters
Message no. 3
From: Pete Sims <petesims@********>
Subject: Re: Back to the Female Gaming topic (was Re: Misery)
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 00:04:14 +0100
In article <Pine.SOL.3.91.961009074759.10603A-100000@*****>, The Jestyr <s421539@*******> writes

>> But you have to admit you're more or less a rarity. I don't know (of)
>> many women using computers and/or playing RPGs, though that may be
>> because I don't know many women at all. Female members are few and far
>> between on this list (three or so who post regularly now?), although the
>> number goes up and down a bit.
>Yep, I'm a rarity and I freely admit it. Hey, would you want more around
>like me?
At the risk of getting a slap for butting in here, from a personal point
of view, the answer to that would be a resounding YES. Women offer a
different view of things, and with a fertile imagination that operates
differently to the standard male, it would be rather refreshing. :)

>One factor that many guys may not take into consideration when they say
>they want more female gamers: your games WILL change, drastically. Think
>of all those in-game jokes and comments that you WOULDN'T say in front of
>a female - or is our group just different? I hardly count on that front,
>since I've been perenially "one of the guys" and I don't tend to beat the
>guys over the head with my femaleness, particularly not when we're gaming.

Yeah, as if this matters, of course the game would change, but is that
*really* a bad thing? I think not. :)


Pete Sims
Heroes or Fools? That's a determination others will make in hindsight. But by
being here now, we make that determination for ourselves, and it's neither.
Message no. 4
From: Peter Leitch <pleitch_hpcs@*******>
Subject: Re: Back to the Female Gaming topic (was Re: Misery)
Date: Wed, 09 Oct 1996 19:24:45 +1000
At 18:54 8/10/96 -0500, Steven Ratkovich wrote:
>>Yep, I'm a rarity and I freely admit it. Hey, would you want more around
>>like me?
>Yes, cause that's the type of girl I want to marry...:)

Hey, Yank!! Hands off our girls! :-) Your fathers did a good job
of stealing our women back in the War (that is, WWII)

(...don't mention the War).

As to females playing, we have only one girl in our group, and
no-one could EVER mistake her for anything but a girl. She
has these hu...I mean, she's...well, she has this shape, OK, that
guys just can't miss. But we don't tone the language or the
comments down. OK, so we go easy on some of the more
risque jokes, but that's all. And she has some pretty interesting
and quirky characters. So she is fun to game with, as well as
pleasing to the eye.

OK, OK so flame me! But I LIKE looking at pretty girls!


Peter Leitch
Canberra, Australia
Message no. 5
From: "Gurth" <gurth@******.nl>
Subject: Re: Back to the Female Gaming topic (was Re: Misery)
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 13:09:29 +0100
The Jestyr said on 7:50/ 9 Oct 96...

> Yep, I'm a rarity and I freely admit it. Hey, would you want more around
> like me?


> One factor that many guys may not take into consideration when they say
> they want more female gamers: your games WILL change, drastically. Think
> of all those in-game jokes and comments that you WOULDN'T say in front of
> a female - or is our group just different? I hardly count on that front,
> since I've been perenially "one of the guys" and I don't tend to beat the
> guys over the head with my femaleness, particularly not when we're gaming.

That might be the whole solution, if you ask me -- no special
considerations for anyone (maybe that also explains why I am seriously
lacking players...)

Gurth@******.nl -
Learn their rules, play their game, deceive yourself in haste.
-> NERPS Project Leader & Unofficial Shadowrun Guru <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-

Version 3.1:
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Message no. 6
From: Shad Owens <shadow@******>
Subject: Re: Back to the Female Gaming topic (was Re: Misery)
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 11:47:39 -0700 (PDT)
On Wed, 9 Oct 1996, The Jestyr wrote:

> One factor that many guys may not take into consideration when they say
> they want more female gamers: your games WILL change, drastically. Think
> of all those in-game jokes and comments that you WOULDN'T say in front of
> a female - or is our group just different? I hardly count on that front,
> since I've been perenially "one of the guys" and I don't tend to beat the
> guys over the head with my femaleness, particularly not when we're gaming.

When I joined my current group, I was the first female any of
them had ever played with -- and although they were a little hesitant (for
the first five minutes or so), it didn't stop them from making all those
in-game jokes and comments -- or having fun, just like always. And while
we're all great friends, they definately DON'T see me as "one of the guys."

Message no. 7
From: Marty <s457033@*******>
Subject: Re: Back to the Female Gaming topic (was Re: Misery)
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 1996 07:34:55 +1000 (EST)
> As to females playing, we have only one girl in our group, and
> no-one could EVER mistake her for anything but a girl. She
> has these hu...I mean, she's...well, she has this shape, OK, that
> guys just can't miss. But we don't tone the language or the
> comments down. OK, so we go easy on some of the more
> risque jokes, but that's all. And she has some pretty interesting
> and quirky characters. So she is fun to game with, as well as
> pleasing to the eye.
We've got a girl in our group too..... She might feel a bit better
knowing that there ARE other girls out there who play role playing
games..... You should probably get her on the list or something.

(Can I hear the chant for more gender equity in SR from the male
characters in the audience)

> OK, OK so flame me! But I LIKE looking at pretty girls!
Oh you despicable male creature, you. I am ashamed to be of the same
gender sub-division as you.


Message no. 8
From: Jamie Houston <s430472@*******>
Subject: Re: Back to the Female Gaming topic (was Re: Misery)
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 1996 11:44:20 +1000 (EST)
On Wed, 9 Oct 1996, The Jestyr wrote:

> > > Seriously, though, I think your player should know that this is most
> > > definitely a minority view. The response to my computer fixation, my RPG
> > > fixation, and the combination of the two culminating with my presence
> > > here on this list has resulted in only positive feedback about female
> > > gamers, and a general bemoaning the lack of more of them.
> >
> > But you have to admit you're more or less a rarity. I don't know (of)
> > many women using computers and/or playing RPGs, though that may be
> > because I don't know many women at all. Female members are few and far
> > between on this list (three or so who post regularly now?), although the
> > number goes up and down a bit.
> Yep, I'm a rarity and I freely admit it. Hey, would you want more around
> like me?

Umm...I plead the fifth! *grin*
> One factor that many guys may not take into consideration when they say
> they want more female gamers: your games WILL change, drastically. Think
> of all those in-game jokes and comments that you WOULDN'T say in front of
> a female - or is our group just different? I hardly count on that front,
> since I've been perenially "one of the guys" and I don't tend to beat the
> guys over the head with my femaleness, particularly not when we're gaming.
I really don't know what it would be like gaming without Jestyr. Nearly
all of the RPG's I've played have involved her somehow. So I don't know
how different a game would be with all guys. I think that having at the
very least one female member is great for gameplay and roleplaying. It's
good to have a female point of view on things at times, and of course we
need someone to curb the testosterone-driven outbursts *grin*. Although
usually Jestyr doesn't mind us being...well, male I guess, and puts up
with our more dirty comments and returns fire with even worse ones!

So, the moral to the story is...IMHO females are good for gaming...and
other things too, but I like life too much to continue on *grin*

Just my 2 cents again...:)

Hamish the scoring brownie points with Jestyr Scot :)

Jamie Houston * "If a kid asks why it's raining,
aka Bollox, Hamish,(and * a cute thing to tell him is "God is
lots of other unmentionable * crying"...And if he asks why God is
pseudonyms) * crying, another cute thing to tell
s430472@***** * him is "It's probably something
Griffith Uni * you did!"

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Back to the Female Gaming topic (was Re: Misery), you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.