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Message no. 1
From: William Gallas <wgallas@*****.FR>
Subject: Re: Barriers, Vehicles, Structures,
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 17:58:54 +0100
>After being inspired by Bull I've been working on the following house
>rule for awhile. I think its finally done. I'd appreciate any feedback.

So, be happy. :)

>Barriers, Vehicles, Structures, Hardened Armor and Heavy Weapons:
> Shadowrun's rules for attacking vehicles and barriers are
>confusing, to say the least. Also it is way to easy for "brick"
>characters to resist damage from heavy weapons. The following rules
>are an attempt to fix that, while maintaining playability and game balance.

The word is thrown... :)

> There are two categories of attacks, Standard Attacks and Heavy
>Weapon Attacks. Hand-to-hand, melee, projectile, and firearm attacks
>are considered Standard Attacks. Heavy weapon, rocket, missile and
>explosive attacks (but not grenades) are considered Heavy Weapon Attacks.

LMG and MMg are not so differents, but...

> There are two types of targets, Standard Targets and Hard
>Targets. People and critters are Standard Targets. Barriers,
>structures, vehicles and critters with the power Hardened Defense are
>Hard Targets.

As do people with hardened armor (as a cyber zomby).

> There are two types of armor, Standard Armor and Hardened Armor.
>Typical body armor is Standard Armor. Vehicle armor, re-enforced
>structures and barriers, military body armor, and critters with the
>power Hardened Armor, are Hardened Armors.

Well... A wall of paper is a barrier...
Perhaps you should only consider hardened armor, the barriers with a rating
higher than 6 (as an exemple, I don't remember the values).

>Putting It All Together:
> When a Standard Target, with or without Standard Armor, is
>attacked by a Standard Attack, use the rules as is.
> Heavy Weapon Attacks reduce the number of damage resistance dice
>of Standard Targets by half.
> Heavy Weapon Attacks reduce the effectiveness of Standard Armor by half.


> Hard Targets reduce the damage from Standard Attacks by half.
> Hardened Armor reduces the Power of Standard Attacks by half and
>negates beneficial special effects of Standard Attacks. If the base
>Power of a Standard Attack is lower than the Hardened Armor's rating,
>the attack has no effect.

These two are act in the same way. Perhaps you could use this :
Hard Targets use twice their number of resistance dices.
Hardened armor remains the same with the reduction of damage level by one
(M to L,...). Perhaps APDS could prevent the power to be halved but still
get the damage level reduction.

> All of the above adjustments are made before other modifiers
>(such as ammo effects) and before damage is resisted. Round all
>fractions down.

I would use ammo effects before adjustments.

> Magaga drives by in an armored personnel carrier (Hard Target).
>Sam shoots the APC with a 9D pistol (Standard Weapon), loaded with

9D pistol !!! A standard weapon !!!

>armor-piercing ammo. The power and damage of the pistol are reduced
>by half (from 9D to 4M). The armor-piercing effect of Sam's ammo has
>no affect against the tank. The APC's armor (Hardened) of 8 is
>subtracted from the power of the attack, reducing it to 0.

You didn't mention damage level reduction, so it would 4D and still no damage.
With my propositions :
Power isn't reduced by half ('cause APDS) : 9
Damage level : S (if it is D, I think it should be M reduced to L)
Power > Armor : APC resists with twice (Body + Armor/2) with a TN of 2.

> Sam fires an anti-vehicle rocket (Heavy Weapon) at Fred (Standard
>Target) and hits. Fred has a Body of 5 and is wearing Standard Armor
>with an impact rating of 3. When resisting damage Fred only gets to
>apply half his body (2) and half his armor (1). The effectiveness of
>Fred's armor is cut in half again because the attack is armor
>piercing (I consider anti-vehicle rockets to be armor-piercing),
>reducing his armor to 0 for the damage resistance test.

Why use impact ?
Fred is hit by an assault canon shell (more usual, poor Fred :)
He has Body 5 but because he becomes a bit upset, he now wears a heavy
armor with ballistic 10 (well, very heavy armor indeed :)
Assault canon does 18D
Fred must resist with 2 dices (Body/2) against a TN of 13 (18-10/2).
If a canon assault could fire APDS (hopefully it can't :), armor would have
been reduced txo times. First because of APDS ammo and second because the
weapon is heavy.

Hope it helps.


E-mail adress : wgallas@*****.fr
Quote : "Never trust an elf"
Message no. 2
From: "Boyd Stephen Smith, Jr." <gilmeth@*********.COM>
Subject: Re: Barriers, Vehicles, Structures,
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 11:14:15 -0600
From: William Gallas <wgallas@*****.FR>

>> All of the above adjustments are made before other modifiers
>>(such as ammo effects) and before damage is resisted. Round all
>>fractions down.
>I would use ammo effects before adjustments.

Ditto, it makes sense. Just don't use benefits for multiple rounds (BF/FA).
Message no. 3
From: David Buehrer <dbuehrer@******.CARL.ORG>
Subject: Re: Barriers, Vehicles, Structures,
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 10:20:53 -0700
William Gallas wrote:
/ David Buehrer wrote:
/ >Barriers, Vehicles, Structures, Hardened Armor and Heavy Weapons:
/ > Shadowrun's rules for attacking vehicles and barriers are
/ >confusing, to say the least. Also it is way to easy for "brick"
/ >characters to resist damage from heavy weapons. The following rules
/ >are an attempt to fix that, while maintaining playability and game balance.
/ The word is thrown... :)

.. you lost me.

/ >Attacks:
/ > There are two categories of attacks, Standard Attacks and Heavy
/ >Weapon Attacks. Hand-to-hand, melee, projectile, and firearm attacks
/ >are considered Standard Attacks. Heavy weapon, rocket, missile and
/ >explosive attacks (but not grenades) are considered Heavy Weapon Attacks.
/ LMG and MMg are not so differents, but...

Yeah. But since Shadowrun classifies LMGs as firearms... <shrug>. As with
any rules it's open to adjustment for individual tastes :)

/ >Targets:
/ > There are two types of targets, Standard Targets and Hard
/ >Targets. People and critters are Standard Targets. Barriers,
/ >structures, vehicles and critters with the power Hardened Defense are
/ >Hard Targets.
/ As do people with hardened armor (as a cyber zomby).

I wouldn't classify cybered people as Hard Targets. Vehicles, structures,
and barriers are Hard Targets because it takes a lot of damage to do
anything effective. Wereas the cyberbzombie has critical systems that are
easier (somewhat :) to damage.

/ >Armor:
/ > There are two types of armor, Standard Armor and Hardened Armor.
/ >Typical body armor is Standard Armor. Vehicle armor, re-enforced
/ >structures and barriers, military body armor, and critters with the
/ >power Hardened Armor, are Hardened Armors.
/ Well... A wall of paper is a barrier...
/ Perhaps you should only consider hardened armor, the barriers with a rating
/ higher than 6 (as an exemple, I don't remember the values).

*Re-enforced* barriers have Hardened Armor. Your typical
barrier/structure is unarmored and I consider them to be Hard

BTW, I wouldn't allow a paper wall to be re-enforced in my game :)

/ > Hard Targets reduce the damage from Standard Attacks by half.
/ > Hardened Armor reduces the Power of Standard Attacks by half and
/ >negates beneficial special effects of Standard Attacks. If the base
/ >Power of a Standard Attack is lower than the Hardened Armor's rating,
/ >the attack has no effect.
/ These two are act in the same way.

Not really, IMHO. Hard targets are hard to "kill". You can punch a
house full of holes without doing any real damage to it, for

Whereas it takes very powerful attacks to punch holes through
hardened armor. A military bunker, for example, would be a hard
target with hardened armor, by my standards. Not only do you have to
use a weapon that will penetrate, but it has to have some umph! to do
any real damage.

/ Perhaps you could use this :
/ Hard Targets use twice their number of resistance dices.

The main reason I use the "reduce by half" rule is to cut down on the
ammount of dice.

/ > All of the above adjustments are made before other modifiers
/ >(such as ammo effects) and before damage is resisted. Round all
/ >fractions down.
/ I would use ammo effects before adjustments.

From what I understand an armor piercing round fired from a firearm
works much differently than an armor piercing round fired from a
heavy weapon. A firearm AP round is either steel, or steel tipped
(or some variation of the theme). Heavy weapon AP rounds consisty of
saboted tungsten, depleted uranium, and shaped explosives.

A firearm AP round isn't effective against hardened armors. They're
designed to penetrate "soft" armor.

/ > Magaga drives by in an armored personnel carrier (Hard Target).
/ >Sam shoots the APC with a 9D pistol (Standard Weapon), loaded with
/ 9D pistol !!! A standard weapon !!!

Sorry, I meant to write Standard Attack. And that should be 9S.
Thanks :)

/ >armor-piercing ammo. The power and damage of the pistol are reduced
/ >by half (from 9D to 4M). The armor-piercing effect of Sam's ammo has
/ >no affect against the tank. The APC's armor (Hardened) of 8 is
/ >subtracted from the power of the attack, reducing it to 0.
/ You didn't mention damage level reduction, so it would 4D and still no damage.

...power and damage... But it isn't very clear so I could see how you
missed it. I'll re-write and seperate them. Again, thanks.

/ Power isn't reduced by half ('cause APDS) : 9

I'm gonna have to check out all the rules on the different ammo types.

/ >Target) and hits. Fred has a Body of 5 and is wearing Standard Armor
/ >with an impact rating of 3. When resisting damage Fred only gets to
/ Why use impact ?

Whoops again. Thanks again :)

/ Hope it helps.

Indeed it did! Thanks Cobra.

"Fortune favors the brave." - Terence
Message no. 4
From: Gurth <gurth@******.NL>
Subject: Re: Barriers, Vehicles, Structures,
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 21:44:03 +0100
David Buehrer said on 10:20/22 Jan 98...

> / As do people with hardened armor (as a cyber zomby).
> I wouldn't classify cybered people as Hard Targets.

What he means is that cyberlims and -torsos can be armored with hardened
armor (similar to the military armors from FoF), which would need to be
fitted into your system.

> From what I understand an armor piercing round fired from a firearm
> works much differently than an armor piercing round fired from a
> heavy weapon. A firearm AP round is either steel, or steel tipped
> (or some variation of the theme). Heavy weapon AP rounds consisty of
> saboted tungsten, depleted uranium

Those are actually pretty similar: both firearm AP rounds and heavy weapon
"saboted tungsten" rounds work by giving a hard projectile a high velocity
and allowing it to punch through the armor by using its mass and velocity.
As far as that's concerned, there's no difference -- that one performs
better than the other is because heavy weapon AP rounds have more mass and
a higher velocity, resulting in higher armor penetration.

> and shaped explosives.

That is a different kettle of fish entirely. Shaped charges also use mass
and velocity to penetrate armor, but in a completely different way. If
you want to make a distinction between weapons, I'd say make it here.

> I'm gonna have to check out all the rules on the different ammo types.

Take a look the barriers article Damion and I wrote; it's in the SR
Archive somewhere, and it lists all the different ammo types in SR and a
variety of net.sourcebooks, with their effects against barriers.

Gurth@******.nl - - UIN5044116
"Do we LOOK like secret agents?!"
-> NERPS Project Leader & Unofficial Shadowrun Guru <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-
-> The New Character Mortuary: <-

Version 3.1:
GAT/! d-(dpu) s:- !a>? C+(++)@ U P L E? W(++) N o? K- w+ O V? PS+ PE
Y PGP- t(+) 5++ X++ R+++>$ tv+(++) b++@ DI? D+ G(++) e h! !r(---) y?
Message no. 5
From: David Buehrer <dbuehrer@******.CARL.ORG>
Subject: Re: Barriers, Vehicles, Structures,
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 11:34:19 -0700
Gurth wrote:
/ David Buehrer said on 10:20/22 Jan 98...
/ > / As do people with hardened armor (as a cyber zomby).
/ >
/ > I wouldn't classify cybered people as Hard Targets.
/ What he means is that cyberlims and -torsos can be armored with hardened
/ armor (similar to the military armors from FoF), which would need to be
/ fitted into your system.

They already fit in. The cyberzombie described would be a Standard
Target with Hardened Armor. It looks like I'm gonna have to do some more
re-writing :-/ and replace "people wearing military armor" with "people
wearing hardened armor".

/ > From what I understand an armor piercing round fired from a firearm
/ > works much differently than an armor piercing round fired from a
/ > heavy weapon. A firearm AP round is either steel, or steel tipped
/ > (or some variation of the theme). Heavy weapon AP rounds consisty of
/ > saboted tungsten, depleted uranium
/ Those are actually pretty similar: both firearm AP rounds and heavy weapon
/ "saboted tungsten" rounds work by giving a hard projectile a high velocity
/ and allowing it to punch through the armor by using its mass and velocity.
/ As far as that's concerned, there's no difference -- that one performs
/ better than the other is because heavy weapon AP rounds have more mass and
/ a higher velocity, resulting in higher armor penetration.

But if you reduce it to simple game terms, one doesn't stand a chance
of penetrating vehicle armor and one does. Trying to juggle the base
power ratings doesn't work. Adjusting the power ratings after the fact,
however, might.

/ > and shaped explosives.
/ That is a different kettle of fish entirely. Shaped charges also use mass
/ and velocity to penetrate armor, but in a completely different way. If
/ you want to make a distinction between weapons, I'd say make it here.

The problem (IMHO) is that heavy rounds (PAC) should chew through
standard armor. Even a character in heavy security armor should be
pasted by a PAC round. But it doesn't work that way.

And if I create several different classifications it gets messy and

/ > I'm gonna have to check out all the rules on the different ammo types.
/ Take a look the barriers article Damion and I wrote; it's in the SR
/ Archive somewhere, and it lists all the different ammo types in SR and a
/ variety of net.sourcebooks, with their effects against barriers.

Will do :)

"Fortune favors the brave." - Terence
Message no. 6
From: JonSzeto <JonSzeto@***.COM>
Subject: Re: Barriers, Vehicles, Structures,
Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 01:42:43 EST
<much bandwidth snipped>

FWIW, here's my $.02 on barriers, damage, and armor:


* Character scale is the baseline scale used for measuring all other scales.

* Vehicle scale is 1 scale higher than character damage. Whether something
belongs at the vehicle stage or character stage depends on a number of
factors, but mostly on mass and size. (So yes, IMHO, some animals could take
damage as vehicles do.)

* Ship damage (from Cyberpirates) is the next scale after vehicle damage. And
frankly, ships are so big that there's no way to convert from ship to
character/vehicle. The latter is just pinpricks to ships, and the former wipes
out characters/vehicles.
Again, ship scale is based largely on size and mass, so some paracritters
(megalodons, for example) could also take damage as ships.


* Character armor, again, is the baseline. Exists on character scale only.
Comes in 2 flavors, ballistic and impact.

* Hardened armor exists on the character and vehicle scale. Some have 2
ratings (milspec armor), some have 1 (which is really shorthand for saying
Ballistic = Impact). If the unmodified Power doesn't exceed the Armor Rating,
then the attack pings off harmlessly. THAT'S ALL. (see SIZE for the bit about
reducing the Damage Level for vehicles and such.) Hardened armor functions at
both the character and vehicle scale. Hardened armor is NOT the same as
Barrier Rating. Rather, the Barrier Rating is a subset of hardened armor.

* Ship armor (or Bulwark) is the next step. Pretty much stops anything except
antiship weapons.


* Character damage: HMGs and less, standard and AP explosives, damaging

* Vehicle damage: Autocannons, AV missiles/rockets. Smaller (character scale)
weapons have their Damage Level reduced by 1 step (Light weapons do no damage
at all). Vehicle-scale weapons halve Armor Ratings (character and hardened)
and ignore the -1 Damage Level scaling for vehicles.

* Military armor from FoF, IMHO, is character-scale hardened armor. So small
stuff (Power<Armor) pings off it. However, it does NOT scale down damage.

* Ship damage: Antiship missiles, torpedoes, a few other things. Has an "N" at
the end of the damage code. Works normally for ships. Automatically blows away
anything smaller.


* Barrier Ratings are something of a special case. Unlike characters,
critters, or vehicles, they don't have Condition Monitors.

* When trying to shoot through barriers (or otherwise attack someone/something
on the other side of a barrier), the Barrier Rating is considered a subset of
hardened armor. So if the (unmodified) Power isn't greater than the Barrier
Rating, it's stopped cold.

* When trying to break down (or through a barrier), things work a little
differently. The result depends on the unmodified Power of the attack. See
chart below:

Power Result
--------- ----------
< 1/2 Barrier Rating (BR) No effect

1/2 BR < Power < BR Partial damage --- reduce BR by 1

BR < Power < 2 x BR Partial collapse --- 1/2 meter diameter hole
created, reduce BR by 1

> 2 x BR Complete collapse --- vehicle sized

True, this isn't exactly the most realistic of systems, and in some cases it
departs from SR "canon." But it is fairly simple (isn't it?).

This is all just my opinion and has nothing to do with SR3.

-- Jon

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Barriers, Vehicles, Structures,, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.