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Message no. 1
From: shadowrn@*********.com (George Waksman)
Subject: Bioware at character creation?
Date: Tue Dec 18 08:15:01 2001
Can anyone tell me if the rule that disallows bioware at character creation
is in SR3 / M&M and if so, or not, give me a page number for reference. I
remember such a rule existing for SR2 and I was pretty sure it was still in
place for SR3 but upon searching for it I could not find any such reference.

-George Waksman
Message no. 2
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Damion Milliken)
Subject: Bioware at character creation?
Date: Tue Dec 18 08:40:01 2001
George Waksman writes:

> Can anyone tell me if the rule that disallows bioware at character
> creation is in SR3 / M&M and if so, or not, give me a page number for
> reference. I remember such a rule existing for SR2 and I was pretty sure it
> was still in place for SR3 but upon searching for it I could not find any
> such reference.

I seem to recall a rule in Shadowtech that suggested GMs disallow bioware
for starting characters. But I don't think that there was a SRII rule
indicating such. Nor do I think that there's a SR3 rule like it, either. Of
course, the standard "availability 8" rule keeps some bioware out of reach.

Damion Milliken University of Wollongong
Unofficial Shadowrun Guru E-mail: dam01@***
Version: 3.12
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Message no. 3
From: shadowrn@*********.com (LeBlanc, Lange)
Subject: Bioware at character creation?
Date: Tue Dec 18 08:50:01 2001
> I seem to recall a rule in Shadowtech that suggested GMs
> disallow bioware
> for starting characters. But I don't think that there was a SRII rule
> indicating such. Nor do I think that there's a SR3 rule like
> it, either. Of
> course, the standard "availability 8" rule keeps some bioware
> out of reach.

Yeah, this should work for most GMs (does for me anyway). If the "max
availability 8" rule keeps APDS ammo and Barret rifles out of reach of
newly created characters, they should also keep the more powerful
implants out of a player's reach at startup. Now GMs have discretion as
always, and might allow or dissalow anything they wish. I allowed 2
boxes (20 shells) of APDS ammo to a starting character, because I liked
the history being developed for the character. At the same time, I've
limited things like certain Foci to a starting character. It's really
your choice as GM, and characters should respect it.
Message no. 4
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Jonathan)
Subject: Bioware at character creation?
Date: Tue Dec 18 09:30:01 2001
> Can anyone tell me if the rule that disallows bioware at character
> is in SR3 / M&M and if so, or not, give me a page number for reference. I
> remember such a rule existing for SR2 and I was pretty sure it was still
> place for SR3 but upon searching for it I could not find any such

I tend to believe that bioware at character creation is much like
restricting gear and cyberware grades. It's at GM descretion and initial
funds.. Some GMs I'm sure disallow anything but plain cyberware at start,
others allow alphaware/ Some make availablity 6 the highest you can go, some
9 others have no limits (you wanna start with the panzer assault

All depends on how you prefer characters being made :)
Message no. 5
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Sebastian Wiers)
Subject: Bioware at character creation?
Date: Tue Dec 18 21:20:01 2001
>Can anyone tell me if the rule that disallows bioware at character creation
>is in SR3 / M&M and if so, or not, give me a page number for reference.

There's not any limit on bioware that does not apply to other gear items
from new books. If its below availability 8, a starting character can have
it. Of course, all characters (and gear) are subject to GM aproval, so GM's
can easily set any limits they want on bio (and cyber, and other gear) use.
I persoanlly suggest that character should have a starting value of [Essence
Index - Bio Index] that is no less than 1. This means thier BI plus total
essence loss won't total more than 8. Thats pretty major implants, enough
to satisfy most implant junkies. However, its low enough that no character
will suffer from the more extreme bioware effects, and almost anybody will
potentially have room for a few "upgrades", which is usually fun for the

>remember such a rule existing for SR2 and I was pretty sure it was still in
>place for SR3 but upon searching for it I could not find any such

I don't remeber any such rule, though it may have been a suggested GM
guideline in Shadowtech. The justification was that bioware was a pretty
new technology, which just doesn't work in SR3 / M&M.


Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Bioware at character creation?, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.