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Message no. 1
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Allen Smith)
Subject: Bioware: Cerebral Myoglobin
Date: Mon Jun 4 06:45:01 2001
Hi. This is a new piece of bioware that I've just created. Comments
very welcome!



Cerebral Myoglobin:
This bioware, which is considered neural/cultured for purposes
of implantation and Bio Index, is actually a set of viruses
which modifies non-neural cells in the CNS to produce
myoglobin, which holds oxygen and supplies it when
necessary. Some modifications are also done on other neural
cells to prevent some degree of the damage normally happening
from lack of oxygen or other injury. The effects are as
1. Add the subject's Body to the number of points of
Overdamage they can suffer without dying. For this
Body, do _not_ include Suprathyroid Gland Body (a
faster metabolism hurts on this!), but _do_ include
Bone Lacing (unless the subject has a Cyberskull,
in which case instead include any Body dice from
Integrity Enhancement). However, for each point of
Overdamage above the character's normal death
threshold, add a +1 to the TN for rolls against
Permanent Injury from Deadly Damage (SR3 pg
2. If rolling for Permanent Injury from Deadly Damage,
no successes are rolled, and the roll for which
Attribute is damaged indicates:
A. Int or Will;
B. Qui, _if_ it isn't boosted by any cyberwear
or non-neural Bioware; or
C. Reaction, _if_ it isn't boosted by any
cyberwear or non-neural Bioware,
reroll the roll versus Permanent Injury. If the
second reroll gives 0 successes, treat it as
3. Anytime one of the following gets Attribute Stress:
A. Int or Will;
B. Qui, _if_ it isn't boosted by any cyberwear
or non-neural bioware; or
C. Reaction, _if_ it isn't boosted by any
cyberwear or non-neural bioware,
reduce the Stress by 1. This can reduce the Stress
to 0.
Stress Effects:
Light Stress: Hyperventilation causes more mental
effects than normal, due to too much oxygen
Moderate Stress: No effect on Quickness or Reaction
Stress or Damage
Severe Stress: Halve (round up) the added points of
Overdamage before death
Deadly Stress: It doesn't function.
Bio Index: .2
Cost: 20,000
Availability: 8/1 Month
Street Index: 1.5
Legality: Legal

Allen Smith easmith@********
Message no. 2
From: shadowrn@*********.com (BD)
Subject: Bioware: Cerebral Myoglobin
Date: Mon Jun 4 12:50:01 2001
--- Allen Smith <easmith@********> wrote:
> Hi. This is a new piece of bioware that I've just created. Comments
> very welcome!

> Stress Effects:
> Light Stress: Hyperventilation causes more mental
> effects than normal, due to too much oxygen
> Moderate Stress: No effect on Quickness or Reaction
> Stress or Damage
> Severe Stress: Halve (round up) the added points of
> Overdamage before death
> Deadly Stress: It doesn't function.

Not a lot of srawbacks here, are there? Most bioware has irritating and
then detrimental stress effects. This just has reduced function.

> Cost:
> Bio Index: .2
> Cost: 20,000

Wow, cheap! Very cheap for neural 'ware, which is cultured, and for
something that can let you avoid those really nasty permanent damage
effects _and_ Attribute Stress. The Bio-Index might be 0.1 or 0.2 higher
as well.


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Message no. 3
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Allen Smith)
Subject: Bioware: Cerebral Myoglobin
Date: Mon Jun 4 15:30:01 2001
On Jun 4, 1:13pm, BD wrote:
> --- Allen Smith <easmith@********> wrote:
> > Hi. This is a new piece of bioware that I've just created. Comments
> > very welcome!
> <snip!>
> > Stress Effects:
> > Light Stress: Hyperventilation causes more mental
> > effects than normal, due to too much oxygen
> > Moderate Stress: No effect on Quickness or Reaction
> > Stress or Damage
> > Severe Stress: Halve (round up) the added points of
> > Overdamage before death
> > Deadly Stress: It doesn't function.
> Not a lot of srawbacks here, are there? Most bioware has
> irritating and then detrimental stress effects. This just has
> reduced function.

Yeah, I know. I had a great deal of trouble coming up with even
semi-realistic stress effects from this... hmm... a thought... too
much myoglobin might cause slowed-down recovery from Stun-variety
fatigue damage in the brain if it took up too much. Possibly reduce
Stun damage recovery rates for Severe Stress, and move that one to
Moderate Stress along with what's already there? I'll work on this.

> > Cost:
> > Bio Index: .2
> > Cost: 20,000
> Wow, cheap!

I based it off of the Metabolic Stabilizer (if I'm recalling the name
right - no books with me at the moment), as I recall. It is somewhat
less effective than that (it doesn't extend time before dying - and
effectively reduce the difficulty of some later stuff, IIRC, by having
less damage after any given amount of time - by a bloody five times
after all) in some respects.

> Very cheap for neural 'ware, which is cultured,

It is not actually "cultured" as such, but a variety of gene
therapy. Once you get that to work (the hard part), it's pretty
cheap. (There are essentially two major headaches in gene therapy. The
first is getting the DNA inside the cells, incorporated properly, and
working. With SR level genetics, that should not be a
problem... although, admittedly, the amount by which they're using
modified organ/tissue cultivation then implantation (realistic, BTW;
this is the field I'm personally interested in, at least until we can
get gene therapy by other means to work a lot better) may argue
otherwise. The second is avoiding the immune system seeing the viruses
(or other transfer means) and going after it (which is what killed
Gelsinger, along with some idiots who didn't take into account liver
damage seen in animal models - that's why we _do_ animal models, to
spot things like that! Sigh...). The latter isn't a problem in the CNS
(or at least is _much_ less of a problem). Normally, the major problem
in doing gene therapy in the CNS is that usually you want to put stuff
into neurons, which don't accept viruses very well (and probably
wouldn't incorporate DNA gotten from other sources very well either)
due to slow/nil reproduction. However, in this case, you aren't
modifying the neurons (which really wouldn't have enough room in most
of them to stick much myoglobin in...), so you don't have that
problem. Cancers in the CNS are from the other cells in it, IIRC...

> and for something that can let you avoid those really nasty
> permanent damage effects _and_ Attribute Stress.

How often do those come up in people's games, BTW? At least for the
attribute stress, I was keeping in mind the statement from people that
the Stress rules weren't much of a headache because they didn't come
up that much. However, this may well vary...

> The Bio-Index might be 0.1 or 0.2 higher as well.

Quite possible - that's a lot more arbitrary. Possibly upping it to
the same as the Metabolic Stabilizer would make sense... I think that
would be by the .2 you suggest. I'll take a look at things tonight.



Allen Smith easmith@********
Message no. 4
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Rand Ratinac)
Subject: Bioware: Cerebral Myoglobin
Date: Mon Jun 4 22:00:00 2001
> Wow, cheap! Very cheap for neural 'ware, which is
cultured, and for something that can let you avoid
those really nasty permanent damage effects _and_
Attribute Stress. The Bio-Index might be 0.1 or 0.2
higher as well.
> -Boondocker

But as Mongoose has always pointed out, stress is
going to be very rare in most games and I doubt that
most characters in most games are going to get into
huge overdamage situations very often.

Let me put it this way - in a game with a high
mortality and disability rate, this piece of 'ware
could be VERY useful and should probably be more
expensive and have a higher BI. In a game like mine,
you're generally better off using your cash and BI for
other things. And in an average mortality game, I
think the costs are about right.

(aka Mr. Freaky Big, Super-Dynamic Troll of Tomorrow, aka Doc'booner, aka Doc' Vader)

.sig Sauer

If you SMELL what THE DOC' is COOKIN'!!!

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Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Bioware: Cerebral Myoglobin, you may also be interested in:


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