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Message no. 1
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Mister Incognito)
Subject: Bio-ware Organ/Limb Replacements
Date: Sat Jun 2 07:15:01 2001
Can someone post the info from ShadowTech on the price and such of getting a
replacement non-enhanced limb or organ grown/cloned as M&M only deals with
enhanced organs and the like. Can you also post the blood-type/possible
failure tables and the time scales as well.

Reason is I've got a current PC that's had his left arm chewed up and the
idea of getting a cyber/metal arm kinda freaks him out a little. Small
cyberware he finds okay but a whole arm is just a little too much for him.

IIRC the info was right at the fron of the book, right after the mini
biology lecture and before the enhanced organs with the pictures.

On a side note would this cost you part of your bio-index limit? I'm not
sure, but I'm leaning towards no index increase cause its just replacing a
part thats gone.

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Message no. 2
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Allen Smith)
Subject: Bio-ware Organ/Limb Replacements
Date: Sat Jun 2 08:00:01 2001
On Jun 2, 7:37am, Mister Incognito wrote:
> Can someone post the info from ShadowTech on the price and such of getting a
> replacement non-enhanced limb or organ grown/cloned as M&M only deals with
> enhanced organs and the like. Can you also post the blood-type/possible
> failure tables and the time scales as well.

This is in SR3 on pg 128. The costs, time, etcetera in there are for a
Type O organ/limb, BTW. A forced-grown cloned limb/organ quadrulples
the cost, but also is more likely to succeed by the M&M rules. If the
character is Awakened or can't afford the higher cost, they'll want a
non-forced-grown cloned organ/limb (or at least with _less_ forced
growth); M&M and SR3 both rules for this, unfortunately, aside from it
being twice the Type O cost. Realistically, using _no_ fast growth
will take 16+ years (time for a body to grow up in a tank); the rule
that DocWagon has a full clone ready in three months seems to assume
something in between this and the full forced-growth (say, 3 months
plus the time in SR3).

> On a side note would this cost you part of your bio-index limit? I'm not
> sure, but I'm leaning towards no index increase cause its just replacing a
> part thats gone.

Nope. Awakened characters will need a cloned limb/organ (and it can't
be full-scale forced-growth) to avoid the loss of a point of Magic,
but aside from that, it doesn't increase Bio Index.



Allen Smith easmith@********

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Bio-ware Organ/Limb Replacements, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.