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Message no. 1
From: Micah Levy <M.Levy@**.UCL.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: Burning Bright <SPOILER WARNING!>
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 08:36:53 +0100
> > So not only will they have to deal with the Insects, they will also
> > have all those toxics swarming in to summon lots and lots of really
> > nifty spirits.

> Second, the toxic shamans aren't going to get in...too difficult.
> Hardly ANYONE is getting in at all...
> --
> Tim Skirvin (tskirvin@***

Remember that there was the magical barrier which was being conjured by the
insect spirits out the time as part of their ritual and which really confined
both radiation and EMP to within the ritual boundary.
This is going to confine the actual toxic area to a relatively small space.
The thing that I found interesting in BB was that it was Ares who knew what
was going on and were trying to wipe out the insects. I would have imagined
that if it was going to be anyone, it would have been the Azzies or
Why Ares?

||Micah Levy Department of Computer Science ||
|| University College London ||
||Web Page: ||
||Email: M.Levy@** Cestor@******.com ||
|| zcacma0@** Micah@******.com ||
|| GCS d--@ H s g+(-) p? au--(+)>++ a- w v++ C++++($) UV++(-) P- L- 3 E-||
|| N++ K W++ M+ V-- -po+ Y++ t+ 5-- jx R++ G+(----) tv b+++ D+ B--- e+ u- ||
|| h- f n+ y? ||
Message no. 2
From: MILLIKEN DAMION A <u9467882@***.EDU.AU>
Subject: Re: Burning Bright <SPOILER WARNING!>
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 20:02:06 +1000
Micah writes:

> I would have imagined that if it was going to be anyone, it would have been
> the Azzies or Saedur-Krupp.
> Why Ares?

Well, why the Azzies or Saedur-Krupp? I don't really see why any corp would
bother. I take it Ares must have had some personall interest in what was
happening for them to actually expend resources on it.

Damion Milliken University of Wollongong e-mail: u9467882@***

(GEEK CODE 2.1) GE -d+(d) H s++:-- !g p? !au a18 w+ v(?) C+(++) US++ P? L !3 E?
N K- W+ M@ !V po@ Y(+) t+ !5 !j R+(++) G(+)('') !tv(--)@ b++ D+
B? e+ u@ h* f(+) !r n--(----) !y+
Message no. 3
From: Micah Levy <M.Levy@**.UCL.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: Burning Bright <SPOILER WARNING!>
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 11:09:46 +0100
> Micah writes:
> > I would have imagined that if it was going to be anyone, it would have been
> > the Azzies or Saedur-Krupp.
> > Why Ares?
> Well, why the Azzies or Saedur-Krupp? I don't really see why any corp would
> bother. I take it Ares must have had some personall interest in what was
> happening for them to actually expend resources on it.
> --
> Damion Milliken University of Wollongong e-mail: u9467882@***

The Azzies because they are very magically active and purged UB members from
their ranks before it became public knowledge.
They knew exactly what it was and the danger which it presented; i.e: the
return of the Horrors. After all, what *was* it that was being summoned by the
bugs at the end?
Saedur-Krupp because it is owned by Lofwyr who knows about these things as
well. Bear in mind that Lofwyr recommended saturation of Chicago with a Nerve
Agent *just* because that was thought to be the only sure way of getting rid
of the bugs.
Also, Lofwyr is another Awakened being and knows about the Horrors.
Remember, not even the Dragons were safe from them.

But why Ares?

||Micah Levy Department of Computer Science ||
|| University College London ||
||Web Page: ||
||Email: M.Levy@** Cestor@******.com ||
|| zcacma0@** Micah@******.com ||
|| GCS d--@ H s g+(-) p? au--(+)>++ a- w v++ C++++($) UV++(-) P- L- 3 E-||
|| N++ K W++ M+ V-- -po+ Y++ t+ 5-- jx R++ G+(----) tv b+++ D+ B--- e+ u- ||
|| h- f n+ y? ||
Message no. 4
From: MILLIKEN DAMION A <u9467882@***.EDU.AU>
Subject: Re: Burning Bright <SPOILER WARNING!>
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 20:24:41 +1000
Micah writes:

> But why Ares?

Well, your arguments for the others sound fine, but I am unable to answer
this question for you. (Mainly due to the fact that I have yet to read the
book). But I can offer a suggestion, or a question rather. Did Ares have
anything to do with the events in the novel other than blowing up the bugs?
'Cause if they had an interest in what the bugs were doing (in Ares case
probably profit or PR based rather than ther knowledge of what it was as for
SK or Azzy), then they may have had enough motive to go blow them up.

Damion Milliken University of Wollongong e-mail: u9467882@***

(GEEK CODE 2.1) GE -d+(d) H s++:-- !g p? !au a18 w+ v(?) C+(++) US++ P? L !3 E?
N K- W+ M@ !V po@ Y(+) t+ !5 !j R+(++) G(+)('') !tv(--)@ b++ D+
B? e+ u@ h* f(+) !r n--(----) !y+
Message no. 5
From: Micah Levy <M.Levy@**.UCL.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: Burning Bright <SPOILER WARNING!>
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 11:45:31 +0100
> Micah writes:
> > But why Ares?
> Well, your arguments for the others sound fine, but I am unable to answer
> this question for you. (Mainly due to the fact that I have yet to read the
> book). But I can offer a suggestion, or a question rather. Did Ares have
> anything to do with the events in the novel other than blowing up the bugs?
> 'Cause if they had an interest in what the bugs were doing (in Ares case
> probably profit or PR based rather than ther knowledge of what it was as for
> SK or Azzy), then they may have had enough motive to go blow them up.
> --
> Damion Milliken University of Wollongong e-mail: u9467882@***

Well this leads to one of 2 paths. Either:
1) Ares were acting responsibly because profit margins won't matter much when
the Horrors turn up and therefore it's in their interest to prevent that for
as long as possible.
2) They had an ulterior motive. However, they knew the bugs for what they were
and so I don't think it's very straightforward.

Also, the question can be turned on it's head. Rather than 'Why Ares?', it
becomes far more valid to ask 'Why not S-K or the Azzies' since I think it is
fairly safe to assume they are aware of what is happening.

<Minor Double Exposure Module Spoiler Following...>

Furthermore, since at the end of DE, it says that the UCAS Government knows
about it and that that they informed other Governments about it.
And the nest in BB was only the North American one, so what about the European
one? After all, the UB was active in the UK for a considerable length of time,
for example.
So the Governments could have been bringing in the military as well.
Although on reflection, it could simply be that until now, they have not
realised the *magnitude* of the threat.
And what *are* they going to do with the dirt on Renraku now!
I mean, as far as PR goes, they could probably put over something like
'Renraku was responsible for the incidents that led to the containment of
Voila! The Corp sinks so low in the eyes of the public, it may never recover.

<...Spoiler Finished>

So, the questions that remain are really:
1: Did Ares have an ulterior motive rather than wanting to prevent Horrors
from arriving?

2: Why didn't Aztechnology and S-K also carry out the same type of action.
<thought suddenly occurs....>
Hey, maybe they did! They could have taken say Europe and Australia and Ares
takes North America...Maybe all the corps are involved in this!

<Another Double-Exposure Spoiler>
In fact, Maybe Renraku is being blackmailed by the UCAS to take the bugs out
in Australia or, that can't be right because the governments
aren't aware of the magnitude of the threats so ALL the big corps can't be
Unless Renraku is doing it anyway since it has encountered the bugs, but I
really doubt that.

<...Spoiler Finished>

So, anyway, think I've rambled on sufficiently for now.
What do you all think?

||Micah Levy Department of Computer Science ||
|| University College London ||
||Web Page: ||
||Email: M.Levy@** Cestor@******.com ||
|| zcacma0@** Micah@******.com ||
|| GCS d--@ H s g+(-) p? au--(+)>++ a- w v++ C++++($) UV++(-) P- L- 3 E-||
|| N++ K W++ M+ V-- -po+ Y++ t+ 5-- jx R++ G+(----) tv b+++ D+ B--- e+ u- ||
|| h- f n+ y? ||
Message no. 6
From: MILLIKEN DAMION A <u9467882@***.EDU.AU>
Subject: Re: Burning Bright <SPOILER WARNING!>
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 10:25:26 +1000
Micah writes:

[Lot's o' stuff on bugs]

Um, have you read Burning Bright?

Well, if you have, I haven't, so I can't comment, but it sounds like you are
getting a little exhuberant (sp?) with the theories to me. You could
probably turn all those theories into a big huge bug hunting module though.

Damion Milliken University of Wollongong e-mail: u9467882@***

(GEEK CODE 2.1) GE -d+(d) H s++:-- !g p? !au a18 w+ v(?) C+(++) US++ P? L !3 E?
N K- W+ M@ !V po@ Y(+) t+ !5 !j R+(++) G(+)('') !tv(--)@ b++ D+
B? e+ u@ h* f(+) !r n--(----) !y+
Message no. 7
From: Micah Levy <M.Levy@**.UCL.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: Burning Bright <SPOILER WARNING!>
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 12:41:21 +0100
Yes, I have read it.
I'm also in the process of GM'ing Double Exposure.
Hmmm...maybe I was getting a bit exuberant but there's nothing like a good
theory now and again.
I still think it's a valid question though-
Why Ares and why not the Azzies and SK?

Message no. 8
From: MILLIKEN DAMION A <u9467882@***.EDU.AU>
Subject: Re: Burning Bright <SPOILER WARNING!>
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 22:04:56 +1000
Micah writes:

> Why Ares and why not the Azzies and SK?

Well, you've exhausted me of ideas, I've suggested all I can without
actually reading the book myself. I would have thought that there would have
been some type of indication in the book as to the motives of Ares though.

Damion Milliken University of Wollongong e-mail: u9467882@***

(GEEK CODE 2.1) GE -d+(d) H s++:-- !g p? !au a18 w+ v(?) C+(++) US++ P? L !3 E?
N K- W+ M@ !V po@ Y(+) t+ !5 !j R+(++) G(+)('') !tv(--)@ b++ D+
B? e+ u@ h* f(+) !r n--(----) !y+
Message no. 9
From: Adam Getchell <acgetche@****.UCDAVIS.EDU>
Subject: Re: Burning Bright <SPOILER WARNING!>
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 11:30:31 -0700
Micah writes:

> Why Ares and why not the Azzies and SK?

Y'all should go back and read the Tom Dowd short story. I
misremember the name, but basically it starts with Damion Knight sitting
in his office when a large insect-thing confronts him and asks why it has
garnered his wrath. He replies that it should simply be destroyed, and
when it goes to attack him he has a strong barrier. It begins breaking
through the barrier only it turns out it isn't Damien Knight at all, but
someone else who has "danced with the power of the stars" etc. etc.
Probably your answers are there, along with a few other
intriguing hints. The short story was in one of the FASA Catalogs,
Summer 1992 I believe.
At least, from that *I* know why it's Ares and not Aztech/S-K.

|Adam Getchell|acgetche@**** | ez000270@******* |
| acgetchell |"Invincibility is in oneself, vulnerability is in the opponent"|
Message no. 10
From: Tim Skirvin <tskirvin@***.UIUC.EDU>
Subject: Re: Burning Bright <SPOILER WARNING!>
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 17:46:37 -0500
> Y'all should go back and read the Tom Dowd short story. I

Hey. I never read this one!

Anyone have a copy of the thing? I'd like to read it some time...

Tim Skirvin (tskirvin@***
Message no. 11
From: Skrub <mccllstr@*****.BUCKNELL.EDU>
Subject: Re: Burning Bright <SPOILER WARNING!>
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 18:56:00 -0400
> Anyone have a copy of the thing? I'd like to read it some time...
>Tim Skirvin (tskirvin@***


Brian McCallister The lions sing and the hills take flight.
The moon by day, and the sun by night.
Skrub Blind woman, deaf man, jackdaw fool.
Let the Lord of Chaos rule. -R. Jordan
Message no. 12
From: Matt <mosbun@******.CC.PURDUE.EDU>
Subject: Re: Burning Bright <SPOILER WARNING!>
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 21:01:16 -0500
Yeah- I have it somewhere. Since it's a free copy, would there be any
copyright problems with posting it here- with proper crediting to FASA, of

Message no. 13
From: MILLIKEN DAMION A <u9467882@***.EDU.AU>
Subject: Re: Burning Bright <SPOILER WARNING!>
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 13:09:35 +1000
Adam writes:

> Y'all should go back and read the Tom Dowd short story. I
> misremember the name, but basically it starts with Damion Knight sitting
> in his office when a large insect-thing confronts him and asks why it has
> garnered his wrath. He replies that it should simply be destroyed, and
> when it goes to attack him he has a strong barrier. It begins breaking
> through the barrier only it turns out it isn't Damien Knight at all, but
> someone else who has "danced with the power of the stars" etc. etc.
> Probably your answers are there, along with a few other
> intriguing hints. The short story was in one of the FASA Catalogs,
> Summer 1992 I believe.

Hey? Just what are these FASA (no $ still) catalogs, and where can one come
by them? Oh, and I take it by the "summer" that they are quarterly? Which
would mean that I have missed, umm, about 20-30 of them. Duh! Did they all
have little tid-bits like this in them?

Damion Milliken University of Wollongong e-mail: u9467882@***

(GEEK CODE 2.1) GE -d+(d) H s++:-- !g p? !au a18 w+ v(?) C+(++) US++ P? L !3 E?
N K- W+ M@ !V po@ Y(+) t+ !5 !j R+(++) G(+)('') !tv(--)@ b++ D+
B? e+ u@ h* f(+) !r n--(----) !y+
Message no. 14
From: MILLIKEN DAMION A <u9467882@***.EDU.AU>
Subject: Re: Burning Bright <SPOILER WARNING!>
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 13:18:49 +1000
Matt writes:

> Yeah- I have it somewhere. Since it's a free copy, would there be any
> copyright problems with posting it here- with proper crediting to FASA, of
> course.

Well, you're not making any money on it, that's always a good start :-)
You're not devoiding FASA (nup, still no $) of any profits.
I couldn't see anything wrong with it as long as it is properly attributed.

(But then again I am probably just a tad biased, sinse I don't have it and
would like to see it :-))

Damion Milliken University of Wollongong e-mail: u9467882@***

(GEEK CODE 2.1) GE -d+(d) H s++:-- !g p? !au a18 w+ v(?) C+(++) US++ P? L !3 E?
N K- W+ M@ !V po@ Y(+) t+ !5 !j R+(++) G(+)('') !tv(--)@ b++ D+
B? e+ u@ h* f(+) !r n--(----) !y+

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Burning Bright , you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.