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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: "Fisher, Victor" <Victor-Fisher@******.COM>
Subject: Comic Books Source Material for Shadowrun
Date: Mon, 12 May 1997 19:28:03 -0400
>I have a NPC free ally spirit based on Lady Death. The idea behind her
>is that she was designed by a young "geek" mage, a teenage loser with
>no friends and no hope with the girls. When it came time to design the
>ally formula, he used the idea of "ulitimate" woman from his favorite
>comic: powerful, beautiful, deadly and built like a brick $h!t house.


>Now she makes a
>cameo here and there 'til I decide what I really want to do with her.

What if she decided to go the way of a shadow spirit, and follow
her 'true' calling. She could pick up some scraggy ass psychotic kid,
and use him as a vessel. He becomes literally immortal, and she has a
[maybe] controllable vassal to carry out her desires as a harbinger of
death, a serial killer feeding her the psychic death energies she now
thrives on <MWAHAHAHAH>.

Sorry, long day.

Message no. 2
From: From the Pulpit of the Fabricator General
Subject: Re: Comic Books Source Material for Shadowrun
Date: Mon, 12 May 1997 19:42:19 -0400
Victor said:
> What if she decided to go the way of a shadow spirit, and follow
>her 'true' calling. She could pick up some scraggy ass psychotic kid,
>and use him as a vessel. He becomes literally immortal, and she has a
>[maybe] controllable vassal to carry out her desires as a harbinger of
>death, a serial killer feeding her the psychic death energies she now
>thrives on <MWAHAHAHAH>.
>Sorry, long day.

<EGMVC> ( Evil GM Victim cringe )


Duncan McNeill-Burton
-Berek Thunderfist, Wolf Lord of the Blackmane Company
-Freelance Corporate Espionage Agent
-Tech Priest in Training
Message no. 3
From: Zarcon <prinzing@********.COM>
Subject: Re: Comic Books Source Material for Shadowrun
Date: Mon, 12 May 1997 19:08:49 -0500
Fisher, Victor wrote:
> What if she decided to go the way of a shadow spirit, and follow
> her 'true' calling. She could pick up some scraggy ass psychotic kid,
> and use him as a vessel. He becomes literally immortal, and she has a
> [maybe] controllable vassal to carry out her desires as a harbinger of
> death, a serial killer feeding her the psychic death energies she now
> thrives on <MWAHAHAHAH>.

And his name could be Evil Ernie

Message no. 4
From: Loki <daddyjim@**********.COM>
Subject: Re: Comic Books Source Material for Shadowrun
Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 00:50:00 -0700
---"Fisher, Victor" wrote:
> >I have a NPC free ally spirit based on Lady Death. The idea behind
> >is that she was designed by a young "geek" mage, a teenage loser
> >no friends and no hope with the girls. When it came time to design
> >ally formula, he used the idea of "ulitimate" woman from his
> >comic: powerful, beautiful, deadly and built like a brick $h!t
> <snip>
> >Now she makes a
> >cameo here and there 'til I decide what I really want to do with
> What if she decided to go the way of a shadow spirit, and follow
> her 'true' calling. She could pick up some scraggy ass psychotic kid,
> and use him as a vessel. He becomes literally immortal, and she has a
> [maybe] controllable vassal to carry out her desires as a harbinger
> death, a serial killer feeding her the psychic death energies she now
> thrives on <MWAHAHAHAH>.

Evil Ernie perhaps??? EGMLOL

@>--,--'--- Loki

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Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Comic Books Source Material for Shadowrun, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.