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Message no. 1
From: Philip Hayward <Philip.Hayward@***.UK>
Subject: Re: concentrat
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 1995 11:33:01 -0000
Damion wrote:
>> Yes in my world the Ares Predator 1 & 2 are to different kind of guns
>> due to the built in smartlink.
> That's what I have it as too. Each weapon counts as a separate
> specialisation, like it says in the book.

Thats something that bothers me why would anyone ever have two
specialisations or concentrations to get two up to a high
level means you might as well just spend it on the general skill
and have the advantage of be all the other areas of the skill

Also if you have a specialisation you end up wasting karma
unless you NEVER intend to increase the general skill again

i.e. I have firearms of 4 and build up a concentration in
sniper rifles to say 8 then I increase my general skill to
6, I end up spending much more karma than if I put my firearms
up to 6 first then increase sniper rifles to 8.

Is it unreasonable to suggest that if I have a concentration
greater by 2+ then it might be easier to gain the general skill?
(not by too much though)

Just musing

Message no. 2
From: Damion Milliken <adm82@***.EDU.AU>
Subject: Re: concentrat
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 1995 22:36:39 +1000
Philip Hayward writes:

> Thats something that bothers me why would anyone ever have two
> specialisations or concentrations to get two up to a high
> level means you might as well just spend it on the general skill
> and have the advantage of be all the other areas of the skill
> Is it unreasonable to suggest that if I have a concentration
> greater by 2+ then it might be easier to gain the general skill?
> (not by too much though)

Someone suggested on here not too long ago that you could simply subtract
the karma spent on gaining the concentration/specialisation from the karma
required to get the general skil to the same level. Say I had Ares Preator
6, and Firearms 5, to get my Firearms to 6 would normally cost me 12 karma,
but since I've spent 6 getting my Ares Predator (as specialisation of
Firearms) to 6, then I only have to spend 12-6 karma to get my general
Firearms to the same level. This sounds good to me, and can be justified by
saying that once you know one, the rest come much easier (ie you know the
basics of aiming, shooting, gun care, loading etc, so all you have to do is
learn a few different kwirks and a couple of different weapon systems and
you'll know the rst just as well).

Damion Milliken University of Wollongong E-mail: adm82@***

(GEEK CODE 2.1) GE -d+@ H s++:-- !g p0 !au a18 w+ v(?) C++ US++>+++ P+ L !3
E? N K- W M@ !V po@ Y+ t+ 5 !j R+(++) G(+)('''') !tv(--@)
b++ D B? e+$ u@ h* f+ !r n----(--)@ !y+
Message no. 3
From: Philip Hayward <Philip.Hayward@***.UK>
Subject: Re: concentrat
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 1995 13:12:12 -0000
A different phil wrote:

>> Is it unreasonable to suggest that if I have a concentration
>> greater by 2+ then it might be easier to gain the general skill?
>> (not by too much though)
> Do you mean, should the General skill improve after you put the
> Specialisation up? Or just that it makes better sense to improve
> the general?
> 1st - No, not unles you have a really high level of the Spc, and
> only a very small amount.
> 2nd - Yep, my player's just don't et that though, the only reason
> for having a high specialisation is for something they can't
> take away from you' like Cyber-Spurs (at leat not without bolt
> cutters), or for your signature weapon (a really dumb idea
> for a runner).

I was originally thinking that if you increase a skill with a high
concentration then it might cost less karma than if there wasn't
a conc. how about instead if I have skill 4(6) and I up the general
skill then it goes to 5(7) not 5(6)? It should be cheaper than
5*2 +7*1.5 = 20.5 but more than 5*2 = 10
so 5*2 + 7*1.5 - 5*1.5
= 10 + 10.5 -7.5 round off to 10+11-7 

At first glance it looks like I'm just making skills easier to get
but I'm just making it so that you don't lose karma by getting a
specialisation then getting the general skill to the same rating.

Two people with skill 3 try to go to 5(7) pay the same karma
when one goes to skill 5 then gets the conc to 7
and the other gets 3(7) then goes to 5(7).
Now, whats wrong with my reasoning?
They can still get just the general skill without increasing
the concentration, (they'd be crazy, but they can do it)


The following is off topic drivel :)
not much worse than the previous :)

> PS. Tell you what, you cut the headers oiff, and we'll put them
> back on again ;-) Deal?
I can live with that

> What Mailer are you using?
I only know its old.. JET (Joint European Torus) they
spend a
fortune on the Torus (A would be fusion reactor) so they're
damned if they'll spend anything on the computer network.
Message no. 4
From: Philip Hayward <Philip.Hayward@***.UK>
Subject: Re: Concentrat
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 1995 15:14:16 +6000
> Philip Hayward writes:
> > > PS. Tell you what, you cut the headers oiff, and we'll put them
> > > back on again ;-) Deal?
> >
> > I can live with that
> <chuckle> I guess we can all play along. Howabout we all mass mailbomb your
> sysadmins and request that they get a up to date mailer? :-) Elm is pretty
> good, and comes for the price of the file transfer and a few hours to
> install.
I could mail you a copy, or even mail you a compiled version if you
trust me :) whats your platform ?

"Believe in Angels." -- The Crow

GCS d H s+: !g p1 !au a- w+ v-(?) C++++ UA++S++L+>++++ L+>+++ E--- N++ W(+)(---)

M-- !V(--) -po+(---) Y+ t++ 5++ R+++ tv b++ e+ u++(-) h*(+) f+ r- n!(-) y?
Message no. 5
From: Jani Fikouras <feanor@**********.UNI-BREMEN.DE>
Subject: Re: Concentrat
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 1995 17:12:59 +0200
> > > > PS. Tell you what, you cut the headers oiff, and we'll put them
> > > > back on again ;-) Deal?
> > >
> > > I can live with that
> >
> > <chuckle> I guess we can all play along. Howabout we all mass mailbomb
> > sysadmins and request that they get a up to date mailer? :-) Elm is pretty
> > good, and comes for the price of the file transfer and a few hours to
> > install.
> 7654
> I could mail you a copy, or even mail you a compiled version if you
> trust me :) whats your platform ?

Did you try to reply there? cause if that was your intention it didnt get
through :)

"Believe in Angels." -- The Crow

GCS d H s+: !g p1 !au a- w+ v-(?) C++++ UA++S++L+>++++ L+>+++ E--- N++ W(+)(---)
M-- !V(--) -po+(---) Y+ t++ 5++ R+++ tv b++ e+ u++(-) h*(+) f+ r- n!(-) y?

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about concentrat, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.