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Message no. 1
From: Lyndon Baugh <lyndon@*****.COM>
Subject: Conjuring Spirits on Metaplane
Date: Sun, 1 Nov 1998 21:24:18 GMT
Are there any published guidelines for what happens if someone tries
to conjure a nature spirit or elemental on the metaplanes?

Our group does not have every single published item, but given a Clue
can go track stuff down.
Message no. 2
From: Mongoose <evamarie@**********.NET>
Subject: Re: Conjuring Spirits on Metaplane
Date: Sun, 1 Nov 1998 15:59:15 -0600
Are there any published guidelines for what happens if someone tries
to conjure a nature spirit or elemental on the metaplanes?

Our group does not have every single published item, but given a Clue
can go track stuff down.


Some metaplanes are just like normal physical space, and some are
completely different- it would be the whim of that planes "physics"- IE,
up to the GM. You can even play the metaplanes as an entirely different
Since most folks visit either totemic planes or elemental planes,
those would be the ones you'd have to figure out. I'd say you could maybe
summon on those planes (totemic, most likely- mages would need to find
materials, circle, and library), but it would be harder (but maybe less
draining), and it would be more like calling a contact than giving orders.
The Grimore and awakenings are theo only source on the metaplanes;
"Harlequins Back" and "Iamago" have some use of them as a potential
of the advanture. <is that spoiler proofed vaugeness enough?>

Message no. 3
From: "D. Ghost" <dghost@****.COM>
Subject: Re: Conjuring Spirits on Metaplane
Date: Sun, 1 Nov 1998 15:39:38 -0600
On Sun, 1 Nov 1998 21:24:18 GMT Lyndon Baugh <lyndon@*****.COM> writes:
>Are there any published guidelines for what happens if someone tries
>to conjure a nature spirit or elemental on the metaplanes?
>Our group does not have every single published item, but given a Clue
>can go track stuff down.

It's basicly up to the GMs ... Harlequin's Back involves some conjuring
of Spirits on the metaplanes. Hmmmmm... Does this not, however, construe
a contridiction bewteen the two editions? Since metaplanar projection is
a magical activity and conjury is an exclusive action, it, by the book,
can't be done. :/

D. Ghost
(aka Pixel, Tantrum, RuPixel)
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Message no. 4
From: Lyndon Baugh <lyndon@*****.COM>
Subject: Re: Conjuring Spirits on Metaplane
Date: Sun, 1 Nov 1998 22:18:14 GMT
Your spoiler was amply vague. By a remarkable non-coincidence the
characters are just starting Harlequin's Back (including a teenage,
naive, enthusiastic, well-intentioned snake shaman I'm playing, who
has been in Seattle less than 48 hours before getting into this.
Summoning spirits is one of the most Obvious Standard Operating
Procedure things to do. Fortunately there are more experienced
characters around. He was inflicted on the senior mage as a Long Lost

So basically the GM in this instance can do Whatever He Wants To
<insert evil cackle here?> without fear of contradicting precedent?
The first episode has already had ample amusement potential ...

Message no. 5
From: Mongoose <evamarie@**********.NET>
Subject: Re: Conjuring Spirits on Metaplane
Date: Sun, 1 Nov 1998 22:23:08 -0600
:It's basicly up to the GMs ... Harlequin's Back involves some conjuring
:of Spirits on the metaplanes. Hmmmmm... Does this not, however, construe
:a contridiction bewteen the two editions? Since metaplanar projection is
:a magical activity and conjury is an exclusive action, it, by the book,
:can't be done. :/

Projecting is an exclusive action. Once you are astral, you can carry
out magical actions (like casting spells, dispelling, spell defense - only
on astral targets, of course, in SR3).
You specifically can not summon while astral, (not because of
"exclusivity", but as a special limitation), but once you hit the
metaplanes, its literally a whole new world. On some metaplanes, you can
use astral projection to scout around, for example.

Message no. 6
From: "XaOs [David Goth]" <xaos@*****.NET>
Subject: Re: Conjuring Spirits on Metaplane
Date: Sun, 1 Nov 1998 23:29:16 -0600
> You specifically can not summon while astral, (not because of
> "exclusivity", but as a special limitation), but once you hit the
> metaplanes, its literally a whole new world. On some metaplanes, you can
> use astral projection to scout around, for example.

I would contend that being on a metaplane is completely different than being
astral. Thus, back to the idea that the rules of the world (GM) apply.

-David Goth-
Message no. 7
From: K in the Shadows <Ereskanti@***.COM>
Subject: Re: Conjuring Spirits on Metaplane
Date: Mon, 2 Nov 1998 13:27:03 EST
In a message dated 11/1/1998 4:23:29 PM US Eastern Standard Time,
lyndon@*****.COM writes:

> Are there any published guidelines for what happens if someone tries
> to conjure a nature spirit or elemental on the metaplanes?
> Our group does not have every single published item, but given a Clue
> can go track stuff down.

As far as I can readily recall, there are no references for this. There are
references concerning Conjuring in the Astral, but not the Metaplanes
themselves. There simply isn't enough information, other than to maybe
encourage GM fiendishness, to help out in this field.


Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Conjuring Spirits on Metaplane, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.