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Message no. 1
From: "Mark Steedman" <M.J.Steedman@***>
Subject: Dates SR and ED and the worlds.
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 1996 11:29:04 GMT
Andre' Selmer writes

> @ Actually I've heard that ED is something like 5000 BC unfortunatly that
> @ dosn't work since Jerico (the oldest know human settlement) is 8000 years
> @ old (or 6000 BC), of course I could be remembering wrong.
> Actually it is all based on the Myan (sp?) Calendar, I have all
> the 'supposidly' exact dates at home, if I remember I post them soon.
The file below is an old post on the dates. It uses a variety of
sources but includes some fairly accurate dates in the various
calendars FASA refer to.
This puts ED about 7500 years before SR and makes Harlequin about
7800 to 7900 years old as a best estimate. Careful reading of the ED
main rulebook tells you folks spent 400 years almost exactly in kears
(or the Throalic kingdom did anyway some Kears have still not opened
as of 1506TH (ed base time))

Shadowrun timeline put together.
This is based on the Mayan long count calander that SR frequently
references too, and assorted FASA source data notabely 'Ehran to
young elven technologists' for the dates of the starts of the 5th
6th and 7th worlds and info on the predicted scourge duration from
HB and the into to the ED main rulebook.

Three calenders
World: Mayan Modern Throlic
start:(see notes below) (BC to AD) (Dawarven kingdom
from Earthdawn)

1st : 23,613 BC
2nd : 18,488 BC
(Age of the dragons ?, FASA sort of imply this in ED but no data)
3rd : 13,363 BC
4th : 8,238 BC
(the world of Earthdawn)
start of the scourge 5,975 BC 1008 TH
mana peak 5,675 BC 1308 TH
Earthdawn game base 5,477 BC 1506 TH
predicted scourge end 5,375 BC

Crater lake 3,454 BC (09:35 22nd July)
(from quiery in Tir Taingire)

5th : 3,113 BC (12th August) 1,539 AD (14th November)
(one of two possible tie ins between calendars real historians
favour, other says 14th Nov was Mayan, but that does
not fit the World dates so well comparing to SR)

6th : 2,011 AD (24th December)
Well as if you need telling :)

2,057 AD present SR

Scourge due according to H 4,274 AD
mana peak 4,574 AD
scourge end 4,874 AD (scouge will last 600 years
accoring to Harleguin. HB)

7th : 1: 7,137 AD (4th April)

The Mayan long count.
Five set of numbers these correspond from right to left to
increasing periods of time

rightmost : kin : day value 1 to 20
right : uinal : 20 days value 1 to 18
centre : tun : 360 days value 1 to 20
left : katun : 7200 days value 1 to 20
leftmost : baktun : 144000 days value 1 to 13

each full wrap arround is a cycle.

note above that it is assumed calander goes 1BC to 1AD and that is 0*144000+0*7200+1*360+0*20+4*1 = 364 days and that
+ 0. 0. 1. 0. 4
12 19 19 17 20
1 1 1 1
13. 0. 0. 0. 0
This is again out by 364 days. If you allow for the fact that the
present calander has been accurate for only a few hundred years
e.t.c. this is amazingly close to a cycle and infact the dates
FASA give for the length of the 6th age are within about 30 days
of an exact cycle!
This is probably the astounding accuratcy Ehran refers too, do
note that world end dates are

5th Atlantis sank : Ehran, or in ED terms Thera blew up!
6th 1st Great Dragon seen Japan
7th Ehrans quotes of Mayan prediction, presumably his conversion
of the long count, but probably dead accurate in the SR universe.

This is still not perfect, and the date prior to 3113BC are more
iffy as there is some data on pre ED times in ED but its in Thera
or the Companion or something which as i play ED i have not read.

Comments and calander corrections (my knowlede is iffy at best)
[note leap year per 4
centuaries not unless divisble by 400 used for days counting
for the conversions]


Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Dates SR and ED and the worlds., you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.