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Message no. 1
From: Strago strago@***.com
Subject: Dead (Was Re: Things to do in Seattle when you're dead)
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 20:20:10 -0400
Scott Wheelock wrote:

> "And now, a Channel 6 editorial reply to Callisto."
> ] I was wondering if I had acchieved a record, point is: I have a
> ] character which I created about a year and a half ago, since the
> ] time of creation this character has died of unnatural causes FIVE
> ] times, and he's still walking around (who says Fate sucks?).
> <snip everything else>
> How do you define dead? I get the sense our
> definitions might differ...none of my dead characters are
> still walking around...(except maybe that ghoul initiate!!
> Mwahahaha!!! :)
> If you mean "have taken deadly wounds and recovered,"
> then you've beaten my PCs out. If you mean "have taken
> damage beyond their overflow boxes and been brought
> back to life by a miracle (read: brow-beaten GM)", then
> you still win.
> -Murder of One

Well, once again, I must contribute. I think one of my friends PCs has
beaten anyone on the list. He created a new form of death ... a
"Squints" death. Not only did he create this form of death, but the
character, henceforth called Super Squints, attained this feat three
times in one game!!! And we define one game as one six hour session of
First, I think I shall outline Super Squints. This was a Troll with a
Body of 14, and who wore a combined armor of 10/8!!! (This was when we
used the layered armor rule; I forget which sourcebook they got it
So Super Squints started the game in a bar. For some reason, I believe
it was because he ended up in a Humanis bar, he ended up taking
something like seven full auto bursts to the chest. The end result, one
box of overdamage away from permanent death. So then, all the PCs took a
trip to Quebec to complete their run. They ran into a little bit of
difficulty and ended up having a nice chase through Quebec city. Well,
Super Squints ran over a puddle of water, failed his bike roll, and
crashed into a building at 135 kph. Result: one box of overdamage away
from permanent death.
Then, after they got away, they found that they had to meet their
Johnson to deliver the goods in the Aztlan desert. They tried to run the
border. Once again, Squints got shot a lot, and went one box of
overdamage away from permanent death.I wonder if anyone else has
witnessed this.

SRGC v0.2 !SR1 SR2++ !SR3 h b++ B- UB- IE+ RN++ sa++ ma++ ad+ m+ (o++
d+) gm+ M-

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Dead (Was Re: Things to do in Seattle when you're dead), you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.