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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: the holy Entombed <rasputin@***.UMD.EDU>
Subject: Dwarfs...
Date: Sat, 4 Jun 1994 00:59:15 -0400
On Fri, 3 Jun 1994, A.R.Gay wrote:

> The Dwarfs howcome we never hear anything about them? I think
> fasa have forgotten about them myself. After all when was the
> last time you saw a Dwarf mage? Or a Dwarf in PR?

Or a Red Dwarf?


E, the holy Entombed: rasputin@***
Finger for E.Magic info.
Message no. 2
From: Mamoulian <shine@************.NET>
Subject: Dwarfs
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 22:23:14 -0700
I recently made a Dwarf character....something I have never ran before. I
have come to discover that their is not very much info at all on Dwarfs
(with the exception of the Germany Sourcebook) that I can find.

Any info, links, or characters you have played would be appreciated.

(Seatle, Streetsam is the type of character)


Message no. 3
From: "Logan Graves <Fenris>" <logan1@*****.INTERCOM.NET>
Subject: Re: Dwarfs
Date: Sat, 1 Nov 1997 23:32:10 -0500
Mamoulian wrote:
> I recently made a Dwarf character....something I have never ran before. I
> have come to discover that their is not very much info at all on Dwarfs
> (with the exception of the Germany Sourcebook) that I can find.
> Any info, links, or characters you have played would be appreciated.
> (Seatle, Streetsam is the type of character)

Hey, Fearless Leader or Assistant or Flunkies (...or Bull),

Shouldn't you guys give Mamoulian some kind of award for being the
first list member to actually *play* a dwarf (& then admit it to all of
us)??!! Sort of an "anti-thwapp" -thingie?

Dwarves truely *are* the forgotten meta-type. There is very little
SR info on them. They are, as a rule, the least played, least written
about, and least noticed race in all of Shadowrun (& not just because
they're short). If you can stomach it, check out T$R's **&* for
character ideas on Dwarves, cause, SHORT of the Germany Sourcebook, the
Folks at Fasa have LARGEly overlooked the stout-ones, too.

--Fenris (who's best bud, Gislan, *is* a dwarf)
(>) "If nobody in the world was violent,
I could conqure the whole stupid
planet with a butter knife."
(>) --Dogbert
Message no. 4
From: Gurth <gurth@******.NL>
Subject: Re: Dwarfs
Date: Sun, 2 Nov 1997 11:10:48 +0100
Logan Graves Fenris said on 23:32/ 1 Nov 97...

> <Admin>
> Hey, Fearless Leader or Assistant or Flunkies (...or Bull),
> Shouldn't you guys give Mamoulian some kind of award for being the
> first list member to actually *play* a dwarf (& then admit it to all of
> us)??!! Sort of an "anti-thwapp" -thingie?
> </Admin>

He's by no means the first, if only because I'm 100% certain I've played a
dwarf several years ago ;) I've also seen several other dwarfs in play,
one of them in my current campaign (although the player has no internet
access, so she's obviously not on this list).

> Seriously,
> Dwarves truely *are* the forgotten meta-type. There is very little
> SR info on them. They are, as a rule, the least played, least written
> about, and least noticed race in all of Shadowrun (& not just because
> they're short). If you can stomach it, check out T$R's **&* for
> character ideas on Dwarves, cause, SHORT of the Germany Sourcebook, the
> Folks at Fasa have LARGEly overlooked the stout-ones, too.

Except in Earthdawn, where dwarves are the most numerical race in
Barsaive, and have given it most of its current laws, plus its trade
language and lots of other things.

However, since this is SR, I agree that dwarves are a bit overlooked in
the game. It's probably because dwarves can fit into human society pretty
easily; okay, they're a lot shorter, but they don't look like some kind of
freaks (unlike orks and trolls), so they'd be easier to accept for humans
to have around.

Gurth@******.nl -
'K moest kloppen want de bel doet het niet.
-> NERPS Project Leader & Unofficial Shadowrun Guru <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-

Version 3.1:
GAT/! d-(dpu) s:- !a>? C+(++)@ U P L E? W(++) N o? K- w+ O V? PS+ PE
Y PGP- t(+) 5++ X++ R+++>$ tv+(++) b++@ DI? D+ G(++) e h! !r(---) y?
Message no. 5
From: Mon goose <landsquid@*******.COM>
Subject: Re: Dwarfs
Date: Sun, 2 Nov 1997 11:04:09 PST
If you can stomach it, check out T$R's **&* for
>character ideas on Dwarves, cause, SHORT of the Germany Sourcebook, the
>Folks at Fasa have LARGEly overlooked the stout-ones, too.

If your looking at other games, ED is still FASA, and Dwarves are the
MAJORITY race! They have a supliment all about the ruling dwarven
court, andanother couple that each detail 4 ot the 8 races, with alarge
section on dwarves. They are comparatively ignored in SR, true. More
should be made of how big an advantage small size can be, and how big a
disadvantage large size is to trolls.
Dwarves in shadowrun seem pretty similar to ED ones, but Trolls are
pretty different. In ED trolls main disadvantage is poor karma- they
Have human like mental stats.

Mongoose / Technological progress is like an ax in the hands
of a psychotic - Einstein

get sucked into -The Vortex- Chicago's shadowland BBS

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Message no. 6
From: Tobias Berghoff <Zixx@*****.TEUTO.DE>
Subject: Re: Dwarfs
Date: Mon, 3 Nov 1997 16:06:00 GMT
on 02.11.97 gurth@******.NL wrote:

g> > Seriously,
g> > Dwarves truely *are* the forgotten meta-type. There is very little
g> > SR info on them. They are, as a rule, the least played, least written
g> > about, and least noticed race in all of Shadowrun (& not just because
g> > they're short). If you can stomach it, check out T$R's **&* for
g> > character ideas on Dwarves, cause, SHORT of the Germany Sourcebook, the
g> > Folks at Fasa have LARGEly overlooked the stout-ones, too.
g> Except in Earthdawn, where dwarves are the most numerical race in
g> Barsaive, and have given it most of its current laws, plus its trade
g> language and lots of other things.
g> However, since this is SR, I agree that dwarves are a bit overlooked in
g> the game. It's probably because dwarves can fit into human society pretty
g> easily; okay, they're a lot shorter, but they don't look like some kind of
g> freaks (unlike orks and trolls), so they'd be easier to accept for humans
g> to have around.

Well, IMO the problem is that dwarfs aren't *big* or *strong* or *fast* or
*beautiful*. They just don't correspond to most peoples tough-guy, mean-
streetsam, heroic point of viewing their chars. Damn, I'll never forget
the looks I got when I introduced a char who was 1.7cm 'small'...

(I mean haven't we all seen enough of these 2m guy in black leathers? You
know, the folks in Ray-Ban-mode with the spur ports, the smartlink, and at
least one scar in the face....this makes me sentimetal....:))

Luckily, my current group doesn't have these problems. :)

Tobias Berghoff a.k.a Zixx a.k.a. Charon, your friendly werepanther physad.

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GAT/CS/S/IT d--- s+:- !a>? C++(++++)
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w---() O- M-- V- PS+ PE- Y+>++ PGP-
t+(++) 5+ X++ R* tv b++ DI(+) D++ G>++
e>+++++(*) h! r-- z?
------END GEEK CODE BLOCK-------------

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Dwarfs, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.