From: | Tony Rabiola <rabiola@**.NETCOM.COM> |
Subject: | Re: [Earthdawn] Earthdawn CD-ROM |
Date: | Sat, 17 Jan 1998 21:47:36 -0600 |
>At 01:06 PM 1/16/98 EST, FASA Lou wrote:
>This is an excellent idea, Lou, and definitely a step in the right
>direction, IMO. I can't tell you how many times I've wished for fully
>indexed and searchable copies of the Earthdawn rules and supplements on
>electronic media rather than traditional print media; I dream of the day
>when I can run my game from a table upon which sits only my laptop, rather
>than a pile of books, a few fistfuls of dice, a ream of paper, and pencils
>that invariable break or get lost.
>About the only thing I'm disappointed with is FASA's choice to distribute
>Microsoft's Internet Explorer on the CD-ROM rather than Netscape's
>Navigator. I realize that you didn't do this to take sides in the war of
>religion over web browsers, but as one of the people living and working in
>Silicon Valley who's directly affected by the scorched-earth campaign
>Microsoft's waging on the high-tech markets, I feel a twinge (but just a
>twinge) of pain when FASA hops into bed with the enemy. I hope you'll
>consider, if you do this sort of promotion again in the future,
>distributing both browsers; I doubt it'd increase your costs very much, if
>at all.
Yeah, now how about a Shadowrun version of the same! What a treat that would be, with
aavilable for download, of course! (grin)
Argent - Elven Fixer Extrodinaire
It was hot, the night we burned Chrome...