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Message no. 1
From: Steven A. Tinner bluewizard@*****.com
Subject: Foreshadowing (Was - Year of ... ?)
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 12:54:40 -0500
>> Bug City was an event, not part of some Year Of plotline. And things are
>> different and it did have an effect - it pushed the Mob out of Chicago,
>> was an election year issue, we finally saw insect spirits for real, we
>> out Ares has nukes, Detroit gained some importance as an economic center.
>Bug City was, IMO, the inspiration for the "year plotline" idea. And
>executed better, IMO, as there were years of events leading up to it.

That's a very good point! And one that also goes for the whole Dunkelzahn
plotline as well.
That being said, can anyone think of anything else that has been building up
over the years?

I think that there's been enough dirt on Damien Knight to justify a major
event surrounding him.
Yes, I know he was involved in the Dragonheart Trilogy, but only in a small
role. I'd like to see more.

Steven A. Tinner
" If it wasn't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college." -
Louis Black
Message no. 2
From: abortion_engine abortion_engine@*******.com
Subject: Foreshadowing (Was - Year of ... ?)
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 13:01:35 -0500
From: "Steven A. Tinner" <bluewizard@*****.com>
> That's a very good point! And one that also goes for the whole Dunkelzahn
> plotline as well.
> That being said, can anyone think of anything else that has been building
> over the years?

Alamais. Der Nachtmachen. Smacking Lofwyr upside the head with a cold dead
fish. [Excuse to re-introduce Germany material!]

Okay, sorry, I'll go away now. I know everyone hates Earthdawn.

The devil is an angel just like everyone else.
Message no. 3
From: Steven A. Tinner bluewizard@*****.com
Subject: Foreshadowing (Was - Year of ... ?)
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 13:10:52 -0500
>Alamais. Der Nachtmachen. Smacking Lofwyr upside the head with a cold dead
>fish. [Excuse to re-introduce Germany material!]
>Okay, sorry, I'll go away now. I know everyone hates Earthdawn.

I just finished the new novel too!
I should have thought of that!

For that matter, while everyone hates the Immortal Elves, they are kind of
like the Elephant in the room.
No one wants to talk about them, but they're still out there.
I'd like to see a BRIEF bit of info about just what exactly these Tir
Princes are up to?
For that matter, what about Azania? The "African Tir."

I don NOT want SR to head too far down that direction again, but I'd also
like to see plotlines like this at least somewhat resolved!

Steven A. Tinner
" If it wasn't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college." -
Louis Black
Message no. 4
From: abortion_engine abortion_engine@*******.com
Subject: Foreshadowing (Was - Year of ... ?)
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 13:19:42 -0500
From: "Steven A. Tinner" <bluewizard@*****.com>
> >Alamais. Der Nachtmachen. Smacking Lofwyr upside the head with a cold
> >fish. [Excuse to re-introduce Germany material!]
> >
> >Okay, sorry, I'll go away now. I know everyone hates Earthdawn.
> Doh!
> I just finished the new novel too!
> I should have thought of that!

Huh? Are you talking about Ragnarok? Is Alamais involved? Please?
Message no. 5
From: Strago strago@***.com
Subject: Foreshadowing (Was - Year of ... ?)
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 13:21:23 -0500
abortion_engine wrote:

> From: "Steven A. Tinner" <bluewizard@*****.com>
> > That's a very good point! And one that also goes for the whole Dunkelzahn
> > plotline as well.
> > That being said, can anyone think of anything else that has been building
> up
> > over the years?
> Alamais. Der Nachtmachen. Smacking Lofwyr upside the head with a cold dead
> fish. [Excuse to re-introduce Germany material!]
> Okay, sorry, I'll go away now. I know everyone hates Earthdawn.

Actually, this is something we'd discussed after a gaming session: the BIG
THING this year (2061) is gonna be the return of Alamais. And if you thought
Lofwyr was mean, wait until you meet his big brother... Personally, I like the
idea that Lofwyr's brother returns. While it will be an ED crossover, I don't
care. IT WOULD BE COOL. We could see it now: in the Pacific Rim (you know, that
are Lung and Ryumyo are fighting over?) the volcanoes all explode
simultaneously. Up from the depths the earth shudders, and then a large
landmass rises from the depths. Atlantis. Complete with a big grinning dragon
who everyone says is Lofwyr's brother. It would be so wiz (to borrow a word).
Message no. 6
From: Steven A. Tinner bluewizard@*****.com
Subject: Foreshadowing (Was - Year of ... ?)
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 13:26:16 -0500
>> >Alamais. Der Nachtmachen. Smacking Lofwyr upside the head with a cold
>> >fish. [Excuse to re-introduce Germany material!]
>> >
>> >Okay, sorry, I'll go away now. I know everyone hates Earthdawn.
>> Doh!
>> I just finished the new novel too!
>> I should have thought of that!
>Huh? Are you talking about Ragnarok? Is Alamais involved? Please?








Yes, I WAS talking about Ragnarock, and to say that Alamais is "involved" is
putting it mildly.
Almost the entire novel takes place in Europe/Germany.
Der Nachtmachen are briefly mentioned
In the middle of the book Lofwyr is "killed!"

Without giving away too much, I would reccomend this if you are interested
in those items! ;-)

Steven A. Tinner
" If it wasn't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college." -
Louis Black
Message no. 7
From: abortion_engine abortion_engine@*******.com
Subject: Foreshadowing (Was - Year of ... ?)
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 14:00:20 -0500
From: "Steven A. Tinner" <bluewizard@*****.com>
> >> >Alamais. Der Nachtmachen. Smacking Lofwyr upside the head with a cold
> >dead
> >> >fish. [Excuse to re-introduce Germany material!]
> >> >
> >> >Okay, sorry, I'll go away now. I know everyone hates Earthdawn.
> >>
> >> Doh!
> >> I just finished the new novel too!
> >> I should have thought of that!
> >
> >Huh? Are you talking about Ragnarok? Is Alamais involved? Please?
> S
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> Y
> Yes, I WAS talking about Ragnarock, and to say that Alamais is "involved"
> putting it mildly.
> Almost the entire novel takes place in Europe/Germany.
> Der Nachtmachen are briefly mentioned
> In the middle of the book Lofwyr is "killed!"
> Without giving away too much, I would reccomend this if you are interested
> in those items! ;-)

Good lord. I'll say. Thanks for the head's up.
Message no. 8
From: abortion_engine abortion_engine@*******.com
Subject: Foreshadowing (Was - Year of ... ?)
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 14:09:34 -0500
From: "Strago" <strago@***.com>
> abortion_engine wrote:
> > From: "Steven A. Tinner" <bluewizard@*****.com>
> > > That's a very good point! And one that also goes for the whole
> > > plotline as well.
> > > That being said, can anyone think of anything else that has been
> > up
> > > over the years?
> >
> > Alamais. Der Nachtmachen. Smacking Lofwyr upside the head with a cold
> > fish. [Excuse to re-introduce Germany material!]
> >
> > Okay, sorry, I'll go away now. I know everyone hates Earthdawn.
> Actually, this is something we'd discussed after a gaming session: the BIG
> THING this year (2061) is gonna be the return of Alamais. And if you
> Lofwyr was mean, wait until you meet his big brother... Personally, I like
> idea that Lofwyr's brother returns. While it will be an ED crossover, I
> care. IT WOULD BE COOL. We could see it now: in the Pacific Rim (you know,
> are Lung and Ryumyo are fighting over?) the volcanoes all explode
> simultaneously. Up from the depths the earth shudders, and then a large
> landmass rises from the depths. Atlantis. Complete with a big grinning
> who everyone says is Lofwyr's brother. It would be so wiz (to borrow a

You should read Dragons. And Dowd's short stories. And Knight's Pawn. And a
couple of other things.

Here's links to Dragons and the Dowd stuff, if you need it [or care about
consistancy with ED, etc.]

Dowd; Rex Tremendae:
Dowd; Post Mortem:
Message no. 9
From: Barbie LeVile barbie@********.de
Subject: Foreshadowing (Was - Year of ... ?)
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 20:25:34 +0100
Strago wrote:
> Actually, this is something we'd discussed after a gaming session: the BIG
> THING this year (2061) is gonna be the return of Alamais. And if you thought
> Lofwyr was mean, wait until you meet his big brother... Personally, I like the
> idea that Lofwyr's brother returns. While it will be an ED crossover, I don't
> care. IT WOULD BE COOL. We could see it now: in the Pacific Rim (you know, that
> are Lung and Ryumyo are fighting over?) the volcanoes all explode
> simultaneously. Up from the depths the earth shudders, and then a large
> landmass rises from the depths. Atlantis. Complete with a big grinning dragon
> who everyone says is Lofwyr's brother. It would be so wiz (to borrow a word).

And so utterly stupid ...

Barbie - Prayers are like junkmail for Jesus

"One World, One Web, One Program" - Microsoft Promotional Ad
"Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer" - Adolf Hitler


SRGC 0.22: SR1 SR2+++ SR3--- h++++ b++ b--- UB++ IE- RN+ SR_D+++ W++
dk sh++++ ri++++ sa+++ ad+++ m+++(x+++) gm++ m+++ P+++(P*)
Message no. 10
From: abortion_engine abortion_engine@*******.com
Subject: Foreshadowing (Was - Year of ... ?)
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 14:50:34 -0500
From: "Barbie LeVile" <barbie@********.de>
> Strago wrote:
> > Actually, this is something we'd discussed after a gaming session: the
> > THING this year (2061) is gonna be the return of Alamais. And if you
> > Lofwyr was mean, wait until you meet his big brother... Personally, I
like the
> > idea that Lofwyr's brother returns. While it will be an ED crossover, I
> > care. IT WOULD BE COOL. We could see it now: in the Pacific Rim (you
know, that
> > are Lung and Ryumyo are fighting over?) the volcanoes all explode
> > simultaneously. Up from the depths the earth shudders, and then a large
> > landmass rises from the depths. Atlantis. Complete with a big grinning
> > who everyone says is Lofwyr's brother. It would be so wiz (to borrow a
> And so utterly stupid ...

Please explain the logic underlying that conclusion.
Message no. 11
From: remo@***.net remo@***.net
Subject: Foreshadowing (Was - Year of ... ?)
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 20:36:30 GMT
God, web-based email sucks, but it's the best I can do for the moment.

> > That being said, can anyone think of anything else that has been
> > building up over the years?
> Alamais. Der Nachtmachen. Smacking Lofwyr upside the head with a cold
> dead fish. [Excuse to re-introduce Germany material!]

Mike spoke of something at Gen Con called "Survival of the Fittest." Won't see
the light of day before Dave Bowman gets to Io. most likely, considering the
current schedule, but it sounds right up your alley. Adam J recorded the
seminar; you might wanna give it a listen.

> Okay, sorry, I'll go away now. I know everyone hates Earthdawn.

Don't hate it; just don't see any point in linking the two games.

Message no. 12
From: abortion_engine abortion_engine@*******.com
Subject: Foreshadowing (Was - Year of ... ?)
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 15:49:02 -0500
From: <remo@***.net>
> Mike spoke of something at Gen Con called "Survival of the Fittest."
Won't see
> the light of day before Dave Bowman gets to Io. most likely, considering
> current schedule, but it sounds right up your alley. Adam J recorded the
> seminar; you might wanna give it a listen.

I've got the sems on .ra, but I don't remember this. Adam, do you recall
which chunk of sem this is in?

> > Okay, sorry, I'll go away now. I know everyone hates Earthdawn.
> Don't hate it; just don't see any point in linking the two games.

That, I suppose, is a topic for another time, so I'll refrain. ;)
Message no. 13
From: Adam J adamj@*********
Subject: Foreshadowing (Was - Year of ... ?)
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 14:17:52 -0700
At 13:49 2/15/00, abortion_engine wrote:

>I've got the sems on .ra, but I don't remember this. Adam, do you recall
>which chunk of sem this is in? still lists the summary and the
times - going by it, it's somewhere between 5-13 minutes into the file.

However, nothing much was said about any specifics.

< adamj@********* / >
< ICQ# 2350330 / ShadowFAQ: >
< ShadowRN Assistant Fearless Leader / Shadowrun Creative Resources >
< FreeRPG & Shadowrun Webring Co-Admin / The Shadowrun Supplemental >
Message no. 14
From: HHackerH@***.com HHackerH@***.com
Subject: Foreshadowing (Was - Year of ... ?)
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 17:10:34 EST
In a message dated 2/15/00 2:52:34 PM US Eastern Standard Time,
abortion_engine@*******.com writes:

<SNIP(TM)!> It would be so wiz (to borrow a
> word).
> >
> > And so utterly stupid ...
> Please explain the logic underlying that conclusion.

Not that I disagree with the comment/remark, but yes Barbie, just why would
it be "utterly stupid?"

-"Just a Bastard"
-Hoosier Hacker House
"Children of the Kernel"
Message no. 15
From: Bull bull@***********.com
Subject: Foreshadowing (Was - Year of ... ?)
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 20:14:39 -0500
At 01:26 PM 2/15/00 -0500, Steven A. Tinner wrote:

>Yes, I WAS talking about Ragnarock, and to say that Alamais is "involved" is
>putting it mildly.
>Almost the entire novel takes place in Europe/Germany.
>Der Nachtmachen are briefly mentioned
>In the middle of the book Lofwyr is "killed!"
>Without giving away too much, I would reccomend this if you are interested
>in those items! ;-)
Just as a note... Alamais may be Lofwyr's big bro (As someone in another
thread suggested). I'm not sure, as I know very little about ED stuff,
but... Alamais is second in power and ability to Lofwyr in Shadowrun. I
believe He was thrid until Dunky went boom.

Bull -- The Best Ork Decker You Never Met
bull@*******.net == bull22@***********.com == bull@***********.com
ICQ: 35931890
====================================================== =
= Order is Illusion! Chaos is Bliss! Got any Fours? = =
"She's already a plot device, might as well make it legal!"
-- Gahbardi, Ghede Houngan
Message no. 16
From: abortion_engine abortion_engine@*******.com
Subject: Foreshadowing (Was - Year of ... ?)
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 08:28:52 -0500
From: "Bull" <bull@***********.com>
> At 01:26 PM 2/15/00 -0500, Steven A. Tinner wrote:
> >S
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> >
> >Yes, I WAS talking about Ragnarock, and to say that Alamais is
> >putting it mildly.
> >Almost the entire novel takes place in Europe/Germany.
> >Der Nachtmachen are briefly mentioned
> >In the middle of the book Lofwyr is "killed!"
> >
> >Without giving away too much, I would reccomend this if you are
> >in those items! ;-)
> >
> Just as a note... Alamais may be Lofwyr's big bro (As someone in another
> thread suggested). I'm not sure, as I know very little about ED stuff,
> but... Alamais is second in power and ability to Lofwyr in Shadowrun. I
> believe He was thrid until Dunky went boom.

Alamaise/Alamais is Lofwyr's brother, but I don't believe there's a mention
of which is eldest. [When you're nearly as old as the world, does it matter?
:) ] I believe, actually, that they were from the same brood of eggs - that
seems to be the way Dragons count brotherhood - so they'd be roughly the
same age anyway.

Yeah, Alamais is second to Lofwyr in power and ability. But he's first in
anger. :)

The devil is an angel just like everyone else.

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Foreshadowing (Was - Year of ... ?), you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.