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Message no. 1
From: Graht <dbuehrer@******.CARL.ORG>
Subject: Re: Full Auto
Date: Sun, 8 Dec 1996 14:34:32 -0700
Gurth wrote about "Re: An Actual Shadowrun Post":

> I've used this house rule for quite some time, and I'm much happier with
> it than the over-damage rules from Fields of Fire and the SR Companion.
> In comes down to letting over-damage start at Light, and every damage
> level increase works as normal -- so if you shoot 9 rounds with a weapon
> doing 8M damage (your target rolls against 17 here), and you get 2
> successes, the target takes 16 boxes damage: 10 for the normal Deadly
> wound, and then there is enough left to stage it up 3 times, to Serious
> again.

[P = Power, DL = Damage Levels]
[8M + 9P&3xDL = 17D + L, +2 successes (1xDL) = 17D + M]

Uh... Gurth, did I miss something?

And someone else said that this is pretty deadly, but its actually
more in line with the basic rules. For example, someone can do more
damage with a heavy pistol than with an LMG on full auto. Fire the
pistol twice and hit your target, both times staging each shot up to
a Deadly Wound, and you've just done 20 boxes of damage. Whereas
with the LMG even on full auto the most you can do is 10 boxes of
damage, even if you just peppered your target with all fifteen

Maybe SR assumes that only some of the rounds from a full auto burst
will hit the target. But then that doesn't seem to fall in line
with their recoil modifiers. I'd say that if you hit your target
even after taking the recoil into account that everything hits and
increase the base damage, or toss the recoil rules and say that
extra successes increases the number of rounds that hit (increasing


"I entered the cave and set off some sort of fire
trap. So I went running down the tunnel with my
ass on fire when I come into this room with a pool
in the middle. I jumped into the pool, not knowing
that an alchemist had created it to turn copper
into gold. I was carrying 500 cp at the time :)"
Message no. 2
From: Gurth <gurth@******.NL>
Subject: Re: Full Auto
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 1996 12:40:52 +0100
Graht said on 14:34/ 8 Dec 96...

[snip my overdamage house rule example]
> [P = Power, DL = Damage Levels]
> [8M + 9P&3xDL = 17D + L, +2 successes (1xDL) = 17D + M]
> Uh... Gurth, did I miss something?

Yeah, sorry, I made a slight mis-calculation. It should have read 13 boxes
of damage, not 16. That's what you get for not thinking things through
before emailing them out :)

> And someone else said that this is pretty deadly, but its actually
> more in line with the basic rules.

Actually, if you want to really follow through with the basic rules, the
first stage-up over Deadly should do 5 boxes, the next 6, then 7, and so
on. Hardly anybody will survive that, though -- I thought about that
method at first, but decided against it as being *too* deadly.

> "I entered the cave and set off some sort of fire
> trap. So I went running down the tunnel with my
> ass on fire when I come into this room with a pool
> in the middle. I jumped into the pool, not knowing
> that an alchemist had created it to turn copper
> into gold. I was carrying 500 cp at the time :)"

That's a lot more fun on the players if the alchemist just happens to
have got the formula the wrong way round :)

Gurth@******.nl -
Oh wow! Oh wow! This is really, really heavy, man!
-> NERPS Project Leader & Unofficial Shadowrun Guru <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-

Version 3.1:
GAT/! d-(dpu) s:- !a>? C+(++)@ U P L E? W(++) N o? K- w+ O V? PS+ PE
Y PGP- t(+) 5+ X++ R+++>$ tv+(++) b++@ DI? D+ G(++) e h! !r(---) y?
Message no. 3
From: Graht <dbuehrer@******.CARL.ORG>
Subject: Re: Full Auto
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 1996 15:51:17 -0700
Gurth wrote about "Re: Full Auto":

> Graht said on 14:34/ 8 Dec 96...
> [snip my overdamage house rule example]
> > Uh... Gurth, did I miss something?
> Yeah, sorry, I made a slight mis-calculation. It should have read 13 boxes
> of damage, not 16. That's what you get for not thinking things through
> before emailing them out :)

That's okay. I forgive ya :)

> > "I entered the cave and set off some sort of fire
> > trap. So I went running down the tunnel with my
> > ass on fire when I come into this room with a pool
> > in the middle. I jumped into the pool, not knowing
> > that an alchemist had created it to turn copper
> > into gold. I was carrying 500 cp at the time :)"
> That's a lot more fun on the players if the alchemist just happens to
> have got the formula the wrong way round :)

The beauty of it was that the pool only worked once. The GM planned
on us dipping various things into the pool until we figured it out.
By his thinking we would probably on get one gold coin out of the
deal. Then my character jumps into the pool with a backpack full of
copper (yep, I was playing the stereotypical greedy dwarf). And
people say AD$D isn't fun :) But your right, if the pool had been
reversed... ever seen a dwarf commit hari kari?

Maybe I'll try this in my SR game and see if the player (that GMed
this encounter) figures it out :)

While I'm on the subject, has anyone ever blatantly stolen an
adventure from another GM in your group and run the same adventure in
a different game (AD&D to SR, and changing the names of course)? And
seen how long it takes the guy to figure it out?


"Pick up the door."
"...Hey, Kunds!"

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Full Auto, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.