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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: Tom Pendergrast <pendergr@***.EDU>
Subject: Re: games : power levels...
Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 11:33:30 -0700 (PDT)
> > <snip> I usually run high powered thinking games.
> No, no, no... High powered games encourage combat, not thinking, <snip>
> ... and you might as well have played the low-power game,

> It's all relative. If you play a game with no cyber, for example, you
> have hard fights with gangers and low level guards. If you play a game
> with some cyber, you have hard fights with corps. If you play a game with
> 10th level initiates and MBW4, then you need to take on hordes of cyber
> zombies & dragons to make it challenging... why not just go for the low
> level stuff?

((Just for S&Gs, we had a campaign a while back. Our party originally
consisted (at the start) of a (beginning) Mage, a char with some cyber
(security specialist), and a Vampire Hunter (Wire-2, SL, Eyes, etc...) .
Mid powered dudes. We had a couple of other players join and we got a
(beginning) PhyAd, and a Company (Wo)Man. We were, as best I can guess,
mid-powered chars... we could take on a lot, but there were so much that
would stomp us. As we continued playing, we got more skills, my char got
more/better cyber, the mage initiated a grade... that kind of thing. We
slowly got more powerful. By the end of the summer (we played 2-3 times
a week) we each had 150-200 Karma. My char was in the lead with 300. (I
never missed a game) The next summer, we continued. We got more
powerful, cybertechnology came out, and we upgraded some of out cyber
(some alpha, a little beta, no delta...) The mage initiated more (with
differednt ordeals), got more skills, got some bioware, that kind of a
thing... We got more poewrful as time went on. By the end of the second
summer, (again playing 2-3 times a week) our weakest member had 300
Karma, and my char (in the lead) had 502. We were very powerful. We
could take on things easily that we would have run from a year before.
We had great skills, and lots of them... our mage had initiated to grade
8, and out PhyAd was at 6. Over Thanksgiving, X-mas, ans spring
vacation, we ran more... The mage initated to 10, the PhyAd got to 8-9 (I
don't remember) My char raised his pistols all the way to 14... etc...
we were even more powerful. We were in a high-powered campaign. We
started with a low/mid campaign and over the course of two years,
gradually built up to a high powered. The campaign changed.

> The only true advantage high-level stuff has over low-level stuff is that
> you can turn thousands of corp & gang types into pulp whenever you
> want... and THAT is just shoot-em-ups.

((What used to make us cringe and run away, we can now stomp... but we
usually don't get into combat if we don't have to now...))


Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about games : power levels..., you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.