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Message no. 1
From: chaos@*****.com (Steven Ratkovich)
Subject: Gaming Shaman (beware: Silly!)
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 01:15:42 -0500 (EST)
>Caric-The -Loose-Grip-On-Reality-Shaman
>Hey!!! A new totem
Well, this one got me thinkin' (of course) and guess what? Another sick
idea to annoy my GM...:) (Ahhh, we love ya Steven...:) So Here ya go, the:

Gaming Shaman

The gaming shaman recieves his calling from a being he knows as the Master,
often prefixed by Game or Dungeon, and occasionally called the Judge or
Referee. This being sees life as nothing but a game, and believes that
somewhere, he is being controlled by another, more powerful being in a world
much different from his own.

The gaming shaman has one restriction, he must use dice to make any action.
He asks his totem, the GM (short, of course, for Game Master) for target
number, and then casts the spell. If he exceeeds his number, then he
successfully casts his spell. he also lets the dice rule the effects the
spell has on him physically (ie, drain:). Without his dice, or some dice at
the very least, he is unable to cast any magic.

As a bonus, he thrives off of certain foodstuffs, be it pizza, pop, chips,
beer, whatever. When his totem calls him the first time, he gets to pick
one specific drink and one specific food, and that becomes his main source
of nourishment. Also, if he consumes a decent amout of this prior to
casting spells (ie, within 1/2 hour) he gets +1 dice to all spells of one
type for the next 2 hours...:)

This is a (meta)human who believes his fate is in anothers hands, and will
let chance decide his life, often in the form of dice. He will often grow
attached to a specific set of dice, and will not like to use any others
although this has no adverse effect. It seems like a pschological trait.
Also note that weighted dice are frowned upon greatly by his totem, and
their are usually substantial penalties for it.

Probably the biggest advantage that a Gaming Shaman has, however, is the
ability to speak to his totem freely. Moreso than other totems, the Gaming
Shamans GM is always with him in some form, and rarely does the Shaman have
to goon an astral quest to seek answers, unless the question is a major
one. The Gaming Shaman often has great insight into the workings of the
world, and his totem can usually lead him in the right direction.


+1 dice to specific type of spell (combat, manipulation,etc) if chosen food
and drink is consumed within 1/2 hour of spell casting.

Loss of magic without dice or the ability to roll the dice.

Can be given hints and clues as to run by the GM, due to the special nature
of the shaman.

Now, this character is made as a joke, but feel free to use him. He seems
halfway balanced, and could be useful if you have a group that has troubles
figuring out where to go all the time. This way, you can simply point them
in the right direction without really leading them. Also, he couuld be fun
to play. After all, hethinks he is nothing more than numbers on paper, the
figment of someones bored imagination. He is a chatracter that knows
exactly what he is, one of our characters... Enjoy...:)

And Caric? Thanks a bunch for the idea...:8o)

# -Bull, aka Chaos, aka Rak, aka Steven Ratkovich #
# chaos@*****.com #
# Order is Illusion! Chaos is Bliss! Got any fours? #

"You do more damage out of simple irritation than most
men can do in a towering rage."
-David Eddings, "Demon Lord of Karanda
Message no. 2
From: chaos@*****.com (Steven Ratkovich)
Subject: Gaming Shaman (beware: Silly!)
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 01:15:37 -0500 (EST)
>Caric-The -Loose-Grip-On-Reality-Shaman
>Hey!!! A new totem
Well, this one got me thinkin' (of course) and guess what? Another sick
idea to annoy my GM...:) (Ahhh, we love ya Steven...:) So Here ya go, the:

Gaming Shaman

The gaming shaman recieves his calling from a being he knows as the Master,
often prefixed by Game or Dungeon, and occasionally called the Judge or
Referee. This being sees life as nothing but a game, and believes that
somewhere, he is being controlled by another, more powerful being in a world
much different from his own.

The gaming shaman has one restriction, he must use dice to make any action.
He asks his totem, the GM (short, of course, for Game Master) for target
number, and then casts the spell. If he exceeeds his number, then he
successfully casts his spell. he also lets the dice rule the effects the
spell has on him physically (ie, drain:). Without his dice, or some dice at
the very least, he is unable to cast any magic.

As a bonus, he thrives off of certain foodstuffs, be it pizza, pop, chips,
beer, whatever. When his totem calls him the first time, he gets to pick
one specific drink and one specific food, and that becomes his main source
of nourishment. Also, if he consumes a decent amout of this prior to
casting spells (ie, within 1/2 hour) he gets +1 dice to all spells of one
type for the next 2 hours...:)

This is a (meta)human who believes his fate is in anothers hands, and will
let chance decide his life, often in the form of dice. He will often grow
attached to a specific set of dice, and will not like to use any others
although this has no adverse effect. It seems like a pschological trait.
Also note that weighted dice are frowned upon greatly by his totem, and
their are usually substantial penalties for it.

Probably the biggest advantage that a Gaming Shaman has, however, is the
ability to speak to his totem freely. Moreso than other totems, the Gaming
Shamans GM is always with him in some form, and rarely does the Shaman have
to goon an astral quest to seek answers, unless the question is a major
one. The Gaming Shaman often has great insight into the workings of the
world, and his totem can usually lead him in the right direction.


+1 dice to specific type of spell (combat, manipulation,etc) if chosen food
and drink is consumed within 1/2 hour of spell casting.

Loss of magic without dice or the ability to roll the dice.

Can be given hints and clues as to run by the GM, due to the special nature
of the shaman.

Now, this character is made as a joke, but feel free to use him. He seems
halfway balanced, and could be useful if you have a group that has troubles
figuring out where to go all the time. This way, you can simply point them
in the right direction without really leading them. Also, he couuld be fun
to play. After all, hethinks he is nothing more than numbers on paper, the
figment of someones bored imagination. He is a chatracter that knows
exactly what he is, one of our characters... Enjoy...:)

And Caric? Thanks a bunch for the idea...:8o)

# -Bull, aka Chaos, aka Rak, aka Steven Ratkovich #
# chaos@*****.com #
# Order is Illusion! Chaos is Bliss! Got any fours? #

"You do more damage out of simple irritation than most
men can do in a towering rage."
-David Eddings, "Demon Lord of Karanda
Message no. 3
From: bluewizard@*****.com (Steven A. Tinner)
Subject: Re: Gaming Shaman (beware: Silly!)
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 01:40:27 -0500 (EST)
>snip large totem idea<

Your'e sicksicksicksicksicksick!!!!!!

Do you lie await at night thinking of such silliness?
Why can't you just be an evil GM like all the rest of the kids? :-)

"Hey...that bird's flying straight at the window...."
"Come and look at this guys! Don't worry...he won't get through..."

With many thanks to Hamish, the death by rhino Scot
Message no. 4
From: "Caric" <caric@*******.com>
Subject: Re: Gaming Shaman (beware: Silly!)
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 11:19:37 -0700
> From: Steven Ratkovich <chaos@*****.com>
> To: shadowrn@********
> Subject: Gaming Shaman (beware: Silly!)
> Date: Thursday, September 26, 1996 11:15 PM
> >Caric-The -Loose-Grip-On-Reality-Shaman
> >
> >
> >Hey!!! A new totem
> >
> Well, this one got me thinkin' (of course) and guess what? Another sick
> idea to annoy my GM...:) (Ahhh, we love ya Steven...:) So Here ya go,
> Gaming Shaman
> The gaming shaman recieves his calling from a being he knows as the
> often prefixed by Game or Dungeon, and occasionally called the Judge or
> Referee. This being sees life as nothing but a game, and believes that
> somewhere, he is being controlled by another, more powerful being in a
> much different from his own.
> The gaming shaman has one restriction, he must use dice to make any
> He asks his totem, the GM (short, of course, for Game Master) for target
> number, and then casts the spell. If he exceeeds his number, then he
> successfully casts his spell. he also lets the dice rule the effects the
> spell has on him physically (ie, drain:). Without his dice, or some dice
> the very least, he is unable to cast any magic.
> As a bonus, he thrives off of certain foodstuffs, be it pizza, pop,
> beer, whatever. When his totem calls him the first time, he gets to pick
> one specific drink and one specific food, and that becomes his main
> of nourishment. Also, if he consumes a decent amout of this prior to
> casting spells (ie, within 1/2 hour) he gets +1 dice to all spells of one
> type for the next 2 hours...:)
> This is a (meta)human who believes his fate is in anothers hands, and
> let chance decide his life, often in the form of dice. He will often
> attached to a specific set of dice, and will not like to use any others
> although this has no adverse effect. It seems like a pschological trait.
> Also note that weighted dice are frowned upon greatly by his totem, and
> their are usually substantial penalties for it.
> Probably the biggest advantage that a Gaming Shaman has, however, is the
> ability to speak to his totem freely. Moreso than other totems, the
> Shamans GM is always with him in some form, and rarely does the Shaman
> to goon an astral quest to seek answers, unless the question is a major
> one. The Gaming Shaman often has great insight into the workings of the
> world, and his totem can usually lead him in the right direction.
> +1 dice to specific type of spell (combat, manipulation,etc) if chosen
> and drink is consumed within 1/2 hour of spell casting.
> Loss of magic without dice or the ability to roll the dice.
> Can be given hints and clues as to run by the GM, due to the special
> of the shaman.
> Now, this character is made as a joke, but feel free to use him. He
> halfway balanced, and could be useful if you have a group that has
> figuring out where to go all the time. This way, you can simply point
> in the right direction without really leading them. Also, he couuld be
> to play. After all, hethinks he is nothing more than numbers on paper,
> figment of someones bored imagination. He is a chatracter that knows
> exactly what he is, one of our characters... Enjoy...:)
> And Caric? Thanks a bunch for the idea...:8o)

Run with it boys you do me proud.

Maybe Bull is my new best friend....hmmmmmm


Message no. 5
From: chaos@*****.com (Steven Ratkovich)
Subject: Re: Gaming Shaman (beware: Silly!)
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 15:12:51 -0500 (EST)
>Run with it boys you do me proud.
>Maybe Bull is my new best friend....hmmmmmm
Glad ya liked it, Caric. This is what happens when I stay up past midnight.

Of course, I always stay up past midnight, so....:)

# -Bull, aka Chaos, aka Rak, aka Steven Ratkovich #
# chaos@*****.com #
# Order is Illusion! Chaos is Bliss! Got any fours? #

"You do more damage out of simple irritation than most
men can do in a towering rage."
-David Eddings, "Demon Lord of Karanda
Message no. 6
From: bluewizard@*****.com (Steven A. Tinner)
Subject: Re: Gaming Shaman (beware: Silly!)
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 23:06:14 -0500 (EST)
>>Run with it boys you do me proud.
>>Maybe Bull is my new best friend....hmmmmmm
>Glad ya liked it, Caric. This is what happens when I stay up past midnight.
>Of course, I always stay up past midnight, so....:)

You boys really want to see Bull in rare form?

Try spending 36 hours gamin, drinking nothing but Mountain Dew, and eating
nothing but Little Chocolate Doughnuts!!!

"Doooooooghnut Visssssiiiiooooonnnnn!!!!" :-)

"Hey...that bird's flying straight at the window...."
"Come and look at this guys! Don't worry...he won't get through..."

With many thanks to Hamish, the death by rhino Scot
Message no. 7
From: "Gurth" <gurth@******.nl>
Subject: Re: Gaming Shaman (beware: Silly!)
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 1996 13:42:00 +0100
Caric said on 11:19/27 Sep 96...

[LOTS of lines about the gaming shaman snipped]
> Run with it boys you do me proud.
> Maybe Bull is my new best friend....hmmmmmm

This is a request to not just Caric, but to many of the new(er) members
of this list, among whom I've spotted this behaviour as well: please cut
out all the lines you're not replying to. It gets pretty annoying to read
25 messages, all of which a hundred lines long with two or three lines of
replies added at the bottom, one of which is often a .sig...

Gurth@******.nl -
It's going to hurt if you fail to miss the ground.
-> NERPS Project Leader & Unofficial Shadowrun Guru <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-

Version 3.1:
GAT/! d-(dpu) s:- !a>? C+(++)@ U P L E? W(++) N o? K- w+ O V? PS+ PE
Y PGP- t(+) 5+ X++ R+++>$ tv+(++) b++@ DI? D+ G(++) e h! !r(---) y?
Message no. 8
From: "Caric" <caric@*******.com>
Subject: Re: Gaming Shaman (beware: Silly!)
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 11:07:02 -0700
> This is a request to not just Caric,

I feel so branded!!!!!

J/K Gurthmeister null persp

Caric :)

P.S. I thought I was snipping the old :(
Message no. 9
From: The Jestyr <s421539@*******>
Subject: Re: Gaming Shaman (beware: Silly!)
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 09:40:02 +1000 (EST)
> You boys really want to see Bull in rare form?
> Try spending 36 hours gamin, drinking nothing but Mountain Dew, and eating
> nothing but Little Chocolate Doughnuts!!!
> "Doooooooghnut Visssssiiiiooooonnnnn!!!!" :-)

reminds me of a certain AD&D campaign I once GMed. Many hours on lotsa
Jolt and Mountain Dew left me not just DESCRIBING what the party
encountered (trolls), but running around like a troll. I wound up chewing
on a table leg. :)

Lady Jestyr

A titanic intellect... in a world full of icebergs
Elle Holmes s421539@*****

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Gaming Shaman (beware: Silly!), you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.