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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: Ivy Ryan <ivyryan@***.EFN.ORG>
Subject: Re: Geek Code 2.0
Date: Sat, 16 Jul 1994 19:54:54 -0700
That was cute, Robert.

I liked it. <giggle>

Message no. 2
From: Dylan Northrup <northrup@*****.CAS.USF.EDU>
Subject: Re: Geek Code 2.0
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 1994 09:58:36 -0400
On Sat, 16 Jul 1994, Ivy Ryan wrote:

> That was cute, Robert.
> I liked it. <giggle>

So did I. Really great, but there is still no Geek of Education :-)

*ducks to avoid carp*

Doc X
* Dylan Northrup <northrup@*****> * I'm not a computer genius *
*********************************************** I just play one in the lab *
* <>; * KIBO# *******************************
* PGP key available via WWW & e-mail * seven * C++ - language or religion? *
GED/S/MU -d+ -p+ c++ l- u++ e*(+) m*@ s+/ !n@ h*(!)@ f !g w(++) t+ b5++
r y+ NT3pt A11 HH*++ PP++

Random Babylon 5 Quote:
"They are a mystery and I am both terrified and reassured that there are
still wonders in the Universe, that we have not explained everything."
-- G'Kar, "Mind War"
Message no. 3
From: Jai Tao <jdfalk@****.CAIS.COM>
Subject: Re: Geek Code 2.0
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 1994 10:17:53 -0400
On Mon, 18 Jul 1994, Dylan Northrup wrote:

> On Sat, 16 Jul 1994, Ivy Ryan wrote:
> > That was cute, Robert.
> >
> > I liked it. <giggle>
> So did I. Really great, but there is still no Geek of Education :-)
> *ducks to avoid carp*
No Geek of Broadcasting, either -- but GAT$ and $v+ was good enough
for me. Oh, damn! I forgot the GAT$ part! Time to edit....

(Geek Code 2.0) GAT$ -d+ h(++) s+:+ !g p1>+ au>+ a20 w+(+++) v++(-) C++
UB+(++)>++++ P+>++ L(+) 3(+) N++(++++) K+ W+>----
M V--- -po+(-) Y+ t(+) 5@ j(-) r+++ G+(++) $v+ b++
D b- e+(*) u+(---) h!(*) f+ r-->++ n-(----) x+

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Geek Code 2.0, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.