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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Kismet_sr)
Subject: Geez! Ya take a year off and...
Date: Wed Mar 7 22:40:01 2001
So my group(Okay not so much a group anymore as just my husband and I
but..) finally bought all of the OOP Shadowrun stuff and nothing new
(good)was coming out anytime soon, so we decided to play something else. We
tried Dc Comics, Mage, Werewolf, Hunter, Rifts, Heroes Unlimited, Dc Comics,
and then decided to do our own game world with Gurps. We discovered that we
were just recreating SR. So now were back. It's very lethargic-like going to
an old friends house to catch up on old times.

Several notes: 1. Nothing compares to the Shadowrun Megaverse. It's
complexity and plotlines really are a work of genius. Nothing else blends
Magic and Technology as well.

2. Reading role-playing material during the day can drown out Barney but not

3.There IS NO online community for other games that is as open as you guys
tend to be. Now granted I was mostly a lurker when I was here before, but
90% of you were always helpful when I had questions. You don't realize how
much online material helps until you don't have it anymore. Most other rpg's
only have maybe 50 websites and that's if your lucky. There are no
TSS/DeepResonance equivalents. The fan fiction is just horrid. I would have
to reread stuff on Shapcano and magespace to cleanse my mind. The mailing
lists are a joke filled with underage brats wanting to talk about the sexual
relations of werewolf's in minute detail. You guys may bitch about DVixen
all you want, but we need to clone her and send her duplicates out on a seek
and destroy mission.

I had more notes but I forget now. So anyway, we were playing Gurps and I
subscribed to Pyramid to read the Spirits playtest of Steve Kensons (love
that guy) and saw the Fasa closing announcement. Don't worry I read the
archives and I know that you guys have beaten it to death. I just want to
say that I think it can be a good thing. Correct me if I'm wrong but the
people that bought it were of the Tom Dowd/Nigel Findley generation? See
that's exciting to me because I liked the IE big plot stuff. But now Mike M
is going to be there too so everyone should be happy. The two should balance
each other out and maybe make it even better. So after all the rambling
what's my question? Well I just want to know if the Matrix books or the
Rigger whatever are worth picking up if you don't play with deckers or
riggers as PC's. Decking was always way too complicated and I am an American
so meters per hour means squat to me. Is there any new world information
since Corporate Download?

Message no. 2
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Andrew Gryphon)
Subject: Geez! Ya take a year off and...
Date: Thu Mar 8 01:10:01 2001
on 3/7/01 10:37 PM, Kismet_sr at kismet_sr@****.com can't deny saying:

> Well I just want to know if the Matrix books or the
> Rigger whatever are worth picking up if you don't play with deckers or
> riggers as PC's.

I have the Rigger BlackBook (1st Ed, IIRC). Nice. Good for what the corps
are driving, and also nice to have more than 3 kinds of car on the road.

BTW, I concur about trying to drown out VeggieTales.

Oh, and if it's allowed, I'm thinking of selling most or all of my 1st ed.
SR stuff. Is there any demand for it? I have a bunch of stuff that's well
read but still in fine condition. Catch me off-list if interested. Not sure
what the policy is on selling/trading/offering stuff. Gridsec?

Andrew Gryphon
Taking Role-Playing to the next level
Message no. 3
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Alfredo B Alves)
Subject: Geez! Ya take a year off and...
Date: Thu Mar 8 01:30:01 2001
On Wed, 7 Mar 2001 21:37:06 -0600 "Kismet_sr" <kismet_sr@****.com>
> So my group(Okay not so much a group anymore as just my husband and
> I
> but..)

Lucky bastard. I wanna wife that plays SR. Aw, hell. I'll be happy with a
wife period. ;)

> I had more notes but I forget now. So anyway, we were playing Gurps
> and I
> subscribed to Pyramid to read the Spirits playtest of Steve Kensons
> (love
> that guy) and saw the Fasa closing announcement. Don't worry I read
> the
> archives and I know that you guys have beaten it to death. I just
> want to
> say that I think it can be a good thing. Correct me if I'm wrong but
> the
> people that bought it were of the Tom Dowd/Nigel Findley generation?
> See
> that's exciting to me because I liked the IE big plot stuff. But now
> Mike M
> is going to be there too so everyone should be happy. The two should
> balance
> each other out and maybe make it even better.

Well, as I understand it, Mike's shift in the focus away from high magic
and IEs was only intended as a temporary thing. So, we can't really say
how this will differ from Mike's plan at FASA. I'm personally hoping
Wizkids will give Mike as close to free reign as feasible.

> So after all the
> rambling
> what's my question? Well I just want to know if the Matrix books or
> the
> Rigger whatever are worth picking up if you don't play with deckers
> or
> riggers as PC's. Decking was always way too complicated and I am an
> American
> so meters per hour means squat to me.

Well, I want to say yes, but you could probably live without them,
particularly Matrix. Rigger 3, however, is still pretty nifty seeing as
the vehicle construction rules have been updated.

In the Matrix, the two sections that would be of interest to non-deckers
are The Matrix World (9 pages), Information Searches (9 pages), and
Matrix Players (7 pages). Throughout the other sections, there are other
nifty tidbits such as current AIs, System Tricks (don't worry about HOW
to do them, just that they CAN be done), Using Trodes (500¥), plus an RTG
listing (Hey, a Red-6 RTG for Vatican City? The Pope must be paranoid
:)), etc...

Rigger 3 has even more info for the regular shady fellow. Find out about
license and registration and insurance on page 9. Notes about
transportaion (planes, trains, and automobiles!) run from page 9 to 11.
Find out about standard safety systems and license plates on pages 12 and
13. Well, there's alot of general purpose info all the way until page 21.
On 22 starts the info for Rigger characters. Ship and sub rules start on
page 51. And special vehicle rules Lifting/Pulling, strees, trailers,
economy, etc) start on 61. Advanced rules (Otempo, variable economy,
quality factors, etc) kick in on page 72. New toys (I think you should
pick up R3 just for the oil slick spray and morphing license plate.)
start on page 86. Vehicle construction (design and customization) rules
run amuck! amuck! amuck! from 102 all the way to 155 and 194 to 205.
There's a vehicle listing (nuclear aircraft carriers are a bargain at
only 9bil a pop.) from 156 to 193. Even if you don't play a rigger, it's
a ton of great stuff!

> Is there any new world
> information
> since Corporate Download?

> Kismet

WB, how's the dice bag?

D. Ghost
Profanity is the one language all programmers know best
- Troutman's 6th programming postulate.
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Message no. 4
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Rand Ratinac)
Subject: Geez! Ya take a year off and...
Date: Thu Mar 8 05:05:01 2001
First of all, Kismet, welcome back...:)

Anymore kids yet? ;)

> Is there any new world information since Corporate
> Kismet

I'd have to say that's a "no, but"...or possibly a
"yes, and"...

No, definitely a "no, but".


More seriously, there haven't been any pure "world"
books released, BUT Target: Matrix opens up a new
world, in a way. There's a lot of stuff in there about
the Matrix that simply hasn't been addressed before
and can certainly be used to expand your SR game.
Also, Brainscan - it's an adventure, but it's got some
answers for the arcology shutdown and that is a pretty
large world event.

(aka Mr. Freaky Big, Super-Dynamic Troll of Tomorrow, aka Doc'booner, aka Doc' Vader)

.sig Sauer

Can you SMELL what THE DOC' is COOKIN'!!!

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.
Message no. 5
From: shadowrn@*********.com (shadowrn@*********.com)
Subject: Geez! Ya take a year off and...
Date: Thu Mar 8 10:35:04 2001
In a message dated 3/7/2001 11:35:02 PM Mountain Standard Time,
dghost@****.com writes:

> Rigger 3 has even more info for the regular shady fellow. Find out about
> license and registration and insurance on page 9. Notes about
> transportaion (planes, trains, and automobiles!) run from page 9 to 11.
> Find out about standard safety systems and license plates on pages 12 and
> 13. Well, there's alot of general purpose info all the way until page 21.
> On 22 starts the info for Rigger characters. Ship and sub rules start on
> page 51. And special vehicle rules Lifting/Pulling, strees, trailers,
> economy, etc) start on 61. Advanced rules (Otempo, variable economy,
> quality factors, etc) kick in on page 72. New toys (I think you should
> pick up R3 just for the oil slick spray and morphing license plate.)
> start on page 86. Vehicle construction (design and customization) rules
> run amuck! amuck! amuck! from 102 all the way to 155 and 194 to 205.
> There's a vehicle listing (nuclear aircraft carriers are a bargain at
> only 9bil a pop.) from 156 to 193. Even if you don't play a rigger, it's
> a ton of great stuff!

Well you just sold me on it, providing I ever get the money for it...and here
I was just going to settle for Rigger 2, which I may still out of monetary

What about Man & Machine? Is it worth picking up if you already have
Cybertech and Shadowtech from the 2nd Ed?
Message no. 6
From: shadowrn@*********.com (shadowrn@*********.com)
Subject: Geez! Ya take a year off and...
Date: Thu Mar 8 10:35:08 2001
In a message dated 3/7/2001 11:35:02 PM Mountain Standard Time,
dghost@****.com writes:

> Lucky bastard. I wanna wife that plays SR. Aw, hell. I'll be happy with a
> wife period. ;)

::laughs:: Careful what you wish wife plays SR, but she's one hella
munchkin! But at least she doesn't argue with me as much about it any more...
Message no. 7
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Ahrain Drigar)
Subject: Geez! Ya take a year off and...
Date: Thu Mar 8 12:00:01 2001
----- Original Message -----
From: <Sinabian@***.com>
Subject: Re: Geez! Ya take a year off and...

> In a message dated 3/7/2001 11:35:02 PM Mountain Standard Time,
> dghost@****.com writes:
> > Lucky bastard. I wanna wife that plays SR. Aw, hell. I'll be happy with
> > wife period. ;)
> ::laughs:: Careful what you wish wife plays SR, but she's one
> munchkin! But at least she doesn't argue with me as much about it any

At least I'm not the only one. My wife is my GM and the last character I
played was running against IE's and stuff. (you REALLY don't want to know
the "stuff")

She's a munchie GM. sorta an oxymoron. Her games are great though, so I'm
not complaining.

I'd better not, she's on the list too. Hi honey! : P

Message no. 8
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Ahrain Drigar)
Subject: Geez! Ya take a year off and...
Date: Thu Mar 8 12:05:01 2001
----- Original Message -----
From: Kismet_sr <kismet_sr@****.com>
Subject: Geez! Ya take a year off and...

1st, a very merry welcome back! How's the little ones?

> Several notes: 1. Nothing compares to the Shadowrun Megaverse. It's
> complexity and plotlines really are a work of genius. Nothing else blends
> Magic and Technology as well.


> 2. Reading role-playing material during the day can drown out Barney but
> Veggietales.

Or Teletubies....shudder

> You guys may bitch about DVixen
> all you want, but we need to clone her and send her duplicates out on a
> and destroy mission.


> So after all the rambling
> what's my question? Well I just want to know if the Matrix books or the
> Rigger whatever are worth picking up if you don't play with deckers or
> riggers as PC's. Decking was always way too complicated and I am an
> so meters per hour means squat to me. Is there any new world information
> since Corporate Download?

Can't say much about decking (never really got into it) but using rigger's
can be pretty fun, even for a non rigger.

IE a "Face" architype with a "super car". whala James Bond the 9th.,

Message no. 9
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Spike)
Subject: Geez! Ya take a year off and...
Date: Thu Mar 8 13:35:01 2001
And verily, didst Ahrain Drigar babble thusly...
> > 2. Reading role-playing material during the day can drown out Barney but
> > not Veggietales.
> Or Teletubies....shudder

Don't... Mention... the teletubbies!
Think yourself lucky you don't get the tweenies yet...
(They're almost, but not quite, as irritating)

| spike1@******* | "Are you pondering what I'm pondering Pinky?" |
|Andrew Halliwell BSc(hons)| |
| in | "I think so brain, but this time, you control |
| Computer Science | the Encounter suit, and I'll do the voice..." |
Message no. 10
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Ahrain Drigar)
Subject: Geez! Ya take a year off and...
Date: Thu Mar 8 13:50:01 2001
----- Original Message -----
From: Spike <spike1@*******>
Subject: Re: Geez! Ya take a year off and...

> And verily, didst Ahrain Drigar babble thusly...
> > > 2. Reading role-playing material during the day can drown out Barney
> > > not Veggietales.
> >
> > Or Teletubies....shudder
> Don't... Mention... the teletubbies!
> Think yourself lucky you don't get the tweenies yet...
> (They're almost, but not quite, as irritating)

I shall sing a dirge for you, and nominate you for an endurance
award.........unless you actually LIKE those shows. *Ahrain hopes not to
lose respect in Spike : P*

Back On Topic...sorta.

Makes me wonder about kids Trid in 2060's. "Barney will now be being played
by Buba da Troll*

Message no. 11
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Strago)
Subject: Geez! Ya take a year off and...
Date: Thu Mar 8 14:40:01 2001
Sinabian@***.com wrote:

> <SNIP>
> Well you just sold me on it, providing I ever get the money for it...and here
> I was just going to settle for Rigger 2, which I may still out of monetary
> reasons.
> What about Man & Machine? Is it worth picking up if you already have
> Cybertech and Shadowtech from the 2nd Ed?

Yes. I don't have Cybertech, but M&M gives more USEFUL information than
Shadowtech. In each section (ie. Cybertechnology) there's information on which
corporations are on the cutting edge and which are lagging behind, as well as
different rules for everything (including connectability). And the last 26 pages
or so (math isn't my strong point) deal with getting hurt, getting fixed up,
getting implanted, and what can happen to your 'ware when an NPC succeeds in
trying to hurt you. It's really nasty. My friends hate it a lot.


All Hail Apathy! Or don't. Whatever. -abortion_engine

Down with the Moral Majority
-Green Day
Message no. 12
From: shadowrn@*********.com (shadowrn@*********.com)
Subject: Geez! Ya take a year off and...
Date: Thu Mar 8 15:35:01 2001
Strago wrote:

>getting implanted, and what can happen to your 'ware when an NPC succeeds in
>trying to hurt you. It's really nasty. My friends hate it a lot.

Or if a LoneStar Cop fires a simple _Taser_ at a Sam *evil.laughter*
I love electricity *eg*

free_bound <>;
Bleierne Müdigkeit senkt sich auf meine Lider,
schläfrigkeit hemmt meinen Gang.
In Dunkelheit versink' ich wieder,
Hör' schon der tiefen Sphären Klang
-Schule 2
Message no. 13
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Alfredo B Alves)
Subject: Geez! Ya take a year off and...
Date: Thu Mar 8 16:45:00 2001
On Thu, 8 Mar 2001 13:50:53 -0500 "Ahrain Drigar"
<Ahrain_Drigar@*******.com> writes:
> Back On Topic...sorta.
> Makes me wonder about kids Trid in 2060's. "Barney will now be
> being played
> by Buba da Troll*
> Shudder

Next run: Install spurs and a p-fix chip in Barney ... that'll liven
things up ...

D. Ghost
Profanity is the one language all programmers know best
- Troutman's 6th programming postulate.
Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!
Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit:
Message no. 14
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Alfredo B Alves)
Subject: Geez! Ya take a year off and...
Date: Thu Mar 8 16:45:03 2001
On Thu, 8 Mar 2001 11:58:54 -0500 "Ahrain Drigar"
<Ahrain_Drigar@*******.com> writes:
> At least I'm not the only one. My wife is my GM and the last
> character I
> played was running against IE's and stuff. (you REALLY don't want to
> know
> the "stuff")

Yes I do. Yes I do! :)

> She's a munchie GM. sorta an oxymoron.

Ack! A GM? stainless steel rat bastard. ;) You don't happen to have a
clone lying around, do you?

> Her games are great though,
> so I'm
> not complaining.
> I'd better not, she's on the list too. Hi honey! : P

Heh. Good one. Calling your wife a munchkin on a list that she's a member
of ... I hope we get to watch the fireworks. ;)

D. Ghost
Profanity is the one language all programmers know best
- Troutman's 6th programming postulate.
Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!
Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit:
Message no. 15
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Kismet_sr)
Subject: Geez! Ya take a year off and...
Date: Thu Mar 8 17:25:01 2001
> 1st, a very merry welcome back! How's the little ones?

Thanks to everyone who has welcomed me. The kids are great. My daughter just
turned a year old last month and I've lost all hearing in my right ear from
the party. My son is now two and a half and our house is like the old
roadrunner cartoon. He's the roadrunner and we(Wile E Coyote&Co.) construct
elaborate plots just to slow his little diapered bottom down. Our baby gates
say Acme. I'm gathering my strength for potty training.

To answer Doc's question -- Do you think I'm crazy? No more kids. I'm going
to hold on to my little shred of sanity as long as possible.

> > 2. Reading role-playing material during the day can drown out Barney but
> not
> > Veggietales.
> Or Teletubies....shudder

Teletubbies isn't that loud but what a weird show. I honestly think that the
baby in the sun actually hypnotises children. I see no other reason why kids
would watch it.

> > You guys may bitch about DVixen
> > all you want, but we need to clone her and send her duplicates out on a
> seek
> > and destroy mission.
> Schmoozer.

Sincere brownnosing sounds better ;)

> Can't say much about decking (never really got into it) but using rigger's
> can be pretty fun, even for a non rigger.
> IE a "Face" architype with a "super car". whala James Bond the
9th., etc.

Everyone's comments about the latest books are helpful. I will talk it over
with the hubby. I'm just glad I resisted the urge to sell off our SR books.
I have Rigger 2 do I really need the third one?

Message no. 16
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Kevin Harrison)
Subject: Geez! Ya take a year off and...
Date: Thu Mar 8 18:00:01 2001
On Wed, 7 Mar 2001 21:37:06 -0600, Kismet_sr wrote:

>The mailing
>lists are a joke filled with underage brats wanting to talk about the sexual
>relations of werewolf's in minute detail. You guys may bitch about DVixen
>all you want, but we need to clone her and send her duplicates out on a seek
>and destroy mission.

Apparently you hadn't tried the official Werewolf-L list. That one is
very mature, and Ethan Skemp, the man in charge of the Werewolf line,
posts there regularly. You can send a 'subscribe werewolf-l' message to
listserv@****** if you'd like to subscribe and check it out.
Traffic's a bit slow at the moment though.
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.
Teach him to use the Net and he won't bother you for weeks.
Message no. 17
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Rand Ratinac)
Subject: Geez! Ya take a year off and...
Date: Thu Mar 8 20:05:01 2001
> Thanks to everyone who has welcomed me. The kids are
great. My daughter just turned a year old last month
and I've lost all hearing in my right ear from the
party. My son is now two and a half and our house is
like the old roadrunner cartoon. He's the roadrunner
and we(Wile E Coyote&Co.) construct elaborate plots
just to slow his little diapered bottom down. Our baby
gates say Acme. I'm gathering my strength for potty

Here's a tip my parents learnt the hard way. A baby
walker is a bad thing...for your mental health. ;)

> To answer Doc's question -- Do you think I'm crazy?
No more kids. I'm going to hold on to my little shred
of sanity as long as possible.

Now what kind of attitude is that? ;)

Btw, Kismet, the address you tried is still current -
for some reason, though, it won't let me reply. Try
this one, or docwagon@*********

(aka Mr. Freaky Big, Super-Dynamic Troll of Tomorrow, aka Doc'booner, aka Doc' Vader)

.sig Sauer

Can you SMELL what THE DOC' is COOKIN'!!!

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.
Message no. 18
From: shadowrn@*********.com (night / KHAM)
Subject: Geez! Ya take a year off and...
Date: Fri Mar 9 04:10:01 2001
----- Original Message -----
From: <za2851@*******>

>Or if a LoneStar Cop fires a simple _Taser_ at a Sam *evil.laughter*
>I love electricity *eg*

tasers arent simple they are my favourit weapons along with supersquirts
i prefer the silent way
Message no. 19
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Serindipity Smith)
Subject: Geez! Ya take a year off and...
Date: Fri Mar 9 10:50:01 2001
----- Original Message -----
From: Alfredo B Alves <dghost@****.com>
To: <shadowrn@*********.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2001 4:50 PM
Subject: Re: Geez! Ya take a year off and...

> On Thu, 8 Mar 2001 11:58:54 -0500 "Ahrain Drigar"
> <Ahrain_Drigar@*******.com> writes:
> <SNIP>
> > At least I'm not the only one. My wife is my GM and the last
> > character I
> > played was running against IE's and stuff. (you REALLY don't want to
> > know
> > the "stuff")
> Yes I do. Yes I do! :)

Other than the immortal elves, I belive I threw, at one time or another:
A dragon, several vampires and at least one horror, not to mention
spirits toxic or otherwise. Not to mention he maganged to royaly tick
several highly placed people in Aztechnology off.

This was in addition to your standard supply of security gaurds, local
and fedral police, and rival shadowrunners.

(Miss anybody love?)

> > She's a munchie GM. sorta an oxymoron.
> Ack! A GM? stainless steel rat bastard. ;) You don't happen to have a
> clone lying around, do you?

Nope, only one of me, and I think most of the world is thankful.

> > Her games are great though,
> > so I'm
> > not complaining.
> >
> > I'd better not, she's on the list too. Hi honey! : P
> Heh. Good one. Calling your wife a munchkin on a list that she's a
> of ... I hope we get to watch the fireworks. ;)
It's something of the truth, but not really the smartest thing he ever
did. Might just have to froget about giving him karma for the next 6
adventures again. >-<
Message no. 20
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Ahrain Drigar)
Subject: Geez! Ya take a year off and...
Date: Fri Mar 9 12:05:03 2001
----- Original Message -----
From: Alfredo B Alves <dghost@****.com>
Subject: Re: Geez! Ya take a year off and...

> On Thu, 8 Mar 2001 13:50:53 -0500 "Ahrain Drigar"
> <Ahrain_Drigar@*******.com> writes:
> <SNIP>
> > Back On Topic...sorta.
> >
> > Makes me wonder about kids Trid in 2060's. "Barney will now be
> > being played
> > by Buba da Troll*
> > Shudder
> Next run: Install spurs and a p-fix chip in Barney ... that'll liven
> things up ...

THANKS!!!! I won't sleep a wink for a week.!! : P
Twisted man, twisted. If you add things like that in your games, you and my
wife would get along.she has a troll street/sorta go gang called "The
Pirates of Puyallup*. They ride around in a stolen rebuilt/modified Oscar
Meyer Weinermobile dressed like pirates.

It started as Munchie Run to introduce a couple of new players and sorta
evolved into a whole different strain of adventure.

It was hilarious, they were actually being "controlled" by a parrot shaman
who was REALLY cracked.

How well will YOU sleep now, mmmwwwhhhaahahahahha!! : P
Message no. 21
From: shadowrn@*********.com (shadowrn@*********.com)
Subject: Geez! Ya take a year off and...
Date: Fri Mar 9 12:05:12 2001
In a message dated 3/9/2001 2:13:37 AM Mountain Standard Time,
sgodspeed@*******.com writes:

> >Or if a LoneStar Cop fires a simple _Taser_ at a Sam *evil.laughter*
> >I love electricity *eg*
> tasers arent simple they are my favourit weapons along with supersquirts
> i prefer the silent way

I had a friend who had a copy of a game...ummm...Silent something... It was a
Playstation game and you play this supercop narc or something. My favorite
weapon on that is the taser cause you can plug it into the bad guys and watch
them catch fire and dance the dance of the suffering dead! ::malevolent
sadistic flicker in his eyes:: MUAHAHAHAHAHAH!
Message no. 22
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Serindipity Smith)
Subject: Geez! Ya take a year off and...
Date: Fri Mar 9 12:30:01 2001
----- Original Message -----
From: Ahrain Drigar <Ahrain_Drigar@*******.com>
To: <shadowrn@*********.com>
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2001 12:02 PM
Subject: Re: Geez! Ya take a year off and...
> THANKS!!!! I won't sleep a wink for a week.!! : P
> Twisted man, twisted. If you add things like that in your games, you
and my
> wife would get along.she has a troll street/sorta go gang called "The
> Pirates of Puyallup*. They ride around in a stolen rebuilt/modified
> Meyer Weinermobile dressed like pirates.

Actualy love it was a bus with the top removed and psudo rigging added.
so it looked like some demeted parade float pirate ship. You all stole
the weiner moblie for cover in another adventure.

> It was hilarious, they were actually being "controlled" by a parrot
> who was REALLY cracked.

Like I said BTL's are bad for you. Even if you arn't the one using them.
Message no. 23
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Alfredo B Alves)
Subject: Geez! Ya take a year off and...
Date: Fri Mar 9 21:10:01 2001
On Fri, 9 Mar 2001 12:34:54 -0500 "Serindipity Smith"
<Serindipity_smith@*******.com> writes:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Ahrain Drigar <Ahrain_Drigar@*******.com>
> To: <shadowrn@*********.com>
> Sent: Friday, March 09, 2001 12:02 PM
> Subject: Re: Geez! Ya take a year off and...
> >
> > THANKS!!!! I won't sleep a wink for a week.!! : P
> > Twisted man, twisted. If you add things like that in your games,
> > you and my
> > wife would get along.

Hey, once, I ran an adventure that started with Food Fight then ended
with the characters going on a metaplanar quest like in Harley's Back
except the plane looked like a pastel elementery school with a warped
playground. The characters then had to battle Barney and his hordes of
psychotic children. It was fun for the whole family ... :)

> > she has a troll street/sorta go gang called
> > "The
> > Pirates of Puyallup*. They ride around in a stolen
> > rebuilt/modified Oscar
> > Meyer Weinermobile dressed like pirates.

> Actualy love it was a bus with the top removed and psudo rigging
> added.
> so it looked like some demeted parade float pirate ship. You all
> stole
> the weiner moblie for cover in another adventure.

I wanna play in a game where we get to drive around in the "weiner"

> > It was hilarious, they were actually being "controlled" by a
> > parrot shaman
> > who was REALLY cracked.

> Like I said BTL's are bad for you. Even if you arn't the one using
> them.

Hey, that reminds me of another run ... One of the PC's street doc turned
up missing and the PCs had to track him down; he was running around
playing clubs in drag after accidently slotting a Mariah Mecurial bunraku
chip. :)

Well, if you ever want to brainstorm on how to harass your players,
you've got my e-mail. ;)

D. Ghost
Profanity is the one language all programmers know best
- Troutman's 6th programming postulate.
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Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Geez! Ya take a year off and..., you may also be interested in:


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