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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: ArkAngel <DUNN@******.BITNET>
Subject: GenCon...
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1993 01:32:00 EST
Well, i've been signed off of the list for a bit, but... well, I was at
GenCon, and I attended the seminars, talked to The Dark Lord, etc. and got the
product updates and future plans etc. If no one has yet posted these, someone
please tell me (by private E-mail!) and I'll send in the latest info. If
somebody else already has, then disregard the first part of this...
Next, has everybody seen corporate Shadowfiles? If so, did everybody
notice the typos in the color print section in the back? The ones that are
present are corrected in the b/w chart beyond that...

First law of RPG adventure writing:"In any given scenario, there are 4
possible player actions, the three reasonable ones the GM expects, and the one
the players ultimately divise and use."
Message no. 2
From: "Robert A. Hayden" <hayden@*******.MANKATO.MSUS.EDU>
Subject: GenCon
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 1994 12:14:39 -0500
I got to thinking today, any fellow listmembers thinking of doing GenCon
in August? I've never gone, but I'm thinking of going this summer and
was wondering if perhaps we need to organize a list-party or perhaps we
can even share room costs.

____ Robert A. Hayden <=> hayden@*******
\ /__ -=-=-=-=- <=> -=-=-=-=-
\/ / Finger for Geek Code Info <=> Political Correctness is
\/ Finger for PGP 2.3a Public Key <=> P.C. for "Thought Police"
(GEEK CODE 1.0.1) GAT d- -p+(---) c++(++++) l++ u++ e+/* m++(*)@ s-/++
n-(---) h+(*) f+ g+ w++ t++ r++ y+(*)
Message no. 3
From: "Brian W. Allison" <bwa550s@***.SMSU.EDU>
Subject: Re: GenCon
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 1994 13:07:41 -0500
On Sat, 23 Apr 1994, Robert A. Hayden wrote:

> I got to thinking today, any fellow listmembers thinking of doing GenCon
> in August? I've never gone, but I'm thinking of going this summer and

YO! I'm planning on going. The rough part is that I'm going to relocate
in a few weeks and don't know how soon it'll be till I get hooked back
into the Matrix.... er, Internet.

Brian (bwa550s@***
<<Lone Star, when it absolutely, positively, has to be screwed up.>>
(GEEK CODE) GCS d@ -p+ c++++!!!!! l u+(++) e+(++) m@(+/++/---) s@/@
!n--- h*(+) f+(?) !g(20/12) w+ t+ r+(++) y?
Message no. 4
From: Doc_X <northrup@*****.CAS.USF.EDU>
Subject: Re: GenCon
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 1994 19:56:24 -0400
On Sat, 23 Apr 1994, Robert A. Hayden wrote:

> I got to thinking today, any fellow listmembers thinking of doing GenCon
> in August? I've never gone, but I'm thinking of going this summer and
> was wondering if perhaps we need to organize a list-party or perhaps we
> can even share room costs.

Well, I would really like to get in on this, if there is to be such a
beast. However, I have no hard info on prices, etc for GenCon. If
someone could forward such info to me, I would be extremely appreciative!


P.S. Just saw Malice with Nicole "I know why Tom Cruise is married to
her" Kiddman and Alec "No one plays an asshole like him" Baldwin. Good
movie. Great plot twists! A definite rental!
* Dylan Northrup <northrup@*****> * I'm not a computer genius *
*********************************************** I just play one in the lab *
* "It's the ones who persist for the sake of a kiss... " -- George Michael *
Message no. 5
From: "Robert A. Hayden" <hayden@*******.MANKATO.MSUS.EDU>
Subject: Re: GenCon
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 1994 19:17:46 -0500
On Sat, 23 Apr 1994, Doc_X wrote:

> Well, I would really like to get in on this, if there is to be such a
> beast. However, I have no hard info on prices, etc for GenCon. If
> someone could forward such info to me, I would be extremely appreciative!

Well, for sure we can all get together for a drink or something. Of
course, if there's a bunch of us, we could probably arrange for a couple
of rooms and split the costs.

As for details, I know Dragon magazine (virtual advertising for T$R)
usually runs ads. I don't get it so I dunno.

Any thoughts/info/comments?

____ Robert A. Hayden <=> hayden@*******
\ /__ -=-=-=-=- <=> -=-=-=-=-
\/ / Finger for Geek Code Info <=> Political Correctness is
\/ Finger for PGP 2.3a Public Key <=> P.C. for "Thought Police"
(GEEK CODE 1.0.1) GAT d- -p+(---) c++(++++) l++ u++ e+/* m++(*)@ s-/++
n-(---) h+(*) f+ g+ w++ t++ r++ y+(*)
Message no. 6
From: William Field <wrfield@***.EDU>
Subject: Re: GenCon
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 1994 23:11:07 EDT
Hey guys, I have a friend at home (downstate Mich.) who got a nice large
packet of info on GenCon last year. I'll get in contact with him to see
where he got it. See ya in the shadows...

Message no. 7
From: Richard Osterhout <bitrunner@***.COM>
Subject: Re: GenCon
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 1994 23:14:00 EDT
i will be attending, and also judging the rpga shadowrun event...

can't share a room though, already doing that with three others...
Message no. 8
From: Richard Osterhout <bitrunner@***.COM>
Subject: Re: GenCon
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 1994 23:27:17 EDT
well, GenCon usually runs about $40 for all four days, $30 for military or
rpga members...

hotels vary from around $65/night to as high as $200/night...the university
has some communal rooms (i think its like 4 beds to a room) for a low

if you want particulars, i have a listing of the hotels and their prices
(there are about 20 different hotels)...don't bother calling...most hotels
are already booked solid--the rooms are bought up by the convention housing
board, so you have to go through them rather than the individual
hotels...also, for those driving or renting a car from the airport, some
hotels charge for parking (sometimes as much as $7/day)...

i can provide more info if this isn't enough...
Message no. 9
From: "Craig S. Dohmen" <CSD108@*****.PSU.EDU>
Subject: GenCon
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 1994 12:51:00 EDT
I'll be there.

As a previous poster said, most of the hotels are booked solid. You might
still be able to get a room at UWM Sandburg Hall, though it's something like
10 minutes from downtown. Put it this way, my friend and I faxed our room
form in the day after we got it, and we *still* only got our fourth choice
for hotel. Sheesh.

(Sorry, no cool name or nifty sig. :) )
Message no. 10
From: Richard Osterhout <bitrunner@***.COM>
Subject: Re: GenCon
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 1994 15:05:33 EDT
i got my first choice for hotel room...the hilton...

but then again, i faxed off my form less than 10 minutes after i got it....i
learned after the past two years what a difference time makes....

first appearance of new sig with geek code for me:
| Richard Osterhout | |
| Tavares FL | witty saying pending... |
| bitrunner@***.com | |

GCS/O (Comm) d@ -p+ c++++ l-(+) u++ e+(*) m+(-) s+/+
n---(-) h+ f+ !g(RK) w t++ r+ x?
Message no. 11
From: "Robert A. Hayden" <hayden@*******.MANKATO.MSUS.EDU>
Subject: Re: GenCon
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 1994 00:11:43 -0500
Hmm, with all the trouble finding a place to stay, it's probably not
worth it.


____ Robert A. Hayden <=> hayden@*******
\ /__ -=-=-=-=- <=> -=-=-=-=-
\/ / Finger for Geek Code Info <=> Political Correctness is
\/ Finger for PGP 2.3a Public Key <=> P.C. for "Thought Police"
(GEEK CODE 1.0.1) GAT d- -p+(---) c++(++++) l++ u++ e+/* m++(*)@ s-/++
n-(---) h+(*) f+ g+ w++ t++ r++ y+(*)
Message no. 12
From: The Powerhouse <P.C.Steele@*********.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: GenCon
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 1994 17:05:41 +0100
> I got to thinking today, any fellow listmembers thinking of doing GenCon
> in August? I've never gone, but I'm thinking of going this summer and
> was wondering if perhaps we need to organize a list-party or perhaps we
> can even share room costs.

Whereabouts is it to be held this year ? I'll be in the states some time over
the summer and wouldn't mind going if the two dates match.

Phillip Steele - Email address P.C.Steele@*** | Fighting against
Department Of Electrical & Electronic Engineering | Political Correctness !
University Of Newcastle Upon Tyne, England |
Land of the mad Geordies | The Powerhouse
Message no. 13
From: Pieter Van Dyck <Pieter.VanDyck@***.AC.BE>
Subject: Re: GenCon
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 1994 19:05:53 +0200
What the hell is GenCon?

* Grundlord * Life sucks! *
* Pieter.VanDyck@*** * That's why old people get wrinkled. *
(GEEK CODE 1.0.1) GCS/AT -d+(?) -p+(---) c++(++++) l+ u e*(+) m+(--)
s(-)/ !n(--) h+() f+(?) g++ w(++) t+ r++@ !y
Message no. 14
From: Jai Tao <jdfalk@****.COM>
Subject: Re: GenCon
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 1994 14:19:29 -0400
On Tue, 26 Apr 1994, Pieter Van Dyck wrote:

> What the hell is GenCon?
The biggest annual gaming convention in North America. Please,
try to be polite -- some people love it.
Message no. 15
From: "Robert A. Hayden" <hayden@*******.MANKATO.MSUS.EDU>
Subject: Re: GenCon
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 1994 13:40:57 -0500
On Tue, 26 Apr 1994, Pieter Van Dyck wrote:

> What the hell is GenCon?

The largest gaming convention in the United States. Takes place in
Milwaukee Wisconson in mid August.

____ Robert A. Hayden <=> hayden@*******
\ /__ -=-=-=-=- <=> -=-=-=-=-
\/ / Finger for Geek Code Info <=> Political Correctness is
\/ Finger for PGP 2.3a Public Key <=> P.C. for "Thought Police"
(GEEK CODE 1.0.1) GAT d- -p+(---) c++(++++) l++ u++ e+/* m++(*)@ s-/++
n-(---) h+(*) f+ g+ w++ t++ r++ y+(*)
Message no. 16
From: "C. Paul Douglas" <granite@*****.NET>
Subject: Re: GenCon
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 1994 23:36:33 -0400
On Tue, 26 Apr 1994, Pieter Van Dyck wrote:

> What the hell is GenCon?

It has been called the greatest mass of unwashed bodies on this
continent...A really huge gaming convention....
Message no. 17
From: Richard Osterhout <bitrunner@***.COM>
Subject: GenCon
Date: Tue, 10 May 1994 13:49:55 EDT
well everyone, i got the GenCon pamphlet today...

here is the lowdown on Shadowrun stuff...

2nd Edition gaming sessions:
If you like intrigue and plot twists, this is the game for you. Stop the
ritual sending before it's too late. And that's just the beginning if you
make it in time.

Operation: Mind Crime
There's nothing wrong with investigating the assassination of a
televangilist, except that case has been closed for 66 years.

Osmium II: Heavy Fuel
After finding a strange ampule at a rock concert your team becomes very
popular with all the wrong people. Whatever it is must be really valuable
since they're all trying so hard to kill you.

The Puzzle Pouch
Wrap yourself in the natural essence of your native heritage. You prepare for
the next great ghost dance. It's been 35 years since the last one.

Run on Atlantis
They found something down there, something Mr. Johnson wants you to bring
back. What could it be?

Who is Mr. Woolridge?
Your job is to rescue a kidnapped girl, but you have no idea where to begin.
You've never worked together before, and you don't even like some of the
(i've played this one...boy is it a pain in the butt!!)

Shadowrun 1st Editition

Masque of Murder
Cathy Remmington's hosting a masquerade, and once again murder and mayhem
abound. Come join the plotting, planning, and increasing body count!

Visual Shadowrun
Ghost in the machine visual Shadowrun. A cadre of elite runners are pressed
into service when a virus invades the Denver hub. It might have helped if
"it" was manmade.

RPGA Shadowrun Feature
Virtual Seattle
An ongoing Shadowrun II campaign sanctioned by the RPGA Network and FASA.


Shadowrun Revealed!
Hear what's new and hot in Shadowrun! Learn what's coming (or not) from the
FASA staff and freelancers. (Just don't ask about Bug City...)

Shadowrunning 101
A question and answer (maybe) session with Shadowrun II developer Tom Dowd.
You know the drill-cash or credit accepted.

What's Up with FASA?
Good Question! Come by and we'll tell ya. It's been a good year for FASA, and
next year promises to be even bigger! (Wow! We're so excited it's

RPGA's Virtual Seattle
There is another Living City, this one on the hard edge of technology and Virtual Seattle.

also, Tom Dowd is the RPGA guest of honor at the annual breakfast...

that's all of it! there could be more later, but that's what's in the
advance catalog...
Message no. 18
From: Thorben Woehler <tew@****.INFORMATIK.RWTH-AACHEN.DE>
Subject: Re: GenCon
Date: Wed, 11 May 1994 11:25:51 +0200
Could someone tell me,

WHERE is the GenCon this year?


WHAT date?


Message no. 19
From: "C. Paul Douglas" <granite@*****.NET>
Subject: Gencon
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 1994 10:23:59 -0400
Well I am off headed for Gencon today..So maybe I will see some of you
guys there..If anyone gets into a Shadowrun game running through Denver I
will be one of the GMs for it...See ya..
Message no. 20
From: "C. Paul Douglas" <granite@*****.NET>
Subject: GENCON
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 1994 13:56:37 -0400
Ok the first message crapped out and I am not sure if it got out or
not..If some of the first portions of this message seem familiar..skip to
the end...

On Tue, 23 Aug 1994, C. Paul Douglas wrote:

> > one thing Granite forgot to mention about his Gencon experience is that we
> > did finally find out what is supposed to be in the box set:
> >
> > 1 players book
> > 1 gm book
> > 1 poster downtown map
> > 1 denver sector map
> > 2 sector passes (random)
> > ass't flyers and catalogs
> >
> > if you got more than this, count your blessings; if less, take it back to
> > where you bought it and get a new one...
> >
> Actually Bitrunner..I didn't forget I simply had not said yet..[Evil
> taunters grin]
> > also, for those lucky enough to go to the con, you could get the other passes
> > from Tom as he was walking around with them in his pockets..
> Yes I too acosted the Dark Lord for a full set of cards as well..[happy
> grin]..And also have a full set of those little plastic devils..Even
> though..well I won't go on a tangent just yet...
> Well I did promise a little run down of the whos and the whats I
> encountered at GenCon..So I suppose I should start..Oh and by the
> way..This will also be the place I rip to shredds the GMs at GenCon that
> had their heads shoved in places where they will never see sunlight...I
> will break this post up with headings so that you guys can skip ahead to
> the parts you are interested in If you don't really want to hear me
> ramble on..
> and those will be the headings...
> We drove to the Con from Maryland..A long drive but not too bad..We
> stopped off in Chicago to put in some time at the BattleTech Center there
> after about 9 games and 50-60 dollars [not counting stuff like T-shirts
> and patches] later [this took all day] we
> staggered out of the center and with battle bleary eyes jumped back in
> the car and finished the trip to the Gamers' Mecca..and the next morning
> began the GenCon experiance..
I will start with the way the idiots at the Con were running things
> on the first day when Pre-registered participants were allowed to attempt
> to acquire their Official programs and such so we could all see if the
> events we had signed up for had been canceled or moved to a different
> table..Well does the term Cluster-Fuck mean anything to any of you?? They
> had several hundered people playing musical doors and to follow what I am
> told is GenCon tradition the door opened 30-45 minutes late..So everyone
> gets to start the experience with a bad taste in their mouth...Then of
> course the lines moved so slow I was passed by 2 turtles and a flock of
> snails on my way to pick up my Official Program and a free Promo card for
> the Card Game Spellfire...That was pretty much all that could be done on
> that particular day...

I could take up page after page with
> details of the Con and the events but I won't do that...The Con itself was
> HUGE tons of people..some of whom had gotten kinda ripe after a few
> days..there were exhibits of just about every discription..Booths that
> were selling exery gaming system out there new and old..People selling
> computer programs that once mastered would make the GM's job as simple as
> pushing a button..[ that snake oil I smell??]..To tell the
> truth all of the programs had some redeaming values..the best I saw [for
> my needs] was the Campeign Cartographer..this one put out some VERY nice
> maps..I did not buy it since it was full priced and I can wait to make the
> purchase...If it were a special price I might have picked it up...Most
of the vendors did not have special Con pricing so I usually passed them
by..Those places I usually took a
> flyer or catalog and kept going..And there were places that sold every
> king of weird new age crystal laces piece of jewelry and doodad
> imaginable..And of course there were the gaming areas as well which were
> full of gamers playing every game out there and all making all kinds of
> noise and generally having a good time...

> Well the most noteworthy Television people I was able to see but not
> really talk to were ...
> John de Lancie ["Q" from Star Trek: TNG] I have had the good fortune of
> meeting a few other famous people and none of the others really looked the
> way they did in person like they did in the screen..This man looks the
> same in person..He seemed a friendly kind of guy that had something to
> say to all of the individuals that thronged to the autograph line...I was
> also suprised at how tall this guy is..
> Majel Barrett ["Lwaxana Troi" from ST: TNG] also a friendly sort who
> seemed to have something to say to those flocked to the booth she was
> signing autographs at...although I almost didn't recognise her..There was
> SO MUCH at GenCon I was just sort of scanning the booths and it too a
> couple of seconds for it to sink in who she was..
> Hillbilly Jim [WWF wresteler] Now this is a BIG guy...He seemed kind of
> bored or tired of all the hoopla..
> Margeret Weis and Richard Knaak [fantasy writers] as well as miriad other
> authors and artist that are too many to mention not to mention I cannot
> remember their names..
> And of course I was able to meet our own DLoH Tom Dowd as well as Lou
> Prosperi [I was able to game with his wife - a very nice person] as well
> as the Publishers of Shadis Magazine Jolly Backburn
The Saviors of Barsaive-Part 1 [EARTHDAWN]
The story behind this one wasn't too bad but the GM had WAY too many
people in this game..and sort of just gave up on the far end of the
tabele..Naturally where I was sitting..Every time I needed the GMs
attention I had to scream and shout and waive my arms..Not really
condusive to good role playing of a Darven Weaponsmith..This GM was too
easily monopolized by those at his end of the table..But at least this
guy was trying to keep things going..Oh yea Shari Prosperi [now I may
have gotten Mrs. Prsperi's name wrong- I am terrible with names] was
playing in this one..GM -Gregory Allan-

The Traitor [EARTHDAWN]
I really liked the premise behind this one..But it was a continuation of
a previous module..The GM -John Hazlett- had some good ideas as to where
things should go and even had a character that was supposed to slow the
rest of the party down [and he was doing a good job of it] but EVERYTHING
else about this module was done HALF ASSED the GM admitted to not having
read the module in months and months and the character sheets were all
screwed up..we spent about a half hour figuring out what the character
sheets were supposed to say..Shari Prosperi played in this one as
well..we sat across from each other on this one and sort of conspired
against the GM..who was soft spoken and seemed to flounder about trying
to figure out how to make things come out the way he wanted..All in all I
liked this one even though much was half done..John needs to work on his
soft spokenness and getting ALL the nitnoid details worked out BEFORE the
game is supposed to be played with more experience this guy can become
a good GM..Half the group didn't seem to be getting
much playing time so Shari and I [sitting right under the GMs nose] sort
of sat back and let the far end of the table take over things toward the
last hour or hour and a half of the module..I actually won this one..

Who is Mr. Wooldridge? [SHADOWRUN]
This was the funnest game I played in the entire Con..The module is
evidentally one that has been around the conventions for a while but it
all seemed to be fresh to me..The GM team of -David Steffek and his
friend John Moes-, was absolutely
great..Those guys knew what they were doing and what was happening..a
real fun time to be had these guys were great..I was also fortunate
enough to win this one..totalind $9 in winnings by this time...

The Puzzle Pouch [SHADOWRUN]-Supposedly
This Shadowrun wanna be run by GM -Donald Prust- was something someone
said Shadowrun over..That is just about as close to Shadowrun as it
got..I started pulling out my books and kind of getting set up for the
game..getting out my dice and stuff..and Donald sez to me "Oh..put that
stuff away..You won't need those books..If you needed those books I would
have to know what was in them..And you probably won't need those dice
either, the last group only made 4 rolls..." So ok I was in a different
kind of game..The program hadn't said that this was a Shadowrun varient
but I am fairly open minded, So I resolved to give the game a chance..But
when I saw the SCREWED up characters that were being given out..I had to
give up..When the Characters were given out Donald has this to say.."Oh
just go ahead and give the characters a quick skimm..Don't read
everything that is written down...And then he wanted to relocat the group
to some quieter location...I gave up and gave back the character along
with a friend of mine that got a character that was worse than
mine..Steer clear of this game and this GM..

Osmium II: Heavy Fuel [SHADOWRUN]
This game didn't match the discription in the program..but that was
ok..There was not very much that the players were allowed to do..A VERY
linear game run by GM -Ralph Schurman- This guy got way bent out of shape
every time we players wanted to stray off of his narrow little path that
he had planned out for us..His introduction was very good and he used
miniatures to make sure everyone was getting the idea of what was
happening..But as a GM Ralph left much to be desired..Instead of giving a
little when players make a leap of logic his resistance was total and he
would throw overwelming and impossible odds against us like a squad of
Greater form Fire Elementals...And this was another varient that didn't
advertise that he was going by house rules that you don't find out about
until you tried something that he didn't like and wasn't going to let you
do..In the end we outsmarted even the GM and got away from some
impossible creatures of 0 essence black flame [on the astral]
terminator-2000 [on the mundane] based creatures/machines..ANother GM to
be leary of..I won't be playing in any of his games again at least..

Denver: City of Shadows [SHADOWRUN]
This is where I had most of my fun while I was at GENCON..The players I
ran through were all pretty great..and just got better as the rounds
progressed..The winners won a years worth of FASA products [the last I
heard] and second place got 6 months worth of FASA products [also the
last I heard] It was great to run these guys all over Denver and keep
them guessing at evactally what was happening until the very end when
they go away knowing but still unsure of what just happened..All three
groups I ran all went away happy and laughing so I think I did my job as

Well that HUGE post was a distilled version of my GENCON experiance..I
hope everyone enjoyed it...I know I enjoyed GENCON and I hope I can go
again next year...
Message no. 21
From: Marc A Renouf <jormung@*****.UMICH.EDU>
Subject: Re: GENCON
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 1994 13:35:25 -0400
The GM you mentioned in Earthdawn (John Hazlett) is a friend of
mine from my old home town. It's so bizarre to hear about him on the
net. He was one of the people who got me into
Shadowrun. I have to agree wholeheartedly with you about his abilities
as a GM, tho. He makes a much better player. Nice guy, tho.

Message no. 22
From: Micah Levy <M.Levy@**.UCL.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: GENCON
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 1994 18:57:06 +0100
Thanks for the post, I found it quite interesting. Has anyone in the UK been
to the European convention that comes around now and again?
If so, is it any good?

Micah Levy
"If I can't go to GenCon, let Gencon come to me"
Message no. 23
From: The Powerhouse <P.C.Steele@*********.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: GENCON
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 1994 19:46:02 +0100
In reply to Micah Levy .....

> Thanks for the post, I found it quite interesting. Has anyone in the UK been
> to the European convention that comes around now and again?
> If so, is it any good?

Alas, no, in fact till the other day I didn't even know there was a European
Gencon. I was chatting though, the other day to a chap who had been several
times and from what he described it is much the same as the American one
except maybe smaller. Aparantly it's near Brighton most years in a Pontins
holiday camp.

Phillip Steele - P.C.Steele@*** - University Of Newcastle Upon Tyne
Message no. 24
From: Micah Levy <M.Levy@**.UCL.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: GENCON
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 1994 20:31:07 +0100
Yes, that's the one. It's usually held around mid-April.
There was a Star Trek convention in the Swallow Hotel in Gateshead a couple
of months ago, I heard.
They just don't get the same publicity in the UK as they do in the US.

Micah Levy
Message no. 25
From: Lisa Anne Rosochacki <rosochac@*******.MSU.EDU>
Subject: Re: GENCON
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 1994 07:48:06 -0400
> The GM you mentioned in Earthdawn (John Hazlett) is a friend of
> mine from my old home town. It's so bizarre to hear about him on the
> net. He was one of the people who got me into
> Shadowrun. I have to agree wholeheartedly with you about his abilities
> as a GM, tho. He makes a much better player. Nice guy, tho.
> Marc

I have to agree on this as well.

Message no. 26
From: Marc A Renouf <jormung@*****.UMICH.EDU>
Subject: Re: GENCON
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 1994 08:27:23 -0400
On Thu, 25 Aug 1994, Lisa Anne Rosochacki wrote:

> >
> > The GM you mentioned in Earthdawn (John Hazlett) is a friend of
> > mine from my old home town. It's so bizarre to hear about him on the
> > net. He was one of the people who got me into
> > Shadowrun. I have to agree wholeheartedly with you about his abilities
> > as a GM, tho. He makes a much better player. Nice guy, tho.
> >
> > Marc
> >
> I have to agree on this as well.
> Lisa

Hey, you finally made it. Good to hear from ya on this here list.

Message no. 27
From: "C. Paul Douglas" <granite@*****.NET>
Subject: Re: GENCON
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 1994 12:57:59 -0400
On Wed, 24 Aug 1994, Marc A Renouf wrote:

> The GM you mentioned in Earthdawn (John Hazlett) is a friend of
> mine from my old home town. It's so bizarre to hear about him on the
> net. He was one of the people who got me into
> Shadowrun. I have to agree wholeheartedly with you about his abilities
> as a GM, tho. He makes a much better player. Nice guy, tho.
> Marc
That is VERY interesting...It is kind of cool to find this kind of thing
out..An old school friend of one of my group was at the Con too..One of
those things that happen that make you think..But like I said Appears to
need some practice..And those little details are what seperate the Ok Gms
from the really Good GM..
Message no. 28
From: "The Kumquat <smirk>" <CRF_BROWNJT@***.CUIS.EDU>
Subject: GENCON
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 1994 18:39:07 -0500
--Boundary (ID D0TYFl2UD+G1YrRvEfrqFA)
Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN


> The Puzzle Pouch [SHADOWRUN]-Supposedly

I MUST Disagree with you on your shoddy review of this one.... most of what
you said about the rest of the Con was about on target, but you are WAY off
on this one.....

> This Shadowrun wanna be run by GM -Donald Prust- was something someone
> said Shadowrun over..That is just about as close to Shadowrun as it
> got..I started pulling out my books and kind of getting set up for the
> game..getting out my dice and stuff..and Donald sez to me "Oh..put that
> stuff away..You won't need those books..If you needed those books I would
> have to know what was in them..And you probably won't need those dice
> either, the last group only made 4 rolls..."

1st off, Donald almost ALWAYS Ignores the fancy equations and rules systems
for ANY game he runs.... The Description of this event was "INTENSE
Roleplaying" not "Intense ROLL-Playing." His Style is so different to those
used to playing T$R's Games, that I guess some people just can't cope...:-)
Also, He was exaggerating when he said the last group only made 4 rolls, I
know since I was IN the group which ran previous to yours. I played in the
2nd of 3 sessions, and since you weren't in MY group, you must have run Right
after me.

>So ok I was in a different kind of game..The program hadn't said that
>this was a Shadowrun varient
> but I am fairly open minded, So I resolved to give the game a chance..

Did you really? This Paritcular tournament was, as Donald explained it, a
roleplaying approach to Native American (Specifically Sioux) Customs, in The
Shadowrun world, just before the Great Ghost Dance. Although few of the
stereotypical "shadowrunny" things to do were necessary for the scenario,
such as calling contacts or blowing things up, there were plenty of
OPPORTUNITIES for use of the rules, if necessary, but most were social
skills, since 90% of this adventure was actual character interaction and

>But when I saw the SCREWED up characters that were being given out..I had to
> give up..When the Characters were given out Donald has this to say.."Oh
> just go ahead and give the characters a quick skimm..Don't read
> everything that is written down...And then he wanted to relocat the group
> to some quieter location...

This is another point On which I think you are dead wrong.... each of the
characters was a completely three-dimensional, interesting character with a
full past full of life experience, and a unique goal within the scenario.
Another interesting thing is that the characters, in my run at least, NEVER
formed a "Party" each was the leader of his or her own character, with
motivation and backgrounds for completely different reasons and goals, much
like real life. The only time the characters ever got together is when one
did something important, such as when my character gave a political speech
imploring the Sioux Nation not to break away from NAN, or near the end, when
all of the characters were called, through visions, to the Great Ghost Dance.
Some of the characters did not fit standard archetypes, but all were VERY
realistic and full, including all of the NPC's excellently played by Donald
Prust. Some underwent great struggles, or changes in motivation and
character..... Not "screwed up" by any means.

>I gave up and gave back the character along
> with a friend of mine that got a character that was worse than
> mine..Steer clear of this game and this GM..

I just think you should have given a great GM and roleplayer a more fair
chance, and maybe you wouldn't have missed one of the most intense,
well-written, and fun Shadowruns I've ever been on....

Just My Two Pence.
The Kumquat

--Boundary (ID D0TYFl2UD+G1YrRvEfrqFA)--
Message no. 29
From: "C. Paul Douglas" <granite@*****.NET>
Subject: Re: GENCON
Date: Sat, 27 Aug 1994 16:25:07 -0400
On Fri, 26 Aug 1994, The Kumquat <smirk> wrote:

> GRANITE Posts--
> > The Puzzle Pouch [SHADOWRUN]-Supposedly
> I MUST Disagree with you on your shoddy review of this one.... most of what
> you said about the rest of the Con was about on target,

I am glad that you agree up to this point..

but you are WAY off
> on this one.....
And without going into a HUGE detailed thang about my opinion of Mr.
Prust..I will say this the man DID seem to be the kind of Gm that would
be able to tell a good story..However I didn't put out my cash to play
some Storyteller game with weird off the wall characters [like the
wrestler turned Senator who lost his peosonal focus so he turned to
Shadowrunning in some sort of midlife crisis with 200 MIL in the bank...I
have a REAL problem with the motivation of this sort of character] that
are SO FAR from the norm as to be alien to the normal gamer..As far at
TSR RPG products I haven't played with that sort of tripe for nearly 15
years..And frankly I take offense to this comment..

I am pleased that you had a good time with Mr Prust..That means YOU got
your moneys worth..I wanted to play Shadowrun Not a Varient of Shadowrun..
> 1st off, Donald almost ALWAYS Ignores the fancy equations and rules systems
> for ANY game he runs....

Those Fancy equations are the SYSTEM that is the basis for the
roleplaying..If a person wants to play a home baked game fine..No
problem..Simply advertise it as such..

The Description of this event was "INTENSE
> Roleplaying" not "Intense ROLL-Playing."

Which I believe myself qualified to handle..Just as any of the Gamers I
ran through the Denver game...

> Also, He was exaggerating when he said the last group only made 4 rolls, I
> know since I was IN the group which ran previous to yours.

Well not knowing the man personally..I have to take the man at FACE
VALUE..If he tells me this is how he likes to run things then I tend to
listen to what he is saying...

> Another interesting thing is that the characters, in my run at least, NEVER
> formed a "Party"......

I kinda like the team concept..It is one of the reasons I like Shadowrun..

> The only time the characters ever got together is when one
> did something important, such as when my character gave a political speech

Don't you find it just a little ODD that a SHADOWrunner would be making a
political speech??? For whatever reason..

> I just think you should have given a great GM and roleplayer a more fair
> chance,......

IMHO I gave Mr Prust MORE than a fair shake...But I as I said I was there
to play Shadowrun Not some Varient..Just as I said about the Osmium II
run..Another varient game..That was not what I was there for..

and maybe you wouldn't have missed one of the most intense,
> well-written, and fun Shadowruns I've ever been on....

Too bad YOU missed the Denver Run...Now that got intense..And here I have
gone and made another huge post..Kumquat don't think I am flaming you for
having a different opinion..I am not..I simply stand by what I have said..
Unless you are into a Varient Shadowrun game then I say steer clear...If
you don't mind running without knowing the ground rules have fun..As you
obviously did...
Message no. 30
From: Rennie Steve <rennie2@******.UWINDSOR.CA>
Subject: GenCon
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 1995 13:16:48 -0400
Hello. I know this is shameless of me, however I a quite desparate. I
was wondering if there was anyone driving to GenCon this year, and if so
I need a lift. I live in Windsor Ontario, but can easily meet someone in
detroit. Can anyone help me out? Thanks in advance.

*** Steve Rennie *** CJAM-fm 91.5 Windsor ***
*** "Help! Help! I'm being *** Disorder on the Border ***
*** repressed !!" *** -the best in eclectic sound***
Message no. 31
From: Loki <daddyjim@**********.COM>
Subject: GenCon
Date: Sun, 25 May 1997 20:57:42 -0700
Caric and I have tickets and plans for hitting GenCon in August. He's
mentioned knowing a few of you from the list will be there, I was just
curious who all we might look for.

It'll be good to put a few faces with list handles. :o)


@>--,--'--- Loki

Poisoned Elves:

If in your adventures you happen across the skull of a dragon, turn
and leave that place quickly. Whatever killed the dragon may still be

Sent by RocketMail. Get your free e-mail at
Message no. 32
From: NightLife <habenir@******.SAN.UC.EDU>
Subject: Re: GenCon
Date: Mon, 26 May 1997 00:43:30 -0400
At 08:57 PM 5/25/97 -0700, you wrote:
>Caric and I have tickets and plans for hitting GenCon in August. He's
>mentioned knowing a few of you from the list will be there, I was just
>curious who all we might look for.
>It'll be good to put a few faces with list handles. :o)

I'm planning on it. I haven't been there in 4 years now so I'm really
getting the urge to get back up there. Time to go shopping. Perhaps the list
people could all agree on s single hotel. I'd recommend the Budgeteel just
outside the city on 94(?) if memory serves. It's decently priced, clean, and
20 minutes from the convention center. That way you don't have to put up
with all the vampire live action yoyo's beating on you hotel room at 3am. We
should all get some of my home town pizza ummm Chicago style from Chicago.
There's this little pizza place on Western Ave just north of 119th called
Bob's pizza. Bob was taught by some of the orginal itlaian cooks so it damn
good. God I haven't had that inside of two years.

Nightlife Inc.

Ah at last! The TRANSFORMATION is complete!
For YEARS they mocked me! They took the name EMMANUEL LEWIS in vain!
But tonight RETRIBUTION will be mine!
For I am REBORN as --WEBSTER--, The adorable scamp of DOOM!
Ma'am's and Georges beware Webster walks the earth and he's got a

Man did I nail this mad doctor routine or WHAT?
"Deadpool #4"

Document Classified
Message no. 33
From: Bull <chaos@*****.COM>
Subject: Re: GenCon
Date: Mon, 26 May 1997 01:15:43 -0400
At 08:57 PM 5/25/97 -0700, Loki wrote these timeless words:
>Caric and I have tickets and plans for hitting GenCon in August. He's
>mentioned knowing a few of you from the list will be there, I was just
>curious who all we might look for.
>It'll be good to put a few faces with list handles. :o)

I know I talked Caric into going a couple weeks back, but he didn't think
you would be able to make it.

Speaking of Gen Con, I too would like a list of who's going.

I have plans, and may want help from some of you...

I'll start a list, which I'll update every few days or once a week or so,
and post it to the list... Everyone who is going, or planning to go,
please e-mail me privately with the header "Gen Con" and I'll add your name
to the list.

This is gonna be great...:]

Now the Offical Celebrity Shadowrn Mailing List Welcome Ork Decker!
Fearless Leader of the Star Wars Mailing List

Bull, aka Steven Ratkovich, aka Rak, aka a lot of others! :]

"The best Ork Decker you never met"
-Me, in the upcoming "Target: UCAS" Shadowrun Sourcebook!
Message no. 34
From: Loki <daddyjim@**********.COM>
Subject: Re: GenCon
Date: Sun, 25 May 1997 22:30:02 -0700
---NightLife wrote:
> I'm planning on it. I haven't been there in 4 years now so I'm really
> getting the urge to get back up there. Time to go shopping. Perhaps
the list
> people could all agree on s single hotel. I'd recommend the
Budgeteel just
> outside the city on 94(?) if memory serves. It's decently priced,
clean, and
> 20 minutes from the convention center.

Sounds good. Caric and I were already thinking of seeing if those from
the list had a particular hotel in mind, making it easier to hook up
with familiar faces...err, sigs...err, well whatever would be familiar
from being on the list. :o)


> We should all get some of my home town pizza...Chicago style.
> There's this little pizza place on Western Ave just north of 119th
> Bob's pizza. Bob was taught by some of the orginal itlaian cooks so
it damn
> good. God I haven't had that inside of two years.

Soundz good, we've never been to the area so a tour guide might come
in handy. S/R teaches ya the value of contacts.


@>--,--'--- Loki

Poisoned Elves:

If in your adventures you happen across the skull of a dragon, turn
and leave that place quickly. Whatever killed the dragon may still be
Sent by RocketMail. Get your free e-mail at
Message no. 35
From: "Pulla, Stefanie" <PULLAS@********.MHS.COMPUSERVE.COM>
Subject: Re: GenCon
Date: Mon, 26 May 1997 05:13:28 EDT
Sorry for asking this on the Shadowrun List,
but does someone know, if there will be a
European GenCon this year and when?

Thanx in advance

Stefanie aka Banshee

GCv3.1 GAT/G! d++(---) h+++ au+ C+$>++++ U---
W+ N+ w+ o-- M- !PS !PE Y-- PGP- t+ 5++ X+ R+++
tv- b++(+++)@ D+ e+++ x?
Message no. 36
From: NightLife <habenir@******.SAN.UC.EDU>
Subject: Re: GenCon
Date: Mon, 26 May 1997 15:00:48 -0400
>Soundz good, we've never been to the area so a tour guide might come
>in handy. S/R teaches ya the value of contacts.

The south side is where I'm originally from so getting around there isn't
difficult fir me at all.

Nightlife Inc.

Ah at last! The TRANSFORMATION is complete!
For YEARS they mocked me! They took the name EMMANUEL LEWIS in vain!
But tonight RETRIBUTION will be mine!
For I am REBORN as --WEBSTER--, The adorable scamp of DOOM!
Ma'am's and Georges beware Webster walks the earth and he's got a

Man did I nail this mad doctor routine or WHAT?
"Deadpool #4"

Document Classified
Message no. 37
From: "Mark E. Manhardt" <droopy@**.NET>
Subject: Re: GenCon
Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 08:15:22 +0000
> From: NightLife <habenir@******.SAN.UC.EDU>
> Subject: Re: GenCon
> people could all agree on s single hotel. I'd recommend the Budgeteel just
> outside the city on 94(?) if memory serves. It's decently priced, clean, and

The one by the airport? I stayed there a few years ago and it's an
easy ride in every morning.

Message no. 38
From: Steve Kenson <TalonMail@***.COM>
Subject: Re: Gen-Con
Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 15:57:24 -0400
[list of GEN-CON goers snipped]

FWIW, I am planning to be at GEN-CON this year. I will be attending the
Shadowrun and Earthdawn seminars and can probably be found hanging around
FASA's booth a lot when I'm not busy working through the great hall drooling
over all of the newest and coolest game stuff. At the least, I hope to get in
a game or two of the new SR card game, which should be out for the 'con.

Hope to see some of the listmembers there.

Steve K.
Message no. 39
From: NightLife <habenir@******.SAN.UC.EDU>
Subject: Re: GenCon
Date: Wed, 28 May 1997 01:20:01 -0400
>The one by the airport? I stayed there a few years ago and it's an
>easy ride in every morning.

I believe so but don't quote me on that.

Nightlife Inc.

Ah at last! The TRANSFORMATION is complete!
For YEARS they mocked me! They took the name EMMANUEL LEWIS in vain!
But tonight RETRIBUTION will be mine!
For I am REBORN as --WEBSTER--, The adorable scamp of DOOM!
Ma'am's and Georges beware Webster walks the earth and he's got a

Man did I nail this mad doctor routine or WHAT?
"Deadpool #4"

Document Classified
Message no. 40
From: Steve Kenson <TalonMail@***.COM>
Subject: GEN-CON
Date: Mon, 4 Aug 1997 10:38:24 -0400
Well, folks, I am going to be leaving for GEN-CON early Wed. morning. I most
likely will only have time to reply to the list for a little while on Tues.,
so I'm going to thank everyone in advance for the initial feedback and
response on SR3 ideas. I have a basic proposal to offer to FASA at the 'con
and we'll work on things from there.

I would like to keep the listmembers involved in the playtesting and feedback
proceedures as we go. Hopefully, the next step will be getting feedback on a
first draft of the SR3 magic chapter itself. Updates will come as I get more

For those of you going to the 'con, I hope to see you there. For those of you
who are not, I'll "see" you sometime next week.

Stick to the shadows, chummers,
Message no. 41
From: NightLife <habenir@******.SAN.UC.EDU>
Subject: GenCon
Date: Tue, 5 Aug 1997 16:02:46 -0400
I have pulled off the impossible for attending GenCon. I just booked a room
in the Milwaukee West Excel hotel and will be attending. So how do those of
us who are going to be there hook up. I'd suggest a time on Sat because I
won't get there until late Friday night and I'm leaving Sunday afternoon.

Nightlife Inc.

Maybe it's those Rocket Skates I ordered from the ACME company!
The last pair backfired and almost blew my legs halfway to my Duodenum.
But I'll get that pesky Road Runner yet.
With My Life's Blood I swear it!

"Deadpool #3"

Document Classified
Message no. 42
From: Loki <daddyjim@**********.COM>
Subject: Re: GenCon
Date: Tue, 5 Aug 1997 16:30:32 -0700
---NightLife wrote:
> I have pulled off the impossible for attending GenCon. I just booked
a room
> in the Milwaukee West Excel hotel and will be attending. So how do
those of
> us who are going to be there hook up. I'd suggest a time on Sat
because I
> won't get there until late Friday night and I'm leaving Sunday

As it turns out Caric, Bull, Dvixen and I will be sharing a room.

I know Bull was the instigator on trying to get the list members
together, but I think I just got the last email from him on our room
info and he's heading out to catch the bus to the Con.

I still vote for trying to get a group of us together for some
breakfast one of the morning before hitting GC.

I think plans we're to try and track list members down at the FASA
booth between events.

As for myself (and I believe Caric), a schedule looks like:

What's Up with FASA: Thursday 2pm-4pm
Drive in the Country: Thursday 8pm-Mid (hopefully Fri & Sat 8pm-Mid)
Secrets of Shadowrun: Friday Noon-2pm
Shadowrun Q&A: Sunday Noon-2pm

I know Bull had mentioned hitting the seminars too.

Other than that it's general wandering around, all-night gaming and
using Generic Tickets. :o)

C-ya there!

@>--,--'--- Loki

Poisoned Elves:

"You're being held up by a stim patch, Loki's almost a pile of ashes
thanks to that fire elemental, and we've got the Baron running around
screaming assassins...assassins...oh eek, assassins!"
--> Caric to Ook during the Harlequin Campaign
Sent by RocketMail. Get your free e-mail at
Message no. 43
From: NightLife <habenir@******.SAN.UC.EDU>
Subject: Re: GenCon
Date: Tue, 5 Aug 1997 23:21:07 -0400
>As it turns out Caric, Bull, Dvixen and I will be sharing a room.

What a list member orgy and I'm not invited hrmmph! ;-)

>I still vote for trying to get a group of us together for some
>breakfast one of the morning before hitting GC.

Hmmm. How about lunch on Sat. There's this sports bar just down the street
from the Mecha center can't rememeber its name though, but as you walk out
the from on the center it's off to your right and across the street as you
look up the street.

>I think plans we're to try and track list members down at the FASA
>booth between events.

How about we just use our listnames on the badges or maybe meet at the FASA
booth at 3:00pm.

>As for myself (and I believe Caric), a schedule looks like:
>What's Up with FASA: Thursday 2pm-4pm
>Drive in the Country: Thursday 8pm-Mid (hopefully Fri & Sat 8pm-Mid)
>Secrets of Shadowrun: Friday Noon-2pm
>Shadowrun Q&A: Sunday Noon-2pm
>I know Bull had mentioned hitting the seminars too.

Nope I'm just there to shop. But geez nothing on Sat for SR. Well maybe
since going was kind of a last minute thing I can squeeze my way into the
Sat(?) session of Drive in the country.

Nightlife Inc.

Maybe it's those Rocket Skates I ordered from the ACME company!
The last pair backfired and almost blew my legs halfway to my Duodenum.
But I'll get that pesky Road Runner yet.
With My Life's Blood I swear it!

"Deadpool #3"

Document Classified
Message no. 44
From: Loki <daddyjim@**********.COM>
Subject: Re: GenCon
Date: Tue, 5 Aug 1997 21:39:28 -0700
---NightLife wrote:
> >As it turns out Caric, Bull, Dvixen and I will be sharing a room.
> What a list member orgy and I'm not invited hrmmph! ;-)

Well, if we'd known you were making it... :o)

Actually, Eldorado/Isabelle, someone else Bull knows from IRC, and two
of her friends are crashing on our floor as well, so it looks like
we'll have seven of us in the one room.

> >I still vote for trying to get a group of us together for some
> >breakfast one of the morning before hitting GC.
> Hmmm. How about lunch on Sat. There's this sports bar just down the
> from the Mecha center can't rememeber its name though, but as you
walk out
> the from on the center it's off to your right and across the street
as you
> look up the street.

Sounds possible, I'll pass the suggestion on to Bull and the others
when I seem them Thurday. Anyone else from the list interested?


> How about we just use our listnames on the badges or maybe meet at
the FASA
> booth at 3:00pm.

Already got Loki written above the Jim Jones on my badge. :o) This
really would be a good idea for other list memeber to do as well, as
it may aid in easier recognition.


> Nope I'm just there to shop. But geez nothing on Sat for SR. Well
> since going was kind of a last minute thing I can squeeze my way
into the
> Sat(?) session of Drive in the country.

I believe it's a 3-stage, process of elimination tournament. So to get
in on Saturday you'd have to survive/graduate through Thusday and
Friday. Probably get more details at the Con.

@>--,--'--- Loki

Poisoned Elves:

"You're being held up by a stim patch, Loki's almost a pile of ashes
thanks to that fire elemental, and we've got the Baron running around
screaming assassins...assassins...oh eek, assassins!"
--> Caric to Ook during the Harlequin Campaign
Sent by RocketMail. Get your free e-mail at
Message no. 45
From: NightLife <habenir@******.SAN.UC.EDU>
Subject: Re: GenCon
Date: Wed, 6 Aug 1997 01:13:20 -0400
> Actually, Eldorado/Isabelle, someone else Bull knows from IRC, and two
> of her friends are crashing on our floor as well, so it looks like
> we'll have seven of us in the one room.

Kind of cramped eh? I lucked out and got a kinsized bed at the Excel
hotel for me and my girlfriend who I'm taking.
> Sounds possible, I'll pass the suggestion on to Bull and the others
> when I seem them Thurday. Anyone else from the list interested?


> Already got Loki written above the Jim Jones on my badge. :o) This
> really would be a good idea for other list memeber to do as well, as
> it may aid in easier recognition.

I'll be the 6'3 really big guy with NightLife on my badge.

> I believe it's a 3-stage, process of elimination tournament. So to get
> in on Saturday you'd have to survive/graduate through Thusday and
> Friday. Probably get more details at the Con.

Damn it wouldn't you know.

Nightlife Inc.

Maybe it's those Rocket Skates I ordered from the ACME company!
The last pair backfired and almost blew my legs halfway to my Duodenum.
But I'll get that pesky Road Runner yet.
With My Life's Blood I swear it!

"Deadpool #3"

Document Classified
Message no. 46
From: Loki <daddyjim@**********.COM>
Subject: Re: GenCon
Date: Tue, 5 Aug 1997 23:54:24 -0700
---NightLife wrote:
> Nope I'm just there to shop. But geez nothing on Sat for SR. Well
> since going was kind of a last minute thing I can squeeze my way
into the
> Sat(?) session of Drive in the country.

Actually you've got two free S/R game events on Saturday if interested:

Welcome to the Sixth World!

Dragons and Uzis and elves, oh my! Do you have what it takes to run
the shadows of 2057? Find out here, chummer! Newbies welcome.
Event #: 400118
Time: Slot 6 (Friday 12:00 PM), Slot 7 (Friday 4:00 PM), Slot 10
(Saturday 12:00 PM), Slot 11 (Saturday 4:00 PM)
Location: Juneau Hall (J15)

Shadowrun Demo

Experience life on the mean streets of the 21st century-learn FASA's
fantasy/cyberpunk roleplaying game! Ongoing demos.
Event #: 400590
Time: Slot 2 (Thursday 12:00 PM), Slot 6 (Friday 12:00 PM), Slot 10
(Saturday 12:00 PM), Slot 13 (Sunday 8:00 AM)
Location: Bruce Hall (Thursday B03, Friday B03, Saturday B03, Sunday

@>--,--'--- Loki

Poisoned Elves:

"You're being held up by a stim patch, Loki's almost a pile of ashes
thanks to that fire elemental, and we've got the Baron running around
screaming assassins...assassins...oh eek, assassins!"
--> Caric to Ook during the Harlequin Campaign

Sent by RocketMail. Get your free e-mail at
Message no. 47
From: Steve Kenson <TalonMail@***.COM>
Subject: GEN-CON
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 16:47:15 -0400
Hello, everyone. I'm back from GEN-CON and (mostly) recovered from the cold I
picked up there. I wanted to say "hi" to everyone on the list, all of the
listmembers I met at the con and especially those listmembers who attended
the con who I didn't meet due to time constraints. It was a pleasure being
able to associate some faces with some of the names on the list.

Naturally Shadowrun 3.0 was the subject of much discussion. I have some
additional magic ideas that got tossed around to put up for discussion,
debate and general mutilation : )

Oh, and Rigger Black Book 2.0 looks awesome. Jon Szeto did a great job on it
and it will really rock. Check it out when it hits the shelves next month.

Steve K.
Message no. 48
From: GRANITE <granite@**.NET>
Subject: Re: GenCon
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 15:10:37 -0700
>I know Bull had mentioned hitting the seminars too.
>Other than that it's general wandering around, all-night gaming and
>using Generic Tickets. :o) C-ya there!
@>--,--'--- Loki

Now I can't read your Email without hearing that southerbell voice...
"Rock Steady"
Lord, Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The Things I Cannot Change,
The Courage To Change The Things I Can,
And The Wisdom To Hide The Bodies Of Those People I Had To Kill
Because They Pissed Me Off.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ShadowRunner's Serenity Prayer
Message no. 49
From: Gweedo The Killer Pimp <yawas@****.COM>
Subject: Re: Gen Con
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 1997 17:58:02 -0500
Hey all you that went to Gen Con, where did you get your tickets from?

Gweedo (Who's thinking about going next year.)
Message no. 50
From: Loki <daddyjim@**********.COM>
Subject: Re: Gen Con
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 1997 22:16:26 -0700
---Gweedo The Killer Pimp wrote:
> Hey all you that went to Gen Con, where did you get your tickets

I d-loaded the registration form off, filled it out and
sent it in.

This year I have my Early Bird registration form I got at the Con.

@>--,--'--- Loki <gamemstr@********.com>

Fearless Leader of the Shadowrun Trading Card Game Mailing List
Web Page: Poisoned Elves at

"You're calling me Bitch like it's a bad thing."
--> CrapGame during the Drive in the Country tournament
Sent by RocketMail. Get your free e-mail at
Message no. 51
From: Bull <chaos@*****.COM>
Subject: Re: Gen Con
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 1997 01:57:16 -0400
At 10:16 PM 9/8/97 -0700, Loki wrote these timeless words:
>---Gweedo The Killer Pimp wrote:
>> Hey all you that went to Gen Con, where did you get your tickets
Basically, the only way to actually get tickets is to send a registration
form in...

Last year they weren't available until June because of TSR's "problems",
but this year we have the "early Bird" forms that we got there (Won;t let
us sign for games as there aren;t any scheduled yet!:)), and they should be
avaialable as early as February or March...

>I d-loaded the registration form off, filled it out and
>sent it in.
I ordered my book through their web page and got it about the same time the
registration book was put up on the web.

>This year I have my Early Bird registration form I got at the Con.
Ditto. And I plan to use it! :]

Bull, aka Steven Ratkovich, aka Rak, aka a lot of others! :]

The Offical Celebrity Shadowrn Mailing List Welcome Ork Decker!
Fearless Leader of the Star Wars Mailing List
List Flunky of ShadowCreations, creators of the Newbies Guide,
in production now!

"Whoever invented solataire is one sadistic son of a bitch"
-- Me, after spending 2 hours trying to win a game
Message no. 52
From: Trunks trunks@********.org
Subject: GenCon?
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 00:19:40 -0500 (EST)
Ok, take kindly to this newbie to Cons. :) I've never been to one before
due to the propensity of fear of somehow mysteriously gaining 500 lbs. ;)

How do I pre-reg for GenCon? I know the Pre pre-reg is over, but how does
one pre-reg? I checked on their webpage, to no avail. :)

Anyone with advice or going to be at GenCon, help me out here :) Also, how
expensive is GenCon usually? I am trying to figure out how much I need to
save up to be able to afford to go. :)

Thanks :)


Leave only friends and corpses in your wake.
- James Hsiao

When I kill, the only thing I feel is recoil.

How come when you're horny, it is lust but when she is horny, it is

Commit the oldest sins the newest kind of ways
- William Shakespeare, "Henry IV"

Si Dieu n'existait pas, il faudrait l'inventer. -- Voltaire
[If God didn't exist, it would be necessary to invent him.]

Life isn't a bitch. Life is a virgin. A bitch is easy.

"Every problem is a personal problem. No person, no problem."
- Joseph Stalin
Message no. 53
From: GMPax@***.com GMPax@***.com
Subject: GenCon?
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 06:26:38 EST
In a message dated 3/8/99 12:23:26 AM Eastern Standard Time,
trunks@********.org writes:

> Anyone with advice or going to be at GenCon, help me out here :) Also, how
> expensive is GenCon usually? I am trying to figure out how much I need to
> save up to be able to afford to go. :)
> Thanks :)

I went, in 1994, and it cost me over $700 -- and I went dead broke halfway
through day 2. WITHOUT buying food on-site.

If you intend to eat the somewhat-low-quality but nonetheless exhorbitantly
priced food available on site, and buy ANY event tickets (each game costs
money AFTER your entry badge, heh), expect the trip to cost upwards of $1000,
depending on hotel prices. I had to pay $180, my share of our late-reserved
Hotel Wyndham room (4 stars = big prices!).

At a guess, $1250 to $1500 per person, hotel and airfare included, is a good
guesstimate on the price you should expect, unles you get your hotel room
RIGHT FRAGGING NOW. Friends of ours had reserved hotel rooms way ahead of
time, and found one big enough to sleep eight to ten of them, for $60 a night
TOTAL (yep, 6 or 7 dollars each).

GM Pax
Message no. 54
From: Gurth gurth@******.nl
Subject: GenCon?
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 12:06:17 +0100
According to Trunks, at 0:19 on 8 Mar 99, the word on
the street was...

> Ok, take kindly to this newbie to Cons. :) I've never been to one before
> due to the propensity of fear of somehow mysteriously gaining 500 lbs. ;)

More like mysteriously spending US$500 :)

> How do I pre-reg for GenCon? I know the Pre pre-reg is over, but how does
> one pre-reg? I checked on their webpage, to no avail. :)

The "Early Bird" pre-reg is over; for normal pre-reg, you download the
form from Andon's web page (, fill it out,
and send it in before the date mentioned on it (late May, it was last
year). That's about it, I think.

> Anyone with advice or going to be at GenCon, help me out here :) Also, how
> expensive is GenCon usually? I am trying to figure out how much I need to
> save up to be able to afford to go. :)

Depends on where you're coming from. If you live near Milwaukee, I have
this feeling that tells me it'll be a LOT cheaper than for someone coming
all the way from -- oh, let's pick a random country -- the Netherlands ;)

However, the costs you're certain to make are US$55 for a four-day pass (I
don't know what a day pass costs), upwards of US$100 for sleeping
somewhere, and of course travel expenses to and from Milwaukee. Last year,
we had a five-person dorm suite that cost US$93 (IIRC) a night, for five
nights (in on Wednesday night, out on Monday morning); that made it
precisely US$93 for everyone staying there all five nights. However, if
you want to stay in a hotel it can be a LOT more expensive (up to US$200+
a night, I believe)

Next, add food, drinks, tickets to play in games (you need to buy these
separately) and the inevitable stuff you're going to buy at the
convention, and you can spend quite a bit of money.

Gurth@******.nl -
Hoera, we leven nog!
-> NERPS Project Leader * ShadowRN GridSec * Unofficial Shadowrun Guru <-
->The Plastic Warriors Page:<-
-> The New Character Mortuary: <-

GC3.1: GAT/! d-(dpu) s:- !a>? C+(++)@ U P L E? W(++) N o? K- w+ O V? PS+
PE Y PGP- t(+) 5++ X++ R+++>$ tv+(++) b++@ DI? D+ G(++) e h! !r(---) y?
Incubated into the First Church of the Sqooshy Ball, 21-05-1998
Message no. 55
From: zmjett@*********.com zmjett@*********.com
Subject: GenCon?
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 09:33:13 -0500
Gurth wrote:

> According to Trunks, at 0:19 on 8 Mar 99, the word on
> the street was...
> > Ok, take kindly to this newbie to Cons. :) I've never been to one before
> > due to the propensity of fear of somehow mysteriously gaining 500 lbs. ;)

Takes a little more than one weekend to gain that much. Anyway, rolling dice is
good exercise. It builds strong arms. :>

> > Anyone with advice or going to be at GenCon, help me out here :) Also, how
> > expensive is GenCon usually? I am trying to figure out how much I need to
> > save up to be able to afford to go. :)

The deadline this year for registration online is July 7, but I wouldn't wait
that long if you want to get into any good events. They tend to be sorta full by
that point in time.
Lesse...costs...well, last year my costs came to about $500, coming from the
Boston, MA area. I slept in the dorm with everyone else, played a few games,
bought some stuff. The big cost is generally transportation, but if you put in
for plane tickets now, you can usually get a BIG discount for getting them so
far ahead of time.


If you're happy and you know it see a shrink.

Rape and pillage BEFORE you burn! BEFORE!
Message no. 56
From: GRANITE granite@**.net
Subject: GenCon?
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 14:00:12 -0700
> Anyone with advice or going to be at GenCon, help me out here :) Also, how
> expensive is GenCon usually? I am trying to figure out how much I need to
> save up to be able to afford to go. :)

Some of the others have addressed the money side of it..So I won't go
there other than to say..bring lots..

Sign up on the GCPlan list..It is a ilttle quiet right now..but start
shooting them questions and things should heat up a bit..
Here's how:
To subscribe, send an empty message to
To unsubscribe, send an empty message to
List Archive:

OK..AS for the con itself..DO NOT sign up for too many games..I know
that sounds a bit weird..but rememeber..there are truly only 24 hours
in 1 day..and some of those you will spend unconcious [wether you
like it or not]..and you will need to eat sometime..and then there is
the exhibit is enormous..hundreds of people trying to
seperate you from your money..and you will need to make time for them
to do that..And they are not open 24 hours..we'll be lucky if they
are open 6 hours..
Bring an empty rucksack..This will be filed as you
go along with all the freebees and stuff you just cannot live
without..And when you become too exhausted to move it will make a
passable pillow..
SIgn up for the SR Tourney if at all possible..I understand it will
be a great time..and there are going to be tons of tables for it this
year.. I have an inside track on this one..I am one of the
judges for it.. ;)
"Rock Steady"
==============================================Lord, Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The
Things I Cannot Change,
The Courage To Change The Things I Can,
And The Wisdom To Hide The Bodies Of Those People I Had To Kill
Because They Pissed Me Off.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ShadowRunner's Serenity Prayer
==============================================Understanding is a three edged sword. - Kosh
What is best in life?
To Crush Your Enemies,
See Them Driven Before You,
And To Hear The Lamentation Of Their Women. -Conan
I Am The LAW! -JD
Jamais Arriere
Message no. 57
From: Gurth gurth@******.nl
Subject: GenCon?
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 1999 13:02:35 +0100
According to GRANITE, at 14:00 on 8 Mar 99, the word on
the street was...

> OK..AS for the con itself..DO NOT sign up for too many games..I know
> that sounds a bit weird..

That's good advice. When you've registered you'll get a book showing what
games will be run at what times (it's a HUGE list) and I suggest you go
through it and make a schedule of the ones you really want to play, so you
can figure out if any overlap and how much spare time you've got. More
spare time than game time worked well for me, but others might go there
only to play games.

> and then there is the exhibit is enormous..hundreds of people
> trying to seperate you from your money..and you will need to make time
> for them to do that..And they are not open 24 hours..we'll be lucky if
> they are open 6 hours..

From 10:00 to 18:00, isn't it? Still, plenty of time to spend a lot of
money there :)

> SIgn up for the SR Tourney if at all possible..I understand it will
> be a great time..and there are going to be tons of tables for it this
> year.. I have an inside track on this one..I am one of the
> judges for it.. ;)

Can you guarantee we won't get a visit from you-know-who this time? :)

Gurth@******.nl -
Hoera, we leven nog!
-> NERPS Project Leader * ShadowRN GridSec * Unofficial Shadowrun Guru <-
->The Plastic Warriors Page:<-
-> The New Character Mortuary: <-

GC3.1: GAT/! d-(dpu) s:- !a>? C+(++)@ U P L E? W(++) N o? K- w+ O V? PS+
PE Y PGP- t(+) 5++ X++ R+++>$ tv+(++) b++@ DI? D+ G(++) e h! !r(---) y?
Incubated into the First Church of the Sqooshy Ball, 21-05-1998
Message no. 58
From: Bai Shen baishen@**********.com
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 14:02:25 -0500
Jus' outta curiousity, who all is going to Gen Con? Also, anybody got
any suggestions for where I can check out airline prices?
Bai Shen
Nemo Me Impune Lacessit
UIN 3543257 (Don't ask to join if you aren't going to send me anything.)
Message no. 59
From: NytShade niteshade@********.org
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 18:03:47 -0500
| Jus' outta curiousity, who all is going to Gen Con? Also, anybody got
| any suggestions for where I can check out airline prices?
| --
| Bai Shen is great. is also very accurate.

And I will be going.
Has anyone considered hosting a page that will keep track of goers, and
thier parties, locations, and mode of travel?

I'll do it if people are interested...
Message no. 60
From: Starrngr@***.com Starrngr@***.com
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 18:08:44 EST
In a message dated 10/31/1999 3:03:02 PM Pacific Standard Time,
niteshade@********.org writes:

> And I will be going.
> Has anyone considered hosting a page that will keep track of goers, and
> thier parties, locations, and mode of travel?
> I'll do it if people are interested...

Its still to early to say for me, actually, cause I never seem to have enough
money to do what I want. One other option to consider that came to me as I
was talking to Bull the other night was renting a RV for a month or two, on
the assumption that it and space in a campground would sill be cheaper than a
hotel for the same amount of time. Plus I could drop by and scare a couple
of the listmembers as I drove through their town.

Starrngr -- Ranger HQ

"You wear a Hawaiian shirt and bring your music on a RUN? No wonder they
call you Howling Mad..." -- Rabid the Pysad.
Message no. 61
From: NytShade niteshade@********.org
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 18:19:59 -0500
| > And I will be going.
| > Has anyone considered hosting a page that will keep track of goers, and
| > thier parties, locations, and mode of travel?
| >
| > I'll do it if people are interested...
| Its still to early to say for me, actually, cause I never seem to have
| money to do what I want. One other option to consider that came to me as
| was talking to Bull the other night was renting a RV for a month or two,
| the assumption that it and space in a campground would sill be cheaper
than a
| hotel for the same amount of time. Plus I could drop by and scare a
| of the listmembers as I drove through their town.
| --
| Starrngr -- Ranger HQ

Well, for now I'm just feeling it out.
Even if your just /interested/ in going to gencon just toss me a line.

ICQ: 595959
Message no. 62
From: Ereskanti@***.com Ereskanti@***.com
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1999 00:30:09 EST
In a message dated 10/31/1999 6:03:02 PM US Eastern Standard Time,
niteshade@********.org writes:

> And I will be going.
> Has anyone considered hosting a page that will keep track of goers, and
> thier parties, locations, and mode of travel?
> I'll do it if people are interested...

I know its' really early to be discussing it, but the idea is a good one IMO.
Go for it if you'd like. Let me (and others) know the page addy, and we'll
link to it.

[Hoosier Hacker House]
Message no. 63
From: Ereskanti@***.com Ereskanti@***.com
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1999 00:31:46 EST
In a message dated 10/31/1999 6:10:02 PM US Eastern Standard Time,
Starrngr@***.com writes:

> Its still to early to say for me, actually, cause I never seem to have
> enough
> money to do what I want. One other option to consider that came to me as
> was talking to Bull the other night was renting a RV for a month or two,
> the assumption that it and space in a campground would sill be cheaper
> a
> hotel for the same amount of time. Plus I could drop by and scare a
> of the listmembers as I drove through their town.

There are moments you absolutely scare me ... I'm not sure if this is one of
them, but it sure ranks close ;-P

Personally, we are wanting to get *close* next year, which means we're doing
reservations in January/February no doubt. We're shooting for the Hilton,
Ramada or Best Western (Inn Towne; which is right across from the mall near
the center).

[Hoosier Hacker House]
Message no. 64
From: Scott W iscottw@*****
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Mon, 01 Nov 1999 01:43:54 -0400
"And now, a Channel 6 editorial reply to Bai Shen."
] Jus' outta curiousity, who all is going to Gen Con? Also, anybody got
] any suggestions for where I can check out airline prices?

I'm clueless...when and where is it this year?

Message no. 65
From: Starrngr@***.com Starrngr@***.com
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1999 03:29:56 EST
In a message dated 10/31/1999 9:41:42 PM Pacific Standard Time,
iscottw@***** writes:

> I'm clueless...when and where is it this year?
> -Boondocker

<Starrngr hands Boondocker a little yellow envelope containing Col. Mustard,
the Knife, and the Dining Room>

Gen Con is held up in Milwakee every year during the first week or so of
August. Gencon 99 is already in the history books, but some of us are
allready thinking ahead to Gencon 00.

Starrngr -- Ranger HQ

"You wear a Hawaiian shirt and bring your music on a RUN? No wonder they
call you Howling Mad..." -- Rabid the Pysad.
Message no. 66
From: Gurth gurth@******.nl
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1999 10:36:08 +0100
According to NytShade, at 18:03 on 31 Oct 99, the word on
the street was...

> And I will be going.
> Has anyone considered hosting a page that will keep track of goers, and
> thier parties, locations, and mode of travel?

The usual way that happens on this mailing list is that someone keeps
track of everyone who says they'll go to GenCon, and that gets posted from
time to time (every few days, usually). I don't see the point of
maintaining a web site for something we're bound to be discussing on the
list anyway in about 6 months.

But don't you people think it's a _bit_ early to start making plans for
GC2000? Bringing it up in May or so I can understand, but November...?

Gurth@******.nl -
"Remember that all the items in the equipment lists are obviously
not available anywhere." --Gemini RPG, p. 100
-> NAGEE Editor * ShadowRN GridSec * Unofficial Shadowrun Guru <-
->The Plastic Warriors Page:<-
-> The New Character Mortuary: <-

GC3.1: GAT/! d-(dpu) s:- !a>? C+(++)@ UL P L+ E? W(++) N o? K- w+ O V? PS+
PE Y PGP- t(+) 5++ X++ R+++>$ tv+(++) b++@ DI? D+ G(++) e h! !r(---) y?
Incubated into the First Church of the Sqooshy Ball, 21-05-1998
Message no. 67
From: Daniel Brace dbrace@**********.com
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1999 10:47:32 -0500
>Jus' outta curiousity, who all is going to Gen Con? Also, anybody got
>any suggestions for where I can check out airline prices?
>Bai Shen

Phantom, ShadowDancer, and I will definitely be there again this year.
Hopefully Dave's Not Here Man will join us also and stop being such a
"Whiny, Whiny, little Bitch". :)

"A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down.
like a Mana Bolt to the chest helps the BadGuy go down."
-For Phantom
Message no. 68
From: Scott W iscottw@*****
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Mon, 01 Nov 1999 12:05:32 -0400
"And now, a Channel 6 editorial reply to Starrngr@***.com."
] <Starrngr hands Boondocker a little yellow envelope containing Col.
] the Knife, and the Dining Room>

Damn. I was betting on Mr. Lofwyr, in the Corporate Tower, with the
Hostile Takeover.

] Gen Con is held up in Milwakee every year during the first week or so of
] August. Gencon 99 is already in the history books, but some of us are
] allready thinking ahead to Gencon 00.

Ahh...getting a jump on those who are actually _planning_ the event,
I see.

Message no. 69
From: Ereskanti@***.com Ereskanti@***.com
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1999 12:58:12 EST
In a message dated 11/1/1999 4:35:25 AM US Eastern Standard Time,
gurth@******.nl writes:

> The usual way that happens on this mailing list is that someone keeps
> track of everyone who says they'll go to GenCon, and that gets posted from
> time to time (every few days, usually). I don't see the point of
> maintaining a web site for something we're bound to be discussing on the
> list anyway in about 6 months.
> But don't you people think it's a _bit_ early to start making plans for
> GC2000? Bringing it up in May or so I can understand, but November...?

Therre is *ONE* reason I can think of to start a LOT earlier this time around
Gurth. It's the Y2K mania. Hasbro/WotC/TSR is going to be releasing "3D",
the third edition to Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. That *alone* should be
enough of a reason.

Also, depending on how many rooms are setup where, people are going to WANT
to work out things ahead of time. I know the "Home Group" here is already a
standing 5 for next year (Myself, Bob, Mike B. (he's going to have time off
of his choice next year), Jon Reid, and probably Greg). Luke Monroe
(Chuckles on the DR Forums) is also in this area now, and has friends I think
that are planning on going as well. He's considered going with either us or
his friends from back home I believe.

Psychotoon, Lilith and Sludig (from IRC) I *think* are planning on it.
Nytshade is considering it heavily as well. And that is just the people I
can quickly think of within 200 miles or so of my position. I don't know
everybody, but I know the idea of doing *anything* in Y2K is really
turbo-modified here in America. The Mecca center is going to be completed by
then as well (remember that construction area? between the main building and
the Auditorium/Arena?), which is going to allow for Gencon to have a *really*
big and nifty area to operate within.

That and I *think* the State Fair for Wisconsin is the same week as Gencon
again next year, like it was this year. If that is true, then things are
going to be *packed* all over the place again.

[Hoosier Hacker House]
Message no. 70
From: David Yiannakos yiannako@*******.edu
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1999 12:56:44 -0500
| Phantom, ShadowDancer, and I will definitely be there again this year.
| Hopefully Dave's Not Here Man will join us also and stop being such a
| "Whiny, Whiny, little Bitch". :)
| BlackWidow-

You buyin', bucko?

---Dave ('s not here man)
Message no. 71
From: Daniel Brace dbrace@**********.com
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1999 14:05:10 -0500
>> Phantom, ShadowDancer, and I will definitely be there again this year.
>> Hopefully Dave's Not Here Man will join us also and stop being such a
>> "Whiny, Whiny, little Bitch". :)
>> BlackWidow-

>You buyin', bucko?

>--Dave ('s not here man)

Dose that mean you're putting out this time?

"There's no business, like Shadow business,
it's the only business we know."
-For Phantom
Message no. 72
From: Mike Buckalew mike_buckalew@*********.com
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1999 11:10:43 -0800
Guth asked:

> But don't you people think it's a _bit_ early to start making plans for
> GC2000? Bringing it up in May or so I can understand, but November...?

Oh no, it's not too early. WotC put up the registration form in September
and I sent in my housing request this weekend.

If you want a good hotel room, you need to sign up now!

Buck (Mike Buckalew)
Test Manager
FileMaker, Inc.
Message no. 73
From: Ereskanti@***.com Ereskanti@***.com
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1999 14:11:13 EST
In a message dated 11/1/1999 2:04:21 PM US Eastern Standard Time,
dbrace@**********.com writes:

> >> "Whiny, Whiny, little Bitch". :)
> >You buyin', bucko?
> Dose that mean you're putting out this time?
Hey now!!! You two go find a room, preferably private one, why dontcha??!!??

[Hoosier Hacker House]
Message no. 74
From: Daniel Brace dbrace@**********.com
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1999 15:21:54 -0500
>Hey now!!! You two go find a room, preferably private one, why
> ;-P

Dave's not here man, Did he just proposition us?

Message no. 75
From: David Yiannakos yiannako@*******.edu
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1999 16:13:52 -0500
| >> Phantom, ShadowDancer, and I will definitely be there again this year.
| >> Hopefully Dave's Not Here Man will join us also and stop being such a
| >> "Whiny, Whiny, little Bitch". :)
| >>
| >> BlackWidow-
| >You buyin', bucko?
| >--Dave ('s not here man)
| Dose that mean you're putting out this time?

I'm not really sure what to say to that....

--Dave ('s not here man)
Message no. 76
From: Raije murk@****
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1999 14:43:56 +1100
> Well, for now I'm just feeling it out.
> Even if your just /interested/ in going to gencon just toss me a line.
> niteshade@********.org
> ICQ: 595959
> Also

I'd love to go to GenCon...but unless someone wins the Melbourne Cup today
and is willing to pay for me, I've got two chances....buckley's and none.
All my money is staying in my bank (cough) so that I can pay for
accomodation, etc at University next year...grumble, mutter, moan...

~Simple Guide to Cyberpunk~
"Shit Happens, So Carry Toilet Paper"
Message no. 77
From: Jett zmjett@*********.com
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Tue, 02 Nov 1999 17:25:28 -0500
Ereskanti@***.com wrote:

> In a message dated 10/31/1999 6:10:02 PM US Eastern Standard Time,
> Starrngr@***.com writes:
> >
> > Its still to early to say for me, actually, cause I never seem to have
> > enough
> > money to do what I want. One other option to consider that came to me as
> I
> > was talking to Bull the other night was renting a RV for a month or two,
> on
> > the assumption that it and space in a campground would sill be cheaper
> than
> > a
> > hotel for the same amount of time. Plus I could drop by and scare a
> couple
> > of the listmembers as I drove through their town.
> There are moments you absolutely scare me ... I'm not sure if this is one of
> them, but it sure ranks close ;-P
> Personally, we are wanting to get *close* next year, which means we're doing
> reservations in January/February no doubt. We're shooting for the Hilton,
> Ramada or Best Western (Inn Towne; which is right across from the mall near
> the center).

I will hopefully be going to Gencon 2000 as well, although I won't know for sure
until I get myself out of debt from LAST year's GC. And if I can figure out a
way to get there that doesn't involve Airtran, after the repeated disasters of
the past two years....


The new improved Shadowrun page: Shadow's Edge.

Jett's Elfwood page

"This is the worst place in the world. You shouldn't have come here. You'll die
"Stay in the best place in the world, darling, and you'll die there, too."
-Lord Fanny, to Quimper, The Invisibles
Message no. 78
From: Starrngr@***.com Starrngr@***.com
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1999 17:41:12 EST
In a message dated 11/2/1999 2:22:17 PM Pacific Standard Time,
zmjett@*********.com writes:

> I will hopefully be going to Gencon 2000 as well, although I won't know for
> sure
> until I get myself out of debt from LAST year's GC. And if I can figure
> a
> way to get there that doesn't involve Airtran, after the repeated
> of
> the past two years....
> --Jett

Well, Jett, Like I noted, there is always the highway, since the Air travel
industry doesnt seem to like you that much. Even if you don't drive a
vehicle, Greyhound does go to Milwalkee (And Miniapolis... suddenly I can't
remember which town GC is in. Clearly, I need to get my headware checked

Starrngr -- Ranger HQ

"You wear a Hawaiian shirt and bring your music on a RUN? No wonder they
call you Howling Mad..." -- Rabid the Pysad.
Message no. 79
From: kawaii kawaii@********.org
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1999 18:14:07 -0500 (EST)
On Tue, 2 Nov 1999 Starrngr@***.com wrote:

> In a message dated 11/2/1999 2:22:17 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> zmjett@*********.com writes:
> > I will hopefully be going to Gencon 2000 as well, although I won't know for
> > sure
> > until I get myself out of debt from LAST year's GC. And if I can figure
> out
> > a
> > way to get there that doesn't involve Airtran, after the repeated
> disasters
> > of
> > the past two years....
> >
> > --Jett
> Well, Jett, Like I noted, there is always the highway, since the Air travel
> industry doesnt seem to like you that much. Even if you don't drive a
> vehicle, Greyhound does go to Milwalkee (And Miniapolis... suddenly I can't
> remember which town GC is in. Clearly, I need to get my headware checked
> again)
> --
> Starrngr -- Ranger HQ
> HTTP://

Milwalkee, I'm pretty sure. And sign me up for GC2K. (Even though I'm a
very obscure lurker =P)

Ever lovable and always scrappy,
Message no. 80
From: NightRain nightrain@****
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1999 23:51:02 +1000
----- Original Message -----
From: Raije <murk@****>
To: <shadowrn@*********.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 1999 1:43 PM
Subject: Re: Gen Con

> > Well, for now I'm just feeling it out.
> > Even if your just /interested/ in going to gencon just toss me a line.
> >
> > niteshade@********.org
> > ICQ: 595959
> > Also
> I'd love to go to GenCon...but unless someone wins the Melbourne Cup
> and is willing to pay for me, I've got two chances....buckley's and none.

But as I always say, Buckley made it in spite of the odds. So there might
be hope yet :)


| Whatever you do, don't vote! |
| It will only encourage them. |
| ============================== |
| |
| |
| email:nightrain@*** |
Message no. 81
From: Jett zmjett@*********.com
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Tue, 02 Nov 1999 23:06:32 -0500
Starrngr@***.com wrote:

> In a message dated 11/2/1999 2:22:17 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> zmjett@*********.com writes:
> > I will hopefully be going to Gencon 2000 as well, although I won't know for
> > sure
> > until I get myself out of debt from LAST year's GC. And if I can figure
> out
> > a
> > way to get there that doesn't involve Airtran, after the repeated
> disasters
> > of
> > the past two years....
> >
> > --Jett
> Well, Jett, Like I noted, there is always the highway, since the Air travel
> industry doesnt seem to like you that much. Even if you don't drive a
> vehicle, Greyhound does go to Milwalkee (And Miniapolis... suddenly I can't
> remember which town GC is in. Clearly, I need to get my headware checked
> again)

Yes, however a bus to Milwaukee involves something like 26 straight hours of
travel, as does a train, neither of which is really all that comfortable for that
length of time. Ideally, I'd like to have a serviceable vehicle by next summer so
I can DRIVE to GenCon. Unfortunately, the Juggernaut is on its last legs, and the
last thing I want is a repeat of Gencon '98 (being stranded in the middle of Ohio
at midnight is bad. Very bad.), so a new van is the only way that I'm going to
even TRY making the trip... (I'm in Rhode Island: it's a bit of a haul to
Milwaukee from here. ;) )


The new improved Shadowrun page: Shadow's Edge.

Jett's Elfwood page

"This is the worst place in the world. You shouldn't have come here. You'll die
"Stay in the best place in the world, darling, and you'll die there, too."
-Lord Fanny, to Quimper, The Invisibles
Message no. 82
From: Adam J adamj@*********
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Tue, 02 Nov 1999 21:30:21 -0700
At 23:06 02/11/99 -0500, Jett wrote
Jett, Like I noted, there is always the highway, since the Air travel
>> industry doesnt seem to like you that much. Even if you don't drive a
>> vehicle, Greyhound does go to Milwalkee (And Miniapolis...

The Minneapolis Greyhound station is nice, IIRC. :-)

>Yes, however a bus to Milwaukee involves something like 26 straight hours of

Unless you're coming from Lethbridge, in which case it's 48 hours. ;-)

< / adamj@********* / ICQ# 2350330 >
Message no. 83
From: Paul Gettle RunnerPaul@*****.com
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Tue, 02 Nov 1999 23:41:45 -0500

At 09:30 PM 11/2/99 -0700, Adam J wrote:
:The Minneapolis Greyhound station is nice, IIRC. :-)

Nice? Minneapolis Greyhound station?? NICE!?
I spent over three hours there once (from about 2:30am on). It's got
an above average snack bar, but that's about it's only selling point.

Then again, maybe I just can't stand to see the word "nice" said in
the same breath as "Greyhound station".

Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.1 for non-commercial use <>;


-- Paul Gettle, #970 of 1000 (RunnerPaul@*****.com)
PGP Fingerprint, Key ID:0x48F3AACD (RSA 1024, created 98/06/26)
C260 94B3 6722 6A25 63F8 0690 9EA2 3344
Message no. 84
From: Starrngr@***.com Starrngr@***.com
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1999 23:44:57 EST
In a message dated 11/2/1999 8:30:53 PM Pacific Standard Time,
adamj@********* writes:

> >Yes, however a bus to Milwaukee involves something like 26 straight hours
> of
> >travel
> Unless you're coming from Lethbridge, in which case it's 48 hours. ;-)
> Adam

56 if you live in California, like I do.

Starrngr -- Ranger HQ

"You wear a Hawaiian shirt and bring your music on a RUN? No wonder they
call you Howling Mad..." -- Rabid the Pysad.
Message no. 85
From: Gurth gurth@******.nl
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 10:02:23 +0100
According to Jett, at 17:25 on 2 Nov 99, the word on the street was...

> I will hopefully be going to Gencon 2000 as well, although I won't know for sure
> until I get myself out of debt from LAST year's GC. And if I can figure out a
> way to get there that doesn't involve Airtran, after the repeated disasters of
> the past two years....

Fly with a different airline, maybe? The one time I flew with AirTran
things didn't really go all that well either, but they put me on another
airline's flight going the same way. Am I right in assuming you weren't
that lucky? :)

According to Jett, at 23:06 on 2 Nov 99, the word on the street was...

> Yes, however a bus to Milwaukee involves something like 26 straight
> hours of travel, as does a train, neither of which is really all that
> comfortable for that length of time.

A train is much better than a bus, IMHO. It may take about as long (Amtrak
should buy some ICEs or TGVs...) but you have more room and can walk
around if you want.

Gurth@******.nl -
Destiny is a state of mind
-> NAGEE Editor * ShadowRN GridSec * Unofficial Shadowrun Guru <-
->The Plastic Warriors Page:<-
-> The New Character Mortuary: <-

GC3.1: GAT/! d-(dpu) s:- !a>? C+(++)@ UL P L+ E? W(++) N o? K- w+ O V? PS+
PE Y PGP- t(+) 5++ X++ R+++>$ tv+(++) b++@ DI? D+ G(++) e h! !r(---) y?
Incubated into the First Church of the Sqooshy Ball, 21-05-1998
Message no. 86
From: Jett zmjett@*********.com
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Wed, 03 Nov 1999 05:07:56 -0500
Gurth wrote:

> According to Jett, at 17:25 on 2 Nov 99, the word on the street was...
> > I will hopefully be going to Gencon 2000 as well, although I won't know for sure
> > until I get myself out of debt from LAST year's GC. And if I can figure out a
> > way to get there that doesn't involve Airtran, after the repeated disasters of
> > the past two years....
> Fly with a different airline, maybe? The one time I flew with AirTran
> things didn't really go all that well either, but they put me on another
> airline's flight going the same way. Am I right in assuming you weren't
> that lucky? :)

Heh. No such luck for me. Couldn't afford another airline, anyway... Delta,
Continental, and Northeastern airlines were all more than twice the price of a round
trip on Airtran. However, I'm suitably fed up with Airtran to save some cash and pick
a better airline this year....and this year, I'm definitely making hotel reservations
way earlier.

> A train is much better than a bus, IMHO. It may take about as long (Amtrak
> should buy some ICEs or TGVs...) but you have more room and can walk
> around if you want.

It's a tradeoff...for some reason, I can't sleep on a train, but I can sleep on the
bus. Something with the way the seats are placed on trains makes it hard to lean your
head against the window to snooze...however, yes, trains have snack bars and room to
walk around.

Also, I had a really bad experience with trains this past summer. The train I was on
was overbooked, and since my options were to stay stranded in Philadephia or take the
over-booked train, I took the train. Remember, O those of us in the Eastern half of
the US, when we had that heat wave and the temperature got up to around 104 with 90%
humidity? I remember it very well, because it was in exactly that weather that I was
sitting on my suitcase on the platform of the train, over one of the engines (which
brought the temp up to a nice...106 or so), with no AC, for more than five hours
because there was not a single seat or even standing room in the train. Not to mention
that the train got delayed in New York, where I FINALLY got a seat, and I missed my
connection from Boston anyway, and wound up spending the night on a bench in South

I suppose I didn't mention the cabbie who was supposed to drive us 10 miles to the
Valley Forge Hilton, and instead wound up taking us more than 50 miles out of our way?
We were almost to Harrisburg before we finally made the cabbie pull over and figure
out where the hell we were...Then he tried to charge us for the 100 miles out of the
way, round trip, that he drove us...Needless to say, my boss had to hold me back when
we finally got to the Hilton, because otherwise I would have hauled the cabbie out
through the driver's side window, whether the window was open or not...

--Jett, the cursed traveller.

The new improved Shadowrun page: Shadow's Edge.

Jett's Elfwood page

"This is the worst place in the world. You shouldn't have come here. You'll die

"Stay in the best place in the world, darling, and you'll die there, too."
-Lord Fanny, to Quimper, The Invisibles
Message no. 87
From: Lady Jestyr jestyr@*********
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Wed, 03 Nov 1999 21:58:22 +1000
>> >Yes, however a bus to Milwaukee involves something like 26 straight
>> of
>> >travel
>> Unless you're coming from Lethbridge, in which case it's 48 hours. ;-)
>> Adam
>56 if you live in California, like I do.

Wah, bloody wah.

You try driving to Milwaukee from where I live.

Lady Jestyr
~ Hell hath no fury like a geek with a whippersnipper ~

* jestyr@*****.com | URL: *
Message no. 88
From: Manx timburke@*******
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 22:37:56 +1000
> Wah, bloody wah.
> You try driving to Milwaukee from where I live.
> Lady Jestyr

I'll second that !

Can you say "submarine" boys and girls?

And you all thought that you'd gotten rid of me.....

Manx // timburke@******* // #950
"It's always funny until someone get's hurt
and then it's just hilarious." - Faith No More
Message no. 89
From: abortion_engine abortion_engine@*******.com
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 08:10:03 -0500
> >> >Yes, however a bus to Milwaukee involves something like 26 straight
> hours
> >> of
> >> >travel
> >>
> >> Unless you're coming from Lethbridge, in which case it's 48 hours. ;-)
> >>
> >> Adam
> >
> >56 if you live in California, like I do.
> Wah, bloody wah.
> You try driving to Milwaukee from where I live.

Try driving from where Arclight lives.
Message no. 90
From: Wildfire Wildfire@*************.com
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Wed, 03 Nov 1999 08:22:05 -0500
WARNING! Question from the ignorant one..

Um, okay, does GenCon have a website or can I get some basic info (like
how much, where, etc)? I know Milwaukee, but little more specific?

Message no. 91
From: Lady Jestyr jestyr@*********
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Wed, 03 Nov 1999 23:39:04 +1000
>> >> Unless you're coming from Lethbridge, in which case it's 48 hours. ;-)
>> >>
>> >> Adam
>> >
>> >56 if you live in California, like I do.
>> Wah, bloody wah.
>> You try driving to Milwaukee from where I live.
>Try driving from where Arclight lives.

It's no worse to drive from Germany than from Australia, really. Either
way, you're still very waterlogged by the time you reach the USA.

(In other words, us Aussies have little sympathy for the Americans who
bitch about how hard it is for them to get to GenCon. Try living on the
other side of the planet, where it costs you a couple of thousand dollars
just for the plane ticket to GenCon.)

Lady Jestyr
~ Hell hath no fury like a geek with a whippersnipper ~

* jestyr@*****.com | URL: *
Message no. 92
From: Manx timburke@*******
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 23:54:22 +1000
> >> Wah, bloody wah.
> >>
> >> You try driving to Milwaukee from where I live.
> >
> >Try driving from where Arclight lives.
> It's no worse to drive from Germany than from Australia, really. Either
> way, you're still very waterlogged by the time you reach the USA.

Pure Luxury!

If only we were as close as Germany Lady J.
Germany to Milwaukee is, at best, an eight hour
flight. Australia to Milwaukee is a solid 24hrs
on the plane. We actually have to refuel several
times just to make it there.

Damn I wish they'd hurry up with those sub-orbitals...

> (In other words, us Aussies have little sympathy for the Americans who
> bitch about how hard it is for them to get to GenCon. Try living on the
> other side of the planet, where it costs you a couple of thousand dollars
> just for the plane ticket to GenCon.)
> Lady Jestyr

Hell GenCon is a pipe dream for most of us. Easily it would cost us
a good $5,000 to $6,000 to have any realistic time of it. (ie, not surviving
at street lifestyle). Don't forget flushing half your cash down the toilet
just in the exchange to US Dollars.

Damn I wish they'd hurry up with that Nuyen...

Manx // timburke@******* // #950
"It's always funny until someone get's hurt
and then it's just hilarious." - Faith No More
Message no. 93
From: abortion_engine abortion_engine@*******.com
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 08:55:29 -0500
> >> >> Unless you're coming from Lethbridge, in which case it's 48 hours.
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> >56 if you live in California, like I do.
> >>
> >> Wah, bloody wah.
> >>
> >> You try driving to Milwaukee from where I live.
> >
> >Try driving from where Arclight lives.
> It's no worse to drive from Germany than from Australia, really. Either
> way, you're still very waterlogged by the time you reach the USA.
> (In other words, us Aussies have little sympathy for the Americans who
> bitch about how hard it is for them to get to GenCon. Try living on the
> other side of the planet, where it costs you a couple of thousand dollars
> just for the plane ticket to GenCon.)
Well, I could drive over and pick you up...whoops, wait. Wrong continent. :)

Doesn't Australia have any Cons? If not, maybe there's a good way for you to
make your couple thousand.
Message no. 94
From: Manx timburke@*******
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 00:16:36 +1000
> Well, I could drive over and pick you up...whoops, wait. Wrong continent.
> Doesn't Australia have any Cons? If not, maybe there's a good way for you
> make your couple thousand.

We do in fact have plenty of Cons here in Australia.

I ran a rather successful one last year. It featured a
cool shadowrun tournament. Pity that getting people
to come, especially the large local RN contingent,
was like pulling teeth.

Manx // timburke@******* // #950
"It's always funny until someone get's hurt
and then it's just hilarious." - Faith No More
Message no. 95
From: Richard Tomasso rtomasso@*******.com
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 09:32:39 -0500 (EST)
Wildfire wrote:
> Um, okay, does GenCon have a website or can I get some basic info (like
> how much, where, etc)? I know Milwaukee, but little more specific?
Message no. 96
From: Daniel Brace dbrace@**********.com
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 09:02:16 -0500
>WARNING! Question from the ignorant one..

>Um, okay, does GenCon have a website or can I get some basic info (like
>how much, where, etc)? I know Milwaukee, but little more specific?


Here you go...

Message no. 97
From: dghost@****.com dghost@****.com
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 10:05:59 -0800
On Thu, 4 Nov 1999 00:16:36 +1000 "Manx" <timburke@*******>
> We do in fact have plenty of Cons here in Australia.

If anyone from the US comes to AussieCons, you can save on exchange fees
by exchanging money between the two of you. Now ... if you can only find
someone in Milwakee that goes to AussieCons (Though that is not a

D. Ghost
Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend.
Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.
-Groucho Marx

Get the Internet just the way you want it.
Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month!
Try Juno Web:
Message no. 98
From: dghost@****.com dghost@****.com
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 10:01:19 -0800
Someone (Jett?) Said:
> >> >Yes, however a bus to Milwaukee involves something like 26
> >> >straight hours of
> >> >travel

Adam said:
> >> Unless you're coming from Lethbridge, in which case it's 48 hours.

Someone said:
> >56 if you live in California, like I do.

On Wed, 03 Nov 1999 21:58:22 +1000 Lady Jestyr
<jestyr@*********> writes:
> Wah, bloody wah.
> You try driving to Milwaukee from where I live.

/me installs balloon tires on Lady J's car

... Come on it'll be fun ... we'd better leave now though ... to beat
traffic and all ...

D. Ghost
Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend.
Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.
-Groucho Marx

Get the Internet just the way you want it.
Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month!
Try Juno Web:
Message no. 99
From: Ereskanti@***.com Ereskanti@***.com
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 11:12:05 EST
In a message dated 11/2/1999 5:42:30 PM US Eastern Standard Time,
Starrngr@***.com writes:

> Well, Jett, Like I noted, there is always the highway, since the Air travel
> industry doesnt seem to like you that much. Even if you don't drive a
> vehicle, Greyhound does go to Milwalkee (And Miniapolis... suddenly I
> remember which town GC is in. Clearly, I need to get my headware checked
> again)

(* reads the note, then remembers waiting with Craig/Caric at the bus
terminal for Bull and Jett to arrive after the -=INCREDIBLE=- mishap with
Wolfstar's car somewhere in Ohio and him winding up at Tim Bradley's while
they continued onward by Greyhound. Oh gods, that was *such* a trip in so
many ways *)

[Hoosier Hacker House]
Message no. 100
From: Arclight arclight@*********.de
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 17:07:29 +0100
And finally, a_e expressed himself by writing:

> Try driving from where Arclight lives.

Well, if I start my journey right now,
take a trip through siberia, don't freeze in,
and make it in time to the Beringstreet, I
*could* drive with a car with a bit of luck.

But I might just take a plane anyway :)
The only problem I have atm is to pile up some
money and find out what to do after GC. Not
that economic to stay for just one week...
Too bad the NBA starts in september too :(

Message no. 101
From: Ereskanti@***.com Ereskanti@***.com
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 11:54:29 EST
In a message dated 11/3/1999 8:55:38 AM US Eastern Standard Time,
timburke@******* writes:

> Hell GenCon is a pipe dream for most of us. Easily it would cost us
> a good $5,000 to $6,000 to have any realistic time of it. (ie, not
> at street lifestyle). Don't forget flushing half your cash down the toilet
> just in the exchange to US Dollars.
> Damn I wish they'd hurry up with that Nuyen...

Manx, I know this is an EXTREME concept, but have you ever thought of having
someone from the states try and get your ticket for you? Spending *that*
kind of money for a ticket to Australia is *UNHEARD OF* in this area of the
country here. Even with the conversion from one dollar amount to the other.

Hell, if it's that way, I could hook you up with the travel agent my mother
uses and probably get you a HELL of a deal.

[Hoosier Hacker House]
Message no. 102
From: Gurth gurth@******.nl
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 19:54:43 +0100
According to Arclight, at 17:07 on 3 Nov 99, the word on the street was...

> Well, if I start my journey right now, take a trip through siberia,
> don't freeze in, and make it in time to the Beringstreet, I *could* drive
> with a car with a bit of luck.

All you'd need would be a mad professor as an opponent, and you'd be able
to The Great Race in reverse ;)

> But I might just take a plane anyway :) The only problem I have atm is
> to pile up some money and find out what to do after GC. Not that economic
> to stay for just one week... Too bad the NBA starts in september too :(

My advice, for everyone from outside the US who is planning to go to
GenCon, is to do as Arclight suggests: find some other things you want to
do before and/or after the con -- museums to go to, people to visit,
cities to see, and so on. At least, it seems like too much hassle to go to
the US just for GenCon and not do anything else while you're there.

BTW, it's best to go to the US at least a few days before GenCon, to get
over any jetlag you may encounter before the actual con starts -- it's
tiring enough as it is :)

Gurth@******.nl -
Destiny is a state of mind
-> NAGEE Editor * ShadowRN GridSec * Unofficial Shadowrun Guru <-
->The Plastic Warriors Page:<-
-> The New Character Mortuary: <-

GC3.1: GAT/! d-(dpu) s:- !a>? C+(++)@ UL P L+ E? W(++) N o? K- w+ O V? PS+
PE Y PGP- t(+) 5++ X++ R+++>$ tv+(++) b++@ DI? D+ G(++) e h! !r(---) y?
Incubated into the First Church of the Sqooshy Ball, 21-05-1998
Message no. 103
From: Starrngr@***.com Starrngr@***.com
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 14:06:25 EST
In a message dated 11/3/1999 4:24:53 AM Pacific Standard Time,
jestyr@********* writes:

> Wah, bloody wah.
> You try driving to Milwaukee from where I live.

Far too true, Jestyr. Although I thought I heard something on Discovery a
couple of months ago about someone marketing a amphipious vehicle that was
actually parctical...

Starrngr -- Ranger HQ

"You wear a Hawaiian shirt and bring your music on a RUN? No wonder they
call you Howling Mad..." -- Rabid the Pysad.
Message no. 104
From: The Phantom phantom023@*******.com
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Wed, 03 Nov 1999 19:10:39 GMT
>From: Lady Jestyr <jestyr@*********>
>Reply-To: shadowrn@*********.org
>To: shadowrn@*********.org
>Subject: Re: Gen Con
>Date: Wed, 03 Nov 1999 23:39:04 +1000
> >> >> Unless you're coming from Lethbridge, in which case it's 48 hours.

> >> >>
> >> >> Adam
> >> >
> >> >56 if you live in California, like I do.
> >>
> >> Wah, bloody wah.
> >>
> >> You try driving to Milwaukee from where I live.
> >
> >Try driving from where Arclight lives.

Got you all beat. Try driving with Shadowdancer and Widow for 13-14 hours.
Pure torture.
Phantom: Widow, I have to stop for gas.
Widow: Why?
Phantom: My gauge is on empty, and the sign says 46 miles till next rest
Widow: Why?
Phantom: Cause I can only go about 330 miles safely on a tank, and I've hit
Widow: Why?
and it just doesn't end...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Phantom~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"A decker with a shotgun beats four aces anyday."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~Evil Geniuses for a Better Tomorrow~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Get Your Private, Free Email at
Message no. 105
From: Scott W iscottw@*****
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Wed, 03 Nov 1999 21:48:56 -0400
"And now, a Channel 6 editorial reply to Lady Jestyr."
] (In other words, us Aussies have little sympathy for the Americans who
] bitch about how hard it is for them to get to GenCon. Try living on the
] other side of the planet, where it costs you a couple of thousand dollars
] just for the plane ticket to GenCon.)

Hey, you've written for FASA...wouldn't this be a business expense?


Message no. 106
From: Rand Ratinac docwagon101@*****.com
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 18:12:14 -0800 (PST)
> > (In other words, us Aussies have little sympathy
for the Americans who bitch about how hard it is for
them to get to GenCon. Try living on the other side of
the planet, where it costs you a couple of thousand
dollars just for the plane ticket to GenCon.)
> >
> Well, I could drive over and pick you up...whoops,
wait. Wrong continent. :)
> Doesn't Australia have any Cons? If not, maybe
there's a good way for you to make your couple

A shadowrun, perhaps?

No, wait...

Damn, I guess it'd just have to be a good,
old-fashioned bank heist.

*"At least it was for a good cause!" Doc' yells as
he's locked away for robbing a bank to go to GenCon...*

(aka Mr. Freaky Big, Super-Dynamic Troll of Tomorrow)

S.S. f. P.S.C. & D.J.

.sig Sauer
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at
Message no. 107
From: Raije murk@****
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 22:55:17 +1100
> I'd love to go to GenCon...but unless someone wins the Melbourne Cup today

dammit, the sad Irony of this is that my horse won, but I didn't ask dad to
put money down! It's just not fair!!!!

~Simple Guide to Cyberpunk~
"Shit Happens, So Carry Toilet Paper"
Message no. 108
From: Bruce iti03678@****
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 04:37:27 +0200
-----Original Message-----
From: Manx <timburke@*******>
To: shadowrn@*********.org <shadowrn@*********.org>
Date: 03 November 1999 04:19
Subject: Re: Gen Con

>> Well, I could drive over and pick you up...whoops, wait. Wrong
>> Doesn't Australia have any Cons? If not, maybe there's a good way
for you
>> make your couple thousand.
>We do in fact have plenty of Cons here in Australia.
>I ran a rather successful one last year. It featured a
>cool shadowrun tournament. Pity that getting people
>to come, especially the large local RN contingent,
>was like pulling teeth.

Well, you'll have to get some FASA staffers over for them to hobnob
with :)

- -
Bruce <phantasm@****>

Give me reasons why the sun has to shine
why they murdered the noisy mime
tell me the answers to the puzzles of Poe
and sing me to sleep on the rivers of woe
Message no. 109
From: Manx timburke@*******
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 20:05:07 +1000
> > I'd love to go to GenCon...but unless someone wins the Melbourne Cup
> dammit, the sad Irony of this is that my horse won, but I didn't ask dad
> put money down! It's just not fair!!!!

Well I for once got up. I had five bucks each way (Five on the win & five
on the place) and for my tenner I pocketed $41.50. Not bad.

The Girl I work with normally gets the trifecta (bet on three horses in
of 1st, 2nd & 3rd) and for a $1 investment would have won $19,990. It was
only after she found out that her idiot boyfriend forgot to put the ticket
did she pick up the gun, especially as she told him to put five bucks on
the trifecta.

Once in a lifetime....

Hell if that was me that would've meant GenCon every year forever....

Manx // timburke@******* // #950
"It's always funny until someone get's hurt
and then it's just hilarious." - Faith No More
Message no. 110
From: Lady Jestyr jestyr@*********
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Thu, 04 Nov 1999 21:07:20 +1000
>] (In other words, us Aussies have little sympathy for the Americans who
>] bitch about how hard it is for them to get to GenCon. Try living on the
>] other side of the planet, where it costs you a couple of thousand dollars
>] just for the plane ticket to GenCon.)
> Hey, you've written for FASA...wouldn't this be a business expense?

It would, yes. But I still have to -have- the money in the first place. You
try saving a couple of thousand bucks on the wages of a government clerk.

I thought not.

Lady Jestyr
~ Hell hath no fury like a geek with a whippersnipper ~

* jestyr@*****.com | URL: *
Message no. 111
From: Raije murk@****
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Sun, 7 Nov 1999 02:37:50 +1100
> Doesn't Australia have any Cons? If not, maybe there's a good way for you
> make your couple thousand.

erm...not interesting ones, not in canberra anyway. People don't like to
play shadowrun at the *one* con we have in Canberra. I know there are at
least three groups of
ppl that play here, mine, an acquaintance's, and another group who order in
SR stuff too.

See, Jestyr, we have to actually *order* it in it's so unknown here.
Brisbane you can at least go to Napoleon's Military Bookstore and pick up
sourcebooks. You know I've been waiting on Renraku Arcology: Shutdown for
three months now? I'm getting angry.


~Simple Guide to Cyberpunk~
"Shit Happens, So Carry Toilet Paper"
Message no. 112
From: Raije murk@****
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 11:37:13 +1100
> Damn I wish they'd hurry up with that Nuyen...

heh. Well, of course, prices tend to drop lower the higher the calibre of
the gun that you're holding... >:-)

We can make a mini raiding party, Jestyr with her whippersnipper, you with
your...whatever, and me with my...ahmm okay let''s forget this
idea...echelon might be watching anyway...grrr...damn echelon system...

~Simple Guide to Cyberpunk~
"Shit Happens, So Carry Toilet Paper"
Message no. 113
From: Raije murk@****
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 11:30:48 +1100
> Wah, bloody wah.
> You try driving to Milwaukee from where I live.
> Lady Jestyr
> ~ Hell hath no fury like a geek with a whippersnipper ~

Hey, Jestyr...smallest violin, playing the saddest song...JUST FOR YOU!

Hey, if you're going...swing by my house and pick me up ;-) hope there'll be
room in the boot for another case, and enough petrol in the tank...

~Simple Guide to Cyberpunk~
"Shit Happens, So Carry Toilet Paper"
Message no. 114
From: Raije murk@****
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 11:33:50 +1100
> (In other words, us Aussies have little sympathy for the Americans who
> bitch about how hard it is for them to get to GenCon. Try living on the
> other side of the planet, where it costs you a couple of thousand dollars
> just for the plane ticket to GenCon.)

Hell, we ain't got no sympathies for Americans down in Canberra anyway!
Well, aside from my friend...but she's young, and needs the money...

Hey there's an idea...howabout we swim! Like a kind of "Susie Maroney Get
Well Soon" thing! Except that she'd prolly be well by then....hmmm

~Simple Guide to Cyberpunk~
"Shit Happens, So Carry Toilet Paper"
Message no. 115
From: Raije murk@****
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 11:47:11 +1100
> Hell, if it's that way, I could hook you up with the travel agent my
> uses and probably get you a HELL of a deal.

hell is overrated. I've been there, its actually quite comfortable! But
deals sound good ;-) just not with the devil (anybody ever seen Brimstone??)

~Simple Guide to Cyberpunk~
"Shit Happens, So Carry Toilet Paper"
Message no. 116
From: Raije murk@****
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 11:20:54 +1100
> But as I always say, Buckley made it in spite of the odds. So there might
> be hope yet :)
> NightRain.

actually there's another point, I'v been trying to actually find out the
story behind buckley, do you know what it is? My parent's don't know, and
I'm dying to find out where the phrase originated.

~Simple Guide to Cyberpunk~
"Shit Happens, So Carry Toilet Paper"
Message no. 117
From: Lady Jestyr jestyr@*********
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Sun, 07 Nov 1999 18:57:12 +1000
>> But as I always say, Buckley made it in spite of the odds. So there might
>> be hope yet :)
>actually there's another point, I'v been trying to actually find out the
>story behind buckley, do you know what it is? My parent's don't know, and
>I'm dying to find out where the phrase originated.

IIRC, Buckley was a prisoner in Victoria (on the southern coast, on the
Bellarine Peninsula... Queenscliff or Point Lonsdale, I think) that managed
to escape from gaol despite surprising odds against him.

Of course, I could be completely and utterly wrong.

Lady Jestyr
~ Hell hath no fury like a geek with a whippersnipper ~

* jestyr@*****.com | URL: *
Message no. 118
From: Jeremy Baker meroeandjeremy@*******
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Sun, 7 Nov 1999 19:18:52 +1000
>> But as I always say, Buckley made it in spite of the odds. So there
>> be hope yet :)
>> NightRain.

Raije enquired:
>actually there's another point, I'v been trying to actually find out the
>story behind buckley, do you know what it is? My parent's don't know, and
>I'm dying to find out where the phrase originated.

I didn't read the post this referred to but assuming the "Buckley"
being referred to is from the maxim that one may 'have Buckley's and none
chance of succeeding' then I believe that
(William?) Buckley was an escaped convict from a penal colony, early in
the European settlement of Australia. Considering the terrain, the local
fauna, and especially the "savageness" of the local Aborigines; he was given
no chance of surviving. Hence the idea of 'Buckley's and None.'
However he did survive after being helped by the local Aborigines, (and
a vague memory makes me think he also had to resort to cannibalism of his
fellow escapees, but I could be thinking of someone else.)

Message no. 119
From: Manx timburke@*******
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Sun, 7 Nov 1999 23:25:20 +1000
> Hey, Jestyr...smallest violin, playing the saddest song...JUST FOR YOU!
> Hey, if you're going...swing by my house and pick me up ;-) hope there'll
> room in the boot for another case, and enough petrol in the tank...
> Raije

Well that would be a little hard.

Lady J has neither car nor license.
So unless she suddenly gets a bucket
of cash and some skillwires and softs
then you are in for disappointment.

Manx // timburke@******* // #950
"It's always funny until someone get's hurt
and then it's just hilarious." - Faith No More
Message no. 120
From: Raije murk@****
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 05:48:16 +1100
> Lady J has neither car nor license.
> So unless she suddenly gets a bucket
> of cash and some skillwires and softs
> then you are in for disappointment.

hahaha, even I have my Learner's license...that is sooo funny! Ahh this is
grande indeed!

~Simple Guide to Cyberpunk~
"Shit Happens, So Carry Toilet Paper"
Message no. 121
From: Bull bull@***********.com
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 06:48:13 -0400
It's about that time of year, so as a last minute thing (I really should
have tossed this up a month ago)...

For anyone who's planning to attend Gen Con this year and isn;t on the
list, send a blank e-mail message to:


This'll get you on the GCPlan mailing list, a relatively low volume mailing
list for discussion of and planning of the Gen Con Game Fair.


Why pay for something you could get for free?
NetZero provides FREE Internet Access and Email
Message no. 122
From: Rookie tmathena@*******.net
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 06:41:45 -0700
> It's about that time of year, so as a last minute thing (I really should
> have tossed this up a month ago)...
> For anyone who's planning to attend Gen Con this year and isn;t on the
> list, send a blank e-mail message to:
> gcplan-subscribe@*******.com
> This'll get you on the GCPlan mailing list, a relatively low
> volume mailing
> list for discussion of and planning of the Gen Con Game Fair.
> Bull

Crap....I hope I can get enough money in time.

Message no. 123
From: Bull bull@***********.com
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 18:44:04 -0400
>Crap....I hope I can get enough money in time.
You might be there Rookie! Woot! I still owe you a beer! :]


Why pay for something you could get for free?
NetZero provides FREE Internet Access and Email
Message no. 124
From: Bull bull@***********.com
Subject: Gen Con
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 00:23:02 -0400
Time to go :]

Play nice, and fill my mailbox up with Shadowrun Goodness... We'll torment
you all on site again this year :]


_____NetZero Free Internet Access and Email______
Message no. 125
From: danturek@*******.com (Dan Turek)
Subject: GenCon
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2003 23:33:13 -0500
Last year I tried to play in a Shadowrun game at GenCon, but we weren't
there until Saturday and I found out we were with a bunch of people that had
played the previous two rounds and we would only get to play if others had
dropped out. In the end we just found something else to do.

Any hints on how to avoid that this year?

MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*þatures/virus
Message no. 126
From: jestyr@******** (Eleanor Holmes)
Subject: GenCon
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2003 23:36:38 -0500 (EST)
On Thu, 20 Feb 2003, Dan Turek wrote:

> Last year I tried to play in a Shadowrun game at GenCon, but we weren't
> there until Saturday and I found out we were with a bunch of people that had
> played the previous two rounds and we would only get to play if others had
> dropped out. In the end we just found something else to do.
> Any hints on how to avoid that this year?

* Arrive in time for the first round of the Tourney on Thursday, and play
in all the rounds.
* Look for one-shot Shadowrun games (if there are any) if you can't make
it in time for the first Tourney round.

Message no. 127
From: christopherbeilby@***.net (Chris Beilby)
Subject: GenCon
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2003 05:40:47 -0500
> * Arrive in time for the first round of the Tourney on Thursday, and play
> in all the rounds.
> * Look for one-shot Shadowrun games (if there are any) if you can't make
> it in time for the first Tourney round.

Also, look for sections of Virtual Seattle. While the campaign as it is
will be most likely be ending at GenCon, it's still fun to play in.
Furthermore, by GenCon, there will hopefully be some plans in place about an
independent version of VS to be run seperately from the RPGA.

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Gen Con, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.