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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Opher Lubzens)
Subject: Glassify?
Date: Fri Mar 1 15:45:01 2002
I'm working on a spell very similar to petrify, only it turns the target
into glass and I wanted to get ideas about how much should the barrier
rating be.(I don't think that Body+successes will be apprpriate since glass
isn't as strong as limestone AFAIK). Help anybody?

Opher Lubzens
-every light casts shadows

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Message no. 2
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Gurth)
Subject: Glassify?
Date: Sat Mar 2 06:05:21 2002
According to Opher Lubzens, on Fri, 01 Mar 2002 the word on the street was...

> I'm working on a spell very similar to petrify, only it turns the target
> into glass and I wanted to get ideas about how much should the barrier
> rating be.(I don't think that Body+successes will be apprpriate since
> glass isn't as strong as limestone AFAIK). Help anybody?

Glass can be a pretty tough material, especially if it's thick enough. Most
of the glass we deal with on a daily basis seems fragile because it's so
thin, compared to its length and width -- making it easy to break. Here's a
little test: if you're looking at a normal monitor right now, not a flat
one, make a fist and hit the face of that monitor, hard. Did it break?
(Before it fell off the desk, that is :)

But anyway, if you want to make the glass statue less tough, maybe you can
go for a Barrier rating equal to the number of successes? I don't think
Drain should be lower for this, though, because it makes it easier to kill
the spell's subject.

Gurth@******.nl -
Dat is de kip voor het ei spannen.
-> NAGEE Editor * ShadowRN GridSec * Triangle Virtuoso <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-

GC3.12: GAT/! d- s:- !a>? C++@ UL+ P(+) L++ E W--(++) N o? K w(--) O
V? PS+ PE@ Y PGP- t@ 5++ X(+) R+++$ tv+(++) b++@ DI- D+ G+ e h! !r y?
Incubated into the First Church of the Sqooshy Ball, 21-05-1998
Message no. 3
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Lone Eagle)
Subject: Glassify?
Date: Mon Mar 4 04:15:01 2002
>From: "Opher Lubzens" <lubzens@*******.com>
>I'm working on a spell very similar to petrify, only it turns the target
>into glass and I wanted to get ideas about how much should the barrier
>rating be.(I don't think that Body+successes will be apprpriate since glass
>isn't as strong as limestone AFAIK). Help anybody?

Glass should be far stronger than Limestone. However it depends on how you
treat it and how it is loaded. eg glass can be made which, under a tensile
load (pulling at both ends) is at least as strong as steel. The security
glass which some banks and art galleries use (instead of polycarbonate) will
sustain a far greater impact than a lump of limestone. Even the glass in
your windows at home is considerably stronger than limestone of a similar
thickness and area. Glass made for intense low temperature work on the other
hand (which replaces steel as it becomes brittle in extreme cold) is
incredibly fragile at room temerature. More importantly however glass tends
to shatter under high impact loading while limestone will chip and crack.

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Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Glassify?, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.