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Message no. 1
From: dbuehrer@****** dbuehrer@******
Subject: [GRIDSEC] Re: Your ShadowRN post
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 08:50:55 -0700
James Day Moody wrote:

>Throw a lightening bolt in on top of that.


>On Mon, 20 Mar 2000 dbuehrer@****** wrote:
> > We've already seen one great combo, create water followed by a barrier to
> > trap the water in the barrier.


Please place your replies after/below quoted posts, as I've done here.
This is done so that threads can be read more easily (otherwise it's like
hearing a conversation out of sequence). Also, it's in the ShadowRN
Posting Guidelines :)

If you haven't done so already, please take a moment to read the ShadowRN
Posting Guidelines at (click
on ShadowRN, then Posting Guidelines).

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me or any other
member of GridSec.

Thank you.

To Life,
Your friendly neighborhood ShadowRN GridSec Assistant
ShadowRN GridSec
ShadowRN Admin
-Adam Jury <adamj@*********>
ShadowRN Owner
-Mark Imbriaco <mark@*********, mark.imbriaco@*****.com>
ShadowRN FAQúqsrn
ShadowRN Subscription Settings
Message no. 2
From: dbuehrer@****** dbuehrer@******
Subject: [GRIDSEC] Re: Your ShadowRN post
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 09:23:06 -0700
Sorry James, and everyone else. That was supposed to go to James
privately, but it's early on a Monday and I forgot to change the To: address.

To Life,
Your friendly neighborhood ShadowRN GridSec Assistant
ShadowRN GridSec
ShadowRN Admin
-Adam Jury <adamj@*********>
ShadowRN Owner
-Mark Imbriaco <mark@*********, mark.imbriaco@*****.com>
ShadowRN FAQúqsrn
ShadowRN Subscription Settings
Message no. 3
From: dbuehrer@****** dbuehrer@******
Subject: [GRIDSEC] Re: Your ShadowRN Post
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 08:21:28 -0600
Matt Waltner-Toews wrote:
>While I can appreciate the desire to discuss religion, let's stick to
>Shadowrun (at least on *this* list). It's a lot safer. When people start
>saying "this is the way it is in the Universe 'cause it's the truth", I


>>From: "Ashley Griffiths" <dagdamor@***********>
>>Reply-To: shadowrn@*********.com
>>To: <shadowrn@*********.com>
>>Subject: Witchcraft (was RE: Beggining of second land grab)and is now so [OT]
>>Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 06:35:50 +0100
>> > Global communications are controlled by the people holding the mic. And an
>> > age-old prejudice might potentially go unnoticed or unblocked. (though the



Please place your replies after/below quoted posts, as I've done here.
This is done so that threads can be read more easily (otherwise it's like
hearing a conversation out of sequence). Also, it's in the ShadowRN
Posting Guidelines :)

If you haven't done so already, please take a moment to read the ShadowRN
Posting Guidelines at (click
on ShadowRN, then Posting Guidelines).

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me or any other
member of GridSec.

Thank you.

To Life,
Your friendly neighborhood ShadowRN GridSec Assistant
ShadowRN GridSec
ShadowRN Admin
-Adam Jury <adamj@*********>
ShadowRN Owner
-Mark Imbriaco <mark@*********, mark.imbriaco@*****.com>
ShadowRN FAQúqsrn
ShadowRN Subscription Settings
Message no. 4
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Graht)
Subject: [GridSec] Re:Your ShadowRN Post
Date: Thu Dec 20 09:50:01 2001
At 10:18 PM 12/19/2001 -0500, Damon wrote:<br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite><font face="arial" size=2>I'm
to compile a brief on criminal law for Shadowrun.&nbsp; Mainly focusing
on the jail systems and life inside the jail.&nbsp; Mainly as a new
avenue for an adventure if any of my PCs get caught doing what they
love.&nbsp; I work in a jail here in the US, but since in the SR world
it's a merging of the US and Canada I was wondering if any of the
Canadians on this list could email me a brief summary of the criminal
court system as well as the jails if it's any different than the
US.&nbsp; Mainly concerning due process as well as the rights of inmates/
prisoners.&nbsp; Thanks in advance for the help.</font><br>
<font face="arial" size=2>-Damon Harper<br>
&lt;AIM Harper422&gt;</font></blockquote><br>
Please check your Outlook mail format options and set Outlook to send
messages to ShadowRN in plain text.<br><br>
Thank you.<br><br>
<font face="arial" size=2>To Life,<br>
ShadowRN Assistant Fearless Leader II<br>

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about [GRIDSEC] Re: Your ShadowRN post, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.