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Message no. 1
From: Ken KSchrader@********.net
Subject: Heavy Armor/Disabling rather than destroying
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 1999 11:19:30 -0500
-----Original Message-----
From: shadowrn-admin@*********.org
[mailto:shadowrn-admin@*********.org]On Behalf Of David Hinkley
Sent: Saturday, March 06, 1999 6:25 AM
To: shadowrn@*********.org
Subject: Re: Heavy Armor

From: GMPax@***.com
Date sent: Fri, 5 Mar 1999 19:04:42 EST
To: shadowrn@*********.org
Subject: Re: Heavy Armor
Send reply to: shadowrn@*********.org

> In a message dated 3/5/99 7:01:00 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> Paul@******** writes:
> > If common vehicles need Big Weapons to deal with, cops will have Big
> > Weapons. After all, there are criminals beyond shadowrunners, and
> > there's only so many times that crooks can crash a Lone Star roadblock
> > in their Bulldog before Lone Star upgun to deal with it.
> >
> > Just a fact of life.
> An alternate thought: how many of the Bulldogs are sold per year, per
> on average? Not many, I bet. Such vehicles might turn out to be rather
> to trace. And driving an easily traced vehicle is BAD news for runners.

The RBB discribes the Bulldog as "a standard, reliable delivery truck" and
goes on to say "All the major delivery services...use them". So I would say
that the number is in the ten's of thousands nationwide. And if you were to
paint your truck in the same livery as one of the large parcel delivery or
diaper services in your area of operations, the truck would disapear in plan
site. If you copied a 24 hour service it would work at night too. And even
you are spotted getting away, the discription would fit a lot of other
on the road.

This method works almost as well as painting your get-away car bright


Considering the current level of technology wouldn't Lone Star have devices
that attack a vehicle's electrical system. I don't have the Grimoire in
front of me so I cant look up things like Environmental effects
(lightning)to see if that would have any effect. I have seen scattered news
reports today telling of law enforcement working on anti-electrical system
devices to cut down on the number of Hi speed pursuits. It would work out
the same way in this case. Fry the electrical system of the vehicle and if
the PC's wont come out, then just cover the vehicle until you can get a
flatbed towtruck (or whatever they would use to move a dead truck of that
type) and move the thing back to headquarters (or elsewhere) where you can
find a big enough can opener without worrying about any collateral damage or
loss of civilian life.
Message no. 2
From: Jason 'Ding' Dowd jdowd@****.edu
Subject: Heavy Armor/Disabling rather than destroying
Date: Sat, 06 Mar 1999 12:44:52 -0800
At 11:19 AM 3/6/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Considering the current level of technology wouldn't Lone Star have devices
>that attack a vehicle's electrical system. I don't have the Grimoire in
>front of me so I cant look up things like Environmental effects
>(lightning)to see if that would have any effect. I have seen scattered news
>reports today telling of law enforcement working on anti-electrical system
>devices to cut down on the number of Hi speed pursuits. It would work out
>the same way in this case. Fry the electrical system of the vehicle and if
>the PC's wont come out, then just cover the vehicle until you can get a
>flatbed towtruck (or whatever they would use to move a dead truck of that
>type) and move the thing back to headquarters (or elsewhere) where you can
>find a big enough can opener without worrying about any collateral damage or
>loss of civilian life.

I read an article about this a few weeks ago. A really interesting idea.
The problem they're having with the technology nowadays (and it seems like
it would persist, even in 2060) is that when you kill the electricity, the
engine stops running, but the car continues to move, albeit it slows down.
I guess they're afraid someone could still ram into something that could
cause innocent people to get hurt.

I think something they're really thinking about putting into the field is a
device that they put in the road in front of the speeding car. When the car
hits it, it sticks all these little tubes into the tires and causes the air
to bleed out slowly, so the driver doesn't lose control, but he can only go
another half mile or so before he loses all the air and has to stop.

Jason "Ding" Dowd
"There is no problem in this world that cannot be solved by the
judicious application of high explosives."
Message no. 3
From: David Hinkley dhinkley@***.org
Subject: Heavy Armor/Disabling rather than destroying
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 1999 00:58:29 -0800
From: "Ken" <KSchrader@********.net>
To: <shadowrn@*********.org>
Subject: RE: Heavy Armor/Disabling rather than destroying
Date sent: Sat, 6 Mar 1999 11:19:30 -0500
Send reply to: shadowrn@*********.org

> Considering the current level of technology wouldn't Lone Star have devices
> that attack a vehicle's electrical system. I don't have the Grimoire in
> front of me so I cant look up things like Environmental effects
> (lightning)to see if that would have any effect. I have seen scattered news
> reports today telling of law enforcement working on anti-electrical system
> devices to cut down on the number of Hi speed pursuits. It would work out
> the same way in this case. Fry the electrical system of the vehicle and if
> the PC's wont come out, then just cover the vehicle until you can get a
> flatbed towtruck (or whatever they would use to move a dead truck of that
> type) and move the thing back to headquarters (or elsewhere) where you can
> find a big enough can opener without worrying about any collateral damage or
> loss of civilian life.

It is likely you are right, Lone Star should have a such a device, but by 2060
I also belive that there would be a countermeasure to prevent that from
happening. For that matter you could do that today by using 1950s
technoligy and a diesel engine..... that is mechanical pumps, no spark plugs
and ignition system and no electronics. You might not be able to start it but it
would continue to run as long as it got fuel.

David Hinkley

===================================================Those who are too intelligent to engage
in politics
are punished by being governed by those who are not

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Heavy Armor/Disabling rather than destroying, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.