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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: Ereskanti@***.com Ereskanti@***.com
Subject: Hidden Warez
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1999 23:02:31 EDT
In a message dated 4/9/1999 12:08:10 PM US Eastern Standard Time,
iscottw@***** writes:

> Probably had such esoteric things as fingerjacks
> and eyejacks. There's no rules difference, is there? For example, it
> wouldn't cost more essence if you had a jack in your toe, because of
> the length of the connection to the brain? Actually, the object of the
> shadowrun in a story I'm writing (read: am planning, and will never
> get around to writing) has a datajack in an odd place, to avoid
> detection by standard means.

An idea that is rarely pursued in most games...enjoy.

> On those lines, those of detecting cyberware, could a spell be made
> to mask an aura so that it would be more difficult to pin down where
> cyberware was, or if it existed? I've always been bothered by the
> magicians who can pierce a mundane's aura just-like-that, potentially
> ruining key plot devices.

Actually, the "burns" or "marks" of cyberintrusive actions is
reflected upon
the aura, but it does NOT have to show exactly where, only that "they" are
present. Perhaps making a requirement that more successes are required for a
better insight as to the actual locations of the cybernetic intrusions.

> Or maybe a spell is the wrong way to go. Perhaps it should be a
> resisted test, ie with Willpower, or the mage should have to take
> minor drain every time they assense someone/thing. Or maybe it's
> fine the way it is...thoughts?

Actually, we've got a rule or 5 for this area. We allow for the implanting
surgeon to utilize his/her surgical skills (as appropriate) to raise the
concealability/detectability of a given implant or collection of associated
implants. For instance, those stupid pictures in the Shadowtech Sourcebook
show a template of location for various types of cyberstuffs. However, we
were thinking that if particular implants were done more "ergonomically" in
their design or implantation, it might be harder for a technological device
to determine. For instance, if the encephalon implant were placed at the
bridge between the Right and Left sides of the cerebral cortex, perhaps with
it's "circuit boards" configured to actually fit into the folds of the
cerebral matter, it *might* be harder.

Of course, then you are talking about *really* customized warez at this
point, and not something you're going to find very often.

Message no. 2
From: Scott Wheelock iscottw@*****
Subject: Hidden Warez
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 1999 03:51:41 -0300
"And now, a Channel 6 editorial reply to Ereskanti@***.com."
] Actually, the "burns" or "marks" of cyberintrusive actions is
] the aura, but it does NOT have to show exactly where, only that "they" are
] present. Perhaps making a requirement that more successes are required
for a
] better insight as to the actual locations of the cybernetic intrusions.

5 or more successes on an assensing test give "The exact location of any
implants." (SR3, pp 172) It's already a rule.

] > Or maybe a spell is the wrong way to go. Perhaps it should be a
] > resisted test, ie with Willpower, or the mage should have to take
] > minor drain every time they assense someone/thing. Or maybe it's
] > fine the way it is...thoughts?
] Actually, we've got a rule or 5 for this area. We allow for the implanting
] surgeon to utilize his/her surgical skills (as appropriate) to raise the
] concealability/detectability of a given implant or collection of associated
] implants. For instance, those stupid pictures in the Shadowtech Sourcebook
] show a template of location for various types of cyberstuffs. However, we
] were thinking that if particular implants were done more "ergonomically" in
] their design or implantation, it might be harder for a technological device
] to determine. For instance, if the encephalon implant were placed at the
] bridge between the Right and Left sides of the cerebral cortex, perhaps
] it's "circuit boards" configured to actually fit into the folds of the
] cerebral matter, it *might* be harder.

This sounds like it'd be really usefull against cyberware detectors (cool
idea), but magic doesn't care how well the cyber "blends in."

-Murder of One

"Me fail English? That's unpossible!"
-Ralph Wiggum
Message no. 3
From: Michael Orion Jackson orion@****
Subject: Hidden Warez
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 01:18:39 -0500 (CDT)
Sigh. Know I've been away from SR too long when I say that subj
line and wondered why someone would be posting a ( ftp || www ) site to a
SR list...

*****************Michael Orion Jackson******************
***********TAMS Class of 96/UT Class of 2000************
*********************Random Quote:**********************
*Chemistry is not for the soft-brained or weak-hearted.*

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Hidden Warez, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.