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Message no. 1
From: ROGER PERRY smithsguild@*******.com
Subject: HMHVV & dwarves?
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 07:51:19 GMT
I am aware that each subspecies of Homo Sapiens has a HMHVV form that
suffers essence loss and has essence drain.

Sapiens- Vampire
Nobilis- Banshee
Ingentis- Dzoo-noo-qua
Robustus- Wendigo

But with my incomplete SR library I failed to find a HMHVV form for
Pumilionis- ??????? (Dwarf)

Does one exist? and if so reference source please. And if the powers that be
don't mind a breif snippet on them so I may include them until
I get the right book...

This is vital to a on going campaign where a home-grown mini-mega
'Suskin Biotechnologies' In the midst of their vat organ cloning
warehouse...specializing in bioware/cultured organs... (just qualifies for
extraterritoriality) is performing experiments in an attempt to use HMHVV to
gene map the genomes responsible for the Magus Factor...

Also is there any mention of any awakened creature similar to a 'Gremlin'
who just like the cartoon ones delights in messing up machinery and can use
a para-power to vanish untraceable or (nearly-so???)

Details on the HMHVV - Magus factor research will be posted for
bullet-proofing as soon as the dwarf thing is resolved.
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Message no. 2
From: Peter Steen Kristiansen sds@**
Subject: HMHVV & dwarves?
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 08:55:33 +0100 (MET)
On Fri, 24 Mar 2000, ROGER PERRY wrote:

> But with my incomplete SR library I failed to find a HMHVV form for
> Pumilionis- ??????? (Dwarf)
> Does one exist? and if so reference source please. And if the powers that be
> don't mind a breif snippet on them so I may include them until
> I get the right book...
Sure it does. It's the Goblin from Paranormal Animals of Europe. Please
don't ask me for stats.. My books are at home. The only thing I can
remember is that they have Essence Drain (permanent).


SRC v0.22 SR1++ SR2+ SR3++ h+ b++(+) B- (yeah right!) UB+ IE+ RN+ W- dk+
sa++ ma++ sh ad++ ri++ mc-- rk? m- gm M+ P
Message no. 3
From: Jkmiland@***.com Jkmiland@***.com
Subject: HMHVV & dwarves?
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 03:11:53 EST
In a message dated 3/23/00 11:56:05 PM Pacific Standard Time, sds@**

> Sure it does. It's the Goblin from Paranormal Animals of Europe. Please
> don't ask me for stats.. My books are at home. The only thing I can
> remember is that they have Essence Drain (permanent).

I'm fairly sure that Goblins are also in the Critters book, included with the
SR3 GM screen.
Message no. 4
From: Peter Steen Kristiansen sds@**
Subject: HMHVV & dwarves?
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 09:18:35 +0100 (MET)
On Fri, 24 Mar 2000 Jkmiland@***.com wrote:

> I'm fairly sure that Goblins are also in the Critters book, included with the
> SR3 GM screen.
Ofcourse. I tend to forget about this one as it is "only" a compilation
of existing books, but in all fairness it is a lot easier to get a hold
on than the Paranormal Animals of * books. Thanks for the correction.

SRC v0.22 SR1++ SR2+ SR3++ h+ b++(+) B- (yeah right!) UB+ IE+ RN+ W- dk+
sa++ ma++ sh ad++ ri++ mc-- rk? m- gm M+ P
Message no. 5
From: Simon Fuller sfuller@******
Subject: HMHVV & dwarves?
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 19:40:36 +1000
-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Steen Kristiansen <sds@**>
To: shadowrn@*********.com <shadowrn@*********.com>
Date: Friday, March 24, 2000 5:56 PM
Subject: Re: HMHVV & dwarves?

>On Fri, 24 Mar 2000, ROGER PERRY wrote:
>> But with my incomplete SR library I failed to find a HMHVV form for
>> Pumilionis- ??????? (Dwarf)
>> Does one exist? and if so reference source please. And if the powers that
>> don't mind a breif snippet on them so I may include them until
>> I get the right book...
>Sure it does. It's the Goblin from Paranormal Animals of Europe. Please
>don't ask me for stats.. My books are at home. The only thing I can
>remember is that they have Essence Drain (permanent).
>SRC v0.22 SR1++ SR2+ SR3++ h+ b++(+) B- (yeah right!) UB+ IE+ RN+ W- dk+
>sa++ ma++ sh ad++ ri++ mc-- rk? m- gm M+ P
Actually, this raises some questions. Dwarves were more or less left out of
HMHVV at first because they are resistant to disease, or at least thats what
I thought. They can't spread their own disease, and they don't have the
essence loss weakness. Are there any other hints as to what is making
goblins, perhaps in the 3rd edition book? Do any of you have your own
theories? Doesn't sound much like HMHVV to me.
Message no. 6
From: Gurth gurth@******.nl
Subject: HMHVV & dwarves?
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 10:39:09 +0100
According to ROGER PERRY, at 7:51 on 24 Mar 00, the word on the street

> Sapiens- Vampire
> Nobilis- Banshee
> Ingentis- Dzoo-noo-qua

And fomorians (Paranormal Animals of Europe, p. 46 or Critters p. 29)

> Robustus- Wendigo
> But with my incomplete SR library I failed to find a HMHVV form for
> Pumilionis- ??????? (Dwarf)

Goblins, they're in PAoE p. 52 and Critters p. 31.

In short, if you own Critters (comes with the SR3 GM screen), you've got
the powers; if not, post again :)

Gurth@******.nl -
What a pretty life you have...
-> NAGEE Editor * ShadowRN GridSec * Unofficial Shadowrun Guru <-
->The Plastic Warriors Page:<-

GC3.1: GAT/! d-(dpu) s:- !a>? C+(++)@ UL P L+ E? W(++) N o? K- w+ O V? PS+
PE Y PGP- t(+) 5++ X++ R+++>$ tv+(++) b++@ DI? D+ G(++) e h! !r(---) y?
Incubated into the First Church of the Sqooshy Ball, 21-05-1998
Message no. 7
From: ROGER PERRY smithsguild@*******.com
Subject: HMHVV & dwarves
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 19:47:26 GMT
Some nice listmember wrote:

>And fomorians (Paranormal Animals of Europe, p. 46 or Critters p. 29)

Fomorians are HMHVV form of what race? Minor description and Stats. & powers
if you please?

I see a Fomori troll variant in SR-comp (7905) but this isn't a HMHVV victim
merely a celtic troll variant.

>Goblins, they're in PAoE p. 52 and Critters p. 31.

Minor description, stats. & powers here as well if you'd be so kind.

>In short, if you own Critters (comes with the SR3 GM screen), you've >got
>the powers; if not, post again :)

Sadly No, but my SR library has expanded exponentially since discovery of
E-bay, These hopefully will be offered there soon
and maybe I could wheedle them from my meager budget as well...

Is there any mention "ANYWHERE" regarding a gremlin-like creature? It should
be anti-tech, mischevious (possibly toxic/free spirit of man) should have
Accident power (affects only machinery)and can dissapear nearly untraceable?
Masked/invisible to machines/ possibly astral invisibility as well?

(Definite rigger/decker/chromed individual nemesis potential)

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Message no. 8
From: Glenn Sprott wasntka44@*********.net
Subject: HMHVV & dwarves
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 17:20:32 -0500
>>Goblins, they're in PAoE p. 52 and Critters p. 31.
>Minor description, stats. & powers here as well if you'd be so kind.

I would be so kind! :-)

B: 5
Q: 4x2
S: 6
C: --
I: 1/5
W: 5
E: 6
R: 4 (2D6)
Att: humanoid
Powers: Enhanced senses: (Improved smell and teste), Essence Drain
(permanent), Fire Resistance
Weaknesses: Allergy (Sunlight, Mild), Vulnerability (Iron)

"...The virus strips the unfortunate victim of virtually all body hair
and fat, and increases the output of the salivary and related

"This creature typically measures 1.2 meters in height and weighs 40
kilograms or less. The creature's skeleton is clearly visible due to
its low body mass, and its skin often takes on a sickly, almost glossy
sheen. The ears are large, long, and slightly pointed."

"Magic Capability: Innate. Some reports indicate magically active
goblins, but these specimens without exception were magically active
before infection."

"Common folklore views the goblin as a violent and malicious creature.
Behavioral evidence tends to support that view, though cause and
effect remain unclear: many cases of goblin evidence appear to have
been provoked. Their tendency to live and hunt in groups leads to
many clashes between concerned locals and cornered goblin tribes."

There is the basics... You'll have to buy the book if you want more.
My eyes are tired now...

Wasntka (Wolf)
...Never allow your family to get hurt...
...Never allow your friends to stand alone...
...Never betray your loved one...
...Never betray yourself...
Message no. 9
From: Gurth gurth@******.nl
Subject: HMHVV & dwarves
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2000 10:49:18 +0100
According to ROGER PERRY, at 19:47 on 24 Mar 00, the word on the street

> >And fomorians (Paranormal Animals of Europe, p. 46 or Critters p. 29)
> Fomorians are HMHVV form of what race? Minor description and Stats. & powers
> if you please?

Trolls. They only appear in Tir na nOg (Ireland), and are infected with

Basics: trolls that sweat acid (right, Chipeloi? :) and have gills. Stats
are basically troll, but a little bit better. Powers are Corrosive
Secretions, Enhanced Physical Attributes (Strength, 3x per day),
Thermographic vision, Magical Guard (self only) and Pestilence (HMHVV-2),
plus allergies for Air Pollution (mild) and Sunlight (nuissance).

> I see a Fomori troll variant in SR-comp (7905) but this isn't a HMHVV victim
> merely a celtic troll variant.

Not fomori -- these critters are fomoriANs.

> >Goblins, they're in PAoE p. 52 and Critters p. 31.
> Minor description, stats. & powers here as well if you'd be so kind.

Hairless, 0%-fat dwarfs (to the point of looking almost starved to death).
Dwarf stats but not intelligent, with powers Enhanced Senses (smell,
taste), Essence Drain, Immunity to Fire, Infection, Regeneration, and
weaknesses Allergy to Sunlight (mild), Essence Loss and Vulnerability to

> Sadly No, but my SR library has expanded exponentially since discovery of
> E-bay, These hopefully will be offered there soon
> and maybe I could wheedle them from my meager budget as well...

If you're looking for full descriptions of the two creatures above, you'll
have to locate Paranormal Animals of Europe, but I think it's fairly hard
to find. Critters just has a short description (one or two paragraphs) and
game stats.

> Is there any mention "ANYWHERE" regarding a gremlin-like creature? It
> be anti-tech, mischevious (possibly toxic/free spirit of man) should have
> Accident power (affects only machinery)and can dissapear nearly untraceable?
> Masked/invisible to machines/ possibly astral invisibility as well?
> (Definite rigger/decker/chromed individual nemesis potential)

The only gremlins in SR I can think of ATM are a flaw by that name, and
one to do with chemestry :) Seriously, there are no stats or descriptions
for a critter like that. You could make it a fairy critter with Accident
and Fading powers, that'll make it just about what you described.

Gurth@******.nl -
What a pretty life you have...
-> NAGEE Editor * ShadowRN GridSec * Unofficial Shadowrun Guru <-
->The Plastic Warriors Page:<-

GC3.1: GAT/! d-(dpu) s:- !a>? C+(++)@ UL P L+ E? W(++) N o? K- w+ O V? PS+
PE Y PGP- t(+) 5++ X++ R+++>$ tv+(++) b++@ DI? D+ G(++) e h! !r(---) y?
Incubated into the First Church of the Sqooshy Ball, 21-05-1998
Message no. 10
From: Patrick Goodman remo@***.net
Subject: HMHVV & dwarves?
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2000 12:51:03 -0600
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2000 1:51 AM

> I am aware that each subspecies of Homo Sapiens has a HMHVV form that
> suffers essence loss and has essence drain.
> Sapiens- Vampire
> Nobilis- Banshee
> Ingentis- Dzoo-noo-qua
> Robustus- Wendigo
> But with my incomplete SR library I failed to find a HMHVV form for
> Pumilionis- ??????? (Dwarf)

As several have pointed out, you're looking for goblins, as found in

I'm working on an article for use in my game regarding HMHVV and its various
forms (and eliminating some forms as not being HMHVV). I'll post it one of
these days when I finish the damn thing. In the meantime, here are all the
HMHVV critters I can find, their native stock, and the version of the virus
that causes them.

HMHVV Strain Type Originally
============ ==== =========1 Vampire Human
1 Banshee Elf
1 Wendigo Ork
1 Goblin Dwarf
1 Dzoo-noo-qua Troll

2 Loup-garou Human
2 Fomorian Troll
2 Bandersnatch Sasquatch

3 Nosferatu Human

4 Ghoul Any

I don't think Strain 2 is actually HMHVV, since the victims don't exhibit
Essence Drain. I also think that there would be some expression in the
other metatypes, but so far only trolls and humans are affected (does
anybody really *want* to see a Strain 1 expression in sasquatches?). Strain
3 is weird, but the "Vampires" entry in THREATS leads me to believe that it
might affect other metahumans as well.

Strain 4 is pretty clearly (to me, anyway) not HMHVV. The expression is the
same in all metahuman species, they don't drain Essence, and it kicks in
before the victim dies (Strain 1 only kicks in after all Essence is drained
away and the victim, by definition, dies).

(>) Texas 2-Step
El Paso: Never surrender. Never forget. Never forgive.
Message no. 11
From: Patrick Goodman remo@***.net
Subject: HMHVV & dwarves?
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2000 13:01:42 -0600
From: Simon Fuller
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2000 3:41 AM

> >Sure it does. It's the Goblin from Paranormal Animals of Europe.
> Actually, this raises some questions. Dwarves were more or less
> left out of HMHVV at first because they are resistant to disease,
> or at least thats what I thought.

That's more or less why they didn't believe a dwarven HMHVV expression
existed until goblins were analyzed more closely.

> They can't spread their own disease, and they don't have the
> essence loss weakness.

Sure they can spread it (they have the Infection power), and they *do* lose
Essence. The entry in PAoE is incomplete; I believe that the text even
mentions that fact.

The entry in the CRITTERS book is more complete, and more consistent with a
being infected with HMHVV.

> Are there any other hints as to what is making goblins, perhaps
> in the 3rd edition book? Do any of you have your own theories?
> Doesn't sound much like HMHVV to me.

Get SR3 and CRITTERS. You'll thank yourself later. <g>

(>) Texas 2-Step
El Paso: Never surrender. Never forget. Never forgive.
Message no. 12
From: Patrick Goodman remo@***.net
Subject: HMHVV & dwarves
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2000 13:12:34 -0600
You're losing the subject line when you reply, Achille (I pasted that one in
myself). You might want to take a look at that.

From: Achille Autran
Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2000 12:05 AM

> A quick summary of HMHVV:
> Harz-Greebaum strain (standard). Effects: essence loss, essence drain.
> Often targets magically active subjects. Transmissible.

Good so far, if *very* basic.

> Jarka-Criscione strain. Effects: severe mental recession,
> physical developpement. Sometimes essence drain (dzoo-na-qua) Not
> transmissible. Goblins probably do file here.

It's clearly transmissible, or it would cease to exist in a short time.
Dzoo-noo-qua are not JC victims; since they drain Essence and suffer loss of
Essence, they're pretty clearly Strain 1 victims, as are goblins (for the
same reason). Only two or three critters with Strain 2 are known at the
moment to exist (fomorians, loup-garou, and bandersnatchi).

> Bruckner-Langer strain. I'am quite at a loss here. IIRC, ghouls
> are infected, and nosferatus are for certain, but both are of human
> origin.

Actually, ghouls are infected with Strain 4, Krieger strain. Ghouls, it
should be noted, can also be of any metahuman type (yes, you can have a
troll ghoul; it's pretty grotesque), not just humans.

> Are nosferatus standard vampires infected by Bruckner-Langer? Rather
> ugly for the vampire bitten by the ghoul, though.

Nosferatu are humans infected by BL-HMHVV; as far as is known, only humans
can survive the infection, though circumstantial evidence and shadowtalk
suggest otherwise.

(>) Texas 2-Step
El Paso: Never surrender. Never forget. Never forgive.

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about HMHVV & dwarves?, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.