From: | The Deb Decker <RJR96326@****.UTULSA.EDU> |
Subject: | Horors and Smartlinx (two great tastes. . .) |
Date: | Tue, 7 Sep 1993 08:41:00 -0500 |
smartlinked weapons simultaneously? My assumption is that you mean to
negate the regular bonus of -2 to each weapon, instead relying on the
efficacy of the smartlink to render simultaneous fire as easily as
regualar single-handed fire is for the unaugmented character; i.e, TN
4 at close range, assuming all other modifiers are equal.
What your post does not reflect is an answer to my initial query: Does the
standard Smartlink provide induction pads in both hands, or just one? I
am currently leaning toward a no on that particular phrasing of the question.
It is important, say in cases where a right-handed character must pick up
his gun with his left (and presumably non-augmented) hand.
As for the Horros of EarthDawn. . .Obsidme are rock-bings. Windlings, I
assume, are like sprites. Are the TSkrang insect-men? I do not know much
of the Earthdawn panoply of sentient beings, and therefore cannot comment
on their mana relation to Shadowrun. Perhaps the Horrors do not require
a high mana level to exist. . .If they do indeed come from Beyond (shades
of Lovecraft), as in, from outer space, then they would obviously redefine
the function of mana in Shadowrun, especially since the astral version of
outer space is described as a vacuum, where all things astral slowly
dissipate and lose their energy. If the Horrors (and I have not yet heard
them adequately defined) do appear, FASA will do it in such a proprietary
way that it will be a result of THEIR musings on the subject, and thus
any speculation at this time is nothing more than that.
Again, I exhort all of you to refrain from discussing EarthDawn on the
list, unless there is a specific correlation to Shadowrun.
J Roberson