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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: The Storyteller <elfman@*****.NET>
Subject: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 12:10:59 -0600
Before this topic goes an farther,I never meant for this post to go to
the list.It was meant for a new player and somehow got to the list.i
humbly apologize for any agony this,or any other posts have caused you
wonderful,older, more experienced Gurus of shadowrun.I have been try ing
to be more like you guys,but as you have noticed,I'm not doing as good a
job as I would have liked to.I am extremely regretful,and therefore I
have trashed the wyrmy character and am now using my backup char,story
teller.He is a human street mage,has severely low stats,And has only
basic spells ands skills.I Soverighnly vow never to create a God-like
player ever again.If I do you have my full permission to tell barbie and
Charon That I called them little tabby cats.And I will begin now begin
my official semi-lurtking phase.So to sum up this paragraph: Please
forgive me.
Message no. 2
From: Ereskanti <Ereskanti@***.COM>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 13:23:37 EST
I am posting this to the list because I believe the sentiments I have are at
least, in part, shared by many here...

In a message dated 98-01-17 13:01:06 EST, elfman@*****.NET writes:

> Before this topic goes an farther,I never meant for this post to go to
> the list.It was meant for a new player and somehow got to the list.i
> humbly apologize for any agony this,or any other posts have caused you
> wonderful,older,

Hey now, watch that "age" topic... ;)

> more experienced Gurus of shadowrun.I have been try ing
> to be more like you guys,but as you have noticed,I'm not doing as good a
> job as I would have liked to.

Guy, you are doing just fine. People's opinions of goofiness, munchkinish
tactics and game beliefs aside. You are one of the more cheerful and honestly
entertaining people I have "met" on the RN list. You are also so obliviously
honest, that it makes me as a human being think you're wonderful and there may
yet be a hope for the future of honesty.

> I am extremely regretful,and therefore I
> have trashed the wyrmy character and am now using my backup char,story
> teller.He is a human street mage,has severely low stats,And has only
> basic spells ands skills.

Oh geesh, that wasn't necessary at all. "Wyrmy", what you have as a character
is, at all times, just a fragment of who you are as a person. A character for
ANY role-playing game is just that, a character. And as such, it is, believe
it or not, a part of your overall personality. There are no reasons to feel
shame here guy, none what so ever.

> I Soverighnly vow never to create a God-like
> player ever again.

Oh come on, you know you want to, just to see what it'd be like if for no
other reason at all... ;)

> If I do you have my full permission to tell barbie and
> Charon That I called them little tabby cats.

Oh now this I have to watch....

> And I will begin now begin
> my official semi-lurtking phase.So to sum up this paragraph: Please
> forgive me.

No apologies were ever needed from you, at least not in my honest opinion
(abbreviations were not fulfilling enough).

Message no. 3
From: Spike <u5a77@*****.CS.KEELE.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 18:28:00 +0000
And verily, did The Storyteller hastily scribble thusly...
|Before this topic goes an farther,I never meant for this post to go to
|the list.It was meant for a new player and somehow got to the list.i
|humbly apologize for any agony this,or any other posts have caused you
|wonderful,older, more experienced Gurus of shadowrun.I have been try ing
|to be more like you guys,but as you have noticed,I'm not doing as good a
|job as I would have liked to.I am extremely regretful,and therefore I
|have trashed the wyrmy character and am now using my backup char,story
|teller.He is a human street mage,has severely low stats,And has only
|basic spells ands skills.I Soverighnly vow never to create a God-like
|player ever again.If I do you have my full permission to tell barbie and
|Charon That I called them little tabby cats.And I will begin now begin
|my official semi-lurtking phase.So to sum up this paragraph: Please
|forgive me.

For what?
I think you've got the wrong idea about shadowrn.
Shadowrn is a list concerned with rules discussions (and the odd OT debate
:) ), not with characters.

I think people were just a little taken aback that you posted such a
character to the list. (Why you posted it remains a mystery).

We're not PLAYING shadowrun here, were discussing it.

If you want in character ramblings, pop into shadowtk, (but be VERRRRY
careful with formatting, and read it for a week or two before contributing)

|u5a77@*****| Windows95 (noun): 32 bit extensions and a |
| | graphical shell for a 16 bit patch to an 8 bit |
|Andrew Halliwell | operating system originally coded for a 4 bit |
|Principal Subjects in:- |microprocessor, written by a 2 bit company, that|
|Comp Sci & Electronics | can't stand 1 bit of competition. |
|GCv3.1 GCS/EL>$ d---(dpu) s+/- a- C++ U N++ o+ K- w-- M+/++ PS+++ PE- Y t+ |
|5++ X+/++ R+ tv+ b+ D G e>PhD h/h+ !r! !y-|I can't say F**K either now! :( |
Message no. 4
From: The Storyteller <elfman@*****.NET>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 12:59:37 -0600
Ereskanti wrote:

> In a message dated 98-01-17 13:01:06 EST, elfman@*****.NET writes:
> > Before this topic goes an farther,I never meant for this post to go to
> > the list.It was meant for a new player and somehow got to the list.i
> > humbly apologize for any agony this,or any other posts have caused you
> > wonderful,older,
> Hey now, watch that "age" topic... ;)
I meant older than me.

> > more experienced Gurus of shadowrun.I have been try ing
> > to be more like you guys,but as you have noticed,I'm not doing as good a
> > job as I would have liked to.
> Guy, you are doing just fine. People's opinions of goofiness, munchkinish
> tactics and game beliefs aside. You are one of the more cheerful and honestly
> entertaining people I have "met" on the RN list. You are also so

the only way that I can tell that I've been entertaining is through my
Getting thwapped.

> honest, that it makes me as a human being think you're wonderful and there may
> yet be a hope for the future of honesty.

Cool.everyone at school says that because I'm honest I cant be any fun.
> > I am extremely regretful,and therefore I
> > have trashed the wyrmy character and am now using my backup char,story
> > teller.He is a human street mage,has severely low stats,And has only
> > basic spells ands skills.
> Oh geesh, that wasn't necessary at all.

Yes it was .Wyrmy was a bad sheet.I desighned him to be munchkinous.I've

> "Wyrmy", what you have as a character
> is, at all times, just a fragment of who you are as a person. A character for
> ANY role-playing game is just that, a character. And as such, it is, believe
> it or not, a part of your overall personality.

so your saying part of me is a power hungrty,munchi person?:)

There are no reasons to feel
> shame here guy, none what so ever.
I know.I just was hoping that this apology would stop the Flames.And
Besides I felt bad for creating a god like character.

> > I Soverighnly vow never to create a God-like
> > player ever again.
> Oh come on, you know you want to, just to see what it'd be like if for no
> other reason at all... ;)

Thats what I did,And I ACCIDENTALY posted it to the list,And se what

> > If I do you have my full permission to tell barbie and
> > Charon That I called them little tabby cats.
> Oh now this I have to watch....
Me two :)

> > And I will begin now begin
> > my official semi-lurtking phase.So to sum up this paragraph: Please
> > forgive me.
> No apologies were ever needed from you, at least not in my honest opinion

Well I needed to say this anyways, simply to state my hinest
fellings.(I'm now changing my name to hoinest dan.I know you guys want
me to keep the same name,but now I've got one.)
Message no. 5
From: Gurth <gurth@******.NL>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 20:56:18 +0100
The Storyteller said on 12:10/17 Jan 98...

> Before this topic goes an farther,I never meant for this post to go to
> the list.It was meant for a new player and somehow got to the list.

It can be quite embarrassing to mix up two addresses... Most people do it
at least once in their lives, many more often.

> I have been trying to be more like you guys,but as you have noticed,I'm
> not doing as good a job as I would have liked to.

If you want to take some advice: don't try to be like us. Try to be
yourself. (If I had a motto, that'd probably be it. And still they wonder
why I don't do anything useful with my life... :) Anyway, unless you
happen to be a complete asshole (which I doubt), being yourself is
probably the best you can do.

> I am extremely regretful,and therefore I have trashed the wyrmy
> character and am now using my backup char,story teller.He is a human
> street mage,has severely low stats,And has only basic spells ands
> skills. I Soverighnly vow never to create a God-like player ever again.

Hey, we were all munchkins at one time or another. Since you're what, 15?,
you're most likely simply in that phase (gods, I actually used that
expression!) where such characters are cool. In a few years you'll look
back at it in embarrassment and deny you ever were like that, just like
the rest of us :)

Gurth@******.nl - - UIN5044116
It's just twenty thousand people standing in a field.
-> NERPS Project Leader & Unofficial Shadowrun Guru <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-
-> The New Character Mortuary: <-

Version 3.1:
GAT/! d-(dpu) s:- !a>? C+(++)@ U P L E? W(++) N o? K- w+ O V? PS+ PE
Y PGP- t(+) 5++ X++ R+++>$ tv+(++) b++@ DI? D+ G(++) e h! !r(---) y?
Message no. 6
From: Honest Dan <elfman@*****.NET>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 14:26:17 -0600
> Hey, we were all munchkins at one time or another. Since you're what, 15?,
> you're most likely simply in that phase (gods, I actually used that
> expression!) where such characters are cool. In a few years you'll look
> back at it in embarrassment and deny you ever were like that, just like
> the rest of us :)

I have passed the munchkinous mage/shaman phase!! Today I created my
First street sammy.But don't you Think I made a smg toting sam. oh
no,Mine uses an assault rifle ,except when in public,in which case he
uses An ares squirt filled with gamma scopaline.But now that I've
apologized can I go under your stairs and drink stuff(sodas) And sit
on your leather couches?Huh?huh?mr. Gurth? Can I?Please?
Message no. 7
From: Ereskanti <Ereskanti@***.COM>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 16:07:02 EST
Once again, I am posting this to the RN list because in my own opinion, I
think somebody should stand up and say this...regardless of the flames and bs
that will get likely tossed about...

In a message dated 98-01-17 13:49:51 EST, elfman@*****.NET writes:

> > Hey now, watch that "age" topic... ;)
> >
> I meant older than me.

How old are you again? Come on, I probably have toe jam older than you.. ;)

> the only way that I can tell that I've been entertaining is through my
> Getting thwapped.

I don't know...try this, look for the emoticons, look for the "rotflmao"
remarks...those are better signs yet.

> Cool.everyone at school says that because I'm honest I cant be any fun.

Funny, I've heard that many times from many places from many people. Here's a
thought ... if a Lie has brought you enjoyment, are you -truly- happy?

> > Oh geesh, that wasn't necessary at all.
> Yes it was .Wyrmy was a bad sheet.I desighned him to be munchkinous.I've
> changed.

I'll make you a deal, I'll guarantee you that you haven't even begun to see
munchkinish for Shadowrun if you'd like. Here's a hint. In First Edition
rules, and haven't been overwritten in Second Edition (haven't been mentioned
at least to have changed), there is a ruling concerning never, and I mean
NEVER, to have to actually "earn" a point of karma again once you are
initiated. Now imagine putting that rule into the hands of the truly
"uncaring" or "unbelievable" players that are out there. Then, and
then, do you have a Munchkin...

> > "Wyrmy", what you have as a character
> > is, at all times, just a fragment of who you are as a person. A
> for
> > ANY role-playing game is just that, a character. And as such, it is,
> believe
> > it or not, a part of your overall personality.
> so your saying part of me is a power hungrty,munchi person?:)

Yes, I most certainly am saying this. But then again, I can say it because I
know that part of me that is the same way as well. Many of the members on
this or any list will, even the newsgroups, will not enjoy those names being
slung in their direction, but they will have to admit that they've gone
through those "phases" at some point in their lives. Some players get more
deeply involved into such tactics than others, but that isn't wrong either.
It's just their choice.

That's just human curiosity given a tool to learn with. That what this list
is even, a tool to learn with and learn from...

> I know.I just was hoping that this apology would stop the Flames.And
> Besides I felt bad for creating a god like character.

In a single word, Why? Why feel shame for creating a "god-like" character? I
am certain God him/her/itself doesn't mind. You aren't wearing women's bras
on your head and praying to it are you? If not, then he is going to be very
flexible. And if God can be so forgiving, then I guess I can follow the lead
too...even if you are, God's likely to be flexible anyway...

> > Oh come on, you know you want to, just to see what it'd be like if for no
> > other reason at all... ;)
> Thats what I did,And I ACCIDENTALY posted it to the list,And se what
> happened?

You mean do I see where many people's very strong opinions are still aimed at?
Yes. Do you mean do I see where many people can't remember that this is one
person's opinion and not their own? Yes. Are you asking me if I care about
these people's feelings? Yes, yes I do. Accidents will happen, of any kind.
You want to see a "flame war" break out? Try and imagine in your mind if
Barbie was posted directly to the list, or Binder was? Trust me, you have
seen nothing yet.

> > No apologies were ever needed from you, at least not in my honest opinion
> Well I needed to say this anyways, simply to state my hinest
> fellings.(I'm now changing my name to hoinest dan.I know you guys want
> me to keep the same name,but now I've got one.)

How about just sticking with Wyrmy? It somehow makes sense for you, and it
makes sense for what you have posted as well ... please trust me on this, if
you want, ask Airwisp or Durand ... I'm the guy who will let an animal
companion name itself. We did it for the cat here at the house. The name
fits, extraordinarily too. Wyrmy is perfect in many ways...

Message no. 8
From: Ereskanti <Ereskanti@***.COM>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 16:19:30 EST
In a message dated 98-01-17 14:58:02 EST, gurth@******.NL writes:

> Hey, we were all munchkins at one time or another. Since you're what, 15?,
> you're most likely simply in that phase (gods, I actually used that
> expression!) where such characters are cool. In a few years you'll look
> back at it in embarrassment and deny you ever were like that, just like
> the rest of us :)
There Wyrmy, I told you there were a few out there. Thanks Gurth ... thank
you very much....and you know something, I'm not totally embarrased by it, I
just regret ever having gotten so reserved in my old age... ;)

Message no. 9
From: Ereskanti <Ereskanti@***.COM>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 16:25:30 EST
In a message dated 98-01-17 15:16:19 EST, elfman@*****.NET writes:

> I have passed the munchkinous mage/shaman phase!! Today I created my
> First street sammy.But don't you Think I made a smg toting sam. oh
> no,Mine uses an assault rifle ,except when in public,in which case he
> uses An ares squirt filled with gamma scopaline.But now that I've
> apologized can I go under your stairs and drink stuff(sodas) And sit
> on your leather couches?Huh?huh?mr. Gurth? Can I?Please?
> :);)
A scene unfolds...a poor little sammie wannabe is seen knocking at a small
little knot-hole of a door ..., a shadow walks up from behind him...the little
sammie wannabe turns around to find a man, could be anywhere from 20 to 1000
years of age behind him. The older man hands the sammie wannabe a couple of
items of necessity...

A wooden fraternity paddle and an engraver's tool (for the rites of initiation
he's about to face).

A bag of microwavable popcorn and a "cook popcorn perfectly" spell on a brooch
(in case there don't have a microwave).

A case of beer (with a few non-alcoholic cans ear-marked for those underage).

A couple of really good video chips and old VCR tapes (complete versions of
the editor's opinion from Gibson and a dozen decent movies).

He'll then pat the guy on the back, reach out and knock on the doorframe with
the hat he was wearing on his head, the noise is remarkably audible ...

(Binder) "If you've come this far Wyrmy, you'll make it farther yet..."

And with that he's simply gone...
Message no. 10
From: "David R. Lowe" <dlowe@****.COM>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 13:32:52 -0800
At 4:07 PM 1/17/98, Ereskanti wrote:

>I'll make you a deal, I'll guarantee you that you haven't even begun to see
>munchkinish for Shadowrun if you'd like. Here's a hint. In First Edition
>rules, and haven't been overwritten in Second Edition (haven't been mentioned
>at least to have changed), there is a ruling concerning never, and I mean
>NEVER, to have to actually "earn" a point of karma again once you are
>initiated. Now imagine putting that rule into the hands of the truly
>"uncaring" or "unbelievable" players that are out there. Then,
and truly
>then, do you have a Munchkin...



David R. Lowe (dlowe@*********.com)

Hey, there's a URL in my sig file now!
Check it out at:

GC3.1 GCA$ d- s: a- C++++ U P L E? W+ N++ o K? w-- O- M++$ V--
PS++ PE Y+ PGP- t 5 X+ R+++$ tv- b++ DI++ D--- G++ e++ h--- r++ u+
Message no. 11
From: David Buehrer <dbuehrer@******.CARL.ORG>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 14:45:15 -0700
Gurth wrote:
/ The Storyteller said on 12:10/17 Jan 98...
/ > I am extremely regretful,and therefore I have trashed the wyrmy
/ > character and am now using my backup char,story teller.He is a human
/ > street mage,has severely low stats,And has only basic spells ands
/ > skills. I Soverighnly vow never to create a God-like player ever again.
/ Hey, we were all munchkins at one time or another. Since you're what, 15?,
/ you're most likely simply in that phase (gods, I actually used that
/ expression!) where such characters are cool. In a few years you'll look
/ back at it in embarrassment and deny you ever were like that, just like
/ the rest of us :)

Hey, I was never like that! ;)

Okay, so I used to play a Barrilian Nomad in Traveller that could
destroy battlecruisers with a thought. That wasn't munchkinous was
it? :)

Yep, Gurth's right. Being a munchkin is a rite of passage for

"Who dares nothing, need hope for nothing." - Johann von Schiller
Message no. 12
From: "Leszek Karlik, aka Mike" <trrkt@*****.ONET.PL>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 23:05:09 +0000
On 17 Jan 98, Gurth disseminated foul capitalist propaganda by

> The Storyteller said on 12:10/17 Jan 98...
> > Before this topic goes an farther,I never meant for this post to go to
> > the list.It was meant for a new player and somehow got to the list.
> It can be quite embarrassing to mix up two addresses... Most people
> do it at least once in their lives, many more often.

Yeah. And what Wyrmy did was nothing, and I say nothing! One of the
local players sent a private mail about the last session to our local
gaming mailing list... With several opinions about GM an players
inside... Whoops. Boy, was she embarassed afterwards. ;P

So, as you see, Wyrmy, you have nothing to fear. ;>

> > I have been trying to be more like you guys,but as you have noticed,I'm
> > not doing as good a job as I would have liked to.
> If you want to take some advice: don't try to be like us. Try to be
> yourself. (If I had a motto, that'd probably be it. And still they
> wonder why I don't do anything useful with my life... :) Anyway,

Useful? Life? Who needs life when we have Internet? ;P


> Hey, we were all munchkins at one time or another. Since you're
> what, 15?, you're most likely simply in that phase (gods, I actually
> used that expression!) where such characters are cool. In a few
> years you'll look back at it in embarrassment and deny you ever were
> like that, just like the rest of us :)

Hey, I WAS always a munchkin!!! Now I have to admit I'm only a
power-gamer right now, and I do have some roleplaying skills on top
of that, but still...

Anyway, I got bored with god-like characters after creating a char
for our local AD&D-ripoff fantasy game, that after the first
adventure went from being level 1/1 cleric/mage to being level 10/3/3
cleric/mage/demigod (I kid you not!). Anyway, playing when there's no
challenge is boring.

That's why now I tend to GM most of the time. ;>

So, Wyrmy, let go your feelings! <k-shhhh> Join me, and we shall rule
<k-sshhhh> the Galaxy together! <k-shhhh>

Leszek Karlik, aka Mike - trrkt@*****;
Amber fan and Star Wars junkie; UIN 6947998; WTF TKD; FIAWOL; YMMV; IMAO; SNAFU
GCv3.1 GL/O d-(--) s+:- a19 c+++ W++ N+++ o+@ K? w(---) O@ M- PS+(+++)
PE Y+ PGP- !t--- 5+(-) X- R*+++>$ tv- b++++ D+ G-- e* h--*! ! r !y-*
Violez votre Alma Mater.
Message no. 13
From: Wyrmy <elfman@*****.NET>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 18:44:36 -0600
Ereskanti wrote:
> In a message dated 98-01-17 15:16:19 EST, elfman@*****.NET writes:
> > I have passed the munchkinous mage/shaman phase!! Today I created my
> > First street sammy.But don't you Think I made a smg toting sam. oh
> > no,Mine uses an assault rifle ,except when in public,in which case he
> > uses An ares squirt filled with gamma scopaline.But now that I've
> > apologized can I go under your stairs and drink stuff(sodas) And sit
> > on your leather couches?Huh?huh?mr. Gurth? Can I?Please?
> > :);)
> >
> A scene unfolds...a poor little sammie wannabe is seen knocking at a small
> little knot-hole of a door ..., a shadow walks up from behind him...the little
> sammie wannabe turns around to find a man, could be anywhere from 20 to 1000
> years of age behind him. The older man hands the sammie wannabe a couple of
> items of necessity...
> A wooden fraternity paddle and an engraver's tool (for the rites of initiation
> he's about to face).
> A bag of microwavable popcorn and a "cook popcorn perfectly" spell on a
> (in case there don't have a microwave).
> A case of beer (with a few non-alcoholic cans ear-marked for those underage).
> A couple of really good video chips and old VCR tapes (complete versions of
> the editor's opinion from Gibson and a dozen decent movies).
> He'll then pat the guy on the back, reach out and knock on the doorframe with
> the hat he was wearing on his head, the noise is remarkably audible ...
> (Binder) "If you've come this far Wyrmy, you'll make it farther yet..."
> And with that he's simply gone...

Whoa!?!?Cool! Thanks Dude Whoever you are!! I owe you .And with that,
wyrmy walks inside and lays down on the leather couch and falls asleep.
Message no. 14
From: Honest Dan <elfman@*****.NET>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 19:32:41 -0600
Ereskanti wrote:
> Once again, I am posting this to the RN list because in my own opinion, I
> think somebody should stand up and say this...regardless of the flames and bs
> that will get likely tossed about...

thanks Most Awesome Listdude Erereksanti

> In a message dated 98-01-17 13:49:51 EST, elfman@*****.NET writes:
> > > Hey now, watch that "age" topic... ;)
> > >
> > I meant older than me.
> How old are you again? Come on, I probably have toe jam older than you.. ;)
Only 14,for now

> I don't know...try this, look for the emoticons, look for the "rotflmao"
> remarks...those are better signs yet.
> > Cool.everyone at school says that because I'm honest I cant be any fun.
> Funny, I've heard that many times from many places from many people. Here's a
> thought ... if a Lie has brought you enjoyment, are you -truly- happy?

Abso-fuck-lutely not.And I stand firm on this point.

> I'll make you a deal, I'll guarantee you that you haven't even begun to see
> munchkinish for Shadowrun if you'd like. Here's a hint. In First Edition
> rules, and haven't been overwritten in Second Edition (haven't been mentioned
> at least to have changed), there is a ruling concerning never, and I mean
> NEVER, to have to actually "earn" a point of karma again once you are
> initiated. Now imagine putting that rule into the hands of the truly
> "uncaring" or "unbelievable" players that are out there. Then,
and truly
> then, do you have a Munchkin...

Ouch. That would make me Cower under Gurths stairs,And I'm A patient GM.

> Yes, I most certainly am saying this. But then again, I can say it because I
> know that part of me that is the same way as well. Many of the members on
> this or any list will, even the newsgroups, will not enjoy those names being
> slung in their direction, but they will have to admit that they've gone
> through those "phases" at some point in their lives. Some players get more
> deeply involved into such tactics than others, but that isn't wrong either.
> It's just their choice.
> That's just human curiosity given a tool to learn with. That what this list
> is even, a tool to learn with and learn from...
> > I know.I just was hoping that this apology would stop the Flames.And
> > Besides I felt bad for creating a god like character.
> In a single word, Why? Why feel shame for creating a "god-like" character?
> am certain God him/her/itself doesn't mind. You aren't wearing women's bras
> on your head and praying to it are you? If not, then he is going to be very
> flexible. And if God can be so forgiving, then I guess I can follow the lead
> too...even if you are, God's likely to be flexible anyway...
> > > Oh come on, you know you want to, just to see what it'd be like if for no
> > > other reason at all... ;)
> >
> > Thats what I did,And I ACCIDENTALY posted it to the list,And se what
> > happened?
> You mean do I see where many people's very strong opinions are still aimed at?
> Yes. Do you mean do I see where many people can't remember that this is one
> person's opinion and not their own? Yes. Are you asking me if I care about
> these people's feelings? Yes, yes I do. Accidents will happen, of any kind.
> You want to see a "flame war" break out? Try and imagine in your mind if
> Barbie was posted directly to the list, or Binder was? Trust me, you have
> seen nothing yet.

I think(wish) we had a post day where we all post are over powered

<snip stuff about my name>
If you think I should keep this name, then I'll trust you and keep my
name Wyrmy.
Message no. 15
From: Ereskanti <Ereskanti@***.COM>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 21:51:44 EST
In a message dated 98-01-17 17:04:47 EST, trrkt@*****.ONET.PL writes:

> That's why now I tend to GM most of the time. ;>
> So, Wyrmy, let go your feelings! <k-shhhh> Join me, and we shall rule
> <k-sshhhh> the Galaxy together! <k-shhhh>
Oh no you don't, not without me you won't!!! And I know how it's done, first,
we commit a run on Gurth's stairs...I'm sure that there is TONS of secret
knowledge within that sacred site. What do you need? Why nothing of
course!!! We'll just wait, when no one's looking....

Message no. 16
From: Wyrmy <elfman@*****.NET>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 22:12:00 -0600
Ereskanti wrote:
> In a message dated 98-01-17 17:04:47 EST, trrkt@*****.ONET.PL writes:
> > That's why now I tend to GM most of the time. ;>
> >
> > So, Wyrmy, let go your feelings! <k-shhhh> Join me, and we shall rule
> > <k-sshhhh> the Galaxy together! <k-shhhh>
> >
> Oh no you don't, not without me you won't!!! And I know how it's done, first,
> we commit a run on Gurth's stairs...I'm sure that there is TONS of secret
> knowledge within that sacred site. What do you need? Why nothing of
> course!!! We'll just wait, when no one's looking....

You can't Raid The stairs!Not while I'm protecting them!<Sounds of
weapon focus with the elemental affects of acid becomeing active,and
sounds of chanting as wyrmy centers himself for the ensuing battle>
If your not on the guest list,and you want in your gonna hafta go
through me.
Message no. 17
From: Frank Pelletier <jeanpell@****.IVIC.QC.CA>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 23:40:56 +0000
The Storyteller <elfman@*****.NET> once wrote,

> Before this topic goes an farther,I never meant for this post to go to
> the list.It was meant for a new player and somehow got to the list.i
> humbly apologize for any agony this,or any other posts have caused you
> wonderful,older, more experienced Gurus of shadowrun.I have been try ing
> to be more like you guys,but as you have noticed,I'm not doing as good a
> job as I would have liked to.I am extremely regretful,and therefore I
> have trashed the wyrmy character and am now using my backup char,story
> teller.He is a human street mage,has severely low stats,And has only
> basic spells ands skills.I Soverighnly vow never to create a God-like
> player ever again.If I do you have my full permission to tell barbie and
> Charon That I called them little tabby cats.And I will begin now begin
> my official semi-lurtking phase.So to sum up this paragraph: Please
> forgive me.

Oh great... Now I feel bad... :)

Listen up kid (Hey! I'M calling someone kid... this is sweet). This is
ShadowRN... a mailing list, a discusion forum on the RPG Shadowrun. Of
course, people are going to criticize your posts. Of course, people won't
agree with you, and some will even go as far as insults to prove their
point. That's a fact of life, the base of rhetorics, and a lot of fun,
IMHO. So don't feel down because we shot down one of your posts. It
happens to everyone. So chin up, post like crazy, and flame away. 'Cause
that's what we're all here for....

Frank Pelletier
Trinity@********.com, jeanpell@****

"Life is a blur"
Message no. 18
From: Wyrmy <elfman@*****.NET>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 23:02:56 -0600
So don't feel down because we shot down one of your posts. It
> happens to everyone. So chin up, post like crazy, and flame away. 'Cause
> that's what we're all here for....

I'll do just that. I'll Reply to every post that I have knowledge in.And
even some I don't
Message no. 19
From: John E Pederson <lobo1@****.COM>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 00:12:56 -0500
On Sat, 17 Jan 1998 16:07:02 EST Ereskanti <Ereskanti@***.COM> writes:

>> > Hey now, watch that "age" topic... ;)
>> >
>> I meant older than me.
>How old are you again? Come on, I probably have toe jam older than
>you.. ;)
>> the only way that I can tell that I've been entertaining is through
>> Getting thwapped.
>I don't know...try this, look for the emoticons, look for the "rotflmao"
>remarks...those are better signs yet.

Very true. Counting the number of carps tossed your way doesn't
necessarily indicate how entertaining you are:)

>> > Oh geesh, that wasn't necessary at all.
>> Yes it was .Wyrmy was a bad sheet.I desighned him to be
>> changed.
>I'll make you a deal, I'll guarantee you that you haven't even begun to
>munchkinish for Shadowrun if you'd like. Here's a hint. In First
>rules, and haven't been overwritten in Second Edition (haven't been
>at least to have changed), there is a ruling concerning never, and I
>NEVER, to have to actually "earn" a point of karma again once you are
>initiated. Now imagine putting that rule into the hands of the truly
>"uncaring" or "unbelievable" players that are out there. Then,
>then, do you have a Munchkin...

Oh, do tell. Sounds interesting:)

>> so your saying part of me is a power hungrty,munchi person?:)
>Yes, I most certainly am saying this. But then again, I can say it
because I
>know that part of me that is the same way as well. Many of the members
>this or any list will, even the newsgroups, will not enjoy those names
>slung in their direction, but they will have to admit that they've gone
>through those "phases" at some point in their lives. Some players get
>deeply involved into such tactics than others, but that isn't wrong
>It's just their choice.

Heh. Part of almost any rpg-er that I've met is munchkin:) Some just
prefer not to encourage their 'dark side' ;) Some, on the other hand,
don't seem worried about it in the least, either way (Ivy might be a good
example of this...) I prefer not to encourage it in others, and try to
discourage it my players.

A note of encouragement for you, Tyrell: I've had players that I would
not want on this list for fear of their behaviour. And, at first, I was
thoroughly afraid of how you were going to act when you first posted.
However, I think I would regret it if you were forced to leave:) So,
don't take the complaints personally: most of us are just more accustomed
to different style of play and level of power.

>> > No apologies were ever needed from you, at least not in my honest
>> Well I needed to say this anyways, simply to state my hinest
>> fellings.(I'm now changing my name to hoinest dan.I know you guys
>> me to keep the same name,but now I've got one.)
>How about just sticking with Wyrmy? It somehow makes sense for you, and
>makes sense for what you have posted as well ... please trust me on
this, if
>you want, ask Airwisp or Durand ... I'm the guy who will let an animal
>companion name itself. We did it for the cat here at the house. The
>fits, extraordinarily too. Wyrmy is perfect in many ways...

Personally, I'd vote for that, too: I was finally getting used to him
having a stable alias (this one lasted, what? Three weeks? :)

John Pederson Canthros, the shapeshifter-mage
I had rather believe all the fables in the legends and the Talmud
and the Alcoran, than that this universal frame is without a mind.
--Francis Bacon
lobo1@****.com canthros1@***.com john.e.pederson@***********.edu ICQ UIN 3190186
Message no. 20
From: Wyrmy <elfman@*****.NET>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 23:55:34 -0600
> Oh, do tell. Sounds interesting:)

I completely agree.

>And, at first, I was
> thoroughly afraid of how you were going to act when you first posted.
> However, I think I would regret it if you were forced to leave:)

Me two.Then I would never get to talk to my friends.They Include
:bull,Gurth,Adamj,FASAMike,Avenger,You canthros,Ereksanti,
Quicksilver,Trinity,Lucifer,MC23,and everyone else on the list(except know the phrase,"the enemy of my friend is my enemy..." Well
that includes listmembers).You Guys are the best bunch of friends I ever
had,And thats no Bull :=<>(sorry Bull.I could'nt help my self)

> >How about just sticking with Wyrmy? It somehow makes sense for you, and
> it
> >makes sense for what you have posted as well ... please trust me on
> this, if
> >you want, ask Airwisp or Durand ... I'm the guy who will let an animal
> >companion name itself. We did it for the cat here at the house. The
> name
> >fits, extraordinarily too. Wyrmy is perfect in many ways...
> Personally, I'd vote for that, too: I was finally getting used to him
> having a stable alias (this one lasted, what? Three weeks? :)

<Voice over rusty p.a. system says>I have an anouncement! Tyrell is
keeping the alias Wyrmy!! Cheers and Gifts of money are welcome. ::::^)
Message no. 21
From: Ereskanti <Ereskanti@***.COM>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 00:48:08 EST
In a message dated 98-01-18 00:20:52 EST, lobo1@****.COM writes:

> Here's a hint. In First
> Edition
> >rules, and haven't been overwritten in Second Edition (haven't been
> mentioned
> >at least to have changed), there is a ruling concerning never, and I
> mean
> >NEVER, to have to actually "earn" a point of karma again once you are
> >initiated. Now imagine putting that rule into the hands of the truly
> >"uncaring" or "unbelievable" players that are out there.
Then, and
> truly
> >then, do you have a Munchkin...
> Oh, do tell. Sounds interesting:)

Oh no, that is one promise I am going to keep...
Message no. 22
From: Ereskanti <Ereskanti@***.COM>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 00:49:33 EST
In a message dated 98-01-18 00:20:52 EST, lobo1@****.COM writes:

> Personally, I'd vote for that, too: I was finally getting used to him
> having a stable alias (this one lasted, what? Three weeks? :)
> --
> John Pederson Canthros, the shapeshifter-mage
Oh wow, I think you are right...
Message no. 23
From: Ereskanti <Ereskanti@***.COM>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 00:55:27 EST
In a message dated 98-01-18 00:45:32 EST, elfman@*****.NET writes:

> Me two.Then I would never get to talk to my friends.They Include
> :bull,Gurth,Adamj,FASAMike,Avenger,You canthros,Ereksanti,
> Quicksilver,Trinity,Lucifer,MC23,and everyone else on the list(except
> know the phrase,"the enemy of my friend is my enemy..." Well
> that includes listmembers).You Guys are the best bunch of friends I ever
> had,And thats no Bull :=<>(sorry Bull.I could'nt help my self)
Hey look, FASAMike has a friend!!! He's gonna be so touched when he finally
reconnects ... I wish I could be there in real life.
Message no. 24
From: Kristling Ravenwing <kristling@*******.CROSSWINDS.NET>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 01:06:05 -0500
> > so your saying part of me is a power hungrty,munchi person?:)
> Yes, I most certainly am saying this. But then again, I can say it
because I
> know that part of me that is the same way as well. Many of the members
> this or any list will, even the newsgroups, will not enjoy those names
> slung in their direction, but they will have to admit that they've gone
> through those "phases" at some point in their lives. Some players get
> deeply involved into such tactics than others, but that isn't wrong
> It's just their choice.
> That's just human curiosity given a tool to learn with. That what this
> is even, a tool to learn with and learn from...
> > I know.I just was hoping that this apology would stop the Flames.And
> > Besides I felt bad for creating a god like character.
> In a single word, Why? Why feel shame for creating a "god-like"
character? I
> am certain God him/her/itself doesn't mind. You aren't wearing women's
> on your head and praying to it are you? If not, then he is going to be
> flexible. And if God can be so forgiving, then I guess I can follow the
> too...even if you are, God's likely to be flexible anyway...
> snip<
> -K
One thing I'll give you, K. You always state your case articulately and
with a certain dignity I'll alll ways admire.
Wormy- What can I say? I haven't really had a real group of friends until
this year. I haven't really had a steady group for more then 5 seconds
before real life steps in and says, "Wait. Is someone having fun here?"
And I've certainly made my share of munkins, including the original
Don't worry. God (the Universe, buddha, WHAT EVER!) is finished with any of
us yet.
Not even you, Adam Jury.
>>>>>["Think I chose Adam 'cause we're both Canadian?....
Reach me at kravenwing@*******
ICQ UIN: 6642462 should soon hold my webpage.
Toronto Prime is undergoing a major revision as I free my campaign from the
World of Darkness.
Americans scare me.]<<<<<
--Kristling (the Weird) Ravenwing </>
Message no. 25
From: Wyrmy <elfman@*****.NET>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 00:24:20 -0600
Kristling Ravenwing wrote:
> <snip>
> > > so your saying part of me is a power hungrty,munchi person?:)
> >
> > Yes, I most certainly am saying this. But then again, I can say it
> because I
> > know that part of me that is the same way as well. Many of the members
> on
> > this or any list will, even the newsgroups, will not enjoy those names
> being
> > slung in their direction, but they will have to admit that they've gone
> > through those "phases" at some point in their lives. Some players get
> more
> > deeply involved into such tactics than others, but that isn't wrong
> either.
> > It's just their choice.
> >
> > That's just human curiosity given a tool to learn with. That what this
> list
> > is even, a tool to learn with and learn from...
> >
> > > I know.I just was hoping that this apology would stop the Flames.And
> > > Besides I felt bad for creating a god like character.
> >
> > In a single word, Why? Why feel shame for creating a "god-like"
> character? I
> > am certain God him/her/itself doesn't mind. You aren't wearing women's
> bras
> > on your head and praying to it are you? If not, then he is going to be
> very
> > flexible. And if God can be so forgiving, then I guess I can follow the
> lead
> > too...even if you are, God's likely to be flexible anyway...
> > snip<
> > -K
> One thing I'll give you, K. You always state your case articulately and
> with a certain dignity I'll alll ways admire.
> Wormy- What can I say? I haven't really had a real group of friends until
> this year. I haven't really had a steady group for more then 5 seconds
> before real life steps in and says, "Wait. Is someone having fun here?"
> And I've certainly made my share of munkins, including the original
> Kristling.
> Don't worry. God (the Universe, buddha, WHAT EVER!) is finished with any of
> us yet.

Your right.I feel much better now that Some of my friends on the list
have responded and told me That They've been a munchi to.Is it wrong to
be a munchi?no.Is it wrong to be accused to be ceo of munchis
anomous?yes.Who ever said that owes me an apology.

> Americans scare me.]<<<<<
> --Kristling (the Weird) Ravenwing </>
If americans scare you then Run from me!(but I'm Also part Welsh!)

I'm back and I'm Bad.-Wyrmy the Mage
Message no. 26
From: Kristling Ravenwing <kristling@*******.CROSSWINDS.NET>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 01:18:00 -0500
> So, Wyrmy, let go your feelings! <k-shhhh> Join me, and we shall rule
> <k-sshhhh> the Galaxy together! <k-shhhh>
Well, since we're putting it THAT way:
Wyrmy: Why do I keep munchkins?
<In answer to Wyrmy's question, Krist's tonic voice sounds, then is
translated by the encounter suit>
If you do not go to Munchkin-dum, you will die......
<Walks off, living everyone puzzling over the useless ness of what was
said.... and these guys are supposed to be guiding our evoulution?>
>>>>>["I get to see season 5!I get to see season 5!I get to see season
get to see season 5!I get to see season 5!I get to see season 5!I get to
see season 5! Did I metion I get to see season 5?!"
Reach me at kravenwing@*******
ICQ UIN: 6642462 should soon hold my webpage.
When will the hurting stop?]<<<<<
--Kristling (the Weird) Ravenwing </>
Message no. 27
From: Wyrmy <elfman@*****.NET>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 00:36:47 -0600
> Well, since we're putting it THAT way:
> Wyrmy: Why do I keep munchkins?
> <In answer to Wyrmy's question, Krist's tonic voice sounds, then is
> translated by the encounter suit>
> If you do not go to Munchkin-dum, you will die......
Then I shall die,But it will be for a good cause!:^)

> >>>>>["I get to see season 5!I get to see season 5!I get to see
season 5!I
> get to see season 5!I get to see season 5!I get to see season 5!I get to
> see season 5! Did I metion I get to see season 5?!"
Of what? BB5?The X-files?What?

I'm back and I'm Bad.-Wyrmy the Mage
Message no. 28
From: Kristling Ravenwing <kristling@*******.CROSSWINDS.NET>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 01:38:03 -0500
> From: Wyrmy <elfman@*****.NET>
> Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
> Date: Sunday, January 18, 1998 1:24 AM
> Kristling Ravenwing wrote:
> >
> > <snip>
> > > > so your saying part of me is a power hungrty,munchi person?:)
> > >
> > > Yes, I most certainly am saying this. But then again, I can say it
> > because I
> > > know that part of me that is the same way as well. Many of the
> > on
> > > this or any list will, even the newsgroups, will not enjoy those
> > being
> > > slung in their direction, but they will have to admit that they've
> > > through those "phases" at some point in their lives. Some
> > more
> > > deeply involved into such tactics than others, but that isn't wrong

> If americans scare you then Run from me!(but I'm Also part Welsh!)
we all have our little good points, Wyrmy...
Message no. 29
From: Kristling Ravenwing <kristling@*******.CROSSWINDS.NET>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 01:42:55 -0500
> > >>>>>["I get to see season 5!I get to see season 5!I get to
see season
> > get to see season 5!I get to see season 5!I get to see season 5!I get
> > see season 5! Did I metion I get to see season 5?!"
> Of what? BB5?The X-files?What?
Babylon 5. It was in question whether we canucks would get it. Obviously,
my vorlon empression needs work.:)
>>>>>["No, I don't think the Barney Tapes will be nessary this time,
Mr. K.
We have other ways to make the Wyrm co-operate.
Mr. Bull, bring out the complete works of Pauly Shore.
<maniacal laughter>"
Reach me at kravenwing@*******
ICQ UIN: 6642462 should soon hold my webpage.
I'm Weird Al Yankovic's greatest fan. Can you tell?]<<<<<
--Kristling (the Weird) Ravenwing </>
Message no. 30
From: Wyrmy <elfman@*****.NET>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 01:01:11 -0600
> my vorlon empression needs work.:)

Not in my impression.i suppose your ALL kosh, Right? :^)

> >>>>>["No, I don't think the Barney Tapes will be nessary this
time, Mr. K.
> We have other ways to make the Wyrm co-operate.
> Mr. Bull, bring out the complete works of Pauly Shore.
> <maniacal laughter>"

I like pauly shores. i think he's Funny

> I'm Weird Al Yankovic's greatest fan. Can you tell?]<<<<<
I like Weird Al To...
Message no. 31
From: Kristling Ravenwing <kristling@*******.CROSSWINDS.NET>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 01:53:05 -0500
> I like pauly shores. i think he's Funny
Damn, maybe he's beyond help?
> > I'm Weird Al Yankovic's greatest fan. Can you tell?]<<<<<
> >
> I like Weird Al To...
Or maybe not.... :)
Message no. 32
From: Ereskanti <Ereskanti@***.COM>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 03:27:06 EST
In a message dated 98-01-18 01:08:25 EST, kristling@*******.CROSSWINDS.NET

> One thing I'll give you, K. You always state your case articulately and
> with a certain dignity I'll alll ways admire.
Why Thank You very if I could just get Mike from reading over my
shoulder while I'm typing at times...

Message no. 33
From: Spike <u5a77@*****.CS.KEELE.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 15:03:50 +0000
And verily, did Ereskanti hastily scribble thusly...
|I'll make you a deal, I'll guarantee you that you haven't even begun to see
|munchkinish for Shadowrun if you'd like. Here's a hint. In First Edition
|rules, and haven't been overwritten in Second Edition (haven't been mentioned
|at least to have changed), there is a ruling concerning never, and I mean
|NEVER, to have to actually "earn" a point of karma again once you are
|initiated. Now imagine putting that rule into the hands of the truly
|"uncaring" or "unbelievable" players that are out there. Then, and
|then, do you have a Munchkin...

What ARE you talking about?
"Never having to earn karma again"? Where does it saw such bollocks?

|u5a77@*****| Windows95 (noun): 32 bit extensions and a |
| | graphical shell for a 16 bit patch to an 8 bit |
|Andrew Halliwell | operating system originally coded for a 4 bit |
|Principal Subjects in:- |microprocessor, written by a 2 bit company, that|
|Comp Sci & Electronics | can't stand 1 bit of competition. |
|GCv3.1 GCS/EL>$ d---(dpu) s+/- a- C++ U N++ o+ K- w-- M+/++ PS+++ PE- Y t+ |
|5++ X+/++ R+ tv+ b+ D G e>PhD h/h+ !r! !y-|I can't say F**K either now! :( |
Message no. 34
From: Spike <u5a77@*****.CS.KEELE.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 15:16:48 +0000
And verily, did Wyrmy hastily scribble thusly...
|You can't Raid The stairs!Not while I'm protecting them!<Sounds of
|weapon focus with the elemental affects of acid becomeing active,and
|sounds of chanting as wyrmy centers himself for the ensuing battle>
|If your not on the guest list,and you want in your gonna hafta go
|through me.

Well... That's just the point, innit...
We're all on the guest list.
Gurths stairs was nothing but a thwap proofed dingy cubby hole before we got
to it. Now.. It's a temple.
|u5a77@*****| Windows95 (noun): 32 bit extensions and a |
| | graphical shell for a 16 bit patch to an 8 bit |
|Andrew Halliwell | operating system originally coded for a 4 bit |
|Principal Subjects in:- |microprocessor, written by a 2 bit company, that|
|Comp Sci & Electronics | can't stand 1 bit of competition. |
|GCv3.1 GCS/EL>$ d---(dpu) s+/- a- C++ U N++ o+ K- w-- M+/++ PS+++ PE- Y t+ |
|5++ X+/++ R+ tv+ b+ D G e>PhD h/h+ !r! !y-|I can't say F**K either now! :( |
Message no. 35
From: Spike <u5a77@*****.CS.KEELE.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 15:21:28 +0000
And verily, did Ereskanti hastily scribble thusly...
|Hey look, FASAMike has a friend!!! He's gonna be so touched when he finally
|reconnects ... I wish I could be there in real life.

Ueh, and he didn't even mention me. >*sulk*<
Even though I've BEEN on the list, and Mike hasn't for... Oooo... Ahhhh...
It's got to be well over a year now, hasn't it?
|u5a77@*****| Windows95 (noun): 32 bit extensions and a |
| | graphical shell for a 16 bit patch to an 8 bit |
|Andrew Halliwell | operating system originally coded for a 4 bit |
|Principal Subjects in:- |microprocessor, written by a 2 bit company, that|
|Comp Sci & Electronics | can't stand 1 bit of competition. |
|GCv3.1 GCS/EL>$ d---(dpu) s+/- a- C++ U N++ o+ K- w-- M+/++ PS+++ PE- Y t+ |
|5++ X+/++ R+ tv+ b+ D G e>PhD h/h+ !r! !y-|I can't say F**K either now! :( |
Message no. 36
From: Spike <u5a77@*****.CS.KEELE.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 15:24:06 +0000
And verily, did Wyrmy hastily scribble thusly...
|If americans scare you then Run from me!(but I'm Also part Welsh!)

Only scary if you're a sheep....



|u5a77@*****| Windows95 (noun): 32 bit extensions and a |
| | graphical shell for a 16 bit patch to an 8 bit |
|Andrew Halliwell | operating system originally coded for a 4 bit |
|Principal Subjects in:- |microprocessor, written by a 2 bit company, that|
|Comp Sci & Electronics | can't stand 1 bit of competition. |
|GCv3.1 GCS/EL>$ d---(dpu) s+/- a- C++ U N++ o+ K- w-- M+/++ PS+++ PE- Y t+ |
|5++ X+/++ R+ tv+ b+ D G e>PhD h/h+ !r! !y-|I can't say F**K either now! :( |
Message no. 37
From: Wyrmy <elfman@*****.NET>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 09:38:19 -0600
> Ueh, and he didn't even mention me. >*sulk*<
I did say and everyone else on the loist did'nt I ?

> Even though I've BEEN on the list, and Mike hasn't for... Oooo... Ahhhh...
> It's got to be well over a year now, hasn't it?

I Don't know how long.
I'm back and I'm Bad.-Wyrmy the Mage
Message no. 38
From: Spike <u5a77@*****.CS.KEELE.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 15:30:35 +0000
And verily, did Kristling Ravenwing hastily scribble thusly...
|>>>>>["I get to see season 5!I get to see season 5!I get to see
season 5!I
|get to see season 5!I get to see season 5!I get to see season 5!I get to
|see season 5! Did I metion I get to see season 5?!"

If it's season 5 of what I think it is...

>>>>>[I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate
you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.
I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I
hate you. ]<<<<<
-- Pegasus <15:30:53/15-01-59>

|u5a77@*****| Windows95 (noun): 32 bit extensions and a |
| | graphical shell for a 16 bit patch to an 8 bit |
|Andrew Halliwell | operating system originally coded for a 4 bit |
|Principal Subjects in:- |microprocessor, written by a 2 bit company, that|
|Comp Sci & Electronics | can't stand 1 bit of competition. |
|GCv3.1 GCS/EL>$ d---(dpu) s+/- a- C++ U N++ o+ K- w-- M+/++ PS+++ PE- Y t+ |
|5++ X+/++ R+ tv+ b+ D G e>PhD h/h+ !r! !y-|I can't say F**K either now! :( |
Message no. 39
From: Spike <u5a77@*****.CS.KEELE.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 15:44:26 +0000
And verily, did Spike hastily scribble thusly...
Well thwap me with a rotten carp. That's what happens when you cut'n'paste
and forget to change something....

It should have read....

|>>>>>[I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate
|you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.
|I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I
|hate you. ]<<<<<
| -- Inferno <15:30:53/15-01-59>

(Of course)


|u5a77@*****| Windows95 (noun): 32 bit extensions and a |
| | graphical shell for a 16 bit patch to an 8 bit |
|Andrew Halliwell | operating system originally coded for a 4 bit |
|Principal Subjects in:- |microprocessor, written by a 2 bit company, that|
|Comp Sci & Electronics | can't stand 1 bit of competition. |
|GCv3.1 GCS/EL>$ d---(dpu) s+/- a- C++ U N++ o+ K- w-- M+/++ PS+++ PE- Y t+ |
|5++ X+/++ R+ tv+ b+ D G e>PhD h/h+ !r! !y-|I can't say F**K either now! :( |
Message no. 40
From: Barbie <barbie@**********.COM>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 18:03:47 +0100
At 17-Jan-98 wrote Ereskanti:

>You want to see a "flame war" break out? Try and imagine in your mind if
>Barbie was posted directly to the list, or Binder was? Trust me, you have
>seen nothing yet. are right of course Keith, posting Barbie would bring all
flames of hell down unto me.
Well not all, since some know her allready and parts of her story, but I think
that the rest will at last call Barbie a m-word char :)Hell she is munchy in
to the extream.
ever used a spreed sheet proggy to calculate the essence costs of of
No? :)

But don`t let us forget that the story is thats what realy counts, not the
on the paper in front of us.


Did you know what a rhinoceros is?
All that is left from the unicorn.
FAQ keeper of SR_D, the german Shadowrun mailing list.
Amiga RC5 Team effort member.
Message no. 41
From: s c rose <scrose@****.COM>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 22:15:12 -0600
Barbie wrote:

> But don`t let us forget that the story is thats what realy counts, not the
> numbers
> on the paper in front of us.

I have a character I'm just working up right now Former Lone Star HTR
has almost no essence left WR-3 eats it up really quick then the bioware
MA-3 he is also an Ork. He only knows how to do six things and two of
those rather poorly. What makes it so he is not a total munchie is the
concept behind him. He is people person and has edges and flaws pacifist
and can't get his e-mail without nuking half the messages before he
reads them.
Joe just don't get computers and high tech stuff. He is very fun to play
not because he has big nasty numbers but because he's also 5th
generation law enforcement and kind of the black sheep of his family for
getting kicked off the force even if it was for saving inocent people
from being gunned down...

Message no. 42
From: s c rose <scrose@****.COM>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 22:30:52 -0600
Wyrmy wrote:

> <Voice over rusty p.a. system says>I have an anouncement! Tyrell is
> keeping the alias Wyrmy!! Cheers and Gifts of money are welcome. ::::^)

Hay at least he has one I don't even rate one. Just use my real name
more or less.
My Personal checks are S C Rose. I'll send anyone who wants a deposit
slip so they can put the
money in my bank account if people are giving money gifts I could sure
use one. :O
Message no. 43
From: Gurth <gurth@******.NL>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 12:55:29 +0100
Spike said on 15:30/18 Jan 98...

> And verily, did Kristling Ravenwing hastily scribble thusly...
> |>>>>>["I get to see season 5!I get to see season 5!I get to see
season 5!I
> |get to see season 5!I get to see season 5!I get to see season 5!I get to
> |see season 5! Did I metion I get to see season 5?!"
> If it's season 5 of what I think it is...

Hell, I'm still waiting for the second half of season 3, which the channel
broadcasting it here decided to postpone until "not earlier than March"...

Gurth@******.nl - - UIN5044116
Aan cultuur doe je maar thuis.
-> NERPS Project Leader & Unofficial Shadowrun Guru <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-
-> The New Character Mortuary: <-

Version 3.1:
GAT/! d-(dpu) s:- !a>? C+(++)@ U P L E? W(++) N o? K- w+ O V? PS+ PE
Y PGP- t(+) 5++ X++ R+++>$ tv+(++) b++@ DI? D+ G(++) e h! !r(---) y?
Message no. 44
From: David Buehrer <dbuehrer@******.CARL.ORG>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 07:30:14 -0700
Wyrmy wrote:
/ <Voice over rusty p.a. system says>I have an anouncement! Tyrell is
/ keeping the alias Wyrmy!! Cheers and Gifts of money are welcome. ::::^)

Announcer (in a booming voice): And there was much rejoicing.

Background voices (subdued): yayyy.


"Who dares nothing, need hope for nothing." - Johann von Schiller
Message no. 45
From: Andy Gardner <A.Gardner@******.COM>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry!!!
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 19:50:48 +0000
> At 4:07 PM 1/17/98, Ereskanti wrote:
> >I'll make you a deal, I'll guarantee you that you haven't even begun to see
> >munchkinish for Shadowrun if you'd like. Here's a hint. In First Edition
> >rules, and haven't been overwritten in Second Edition (haven't been mentioned
> >at least to have changed), there is a ruling concerning never, and I mean
> >NEVER, to have to actually "earn" a point of karma again once you are
> >initiated. Now imagine putting that rule into the hands of the truly
> >"uncaring" or "unbelievable" players that are out there.
Then, and truly
> >then, do you have a Munchkin...
> Huh?
> D.
> David R. Lowe (dlowe@*********.com)

In my (2nd Edition) opinion the above is an exageration.
The initiate may not have to spend Karma on some spells depending on
type of magician but that is only if you have a generous GM.
Otherwise I read it as meaning that the mage doesn't need a fomula
for the spell or (theoretically) any Mag Theory or Sorcery to learn
it with. It also might take less time than the standard way of
learning it but it is risky.

Fox on the Net
ICQ UIN - 5239612

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about I'm Sorry!!!, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.