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Message no. 1
From: Tyger09@***.COM
Subject: Inherited Weres
Date: Wed, 11 May 1994 15:07:46 EDT
I appologose in advance if this has already been beaten into the dust, but
trying... Oh yah, portions were edited. This is three posts rolled into
one, for my sanity.

(As Fluf E Kitten...)

> Hello Tyger
> From a *real* net tiger (grrrrowl). Ya, 't's plastic an' metal.

>...I used t' be a mage-type
>mortal, K? I screwed up a ritual, an' now I'm a were-type
> The stuff works for us because of magic. No other reason.
>Course we exist because of magic too. 'sow 'tis.

Well, without becomming retentive, you didn't *start* as a were, neh?

> Good points A'Deus
> I play Fluf E Kitten because it is whole new take on the 6th
>world. But I sure do see what you mean about rules abuse
> She's fun to play, but I wouldn't take her into another person's
> I can just imagine some of the players I have had in other games
>running a shapeshifter and I shudder.

I've run these players. They tend to play sheets rahter than the character.
Most annoying. They also play in packs of three... They also breed...

>"Steel Charlie" has took hours of ritual magic and a "Beta-Plus"
>to put in.

"Beta-Plus"? O, I've been off the 'server a while. WHAT DID I MISS?!?!?!?

I'll step down now...


! |\ /| ! Tyger (Available on "Tyger09@***.com", and a !
! (I)_(I) ! few other locations as well.) !
! --- \ / --- ! Paintball, Pinball, and driving around the state !
! --- | --- ! of confusion without a licence. !
! \___/ \___/ !***************************************************
! "Never say 'Bite me!' to a carnivore." -Catt !
Message no. 2
From: Ivy Ryan <ivyryan@***.ORG>
Subject: Re: Inherited Weres
Date: Wed, 11 May 1994 15:18:14 -0700
Hi, Tyger,
"Beta-Plus" is what you have after a large shadowrunning group
pours 50% of their income, and a *huge* amount of stolen data, into what
started as a Beta Clinic in 2052. Tis now 2055 in our world, and our
favorite clinic has representatives studying there from several other
countries and they just got three of their doctors back from school time
in Techni Asmera. The leading edge place to study nanotech.
Our Seattle has advanced and changed from what FASA put out in
1989. The original founding members of Sister Sinister now only take the
jobs they get interested in and the younger members are the PCs.
Tarislar was bought by a group of investors and the volcanic ash is being
broken down into fertile soil.
Anyway, a Beta-Plus clinic is a bit better than a Beta Clinic.
Only a small amount, but noticably. Multi-purpose wares are this
particular clinic's speciality. It also has a line into the best of
overseas bio-ware too. All custom, DNA - matched, and built by nanotech
inside the body. What I did was extrapolate from 2052 to 2055
considering the current rate of technological advancement. Seemed
reasonable to me.
I posted a bit about this kinda thing last year through Deirdre's
account. Got royally flamed for it too. Oh, well. Life's like that,
but the railroad of technology doesn't slow down. Ride it, or get ridden.
Oh, yeah, the Renraku Arcology is all finished too.
Ivy K
Message no. 3
From: Ivy Ryan <ivyryan@***.ORG>
Subject: Re: Inherited Weres
Date: Wed, 11 May 1994 15:20:12 -0700
Sorry Tyger,
Forgot to say, Yes, Fluf *did* start as a human. She started
*play* as a confused were who had no idea just what she had done wrong,
but she knew she had done *something* wrong.
I get quirky at times.
Ivy K

Further Reading

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These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.